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Author Topic: Mariah  (Read 31622 times)
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Carol P.
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« Reply #30 on: 30-Nov-11, 09:26:36 PM »

You are very welcome Alison.  I have a million of them.  Stories I mean!   lol

 goodone  You certainly do!  harhar


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« Reply #31 on: 01-Dec-11, 06:18:18 PM »

You are very welcome Alison.  I have a million of them.  Stories I mean!   lol

I'd love to read more of your stories, Carol P.!

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« Reply #32 on: 01-Dec-11, 09:52:17 PM »

You are very welcome Alison.  I have a million of them.  Stories I mean!   lol

I'd love to read more of your stories, Carol P.!

I said that too...last year!  Can't there be a place just for Mariah stories?   Carol is the keeper of those stories, and i know you have shared some of them here, but I know you have lots more to say about Mariah.  And you have an audience here....

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« Reply #33 on: 01-Dec-11, 09:56:00 PM »

I second, third and fourth te Mariah stories section. I know it is looking backward but history is good to know.  Then we can make a Beauty and Unity section.  Their stories are priceless. And we can also look forward.

“No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wingsâ€
William Blake
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« Reply #34 on: 02-Dec-11, 01:21:58 PM »

We love you, Mariah (and Kaver), wherever you are.  And you are not forgotten heart heart heart

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

                Anatole France

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« Reply #35 on: 02-Dec-11, 06:19:47 PM »

We love you, Mariah (and Kaver), wherever you are.  And you are not forgotten heart heart heart
I agree totally!  heart heart heart

Hoping to see more stories about Mariah, Kaver, Isaura and the other legendary Rochester peregrines soon.

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« Reply #36 on: 02-Dec-11, 10:10:17 PM »

We love you, Mariah (and Kaver), wherever you are.  And you are not forgotten heart heart heart

Dittoes !  heart wub2
It is why most of us are here.  And why we keep our eyes to the skies where ever we are.   And why we keep believing...
Carol P.
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« Reply #37 on: 02-Dec-11, 10:28:41 PM »

OK, If I must...... Wink

Mariah and the School Children

One Spring day, there was a whole bunch of kids that made the trip downtown to see Mariah and Kaver.  It was a Falcon Field Trip.   Cheesy

The teacher had contacted Lisa and I and we met them out on the bridge during our lunch hour.  The teachers had made Mariah and Kaver T-Shirts for the kids to wear.  The boys wore Kaver and the girls wore Mariah.  They were so excited to see their favorite Falcon pair.  They had been watching them on the Falconcam at their school and knew there were 5 eggs in the nest box.  

After a few photo ops with the beautiful High Falls and gorge in the background, the children eagerly watched the Kodak Tower hoping for just a glimpse of their favorite falcons.  They wouldn't be disappointed.

Kaver flew in and entered the nest box to take his turn on the eggs.  Mariah flew out and circled the tower, landing on the launch pad above the nest box.  The kids whooped in delight!  Is that Kaver!  Is that Mariah!  Lisa and I assured them that yes, it was them.  Mariah was preening and the kids settled down.  Some were getting bored and some were looking at the animals and birds on the gorge floor.  I had my eye on Mariah the whole time, just in case she took flight.

As I watched, Mariah stretched her wings and I yelled out "she's off!"  I pointed up at the tower and the children watched with growing excitement.  Mariah headed out towards the smoke stacks and towards us.  As she approached, she picked up speed.  She was picking up speed and she was coming our way!

As she passed over the west end of the pedestrian bridge, she folded her wings and went into a STOOP!  The kids were all watching, eyes wide.  They were silent as SWOOSH!  Mariah stooped within a few feet of us into the gorge.  She pulled up, just missing a pigeon that she had spotted from above.  She gained altitude and passed us on her way back to the tower.

Before this, there was silence and then whooping and hollering by all that had witnessed that awesome stoop.  WOOHOO!  The kids were so excited.  Was that Mariah?!  Yep, that was Mariah.  The fastest creature on the planet.

They went back to their classroom that afternoon with a wonderful story to tell their friends and family.

Mariah seemed to always know when to make an appearance.   clap

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« Reply #38 on: 03-Dec-11, 01:43:47 AM »

Great story of Mariah!


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« Reply #39 on: 03-Dec-11, 03:54:38 PM »

OK, If I must...... Wink

Mariah and the School Children

One Spring day, there was a whole bunch of kids that made the trip downtown to see Mariah and Kaver.  It was a Falcon Field Trip.   Cheesy

The teacher had contacted Lisa and I and we met them out on the bridge during our lunch hour.  The teachers had made Mariah and Kaver T-Shirts for the kids to wear.  The boys wore Kaver and the girls wore Mariah.  They were so excited to see their favorite Falcon pair.  They had been watching them on the Falconcam at their school and knew there were 5 eggs in the nest box.  

After a few photo ops with the beautiful High Falls and gorge in the background, the children eagerly watched the Kodak Tower hoping for just a glimpse of their favorite falcons.  They wouldn't be disappointed.

Kaver flew in and entered the nest box to take his turn on the eggs.  Mariah flew out and circled the tower, landing on the launch pad above the nest box.  The kids whooped in delight!  Is that Kaver!  Is that Mariah!  Lisa and I assured them that yes, it was them.  Mariah was preening and the kids settled down.  Some were getting bored and some were looking at the animals and birds on the gorge floor.  I had my eye on Mariah the whole time, just in case she took flight.

As I watched, Mariah stretched her wings and I yelled out "she's off!"  I pointed up at the tower and the children watched with growing excitement.  Mariah headed out towards the smoke stacks and towards us.  As she approached, she picked up speed.  She was picking up speed and she was coming our way!

As she passed over the west end of the pedestrian bridge, she folded her wings and went into a STOOP!  The kids were all watching, eyes wide.  They were silent as SWOOSH!  Mariah stooped within a few feet of us into the gorge.  She pulled up, just missing a pigeon that she had spotted from above.  She gained altitude and passed us on her way back to the tower.

Before this, there was silence and then whooping and hollering by all that had witnessed that awesome stoop.  WOOHOO!  The kids were so excited.  Was that Mariah?!  Yep, that was Mariah.  The fastest creature on the planet.

They went back to their classroom that afternoon with a wonderful story to tell their friends and family.

Mariah seemed to always know when to make an appearance.   clap

Lovely story!  Yes, keep them coming, Carol! clap
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« Reply #40 on: 03-Dec-11, 04:41:53 PM »

Loved the story about Mariah and Kaver and the school
children Carol.  It brought tears to my eyes.  I really miss them.   
Thank you for sharing your stories!
                              yippee falcon yippee



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« Reply #41 on: 03-Dec-11, 05:44:19 PM »

Great story about Mariah, Carol P.! Thank you! More stories, please.
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« Reply #42 on: 15-Feb-12, 07:15:09 PM »

While looking at Joyce's album I browsed another of her albums and just had to remember...

Mariah flying off Sears building. Positive ID - Blue with Yellow Stripe Band. 10/24/2009

Mariah flying off the center pyramid on the roof.

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« Reply #43 on: 15-Feb-12, 07:33:34 PM »

2 excellent pics of Mariah! Love the shadow!!

I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #44 on: 15-Feb-12, 08:18:38 PM »

While looking at Joyce's album I browsed another of her albums and just had to remember...

Mariah flying off Sears building. Positive ID - Blue with Yellow Stripe Band. 10/24/2009

Mariah flying off the center pyramid on the roof.

 heart heart heart heart heart

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

                Anatole France
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