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Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #15 on: 07-Dec-11, 06:21:46 AM »

Oops! I now see there are loads of tales, not just from MAK. Enjoying all of them.
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« Reply #16 on: 07-Dec-11, 06:22:30 AM »


This is the pic that was the most talked about at the time! Thanks!  heart

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« Reply #17 on: 07-Dec-11, 06:23:50 AM »

Oops! I now see there are loads of tales, not just from MAK. Enjoying all of them.

Sometimes ya just have to scroll down a bit, huh Miss Bobby!!!  (Tis)  Cheesy

Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #18 on: 07-Dec-11, 06:49:38 AM »

Oops! I now see there are loads of tales, not just from MAK. Enjoying all of them.

Sometimes ya just have to scroll down a bit, huh Miss Bobby!!!  (Tis)  Cheesy

I do, I DO!! I always speak far too soon, D-G!!

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« Reply #19 on: 07-Dec-11, 04:45:35 PM »

Thanks Carol,
It was an exciting year with lots of ups and downs.I think it's a miracle that you can still watch Rhea Mae ,and she is doing Great.
And I will always remember Mariah and Kaver as the best and most special couple there ever was.
Greetings Carla
Carol P.
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« Reply #20 on: 07-Dec-11, 05:07:04 PM »

You are very welcome Carla.  I love telling stories.   wave

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Carol P.
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« Reply #21 on: 07-Dec-11, 05:08:26 PM »


Yes!  This is one of the pics from my story.  Thanks so much for posting it!   clap

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Carol P.
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« Reply #22 on: 07-Dec-11, 05:21:27 PM »

Finally, Mariah showed up in the nest box, but something was very wrong.  Kaver left and Mariah attempted to cover the newborn eyas.  In those days, we didn’t have streaming video to watch, so it was just static pictures every couple minutes.  She seemed to be using her wing for support and you could see that something was wrong with her foot or leg. 

I sat at my desk at work that day with tears streaming down my face, it's a good thing I didn't have any clients...

Love this picture Carol.  Thank you for posting it.

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Carol P.
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« Reply #23 on: 07-Dec-11, 06:09:07 PM »

Three first hand accounts of Callidora's Fledge Flight on June 28, 1010 - Taken from Watch Reports from Larry O, Carol P. & Jeanne.

Falcon Watch 06/28/10 2:00 - 5:00 pm –> Callidora Fledges
Larry O’Heron
Most of the watch was standard. However the last bit was most exciting.
Basically, Jemison flew from the box to the south east corner, as he did before.
However, Callidora became very excited to be with Jemison. Still at the box, Callidora started fanning. Thinking she was ready she took that step out into the air. However, things went to hell in a handbasket quickly. Instead of continuing across the gap to join Jemison, she quickly dipped to the left, carrying her out over Exchange St.
I was yelling how it was Callidora that was flying because all us watchers had spent the day discussing how Callidora would probably wait until Wednesday. No such luck.
As Callidora headed over Broad St, Archer and Beauty took off from their Time Square perches and headed after her. Even tho’ a building blocked my view of the last bit of her flight, I had a clear view of her heading towards the Wilder Bldg. I was confident that she landed on the roof.
Beauty landed on the fire escape of the Wilder Bldg. Archer kept circling overhead, clearly focused on Wilder. In the interim all thought of Jemison was lost until we had sighted Callidora.
Archer returned to Times Square. Jemision finally poked his head up on the south side. Beauty remained at Wilder. I headed down Broad to Exchange to get a look at the west side of the Wilder Bldg. Once I had crossed the street, I could see Callidora on the ledge on the west side. She was safe there.
Based on past experience, I felt Callidora would be all right. A & B will watch over her. They will bring her food until she can summon the strength to return. It may be a day or two, but she’ll get back.
When I left, Carol P, Jeanne and ?Madge? were on Exchange, looking up at Callidora.
She is in good hands - in the air, on the roof and on the ground.


Fledge Watch - Callidora Fledges! (4-8:30 pm)

Rochester Falcon Watcher:  Carol P.
As Larry O reported, we were witness to Callidora’s first fledge flight.  It wasn’t pretty but most first time Peregrine flights aren’t. 

While Larry, Jeanne, Margaret and Darlene ran towards the intersection of Exchange and Broad to try to find her, I was on the phone with Jim P.  “Please move pancam down to the top of the Wilder Bldg.  Callidora just fledged and that’s where we think she landed!”  Jim quickly moved the camera and told me he could see her on the west side of the Wilder Bldg roof and she seemed to be in good shape.  Whew!
I joined the others near the Wilder bldg.  Callidora was above us, running up and down, wings flapping.
During the next few hours, more and more Watchers gathered to watch our newest fledgling.  Kathy O, Lisa McK, Dana, MAK, Jeanne, Margaret, Carla P, Joyce, Diana R, sorry if I missed anyone.
Callidora seemed content to walk and flap around the roof of the Wilder bldg while her brother Jemison took flight multiple times.  Each time joined by Archer and Beauty.  One time he made it over to the top of the Cross Rds bldg, which is just north of the Wilder bldg.  I really think he could have easily joined his sister at anytime.  He elected to keep flying with his parents, each time being returned to the Times Square bldg.
I left the other Watchers at 8:30 pm.  Archer had brought in food to Jemison at the nest box.  Both Archer & Beauty were on the Times Square bldg where they had a good view of Jemison and Callidora on the south side of the Wilder bldg.
I’m sure she’ll be perfectly safe where she is under the watchful eyes of both of her parents.  Tomorrow is another day of adventures for our young fledglings.  Stay tuned!


A quick additional report 6/28 jeanne

I wasn’t on an official fledge but wanted to just add a few things. We had many watchers tonight including many passersby.

Callidora remains on the Wilder building tonight. She would walk and flap on various parts of the building but did not attempt another flight. There are some little finches and other little birds on that building and Callidora was walking to them! She also was looking down the fire escape at little birds! Jemison flew to the Crossroads building which is across the street from Calli. At one point, they were each on a corner of their respective buildings!
The most impressive– Jemison, Archer and Beauty were all in the air doing some great flying. And Beauty is trying to keep a rein on Jemison. She corrales him back to times square through close flying and some stooping on him!
No doubt Beauty and Archer have Callidora in their sight.

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Carol P.
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« Reply #24 on: 07-Dec-11, 06:20:49 PM »

As requested, here is my Fledge Watch report of Jemison's first sustained fledge flight.   wave

Fledge Watch - Sunday, 6/27/10 (7:00 - 8:00 pm) - Jemison Fledges!

Rochester Falcon Watcher:  Carol P.
I was downtown, along with many other Watchers, for a good part of today. During that time, there was a lot of flying by Archer and Beauty and a lot of flapping by Callidora & Jemison.
After a dinner break, I returned to find a whole lot of Watchers in attendance, Kathy O, Lisa McK, Joyce, Willie, Dan S, Dana, Lou, MAK & Marcia, Ralph & his wife (sorry I forgot your name).  I’m sure I’m missing someone.  I wasn’t on official Watch, so I wasn’t keeping track of names.
By 7 pm, there were only a handful of Watchers left, Marcia, Joyce, MAK, Lisa and I.  I felt really sorry for those that had just left, because that’s when the fun began.
We watched as Jemison flap, flap, flapped on top of the main camera.  and then…………………… he went (he was banded as a small female, but I’ve started to think of him as a him, just my opinion)!
Jemison took flight!  Real, long, sustained flight.  Not just the short flight over to the other side of the Times Square bldg.  Jemison first flew out to the east towards the river.  Beauty zipped in from the Mercury statue where she had been for a long time.  It looked like she was physically pushing him back towards the Times Square bldg.  Stopping him from heading for the river.
Jemison flew back to the long section of the Times Square bldg on the south side, landing quite well.  Beauty landed above and kept watch.
Jemison flapped, hopped and skipped his way to the taller, front part of the building, coming up against a wall, which he attempted to climb, jumping up on small ledges until there were no more.  This didn’t stop him.  Off he went yet again, this time heading south, then east.  Again, Beauty was there to guide him back to the Times Square bldg, where he landed on the same section he had first landed on, except this time on the north side.  The remaining Watchers hurried to the other side.
Jemison was not happy where he was and was in constant motion, again heading towards the taller part of the building where the nest box was located.  He tried to climb again with no success.  Finally attempted a short flight up, but missing his target.  This time he fell down the face of the building, threw his wings out and started flapping again, heading east.  Jeanne had joined me at this point and I quickly told her what was happening.
He headed towards the east, again towards the river and Beauty put up a block.  She followed him very closely towards the Wilder building, where he landed at the top, south side.  Whew!  Safe yet again
For the next 15-20 mins, Jemison paced, flapped and hopped back and forth, making his way to the top of the fire escape that his parents were seen many times.
Again, off!  This time towards the Times Square bldg.  He first landed on the level above the nest box, rested a bit and then headed down to the level he had been flying to for two days.  One more short flight and he was safely back at the nest box.  Archer had returned during this last bit of flying.
We were all so excited to see Jemison flying so well.  He was getting altitude easily and flap, gliding and landing well.  I have to admit that he is probably one of the strongest first time fliers I’ve had the honor to watch.  Truly outstanding!
It was starting to rain, so we headed back to our cars.  Carla P joined us and we told her what had happened.  Beauty picked up a cache of food somewhere and flew up to land on a lower level with it.  She seemed to want to stay out of sight.  For some reason, she wasn’t ready to feed them.
We checked our watches and saw that it was 8 pm.  Jemison had been flying around for an hour.  We were ecstatic that he had done so well and had returned to the nest box safely.  Callidora was very happy too! 

I left as it started to rain harder, so I’m not sure when or if Beauty fed them.  Maybe Joyce or MAK will be able to report on this.
It was a long but very enjoyable day of Falcon Watching.

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« Reply #25 on: 07-Dec-11, 08:44:19 PM »

Three first hand accounts of Callidora's Fledge Flight on June 28, 1010 - Taken from Watch Reports from Larry O, Carol P. & Jeanne.

Falcon Watch 06/28/10 2:00 - 5:00 pm –> Callidora Fledges
Larry O’Heron
Most of the watch was standard. However the last bit was most exciting.
Basically, Jemison flew from the box to the south east corner, as he did before.
However, Callidora became very excited to be with Jemison. Still at the box, Callidora started fanning. Thinking she was ready she took that step out into the air. However, things went to hell in a handbasket quickly. Instead of continuing across the gap to join Jemison, she quickly dipped to the left, carrying her out over Exchange St.
I was yelling how it was Callidora that was flying because all us watchers had spent the day discussing how Callidora would probably wait until Wednesday. No such luck.
As Callidora headed over Broad St, Archer and Beauty took off from their Time Square perches and headed after her. Even tho’ a building blocked my view of the last bit of her flight, I had a clear view of her heading towards the Wilder Bldg. I was confident that she landed on the roof.
Beauty landed on the fire escape of the Wilder Bldg. Archer kept circling overhead, clearly focused on Wilder. In the interim all thought of Jemison was lost until we had sighted Callidora.
Archer returned to Times Square. Jemision finally poked his head up on the south side. Beauty remained at Wilder. I headed down Broad to Exchange to get a look at the west side of the Wilder Bldg. Once I had crossed the street, I could see Callidora on the ledge on the west side. She was safe there.
Based on past experience, I felt Callidora would be all right. A & B will watch over her. They will bring her food until she can summon the strength to return. It may be a day or two, but she’ll get back.
When I left, Carol P, Jeanne and ?Madge? were on Exchange, looking up at Callidora.
She is in good hands - in the air, on the roof and on the ground.


Fledge Watch - Callidora Fledges! (4-8:30 pm)

Rochester Falcon Watcher:  Carol P.
As Larry O reported, we were witness to Callidora’s first fledge flight.  It wasn’t pretty but most first time Peregrine flights aren’t. 

While Larry, Jeanne, Margaret and Darlene ran towards the intersection of Exchange and Broad to try to find her, I was on the phone with Jim P.  “Please move pancam down to the top of the Wilder Bldg.  Callidora just fledged and that’s where we think she landed!”  Jim quickly moved the camera and told me he could see her on the west side of the Wilder Bldg roof and she seemed to be in good shape.  Whew!
I joined the others near the Wilder bldg.  Callidora was above us, running up and down, wings flapping.
During the next few hours, more and more Watchers gathered to watch our newest fledgling.  Kathy O, Lisa McK, Dana, MAK, Jeanne, Margaret, Carla P, Joyce, Diana R, sorry if I missed anyone.
Callidora seemed content to walk and flap around the roof of the Wilder bldg while her brother Jemison took flight multiple times.  Each time joined by Archer and Beauty.  One time he made it over to the top of the Cross Rds bldg, which is just north of the Wilder bldg.  I really think he could have easily joined his sister at anytime.  He elected to keep flying with his parents, each time being returned to the Times Square bldg.
I left the other Watchers at 8:30 pm.  Archer had brought in food to Jemison at the nest box.  Both Archer & Beauty were on the Times Square bldg where they had a good view of Jemison and Callidora on the south side of the Wilder bldg.
I’m sure she’ll be perfectly safe where she is under the watchful eyes of both of her parents.  Tomorrow is another day of adventures for our young fledglings.  Stay tuned!


A quick additional report 6/28 jeanne

I wasn’t on an official fledge but wanted to just add a few things. We had many watchers tonight including many passersby.

Callidora remains on the Wilder building tonight. She would walk and flap on various parts of the building but did not attempt another flight. There are some little finches and other little birds on that building and Callidora was walking to them! She also was looking down the fire escape at little birds! Jemison flew to the Crossroads building which is across the street from Calli. At one point, they were each on a corner of their respective buildings!
The most impressive– Jemison, Archer and Beauty were all in the air doing some great flying. And Beauty is trying to keep a rein on Jemison. She corrales him back to times square through close flying and some stooping on him!
No doubt Beauty and Archer have Callidora in their sight.

I remember that  afternoon/evening so well. It was one of only four or five  times I've managed to get downtown to actually watch our falcons, and I was lucky enough to see Callidora fledge!  I had been watching all afternoon on the camera (at work), and had to go down to see these babies for myself!    I feel truly fortunate to have witnessed what I did although it was  also heart-stopping!   I think I filed a fledge watcher report about that evening - but don't know how to access it!   It was a privilege to be with all the other long-time watchers, but also to see our falcons doing some beautiful flying.  Jemison was such a strong flyer! 
And little Callidora on the Wilder building!   I remember hating to leave, but it was getting darker and we knew she wasn't going to leave, and  that A and B would keep watch on her.  A truly beautiful summer night!  One that I won't forget.
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« Reply #26 on: 07-Dec-11, 09:07:19 PM »

Three first hand accounts of Callidora's Fledge Flight on June 28, 1010 - Taken from Watch Reports from Larry O, Carol P. & Jeanne.

Falcon Watch 06/28/10 2:00 - 5:00 pm –> Callidora Fledges
Larry O’Heron
Most of the watch was standard. However the last bit was most exciting.
Basically, Jemison flew from the box to the south east corner, as he did before.
However, Callidora became very excited to be with Jemison. Still at the box, Callidora started fanning. Thinking she was ready she took that step out into the air. However, things went to hell in a handbasket quickly. Instead of continuing across the gap to join Jemison, she quickly dipped to the left, carrying her out over Exchange St.
I was yelling how it was Callidora that was flying because all us watchers had spent the day discussing how Callidora would probably wait until Wednesday. No such luck.
As Callidora headed over Broad St, Archer and Beauty took off from their Time Square perches and headed after her. Even tho’ a building blocked my view of the last bit of her flight, I had a clear view of her heading towards the Wilder Bldg. I was confident that she landed on the roof.
Beauty landed on the fire escape of the Wilder Bldg. Archer kept circling overhead, clearly focused on Wilder. In the interim all thought of Jemison was lost until we had sighted Callidora.
Archer returned to Times Square. Jemision finally poked his head up on the south side. Beauty remained at Wilder. I headed down Broad to Exchange to get a look at the west side of the Wilder Bldg. Once I had crossed the street, I could see Callidora on the ledge on the west side. She was safe there.
Based on past experience, I felt Callidora would be all right. A & B will watch over her. They will bring her food until she can summon the strength to return. It may be a day or two, but she’ll get back.
When I left, Carol P, Jeanne and ?Madge? were on Exchange, looking up at Callidora.
She is in good hands - in the air, on the roof and on the ground.


Fledge Watch - Callidora Fledges! (4-8:30 pm)

Rochester Falcon Watcher:  Carol P.
As Larry O reported, we were witness to Callidora’s first fledge flight.  It wasn’t pretty but most first time Peregrine flights aren’t. 

While Larry, Jeanne, Margaret and Darlene ran towards the intersection of Exchange and Broad to try to find her, I was on the phone with Jim P.  “Please move pancam down to the top of the Wilder Bldg.  Callidora just fledged and that’s where we think she landed!”  Jim quickly moved the camera and told me he could see her on the west side of the Wilder Bldg roof and she seemed to be in good shape.  Whew!
I joined the others near the Wilder bldg.  Callidora was above us, running up and down, wings flapping.
During the next few hours, more and more Watchers gathered to watch our newest fledgling.  Kathy O, Lisa McK, Dana, MAK, Jeanne, Margaret, Carla P, Joyce, Diana R, sorry if I missed anyone.
Callidora seemed content to walk and flap around the roof of the Wilder bldg while her brother Jemison took flight multiple times.  Each time joined by Archer and Beauty.  One time he made it over to the top of the Cross Rds bldg, which is just north of the Wilder bldg.  I really think he could have easily joined his sister at anytime.  He elected to keep flying with his parents, each time being returned to the Times Square bldg.
I left the other Watchers at 8:30 pm.  Archer had brought in food to Jemison at the nest box.  Both Archer & Beauty were on the Times Square bldg where they had a good view of Jemison and Callidora on the south side of the Wilder bldg.
I’m sure she’ll be perfectly safe where she is under the watchful eyes of both of her parents.  Tomorrow is another day of adventures for our young fledglings.  Stay tuned!


A quick additional report 6/28 jeanne

I wasn’t on an official fledge but wanted to just add a few things. We had many watchers tonight including many passersby.

Callidora remains on the Wilder building tonight. She would walk and flap on various parts of the building but did not attempt another flight. There are some little finches and other little birds on that building and Callidora was walking to them! She also was looking down the fire escape at little birds! Jemison flew to the Crossroads building which is across the street from Calli. At one point, they were each on a corner of their respective buildings!
The most impressive– Jemison, Archer and Beauty were all in the air doing some great flying. And Beauty is trying to keep a rein on Jemison. She corrales him back to times square through close flying and some stooping on him!
No doubt Beauty and Archer have Callidora in their sight.

I remember that  afternoon/evening so well. It was one of only four or five  times I've managed to get downtown to actually watch our falcons, and I was lucky enough to see Callidora fledge!  I had been watching all afternoon on the camera (at work), and had to go down to see these babies for myself!    I feel truly fortunate to have witnessed what I did although it was  also heart-stopping!   I think I filed a fledge watcher report about that evening - but don't know how to access it!   It was a privilege to be with all the other long-time watchers, but also to see our falcons doing some beautiful flying.  Jemison was such a strong flyer! 
And little Callidora on the Wilder building!   I remember hating to leave, but it was getting darker and we knew she wasn't going to leave, and  that A and B would keep watch on her.  A truly beautiful summer night!  One that I won't forget.

Margaret I looked but I didn't see any report from you on that date. To look it up yourself go to the falcon watch blog and scroll on the right side of the page to whatever month and year you want to check out. Click on it and go from there.  handshake

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Kris G.
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« Reply #27 on: 07-Dec-11, 09:27:32 PM »

Thanks, Carol and MAK, for posting about Jemison and Callidora!  Loved those two-great memories-hope they're both doing well.

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« Reply #28 on: 07-Dec-11, 11:44:48 PM »

I will always be teary when I see the precious photo of Kaver with Mariah heart heart heart Archer should have inherited some of those wonderful qualities.

I remember when Cali fledged.  She so wanted to be with her brother.  Sweet baby!  We really did not think she would make that leap but there she went!  I don't know if first flights are traumatic for the birds but they sure are for the watchers!  The biggest surprise, I think, was with Sacajawea who fledged at night, just as the watchers were leaving.  It might have been an oops kind of flight.  Kaver was on the other side of the playpen(the base of the tower where the nestbox was on Kodak) and she might have been going toward him.  Instead, she ended up flying, kind of.  I think it was about 9 PM. 

One of the things I will always remember about Jemi, aside from how sad it was that he was grounded (and it was very sad), was how absolutely beautiful he was.  We knew this from the camera but to see him up close was breathtaking.  We so wanted him to be better so he could be released back to the nest.  Calidora did fine but they would have had such fun together. Sad

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« Reply #29 on: 08-Dec-11, 07:34:52 PM »

I will always be teary when I see the precious photo of Kaver with Mariah heart heart heart Archer should have inherited some of those wonderful qualities.

I remember when Cali fledged.  She so wanted to be with her brother.  Sweet baby!  We really did not think she would make that leap but there she went!  I don't know if first flights are traumatic for the birds but they sure are for the watchers!  The biggest surprise, I think, was with Sacajawea who fledged at night, just as the watchers were leaving.  It might have been an oops kind of flight.  Kaver was on the other side of the playpen(the base of the tower where the nestbox was on Kodak) and she might have been going toward him.  Instead, she ended up flying, kind of.  I think it was about 9 PM. 

One of the things I will always remember about Jemi, aside from how sad it was that he was grounded (and it was very sad), was how absolutely beautiful he was.  We knew this from the camera but to see him up close was breathtaking.  We so wanted him to be better so he could be released back to the nest.  Calidora did fine but they would have had such fun together. Sad

I believe you are correct about Sacajawea Jeanne.  She was definitely a premature fledge.  She got to flapping her wings and it seemed that a wind gust lifted her and .... well, off she went.  Much to the shock of the gathered Watchers that were getting ready to head home.   Shocked

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