First Hatch on a Stormy Night for Rochester Falcons Beauty and! – 5/1/17
As the storms passed through Rochester, NY this evening, a small eyas (baby falcon) was hard at work. Beauty and were taking turns incubating and protecting their four eggs from the torrential rain and wind. Soon after it stopped raining, a young falcon arrived, breaking out of its egg at about 8:10 pm.
Here you can see part of the egg shell in front of Beauty.
We got a quick glimpse of all four eggs as left the nest box and Beauty took over. Two other eggs have pips (small holes) in them. So we’ll have more hatches soon!
Make sure to keep watching the cameras, and check out our live streaming video!
May 2nd, 2017 at 9:42 AM
It would appear from everything I was seeing posted by watchers, that was brooding when the chick broke through. This would be most unusual.