rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

Two More Hatches While we Were Sleeping! 5/2/17

While everyone was sleeping……two more eyases hatched overnight!

We didn’t get a good look until early this morning when Dot.ca brought in food to feed his young.  Beauty took the prey and left the nest box to prepare his offering.  She returned a few moments later and fed them from the left side, while Dot.ca watched intently from the right side.  He was able to take a small piece of food from Beauty to feed one of the small, white eyases.  In the beginning, Beauty will control the amount of food given to her young.  Dot.ca will do the majority of the hunting.

3 Hatches Feeding 5-2-17 MainCamera_20170502-0613003 Hatches Feeding 5-2-17 MainCamera_20170502-061700

3 Hatches Feeding 5-2-17 Camera2_20170502-0620003 Hatches Feeding 5-2-17 Camera3_20170502-061600

The hatch watch continues for #4!

One Response to “Two More Hatches While we Were Sleeping! 5/2/17”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Well, we knew after dark that with those two pips, it was only a matter of time. Here’s to a quick hatch of the fourth egg !

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