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Beauty and Dot.ca’s 1st Egg Arrives at 8:02 am! 3/23/20

I believe we all needed a bit of good news! On this cold, rainy morning here in Rochester, NY, Beauty laid her first egg of 2020. We here at Rfalconcam were eggstatic to see the arrival of this beautiful egg!

MainCamera_20200323-080200 1st Egg 802 am 3-23-20

3 Responses to “Beauty and Dot.ca’s 1st Egg Arrives at 8:02 am! 3/23/20”

  1. Lu Ann Says:

    That is very good news and spirit lifting. Thanks Beauty!

  2. mariah Says:

    this is so cool

  3. Daren Nieva Says:

    Ich wusste nicht einmal fast alle diese Informationen, danke! hyaluronsäure

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