rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

Beauty and Dot.ca’s 2nd Egg Arrived this Afternoon! 3/25/20

Woohoo! Egg #2! 🙂

It took approximately 57 hours for Beauty to lay her 2nd egg at 4:42 pm. It didn’t take long for Dot.ca to check it out. The 3rd egg will probably arrive early Saturday morning. Stay tuned!

MainCamera_20200325-164300 Egg 2 3-25 442 pm

MainCamera_20200325-164400 Egg 2 Beauty

MainCamera_20200325-171700 B&DC with Egg 2

2 Responses to “Beauty and Dot.ca’s 2nd Egg Arrived this Afternoon! 3/25/20”

  1. Vandrefalk Says:

    Happy, happy news! Here we go for 2020!

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    You go, girl!

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