rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

While Rochester Slept…Beauty Laid Her 3rd Egg at 3:12 am! 3/28/20

Very early this morning, at 3:12 am, Egg #3 arrived. We may have missed it, but our cameras are tireless. They caught the whole happy event. We even have a video snippet for your viewing pleasure!

Video of just after 3rd egg was laid (Click link below.)

Camera4_20200328-031200 3rd Egg 312 am 3-28-20Camera4_20200328-031500 3rd Egg 312 am 3-28-20MainCamera_20200328-031700 3rd Egg 312 am 3-28-20

A few hours later, Dot.ca came in to check on all three of his eggs!

MainCamera_20200328-064200 3rd Egg DC

If there is a 4th egg, it should arrive around noon-1 pm on Monday. Beauty and Dot.ca average 4 eggs each year.

We here at Rfalconcam hope that everyone is doing well and staying healthy.

One Response to “While Rochester Slept…Beauty Laid Her 3rd Egg at 3:12 am! 3/28/20”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    There is one proud papa!

    Wash your hands!

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