Zara Continues Her Journey! 8/22/22
Zara is improving nicely. The soft tissue injury to her right shoulder is healing and she’s looking much better, eating well and fattening up. Zara also received her first West Nile vaccine. She’s VERY feisty, according to June Summers, President, Genesee Valley Audubon. June was able to share a couple pictures of Zara in her flight cage. She’s flying well and gaining height.

Picture by June Summers

Picture by June Summers
Now for some very good news! We are happy to report that Zara has started the next stage of her journey.
On Friday, August 19th, the DEC transferred Zara to a facility that can teach her to catch food in flight. She will be released as soon as she can do that.
We want to thank Gary Zimmerman from Black Creek Wildlife Station for all his hard work in caring for Zara. Over the years, we have brought many of our falcons to him, including Mariah and a few of our young ones. Please consider donating to the Black Creek Wildlife Station.
Black Creek Wildlife Station, Inc.
169 Burnt Mill Rd.
Churchville, NY. 14428
Here are a few more Zara pictures shared by our watchers.

Picture by Watcher Pat Carey

Picture by Watcher Carol Phillips

Zara’s Namer, Carol Lukaszewski, Shared This
Picture of Zara
August 22nd, 2022 at 2:54 PM
Good News!!!!
August 22nd, 2022 at 2:59 PM
Awesome news! Thanks for sharing with us! Go Zara!❤️
August 22nd, 2022 at 3:50 PM
Fantastic news, stay strong Zara!
August 23rd, 2022 at 8:48 AM
Thank-you for the update, June. Delighted to read this. She will remain in our hearts if not in sight. But, of course, we have also not seen her siblings for over a week.
August 23rd, 2022 at 1:04 PM
Godspeed to Zara! She’s on to the next stage of her journey of recovery! Just like one of our 2017 boys, Seabreeze, humans will teach her to hunt. Seabreeze passed the course with flying colors, and was released to the wild. Sounds like Zara will too.