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New Camera at Times Square

Rochester Falconcam team members Kenn Martinez and Jim Pisello installed a new Main camera at the Times Square nest box. It has more resolution (14 megapixels maximum) and a greater zoom range than the old camera. A more stable camera mount and improved software are a couple of other features. You can read all about the work and a couple of special visitors at Jim’s Peregrinations blog.

We’re all looking forward to a season of great pictures from the new camera!

4 Responses to “New Camera at Times Square”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I will repeat here what I posted at Peregrinations:
    Thanks for your efforts, continued devotion to the project, sterling prose and pictures, as ever, Jim (and FalKenn, of course).
    Sad comment on the state of the company that the captivating images once coming from the Kodak Tower using a battery of Kodak cameras are now being delivered via a “Canon”.

  2. chrissy Says:

    Thanks Jim, Ken. Looking forward to Spring and a chorus of fluffy white eyases. Don’t know what the new equipment costs, but the shot of Mercury gazing adoringly up at Beauty is absolutely priceless!

  3. Carol P. Says:

    and very importantly, a very big thanks to the Rochester Falcon Fans that generously contributed money to help purchase the new cameras and equipment. Bravo!

  4. Debbie P in OH Says:

    Woo-hoo – looking forward to a new season of Falconwatching in Rochester – albeit vicariously, through the wonderfully detailed reports & photos from Carol P & Jim P & all the dedicated watchers who volunteer their time for the Falconcam! A big THANK YOU to Ken and Jim for their continued attention and devotion to the Falcon project. You all have inspired us to look to the skies with a new appreciation of the drama and beauty of the avian world!

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