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Author Topic: list of the webcams in this part of the forum  (Read 29671 times)
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Bathrobe Brigadier
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« on: 11-May-11, 07:52:45 AM »

Here is a list of the webcams on this board.

Peregrine Falcon:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Topic
- Webcam
Bologna, Italy
- Topic
- Webcam
Boonshoft Museum (Ohio)
- Topic
- Webcam
Brighton, Sussex, England
- Topic
- Webcam
- Topic
- Webcam
CMNH Falcon Cam, Cleveland Ohio
- Topic
- Webcam
Columbus, Ohio
- Topic
- Webcam
Eemsmond, The Netherlands
- Topic
- Webcam
Evanston Public Library FalconCam
- Topic
- Webcam
Flevo, The Netherlands
- Topic
- Webcam
Gniazdo Warszawa PKiN - Poland  live
- Topic
- Webcam
Gniazdo Włocławek MPEC - Poland  live
- Topic
- Webcam
Gulf Tower Falcon Cam  live
- Topic
- Webcam
Heidelberg, Germany
- Topic
- Webcam
Indystar, Indianapolis, Indiana
- Topic
- Webcam
 Karlsruhe, Germany live
- Topic
- Webcam
Mortel de, (Alticam)The Netherlands
- Topic
- Webcam
Nest Cam, San Francisco  live
- Topic
- Webcam
New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation's webcams
- Topic
- Webcam
Nijmegen Peregrine Cam
- Topic
- Webcam
PA Falcon Cam, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Topic
- Webcam
Falconcam. Montreal
- Topic
- Webcam
Richmond Falcon Cam, VA
- Topic
- Webcam
Rome, Italy
- Topic
- Webcam
San Francisco live
- Topic
- Webcam
San Jose, California  live
- Topic
- Webcam
Tilburg, The Netherlands, falcon webcam
- Topic
- Webcam
Univ of Illinois at Chicago
- Topic
- Webcam
Waukegan Midwest Generation
- Topic
- Webcam
Westar Energy Peregrine Falcons
- Topic
- Webcam
Woodmen Tower Falcon Camera
- Topic
- Webcam
Zwolle, The Netherlands
- Topic
- Webcam
« Last Edit: 11-May-11, 08:11:34 AM by Shaky » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: 05-Jun-12, 03:13:17 AM »

I hope this is the right place to post this...

Some of these will be duplicates (and some don't work Sad ), but Ohio's Department of Natural Resources has a list of links to over 30 Peregrine Falcon websites around the world, including:

  • 55 Water Street Cam (NY)
    Alberta Conservation Association (ACA)
    Bluffton, Iowa - Raptor Resource Project
    Boise, Idaho - The Peregrine Fund
    Bowling Green, Ohio Camera
    Buffalo Audubon Society
    Canton, Ohio's Falcon Cam
    The Canadian Peregrine Foundation
    Cleveland Terminal Tower Camera
    Dayton Boonshoft Museum
    Derby Cathedral Peregrine Project (England)
    Dunn Memorial Bridge Cam (NY)
    Falcon Research Group (Washington)
    Fort Wayne, Indiana
    Georgia Wildlife Falcon Cam
    GreenTreks Network - Falcon Focus
    Horizon Milling Falcon Cam (Minnesota)
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    List of Feeder Cams and Web Cams
    London Peregrines
    Minnesota Power Falcon Cam
    Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project (Manitoba)
    Peregrines in Amsterdam
    Pilzen, Czechoslovakia
    Raptor Resource Project (Minnesota)
    Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
    Rochester Falcon Cam - Times Square Building (NY)
    Rome, Italy Live Kestrel Nest
    University of Calgary
    University of Minnesota
    Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
    Wilmington Delaware Peregrine Falcon
    Woodmen Tower Falcon Cam (Omaha, Neb)

Also, View Nesting Birds has a list of 90 cameras as well (with some duplicates from above as well), including:
  • Orange, New South Wales, Australia
    Caloundra, Queensland, Australia
    Brussels, Belgium
    Alberta, Canada- multiple locations
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada- multiple locations
    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Ontario, Canada- multiple locations
    Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England
    Derby, Derbyshire, England
    Worcester, Gloucestershire, England
    London, Greater London, England
    Manchester, Greater Manchester, England
    Grantham, Lincolnshire, England
    Norwich, Norfolk, England
    Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England
    Brighton, Sussex, England
    Chichester, West Sussex, England
    Worcester, Worcestershire, England
    Nancy, France
    Bocholt, Germany
    Esslingen, Germany
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Regensburg, Germany
    Italy- multiple locations
    Osaka, Japan
    Netherlands- multiple locations
    Glogów, Poland
    Warsaw, Poland
    Wloclawek, Poland
    Helsingborg, Sweden
    Zürich, Switzerland
    San Francisco, California, USA
    San Jose, California, USA
    Hartford, Connecticut, USA
    Wilmington, Delaware, USA
    Boise, Idaho, USA
    Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Evanston, Illinois, USA
    Savanna, Illinois, USA
    Waukegan, Illinois, USA
    Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
    South Bend, Indiana, USA
    Davenport, Iowa, USA
    Topeka, Kansas, USA
    Maine, USA
    Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
    Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA
    Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
    Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
    Jackson, Michigan, USA
    Lansing, Michigan, USA
    Marquette, Michigan, USA
    Elk River, Minnesota, USA
    La Crescent, Minnesota, USA
    Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
    St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
    Minnesota, USA- multiple locations
    St. Louis, Missouri, USA
    Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
    Omaha, Nebraska, USA
    Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
    Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
    Buffalo, New York, USA
    Queens, New York, New York, USA
    Poughkeepsie and Highland, New York, USA
    Rochester, New York, USA
    Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
    Canton, Ohio, USA
    Cleveland, Ohio, USA
    Columbus, Ohio, USA
    Dayton, Ohio, USA
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
    Providence, Rhode Island, USA
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Norfolk area, Virginia, USA- multiple locations
    Richmond, Virginia, USA
    Seattle, Washington, USA
    Alma, Wisconsin, USA
    Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
    Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
    Racine, Wisconsin, USA
    Wisconsin, USA- multiple locations
« Last Edit: 05-Jun-12, 03:27:40 AM by ezsha » Logged
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