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Author Topic: Seneca (2008) Sighted at Brookpark Road Bridge with Mate (Cheyenne)!  (Read 355635 times)
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I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #600 on: 01-Mar-12, 07:49:55 AM »

Thank you for the article Donna, what a falcon he was.   I hope his mate will be okay,they were together for so long.  
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #601 on: 01-Mar-12, 07:52:05 AM »

Thank you for the article Donna, what a falcon he was.   I hope his mate will be okay,they were together for so long.  

You kinda have to wonder what she is thinking? Is she looking for him? Who knows what goes on in their minds. Feel bad for her or any animal that loses a mate.

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #602 on: 07-Mar-12, 03:37:42 PM »

Ohhh Boy!!!!

CMNH Forum

On to most recent news—today we witnessed an all-out battle between GG and McKees at this site! It was horrifying and incredible at the same time! We thought it was GG perched in the inside arch of the bridge until both Titan and GG returned to the bridge and the fight ensued. The two females wrestled around back inside the bridge and all we could see were wing flaps and some feathers flying until they tumbled out while locked together in one another's grasp! They fell to a shallow spot at the river’s edge underneath the bridge and engaged in battle, continuing to wrestle, taloning one another and biting with their beaks while vocalizing loudly. Then they broke apart only to reengage on the rocks across the river.

McKees finally broke away again and flew down the river as both GG and Titan chased after her. We walked the trail along the river, but saw no sign of them. When we returned GG was perched in a tree with no visible signs of injury. In our pics we could see that McKees appeared to have a wound on her chest where she was bitten by GG, and she also seemed to have some bleeding in her mouth. Since we both took shots as they were battling we have quite a few pics to go through, but we’ll get them posted soon. We just thought forum members would want the current update so we decided to post the information without pics. We’re both working tomorrow, but we’ll each have some time separately to check the site before we work, and we’ll post any additional updates as available.

Thanks Kris for sending this. Very scary, I mean really!  Sad

Note* This didn't happen at the Brookpark Rd Bridge site but at the Hilliard Rd Bridge Site where Titan has been the male for sometime.
« Last Edit: 07-Mar-12, 05:36:03 PM by Donna » Logged

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #603 on: 22-Feb-13, 07:50:06 AM »

Not sure where to put this, feel bad about Seneca!

Successful mating... female's tail shifted to the side; male able to copulate (posted as a sequence previously: Titan and "GG" at Hilliard Road Bridge)...

Pic by C&C


Kris G.
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« Reply #604 on: 22-Feb-13, 11:47:55 AM »

Not sure where to put this, feel bad about Seneca!

Successful mating... female's tail shifted to the side; male able to copulate (posted as a sequence previously: Titan and "GG" at Hilliard Road Bridge)...

Pic by C&C


Glad to see that Titan and GG are together again this year!  I often think about Seneca and wonder whatever happened to her and I also have wondered how her mate, Cheyenne is doing.  To my knowledge, I don't think he was seen again after his release from rehab.

Bird Crazy

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« Reply #605 on: 22-Feb-13, 05:32:33 PM »

Not sure where to put this, feel bad about Seneca!

Successful mating... female's tail shifted to the side; male able to copulate (posted as a sequence previously: Titan and "GG" at Hilliard Road Bridge)...

Pic by C&C


Glad to see that Titan and GG are together again this year!  I often think about Seneca and wonder whatever happened to her and I also have wondered how her mate, Cheyenne is doing.  To my knowledge, I don't think he was seen again after his release from rehab.
wasn't there a report of a falcon being "relocated" up there right at the time she disappeared. I personally think they did something else because they weren't up front about it.(I'm thinking from the airport)
Kris G.
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« Reply #606 on: 22-Feb-13, 05:49:00 PM »

Not sure where to put this, feel bad about Seneca!

Successful mating... female's tail shifted to the side; male able to copulate (posted as a sequence previously: Titan and "GG" at Hilliard Road Bridge)...

Pic by C&C


Glad to see that Titan and GG are together again this year!  I often think about Seneca and wonder whatever happened to her and I also have wondered how her mate, Cheyenne is doing.  To my knowledge, I don't think he was seen again after his release from rehab.
wasn't there a report of a falcon being "relocated" up there right at the time she disappeared. I personally think they did something else because they weren't up front about it.(I'm thinking from the airport)

I had read that birds were caught at the airport there and relocated but nobody confirmed it, if I remember right. Seneca disappeared right around Christmas and GG appeared not too long after, becoming Cheyenne's new mate.  She laid eggs, Cheyenne got hurt, went to rehab for a long time, GG abandoned the eggs, site and moved on. I always wondered if there was a battle between the females but we'll never know.

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« Reply #607 on: 22-Feb-13, 05:51:54 PM »

And, as you all know I believe, Seneca...and Warrior for that alive and well until proven otherwise.

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
Kris G.
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« Reply #608 on: 22-Feb-13, 06:05:52 PM »

And, as you all know I believe, Seneca...and Warrior for that alive and well until proven otherwise.

I always hoped that maybe Seneca and Cheyenne found each other again, are nesting together and having babies.

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« Reply #609 on: 22-Feb-13, 11:16:18 PM »

And, as you all know I believe, Seneca...and Warrior for that alive and well until proven otherwise.

I always hoped that maybe Seneca and Cheyenne found each other again, are nesting together and having babies.

I like that scenario Kris!  yes

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