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Author Topic: Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester  (Read 1097190 times)
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I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #225 on: 23-Jun-10, 07:34:12 PM »

Tumbling around…Hamilton nest
Sarah Washington Reports:

Well 3 of the chicks are now in the air at the Hamilton nest site. Henderson (female) decided it was time to leave the nest and fly with her brothers. She is doing so well, it amazes me.

They were flying around playing chase, touching talons and tag! It is almost as if you can see youself in them from when you were a child.

We still have 1 chick left to go. We are in hopes that she / he is just delayed. The common signs of flight are there just not as intense as most chicks at this stage.

!!! End Of Official Fledge Watch
June 23, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Frank Butson Reports:

With all young flying well,able to keep altitude and show a good ability to land and not panic if they dont get things just right,the fledge watch is done for 2010. CPF volunteers will be on site to monitor things intermitantly over the next several days and months. Several folks will be checking on things tomorrow to make sure our boys whether the weather.

Thanks to all of our volunteers,Kathy,Baylie,Diana,Marion,Mark and Frank. Thanks to Terry and Elizabeth,Sandra and Bob and Ian and Renee for pitching in when they were present. All the help is much appreciated. Thanks to security at Kingsway on the Park for helping again this season. Thanks to security at the Sunlife Centre,for storing equipment,minding rescued Peregrine Falcons and assisting with releases,your ongoing committed,co-operation makes our fledge watch run smoothly. Thanks to Oxford Properties for all you do every year,living with the nesting Peregrines 365 days a year 24hours a day,7 days a week. Your excellent stewardship ensures the success of this site. Thanks to the maintenance staff of the Sunlife Centre. Thanks to the residents who allowed us access to their condo units to rescue your Peregrines. It may seem to you a small thing to do but it really ensures the birds will survive and makes what we do simple. Thanks to all members of the general public who let us know their observations and show interest in the Peregrines. Its very rewarding when we see the same people every season interested in updates and to hear they are watching and checking our website with interest. Thanks to the new folks who took an interest. Thanks everyone for a very successful Fledge Watch,especially Angel and Jack the very capable Peregrine parents and to Mercedes,Blackberry and Dot-Ca for learning so fast and flying so well!!  Fly well my friends!

Flight Training and Feedings
June 23, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Frank Butson Reports:

Diana has been doing the early shift of the fledge watch all season,which is very greatfully appreciated! Today Diana reports to me:

As I left today Mom appeared between the 3 youngsters and proceeded to prepare food and then very carefully and deliberately fed each of them in turn by beak.   Then she left and returned almost immediately with a pigeon in talons which she left in the centre of the roof and then left again so I got the  impression that today’s lesson is “Preparing your own food”. Jack watched the comings and goings and approved, then he left.
  On arrival I had all 3 young on the roof of the nest building near the ADP sign. Many great flights were seen by all young. All 3 have been able to get into the various ledges with some pinpoint landings on the top of small perches. Talon touching,bumping each other and chasing Mom and Dad were all observed today. Jack was present quite abit in the time I was there,taking an active role in teaching the boys to fly,which is great to witness.

!!! PM report. All four juveniles back on the nest ledge at the nest box!
June 22, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Mark Nash Reports:

Having had to be away and off site most of the day on Tuesday, I can’t offer much as to the day’s activities of the fledglings as we will have to wait for Tracy’s report of her time in on the MEC watch.

Marion and I arrived back to the site later in the evening to relieve Tracy, so I can only offer my limited observations of the status of the birds at the close of the watch. Upon our arrival around 8:30 pm, all four juveniles were in view, with three juveniles on the nest ledge around the nest box, and one juvenile on the upper roof area of the nest building.

Losing light quickly, (combined with the distances from the ground to the nest ledge), it was difficult to identify the individual youngsters even with the scope, but clearly one of the three on the nest ledge was Xuan, (being much larger than her two brothers).

Around 8:50pm, the little juvenile that was on the upper nest building roof area took a very long flight out to the north and then to the south trying to land on MEC #3, but after a failed landing attempt, he headed north east with yet another very long flight and eventually swung around heading south and finally landing on the top of the condo building far to the north east of the MEC buildings.

No problem holding his altitude, as his landing spot was every bit as high as the MEC roof top elevation. There he rested for about 15 minutes and took flight again, flying south west as he swung around and finally landed on the east site of MEC #1 - (the nest building). While a “hard landing”, he did in fact land on the nest level ledges, and slowly worked his way around the east ledges to the south ledges and finally ended up back with all of his siblings at the nest box!

A heart warming greeting then took place with much beak rubbing and beak touching between three of the siblings with the arrival of their long lost brother. It was a very touching few minutes as we watched the three rub beaks together and eventually snuggled together and lay down side by side making sure that they were all touching / making contact with each other. The forth juvenile watched the entire event and then walked over to the three and layed down beside them.

As darkness fell, we left all four of the juveniles snuggled together on the nest box landing platform.

It appears that all four juveniles have been successful in sustaining their altitude and able to return to the nest ledge and the fledge watch for us is almost over. We will be on site for the next few days to ensure that they are in fact holding their altitude and staying off the ground. At this point, its up to the parents to carry on with their flight training of the kids.

Go Canada!!!

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #226 on: 23-Jun-10, 11:12:15 PM »

Our New Female Feathered Educator has just flown in from Alberta  , via West Jet!

We’re all very happy to report that “Cheyenne” has just flown in (sort of) from Alberta via West Jet this afternoon and wasted no time telling us what was on her mind.  FEED ME NOW!!!

No worse for ware, little Cheyenne as she had been named will spend the next 30 days with her new CPF human foster parents and will of course be the centre of attention for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until she is flighted - (fledged).

Adorable is the only way to describe her.  Barely able to stand upright, she wasted no time voicing her opinion and demanding food from her new human foster parents.

I watched both Marion and Kathy scramble to prepare the food, as Cheyenne watched impatiently while her food was cut up.  (I guess that the food on West Jet was simply just not enough, or not up to her standards)?  Or, maybe there was no in-flight meal?

We hope that you all will welcome little Cheyenne to our educational team, and we all are looking forward to spending some time with her throughout the imprinted process.

Stay tuned for some really great baby photos to follow......

Another Cheyenne, she's adorable....good luck with her.


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« Reply #227 on: 24-Jun-10, 07:53:52 PM »

June 23, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Sue McCreadie Reports:

Tonight we were entertained almost non stop from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.  The “Falcon Follies” started well before 8:00pm.  Lots of tag, lots of talon touching and lots of screaming for food.  At times there were 4 birds in the air doing aerobatics.  Mom was hunting.  Dad brought in what appeared to be an American Gold Finch.  Everything was happening so fast, that we were uncertain as to who got the meal.  Great to watch this stage of learning to hunt and chase prey.

!!! Locked talon wip arounds.
June 23, 2010 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge
Dennis Patrick Reports:

Locked talon flying is when the juvenile birds grab on to each others talons and spin each other around and around. Like a high speed marry go round in the sky. I’m dizzy just thinking about it. This is important for the males because they will need to claim a territory and defend it and attract a mate. This exercise is good for strength and stamina. This also determines who the dominant bird is .
Sibling interactions are a big facter in the chicks success down the road.
stayed tuned the action just gets better and better.
Everyday that these little creatures survive increases their odds of making it on their own.
Dennis Patrick.


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« Reply #228 on: 25-Jun-10, 09:48:37 AM »

!!! All Three Boys Present & Accounted For!
June 25, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:

Didn’t see much of the boys yesterday due to the heat, they kept a low profile most of the day and I only saw two at any given time.  This morning it is much cooler and all three boys are out on the ledges and on the adjoining building roof top.

A rather harassed looking mom is preening herself, no doubt having three hungry boys chasing you for food messes up your feathers Smiley

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« Reply #229 on: 25-Jun-10, 05:13:36 PM »

Breaking News - New Peregrine Nest Discovered in Toronto at Yonge & Eglington and they have 3 fledglings!!!

Could it be Linn???   I know Ranger and Hunter were in this area for about 2 years right across the street a bit down the road, could they have finally had some luck after all these years??!! Hopefully once they get watchers on the ground we may get some band ID's!!

Found out when someone called saying needed a Kestrel was a peregrine!!! We heard rumours of a couple there but no one could find them and now they've found the nest ledge too and fledge watch being set up as we speak!!
« Last Edit: 25-Jun-10, 05:18:50 PM by carly » Logged

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« Reply #230 on: 25-Jun-10, 05:33:50 PM »

Great Surprise,

Makes me feel Happy!!!!!!!!
 heart spinning
Greetings Carla chick3 chick3 chick3
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #231 on: 25-Jun-10, 06:09:54 PM »

How cool is that..Thanks Carly. I'm glad they finally found that mystery nest site.


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« Reply #232 on: 25-Jun-10, 06:14:03 PM »

More young at the mystery nest site!  That's great news.  Have the parents been identified?  Are they banded  (the parents)?  Will they be able to get to the fledglings to band them now, or is it too late?
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« Reply #233 on: 25-Jun-10, 07:18:09 PM »

No ID on the parents yet as they have been elusive up until now.  They were calling MNR to get the rescued juvie banded before they put him/her back up and will band the other 2 if they need a rescue as well.

Now that they will be out there on the weekend, hopefully we will get an ID.  I'm going to try to go out there tomorrow if I can and get a peek.  If one has fledged, the other two can't be far behind!

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« Reply #234 on: 25-Jun-10, 07:21:18 PM »

Mark Nash's report says the adults are unbanded.
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« Reply #235 on: 25-Jun-10, 07:28:31 PM »

Mark Nash's report says the adults are unbanded.

Oh pooh, I"m sorry I read it so fast I was excited!  Or he added to it.  I'm sorry.  Mind you they have had reports of others so until they see the adults there - I will keep my hopes up.  I know there was a banded sub adult near there earlier this year as well.
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« Reply #236 on: 25-Jun-10, 10:03:30 PM »

 Hide and Seek on a Whole New Level!!
June 22, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Tracy Simpson Reports:

I arrived at 6:00pm this evening to take the closing shift for Mark as he headed off to a CPF event at another nest site.  As is protocol, he updated me on the activity level on the ledge.  “All calm and quiet here.”, he said.  “Well behaved little bunch this afternoon.”  …yeah, well behaved right up to the very moment that Mark pulled out of the driveway..

The next two and a half hours began with what is best described as “Blam!! Pow!! Zowey!!.”  I looked up at the nest ledge and began counting heads.  One, two, wait no, three…  …no two, one, three…?  They kept bopping up and down like little jumping beans!  I had three for sure and went looking for a fourth.  As I approached MEC 2, off of the roof comes number four.  Oh how I wish you could have seen this landing!  This little juvenile male landed on the retaining wall of the roof of MEC 1, the nest building, and had such a head of steam going that when he landed, the inertia pitched him face forward right onto the roof.  And here he was thinking he was sooo cool!!  It turns out that this little one was Wade and he made a flight out from the roof and landed on the nest box without a hitch.

It was 6:21pm when the adult female arrived with food to a chorus of screams from an over-zealous spoiled group of brats!  This adult female has, and I can’t stress this enough, consistently brought in food between 6:00pm and 6:30pm every single day.  Maybe peregrines can tell time!

After supper was playtime.  Dominating the most raucous activity was the tag team of Craig and Wade.  These two…  …they held races down the ledge, tag on the nest box, sister pouncing and sumo wrestling to round it all out.  Full of beans doesn’t cover it!!  By 7:00pm, Wade had made another flight to MEC 2 which he attempted to tease Craig into trying.  Joe and Xuan on the other hand, decided that napping was more important.  During all of this “goofery” , the adult resident pair circled the building performing all sorts of aerial acrobatics showing the juveniles just how its done.  With all three juveniles ( except for Wade ) back at the nest box, our young adventurer makes another flight to the nest building roof.  All birds are now settled in…   â€¦just as Mark returns from his presentation.

“So, all looks quiet here.  How have they been?  Give me a brief.”  I just stood there, hair a mess and clothes askew with a stunned look on my face.  There is nothing “brief”  about the last two hours.  My answer to him, a single word…   â€¦exhausting!

At last look, as I made my way back to my car, the juvenile Wade was making a last flight out to the condos north of the nest building.  An incredible feat as this is a long flight for a young fledgling.  A few minutes to catch his breath and he was airbourne again and headed right into the ledge on the north side of the nest building.  This story ends with Wade running down the ledge “whee, whee, whee all the way home” to bed.

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« Reply #237 on: 25-Jun-10, 10:38:30 PM »

 laugh clap mbanana

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« Reply #238 on: 25-Jun-10, 11:49:55 PM »

Love it!

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

                Anatole France
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« Reply #239 on: 26-Jun-10, 10:16:07 PM »

 Fledge Watch Underway
- Toronto - Uptown Yonge and Eglinton
Frank Butson Reports:

After a hectic first day of putting together a watch team and many calls,day 2 saw everyone come together. Bruce arrived for a very early start to the watch and witnessed one feeding. I arrived at about 9am,and located Bruce easily. Soon Lyn and Zoe joined us. Jan and Linda later came by to see the nest. There was a steady rain for most of the day. We saw both juveniles and both parents. We know the adult female is unbanded and the adult male is Black over far alphanumeric ID hasnt been made. This indicates he is from the US north-east.  We are hopeful that with a scope we will read the numbers. We saw another feeding before the rain got much heavier and we left for the day,youngsters well fed and thoroughly soaked. As one watcher lives very near the location,we asked she call us if it stopped raining long enough to warrent going back. Stay tuned for more!

(Ha..I knew it, they never bring a scope!)
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