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Author Topic: Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester  (Read 1162337 times)
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« Reply #285 on: 15-Jul-10, 07:22:26 AM »

 ditto   wave

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« Reply #286 on: 18-Jul-10, 10:52:58 AM »

2 Young Peregrines Spotted Flying Well
July 16, 2010 - Toronto - King Street
Frank Butson Reports:

I went to the St. Lawrence market this morning and had a look at the nest
ledge from afar and without binoculars and saw no Peregrines!  About 40 minutes later I was making my way back to the subway,when I heard the familiar squawks of a young Peregrine so my eyes went skywards!

I saw one youngster fly over the King Eddie Hotel. I think the second bird I saw was also a juvenile; it did not seem to have the fluid flight of an adult! I stood and waited and was rewarded by the sight of one adult (the body looked quite white compared with the youngsters I saw).
There was quiet and no activity for a few minutes and then squawking broke
out, frantic squawking, and I saw an adult with a food parcel fly from
southeast of the nest building over King Street in the direction of the nest
building. The youngster which was *on* the King Eddie flew from there to the nest building and then stopped squawking. By the time I had walked backwards a bit in order to see the top of the nest building the squawking stopped and the adult flew from that building eastwards. The adult had lost wing feathers both wings and I did not manage to make note of the tail before the bird disappeared from view.
I then saw the adult I had first seen, circle above the nest building and
then fly to the huge brown and glass building across Yonge from the nest
building where it perched - high up!

!!! Durand in Columbus, Ohio!!
July 18, 2010 - International, National and Local News
Kathy Reports:

Just a few minutes ago myself and several others from the BCAW Falcon board were finally able to clearly see the bands on the new female that has been making herself at home in Columbus, Ohio!  She was spotted a few months back by Chad & Chris in Ohio so luckily I still had her information at hand.

ā€œBlack 32 over Black X banded Pefa was produced at the Hamilton Sheraton hotel nest site last year in 2009, banded on June 2nd as a female at approx. 26 days old, weighing 1014 grams (empty crop) and was named Durand.

Her parents were Madam X and Surge - (Surge was hatched and produced at the Etobicoke - Bloor and Islington (Sun Life Centre) nest site in 2002.ā€

!!! Falcon Sighting!
July 17, 2010 - Toronto - Uptown Yonge and Eglinton
Kathy Reports:

Yesterday morning I had to go up to the Yonge and Davisville area for an appointment and I arrived early so I thought Iā€™d take a look and see if I could figure out where this new family is nesting.

It was my lucky day as you can see the nest site building quite well from there so I walked up a few blocks and was rewarded by seeing 3 juvenile falcons in the air!  Two were playing tag and one was riding the thermals right next to them.  It was a wonderful sight and I was thrilled to finally see the new kids in town!

!!! Reunited!
July 17, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:

We seem to have recovered our little lost Mercedes this week.  Itā€™s taken me a few days to sort out what has happened and how many falcons are on site simply due to chaos that surrounded Jackā€™s return!  It seems he did not come back alone but Mercedes may have been with him or was somewhere in a bind and Jack was aware of his location and was looking out for him.  Really weā€™ll never know unless they start talking Smiley

The day Jack returned, several of us were outside and had seen the two older boys playing tag in the air and mom was on her web cam perch.  Suddenly out of nowhere I saw three juvies in the air briefly and was a bit confused, when suddenly mom dove off the web cam and started attacking one of the boys.   We were all shocked as she certainly wasnā€™t ā€˜playingā€™ with him, she obviously didnā€™t recognize him or as is her way ā€˜attack first, ask questions laterā€™!.

Mercedes did manage to evade mom and his two brothers rescued him and dad dove off we assume to intercept mom as a few minutes later she and Jack were on the ledge having an intense discussion.  After about an hour Mercedes appeared on the ledge with both mom and Jack and hasnā€™t let her out of his sight since his return.  He also has cried non stop for food since his return and I did observe her feeding him on Thursday afternoon so obviously he is back in the fold.  He is behind the two older boys who are doing well and hunting on their own - with some help from mom of course - and they like to hang out on their own tower together.  They are advancing well towards dispersal.  Hopefully Mercedes will catch up soon but one thing for sure is his flying skill is quite good as he managed to stay a feather ahead of mom during her little episode.

I did wonder if perhaps one of Jackā€™s other sons had followed him back to our site which is why I wanted to make sure we did indeed have our little guy back.  Jack is back to his regular routine of visits and has been here and at his other site quite frequently again and his two other boys are also being seen together so it seems all is well again!

Ok, so Mercedes as been gone since July 9th and returned on the 17, so there is hope for Jemison to be accepted back. Fingers crossed.


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« Reply #287 on: 24-Jul-10, 09:09:54 AM »

!!! Sheraton Chick from 2004 Hurricane is a Dad
July 23, 2010 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Frank Butson Reports:

Today at William Osler Heath Centre in Etobicoke,CPF,Ministry of Natural Resources and Osler management and staff took part in the first banding ceremony ever at the facility. The Ontario Stewardship Rangers were in attendance and assisted with the banding.

The extraction was a little tricky today,as one of the chicks,believed to be a male,eluded Mark Heaton of MNR,running around on the ledge out of range. As a result this chick will be banded at a later date if it should be rescued at fledge time.  One chick,a beautiful healthy female was banded today. She will be named in the near future,stay tuned for a coming post.  The particulars of todays banding:

Female,25 days old,weighing in at a very healthy 890 grams,black over black band,23/X.

The chick was very vocal. Ashleigh from the Ontario Stewardship Rangers held the chick,while Mark Heaton from the Ministry of Natural Resources banded the bird.

The adults and proud parents on site were confirmed to be:

Female:named Oā€™Connor,hatched 05/06/07 at the Landmark Building in Summit County Ohio. Banded on 05/24/07 .
Male: named Hurricane, who hatched in 2004 on the Sheraton Centre Hotel in downtown Toronto.

It is always exciting news for the nest site hosts,management,staff and CPF volunteer fledge watchers to hear of the success of one of their birds. Hurricane has been onsite for several years and this is his first successful nest. Last season Hurricane,along with his mate was a proud foster Father to 3 chicks. for pics go here


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« Reply #288 on: 24-Jul-10, 08:12:10 PM »

The Nesting Season Is Definitely Over
July 20, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Sue McCreadie Reports:

It has been pretty quiet around the Burlington Lift Bridge lately.  Last week while we were looking for some Peregrine action, the Bridge went up and when it came down, this is what we saw.  Mom must definitely be on vacation as she would never have allowed this is she was in town.  We couldnā€™t believe our eyes.

 hysterical clap

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« Reply #289 on: 24-Jul-10, 10:52:33 PM »

 rofl    Too funny!

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« Reply #290 on: 29-Jul-10, 11:01:47 PM »

 Fledge Watch-Day 1
July 29, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler
Bruce Massey Reports:

    Started the  Watch at around 1415 HRS.  It took me about 45 minutes to find out that both the Eyesis were on the Ledge. It was still fairly hot and they were asleep in the shade near the back of the Ledge on the East end of the Hospital.  Around the 1600 Hrs they began to get active.  The Female was visible until 1700 Hrs. and then like a shift change almost on the dot the 2 adults changed positions.

     At around 1710 Hrs. we almost had a fledge, the male was flapping and got blown about 2 feet in the air and just held on to the ledge by his 6 Talons- just barely.  Shortly after, the two Eyesis settled down for a siesta for and hour or so.

    Around  1930 hrs the two started getting active again, especially when Mom brought some feed by the nest.  The Female then fed the Boy for 10-15 minutes and about 20 minutes the bird headed back to the column.  I took the the chance and put the Watch to Bed as I intended to be here in the Morning first thing.

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« Reply #291 on: 06-Aug-10, 09:25:52 PM »

McKenzie Banded May 26, 2009 at Etobicoke Sun Life Centre Spotted
August 06, 2010 - International, National and Local News
Sue McCreadie Reports:

Since July 26 Bill and I have been following the goings on of a couple of adults peregrines who have been hanging out on the hydro towers at Brant and Ghent Streets in downtown Burlington, ON.  Yesterday I was finally able to see a band number, black band 29 over Y.  Mark Nash has advised that this is none other than McKenzie who was banded May 26, 2009 at the Etobicoke Sun Life Centre at Bloor and Islington.  The female is unbanded.

I wonder if we are going to have a new nesting pair in Burlington, Ont???

Quick update from Windsor
August 06, 2010 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge
Dennis Patrick Reports:

      Well, itā€™s been a while since we have reported anything so I thought now would be a good time. Our little family of 5 Peregine Falcons are doing quite well. Dennis and I were down by the bridge last weekend. One of the five was sitting on the letters of Ambassador, the children are so big now we couldnā€™t tell if it was an adult or a youngster. About 15 minutes of just watching one, we heard the noise of the rest of them, wow, the other four of them flew in under the bridge and then the one that was sitting on the sign joined in and away they went again. I am so excited and happy to have 5 Peregrine Falcons here in Windsor itā€™s amazing. All I can say is keep looking up and youā€™ll be amazed at what you will see.

!!! Fledge photos. Just dropped in to say hello!
August 05, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler
CPF Postmaster Reports:

With a big thank you to Ava St.Onge for her kind words and photos, weā€™ed like to share some of the conversation with our peregrine supporters. Photos of the little fledgling female on her maiden flight, and one of her first ā€œrest stopsā€. Funny that this little baby ends up landing on the 4th floor, maternity ward window! Hmmmmm, as fate would have it.

Hello Peregrine Foundation,

I just finished speaking with a lovely gentleman in the parking lot of the William Osler Etobicoke Hospital who explained his purpose for standing near our truck with binoculars. He was watching the activity of a baby falcon who was perched on a building nearby to where we were standing. I explained to him that not even an hour earlier, the same falcon had landed on my sisterā€™s room window ledge (4th floor, maternity ward) and I had taken some pictures; he gave me the web address to send them to you.
I just wanted to say that my husband and I really enjoyed our impromptu conversation with your team member (we didnā€™t get his name), and learned a lot in 20 minutes! I hope you enjoy the pictures I took, though only a few. (She looks like she posed in one of them!) Keep up the great work of helping (endangered) birds in needā€¦ Always a worthwhile cause!

Warmest regards,
Ava St.Onge  Photos here

!!! The young juvenile female takes her first flights!!
August 05, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler
Bruce Massey Reports:

Fledge Day 8
Thursday August 5th:

Arrived @ 1530 Hrs. Still pretty hot, so was quiet for an hour or so, until adult Female (Gray & White, Split Tail (Missing Feather) brought in food & juvinile male popped up & began to eat. After another 1/2 hour of not seeing his sister, I got concerned & started a wide circle search around the property. I worked my way around to the SW side and finally found the juvenile female. She had indeed Fledged and was now on the south side of the Hospital 4 stories up.

All remained quiet and she stayed in that area until her brother buzzed her about 1710 HRS.

Then, one of the adult buzzed her 5-6 times and this got her going! She took off and made one circular flight & gained a few feet, then a 2nd flight that put her out of my sight. By the time I got around to the E side of the Hospital, I saw her glide over to the roof of the Medical Centre. Sure enough both her & her brother spent a 1/2 hour or so together on that roof, and at one point got buzzed a couple times by a Kestrel (Looked to be a Juvenile). Finally little brother got tired of waiting and flew off.

The young female finally got up enough nerve and flew off trying to get back up to the Nest Ledge. She got up 7-8 Floors, did a face plant on the building face, lost altitude and headed back to the Medical Centre. (A good lesson learned). By this time, Dad flew down & joined her and encouraged her back up to 7th Floor Window Ledge were she settled Down for the night. All in all, a good day for both juveniles, especially for the young female, as she learned some important lessons today.


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« Reply #292 on: 07-Aug-10, 07:10:47 AM »

McKenzie Banded May 26, 2009 at Etobicoke Sun Life Centre Spotted
August 06, 2010 - International, National and Local News
Sue McCreadie Reports:

Since July 26 Bill and I have been following the goings on of a couple of adults peregrines who have been hanging out on the hydro towers at Brant and Ghent Streets in downtown Burlington, ON.  Yesterday I was finally able to see a band number, black band 29 over Y.  Mark Nash has advised that this is none other than McKenzie who was banded May 26, 2009 at the Etobicoke Sun Life Centre at Bloor and Islington.  The female is unbanded.

I wonder if we are going to have a new nesting pair in Burlington, Ont???

I was so excited when I read this news!  Mackenzie was my little guy, I spent so much time fretting over him last year and I am just beside myself knowing that he has made it this far!  I will be making a road trip to Burlington in the coming weeks to try and see him!!   He looks so much like Angel now - his mom  wub2
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« Reply #293 on: 07-Aug-10, 07:44:45 PM »

July 14, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Tracy Simpson Reports:

Mark Nash received a phone call from  our wonderful supporters at MEC security that a banded juvenile had been recovered on their rounds outside one of the buldings.  The unfortunate juvenile has been identified as 18 over Y better known as Joe.  There was no visible trauma that would indicate what had happened to him yet it was most likely an impact with a window of one of the MEC buildings.

For the juvenile peregrines that have successfully fledged and are now learning the fine art of flight, the dangers can be much greater than when they were floppy first timers.  The juveniles now have a much greater degree of confidence and navigate through their environment at much faster speeds.  This makes collisions with buildings and other objects dangerous and even deadly, as was the case for young Joe.

While I was at the site, the other 3 remaining juveniles were flying around well and landing on MEC 2 and 3 like pros.  We wish them well in their learning and hope that they do well in their travels south this fall.

Posted on August 7, 2010 5:59 pm

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« Reply #294 on: 07-Aug-10, 11:16:16 PM »


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« Reply #295 on: 07-Aug-10, 11:26:22 PM »

Fly free, little one:(

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« Reply #296 on: 09-Aug-10, 05:25:10 PM »

I was so excited when I read this news!  Mackenzie was my little guy, I spent so much time fretting over him last year and I am just beside myself knowing that he has made it this far!  I will be making a road trip to Burlington in the coming weeks to try and see him!!   He looks so much like Angel now - his mom  wub2

Isn't it wonderful to hear good news about the young ones.  I bet you are doing the happy dance! the_wave
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« Reply #297 on: 09-Aug-10, 08:49:51 PM »

!!! One Juvenile Still In The Area
August 08, 2010 - Toronto - King Street
Linda Woods Reports:

Sunday evening around 8p.m. I was walking along King St opposite the nest building. I took a quick look at the east side of 18 King St. and counted 3 peregrines. Two adults were on the nest ledge level and one peregrine was on the roof of the nest building directly above the adults.  Iā€™m hoping the second juvenile is still around. Weā€™ll have to keep watching.

I think the juvenile that was in view was the female named , Zera.

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« Reply #298 on: 15-Aug-10, 10:11:27 AM »

 All 3 Young Seen..Doing Great
August 13, 2010 - Toronto - Uptown Yonge and Eglinton
Frank Butson Reports:

Lyn Reports:

August 13, Friday Yonge and Eglinton
Report for today primarily and for odd days over the past week working backwards.
I heard calling at around 6:30pm and went out to have a look. Searched the Heart and Stroke building found a *spot* at the top of the Northwest corner of the building and at the end of my search found a juvenile female sitting on one of the *walls* between the windows. She was responsible for the noise! So I came back inside to get my camera and the peregrine, low down, flew. However, I saw two, one of which was squawking, flying from north to south over the northeast corner of the H&S building! There was a size difference between the two! Then my little peregrine from the northwest corner flew and joined the others out of my sight. This was a larger bird. A short time later I saw two peregrines over the H&S building fluttering madly and again they disappeared from view. A minute later a small peregrine flew from somewhere southwest of the Riocan building, over the H&S at speed and was then followed by one squawking youngster which I believe to be a female. I am just a wee bit unsure whether I saw four peregrines in total or only three! I definitely saw two juvenile females - the smaller bird is the one in question - it flew like dad on a mission from the southwest but the earlier sighting of the smaller bird, when it disappeared from view on the H&S building, suggested the young male.
On Wednesday this week in the early afternoon I heard the peregrines calling for quite some time but did not investigate.
On Tuesday this week I was awoken to a real din at 6:00 AM!!!!! Wayyyyyyyyyy too early for me to get out of bed and have a look to see what was happening. I turned over and went back to sleep!
On Sunday I heard calling and went out to investigate. I saw one of the young females flying to and over the southwest corner of the H&S building. She seemed to be trying to entice someone off the corner and after her third or fourth try she was successful. First one youngster flew and then another joined them. The three young birds all flew together, in close proximity, and went over the apartment building on Orchardview, the Library building and continued north and then eventually northwest and out of sight.
They are all flying quite strongly, at times quite high and seem to have little problems landing anywhere, for example those thin walls which jut out between the windows!

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« Reply #299 on: 20-Aug-10, 06:44:17 PM »

!!! Home Alone
August 16, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:

Itā€™s been very quiet around the Sunlife Centre the past few days.   I havenā€™t seen more than one juvenile in the past two weeks and none since last Monday.   Itā€™s been such a humid, hot summer that we didnā€™t really get to enjoy as much of the juveniles activity as in summers past.  Like us, they arenā€™t crazy about this weather either!  No doubt they have moved out and are exploring the world - hopefully somewhere cooler!

Mom spent the day on her webcam almost all day by herself enjoying the cool breezes instead of sweltering in the heat for a change.  I saw her hunting for breakfast this morning as well and she looks really good and no doubt is enjoying her time alone after months of parenting.  I did see Jack a few times last week and heard him and Angel chatting to each other a few times.

Great news about our little Mackenzie being spotted with a potential mate in Burlington!  After everything he endured last summer, it was bittersweet to hear heā€™s not only survived but is thriving!  I hope to pay a visit to Burlington in the coming weeks to see if I can spot him.

 McKenzie is Hanging In
August 17, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Sue McCreadie Reports:

Just thought I would let you know that McKenzie is still hanging in there  He and his mate are sitting on the Hydro Tower as we speak.  They are vocalizing back and forth to one another.  I hadnā€™t heard them for a few days but they are very vocal this morning.

 Allā€™s Well at Ossler
August 14, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler
Bruce Massey Reports:

Spot checked Ossler both in AM & PM for about 6 Hrs Total.  In the AM I got there around Dawn and even at that time the Juveniles were very vocal.  About an hour later they both went for a 10-15 minute flight and what was so amazing was the Female that was about a week behind her brother kept up so well and not being overwhelmed by him.  When I left at 0930 Hrs, Both the Parents had showed up.

In the PM, the parents werenā€™t visible, but both Juveniles were present.  They spent most of their time in the Hydro Tower.  They also did another 10-15 min Flight together in the vicinity of  the Hospital.

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