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So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
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Topic: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation? (Read 32000 times)
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Carol P.
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So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
10-Aug-11, 05:41:55 PM »
I've been reading the comments here and on Face Book about what has happened this year with "our" Falcons. Now that the season, as it was, is over. Two females, one male and no young. Not a great situation, but it is what it is. None of us would have chosen for this to happen, but it did.
Many comments say that they are sorry for Beauty, but not Archer & Unity. Others are sorry for both Beauty and Unity.
Personally, I feel sorry for both Beauty & Unity and even Archer, who is only doing what he is driven to do. Am I happy about it? Of course not.
Also, we lost many members when we lost Mariah in a battle with Beauty. I've had conversations with many of you about this. I wasn't happy about the situation, but I have come to love and respect Beauty over the past couple years. Loved her and Archer's young, Callidora & Jemison. I do not blame her for doing what she did, for being a Peregrine Falcon.
When S2 took over the nest from Ma and became Pa's mate, the old KFalconcam board exploded with some pretty bad stuff. Now, we all cheer her on. Hoping that she gets well and returns to Pa.
So, what's on everyone's mind about this situation? Let's have an open discussion about this. I am forever curious.
Last Edit: 10-Aug-11, 05:52:59 PM by Carol P.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #1 on:
10-Aug-11, 05:55:18 PM »
I just like watching falcons and I love them all!
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Carol P.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #2 on:
10-Aug-11, 05:58:08 PM »
Quote from: MAK on 10-Aug-11, 05:55:18 PM
I just like watching falcons and I love them all!
Me too MAK, me too.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #3 on:
10-Aug-11, 06:30:08 PM »
Well, you all know me after all these years...excessive anthropomorphizing tends to get my hackles up. While I freely admit to AWWW-ing and
ing along with everyone else, I cannot find it in me to feel sorry for Beauty, Archer or Unity because I don't believe they feel sorry for themselves. They're just doing what they do...being peregrines. Look at Ranger & Hunter. They've been together for 10 or 11 (?) years and not a single eyas to show for it. Yet they stay together. They're content with their lives...who am I to second guess them?
Perhaps-no, not perhaps, we WERE-spoiled by so many years of success. I think what we're seeing now is much more common than we realize. I feel very sorry for US that there weren't any fluffballs this year and I have shed quite a few tears over it...but the tears are for ME, not them. This year has...not been a great one for me in many ways. I really really hope there is some...I don't even know what the word would be...resolution seems wrong because there's really no conflict. Beauty drew the territory line and neither has crossed it since that we've seen. Equilibrium maybe? Settling in so they can each succeed? Whatever the right word is, I hope we see it next year. I hope I have more of a chance to bond with Unity next year too.
Meanwhile, I am eternally grateful for having any peregrines to watch. And for finding these peregrines to watch. And the friendships that have come with them. And I do love them all.
If we forget our passion our hearts go blind @MsShaftway
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #4 on:
10-Aug-11, 06:42:25 PM »
All I know is I wanted to move to Rochester and Ed said NO!!! That's how much I love Peregrines! Nuff said!
Carol P.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #5 on:
10-Aug-11, 06:44:06 PM »
Well said Ei. I really do think that this has been a year of "balance" between two territorial females that just happen to have the same mate. They seemed to feel each other out and maybe "except" the situation just a little bit in the end. Certainly not in time for either to have successfully had young. There was a little pushing back and forth between Beauty & Unity. Feeling out boundaries. Unity entered Beauty's territory with a witnessed battle on the Kodak Tower. Beauty was seen at Kodak Park once.
Let's hope that next year will be successful, either with one male or two (preferably two!). We'll all just have to wait to see what happens when Archer migrates. This may be a very interesting Winter for the Falcon Flakes.
Last Edit: 10-Aug-11, 07:01:07 PM by Carol P.
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Carol P.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #6 on:
10-Aug-11, 06:44:49 PM »
Quote from: Donna on 10-Aug-11, 06:42:25 PM
All I know is I wanted to move to Rochester and Ed said NO!!! That's how much I love Peregrines! Nuff said!
Ah, poor Donna. We would love to have you here.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #7 on:
10-Aug-11, 07:12:31 PM »
Quote from: Carol P. on 10-Aug-11, 06:44:49 PM
Quote from: Donna on 10-Aug-11, 06:42:25 PM
All I know is I wanted to move to Rochester and Ed said NO!!! That's how much I love Peregrines! Nuff said!
Ah, poor Donna. We would love to have you here.
Just for the record, Donna-you're not nuts! As the uncertainty of my current work situation continues to brew I'm finding myself looking at want ads in Rochester as much as I'm looking around here...
If we forget our passion our hearts go blind @MsShaftway
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #8 on:
10-Aug-11, 08:51:23 PM »
Quote from: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Aug-11, 07:12:31 PM
Quote from: Carol P. on 10-Aug-11, 06:44:49 PM
Quote from: Donna on 10-Aug-11, 06:42:25 PM
All I know is I wanted to move to Rochester and Ed said NO!!! That's how much I love Peregrines! Nuff said!
Ah, poor Donna. We would love to have you here.
Just for the record, Donna-you're not nuts! As the uncertainty of my current work situation continues to brew I'm finding myself looking at want ads in Rochester as much as I'm looking around here...
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
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Patti from Kentucky
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #9 on:
10-Aug-11, 09:08:54 PM »
Quote from: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Aug-11, 06:30:08 PM
Well, you all know me after all these years...excessive anthropomorphizing tends to get my hackles up...
I cannot find it in me to feel sorry for Beauty, Archer or Unity because I don't believe they feel sorry for themselves....
I feel very sorry for US that there weren't any fluffballs this year...
What she said!
Seriously, I'm pretty much with Ei on this...it's too bad there weren't young peregrines in Rochester to watch, both for the sake of the local watchers and the remote ones, but I don't feel comfortable projecting my feelings on Beauty, Archer, or Unity. Also like Ei, it's been hard-going lately, I've lost both parents and a job in the last two years and my worry list is full enough.
Carol P.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #10 on:
10-Aug-11, 09:21:24 PM »
Quote from: Patti from Kentucky on 10-Aug-11, 09:08:54 PM
Quote from: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Aug-11, 06:30:08 PM
Well, you all know me after all these years...excessive anthropomorphizing tends to get my hackles up...
I cannot find it in me to feel sorry for Beauty, Archer or Unity because I don't believe they feel sorry for themselves....
I feel very sorry for US that there weren't any fluffballs this year...
What she said!
Seriously, I'm pretty much with Ei on this...it's too bad there weren't young peregrines in Rochester to watch, both for the sake of the local watchers and the remote ones, but I don't feel comfortable projecting my feelings on Beauty, Archer, or Unity. Also like Ei, it's been hard-going lately, I've lost both parents and a job in the last two years and my worry list is full enough.
So sorry for your losses Patty.
Peregrines know no borders.....
Carol P.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #11 on:
10-Aug-11, 09:22:23 PM »
Ei, Donna, anyone else that would like to move to Rochester. You're all welcome!
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #12 on:
10-Aug-11, 09:44:11 PM »
I am not happy with the situation either- two females, one male, no young, potential fatal territorial battles. But all truly wild creatures carry on with their lives as they have been programmed to do for ages. My pleasure is to watch and learn the intricacies of their lives. Any sadness I feel, and I do indeed feel sadness, has to do with wanting an outcome that increases the number of peregrines. I love seeing how they interact with their mates and how they nurture their young and teach them how to survive. That is unfortunately not always possible. Beauty, Unity, Archer, and Mariah are living their own peregrine lives. Just because I don't always like the results doesn't mean the birds are evil or unhappy. It means they are wild peregrine falcons, nothing more and nothing less. There have been so many sad stories from this year's nesting season, and I wish it were not so. Still, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to look in on them. I give my most sincere thanks to all the watchers who keep me informed even though the news may not be good.
Dot in PA
Carol P.
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Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #13 on:
10-Aug-11, 09:54:27 PM »
Quote from: Dot_Forrester on 10-Aug-11, 09:44:11 PM
I am not happy with the situation either- two females, one male, no young, potential fatal territorial battles. But all truly wild creatures carry on with their lives as they have been programmed to do for ages. My pleasure is to watch and learn the intricacies of their lives. Any sadness I feel, and I do indeed feel sadness, has to do with wanting an outcome that increases the number of peregrines. I love seeing how they interact with their mates and how they nurture their young and teach them how to survive. That is unfortunately not always possible. Beauty, Unity, Archer, and Mariah are living their own peregrine lives. Just because I don't always like the results doesn't mean the birds are evil or unhappy. It means they are wild peregrine falcons, nothing more and nothing less. There have been so many sad stories from this year's nesting season, and I wish it were not so. Still, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to look in on them. I give my most sincere thanks to all the watchers who keep me informed even though the news may not be good.
Dot in PA
You're very welcome Dot. We all do it with much pleasure.
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Kaetzchen Gabriella of Tokira
Re: So, What Does Everyone Think about the Rochester Falcons Situation?
Reply #14 on:
10-Aug-11, 10:27:46 PM »
When I worked at the accounting firm, I had the Kodak camera feed on in the background all day, it was my stress relief. I shed tears on my desk when Mariah was hurt and still taking care of her babies, and Kaver was taking care of them all.
Now, I don't have that access at work, but I do read all the posts, it's just not the same size part of my day. However, I must say that the *people* here are as big a draw to me now as the soap opera actions of the Falcons. WE will never know what became of Kaver, but since Mariah was banded, at least we may someday know her fate. Meanwhile, we can follow some of her descendants, which is great too...
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