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Author Topic: Rochester Falcons History Project - Time to Get Started!  (Read 10931 times)
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Carol P.
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« on: 07-Dec-11, 06:48:19 PM »

You've probably been wondering why I decided to open a Rochester Falcons Story section.  I wanted to show how easy and fun it is to look up information within the rfalconcam site.  Please consider helping out with this very important project.   logo

Time to Get the Rochester Falcon History Project Under Way!

Now that winter is almost here, it's the perfect time to start gathering information for the Rochester Falcon History Project.

Below is a list of volunteers.  Please verify by Monday, December 12th if you are still able to help with the project.  If you are not listed and you would like to help out, please respond here by Monday, May 12th.  All help is welcomed. 

After we have our volunteers, each of you will be assigned a "section" to work on.  We will start by assigning a year to each volunteer.  It will be your job to gather information about that year in a central area that all of you will be able to access.

We have set up a Wiki page on PBworks where each volunteer can add information.  Each of you will be sent log in information.  If using the page directly turns out to be a problem for anyone we’ll figure something out.  We’ve set up a sample assignment page, but none of this is written in stone…all suggestions are welcome-giving most volunteers a year to work on.

We think what we need to focus on first is just gathering the information that’s out there into one place.  This is all open for discussion.  For "your year" you would start by going into the postings made in that year on either Kfalconcam (KFC) or Rfalconcam (RFC).  Go through the postings looking for stories, historical tidbits, other interesting factoids and just copy & paste them onto your page.

-I just went to July, 2004 on KFC & found a note from Paul Hamilton about Maryann from 2000 with mentions of 2001 & 2002. Rather than figure out where each piece should go, I copied & pasted it in 2004.
-Carol’s Mariah & the school children story just posted on RFC has been copied & pasted in 2011.  There’s no year listed, but it will most likely show up in an old KFC post too from when it happened.

Once everything is gathered, we can figure out when it all happened and put it all where it belongs.  There are other places to hunt for info, but we think a good starting point is our own boards.  Then we can write an actual history.

Thanks so much to all that are able to help out with this project.

Ei & Carol P - Rochester Falcon History Project Co-Administrators

List of Volunteers
Kris G.
Karen R.
Patti from KY
Paul H.
Kathy O.
Annie in Toronto
Jim P.
Brad C.
Lisa McK.
June S.

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Patti from Kentucky

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« Reply #1 on: 07-Dec-11, 11:04:19 PM »

I can probably still help out, but not until after the first of the year -- the holidays have me overwhelmed!
I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #2 on: 07-Dec-11, 11:10:27 PM »

Count me in!

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« Reply #3 on: 08-Dec-11, 10:59:30 AM »

I can send a complete copy of my falcon raps from those couple of years when I was writing them. There are a bunch of them and some of them go into quite a bit of detail about some recent M-K-offspring event. I need to compile it into one file, with dates. Where do I send it when it's done? dale
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« Reply #4 on: 08-Dec-11, 11:27:00 AM »

I can send a complete copy of my falcon raps from those couple of years when I was writing them. There are a bunch of them and some of them go into quite a bit of detail about some recent M-K-offspring event. I need to compile it into one file, with dates. Where do I send it when it's done? dale

You can send it to me at ...thanks!

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Kris G.
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« Reply #5 on: 08-Dec-11, 11:44:56 AM »

I can still help.

Paul Hamilton

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« Reply #6 on: 08-Dec-11, 12:12:48 PM »

Count me in, too, please.


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« Reply #7 on: 08-Dec-11, 02:18:25 PM »

I can send a complete copy of my falcon raps from those couple of years when I was writing them. There are a bunch of them and some of them go into quite a bit of detail about some recent M-K-offspring event. I need to compile it into one file, with dates. Where do I send it when it's done? dale

wow. there are 15 pages of them, from 2005-2009. I had no idea. I'm sending them, Ei.
Carol P.
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« Reply #8 on: 08-Dec-11, 05:54:19 PM »

Yay!  Dale's Falcon Raps!  Woohoo!  Love them!   clap mbanana bguitar bow

Something tells me a few of them will be hitting the Rochester Falcons Story section sometime soon.   lol

If anyone else has anything they would like to share, please feel free to send them either to me (Carol P) at libbymybird @ yahoo. com (no spaces) or Ei at dumpsterkitty11 @ gmail. com (no spaces).

Thanks to Patty from KY, Kris G, Jeanne, Paul and Dale for their offers to volunteer to help with the Rochester Falcons Project.  We realize that the holidays are coming and time is limited for most of us.


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« Reply #9 on: 08-Dec-11, 06:30:31 PM »

Yay!  Dale's Falcon Raps!  Woohoo!  Love them!   clap mbanana bguitar bow

Something tells me a few of them will be hitting the Rochester Falcons Story section sometime soon.   lol

If anyone else has anything they would like to share, please feel free to send them either to me (Carol P) at libbymybird @ yahoo. com (no spaces) or Ei at dumpsterkitty11 @ gmail. com (no spaces).

Thanks to Patty from KY, Kris G, Jeanne, Paul and Dale for their offers to volunteer to help with the Rochester Falcons Project.  We realize that the holidays are coming and time is limited for most of us.


And me!  wave

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
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Carol P.
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« Reply #10 on: 08-Dec-11, 07:11:23 PM »

Yay!  Dale's Falcon Raps!  Woohoo!  Love them!   clap mbanana bguitar bow

Something tells me a few of them will be hitting the Rochester Falcons Story section sometime soon.   lol

If anyone else has anything they would like to share, please feel free to send them either to me (Carol P) at libbymybird @ yahoo. com (no spaces) or Ei at dumpsterkitty11 @ gmail. com (no spaces).

Thanks to Patty from KY, Kris G, Jeanne, Paul and Dale for their offers to volunteer to help with the Rochester Falcons Project.  We realize that the holidays are coming and time is limited for most of us.


And me!  wave

Of course!  and MAK too!.  I've actually asked MAK to start looking into Beauty's pre-Rochester history.  Thanks MAK!!!!   mbanana bguitar

Peregrines know no borders.....
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« Reply #11 on: 08-Dec-11, 07:16:49 PM »

Yay!  Dale's Falcon Raps!  Woohoo!  Love them!   clap mbanana bguitar bow

Something tells me a few of them will be hitting the Rochester Falcons Story section sometime soon.   lol

If anyone else has anything they would like to share, please feel free to send them either to me (Carol P) at libbymybird @ yahoo. com (no spaces) or Ei at dumpsterkitty11 @ gmail. com (no spaces).

Thanks to Patty from KY, Kris G, Jeanne, Paul and Dale for their offers to volunteer to help with the Rochester Falcons Project.  We realize that the holidays are coming and time is limited for most of us.


And me!  wave

Of course!  and MAK too!.  I've actually asked MAK to start looking into Beauty's pre-Rochester history.  Thanks MAK!!!!   mbanana bguitar

I should have it done before I leave town next week.  yes

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
Carol P.
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« Reply #12 on: 13-Dec-11, 08:40:20 PM »

With the holidays so close, we'll wait until the first of the year to begin this project.

So far the following folks have responded and are able to help out:

List of Volunteers - That have responded

Patti from KY
Paul H.
Carol P.

Lisa McK.
June S.
June and Lisa have volunteered to cover the Rochester Peregrine Project, when Peregrines were released in Rochester to help bring back their numbers.  Interesting stuff.

Shaky will help with figuring out how we will put all of this information onto the Rfalconcam site.

Still waiting to hear from

Karen R.
Kathy O.
Jim P.
Brad C.

This will be a big project and we can use all the help we can get.  Please consider helping out even if you only have a little bit of time to volunteer.  We realize that some of you have limited time to help.

Thanks to all that have signed on.

Enjoy the holidays everyone and we'll get this all started soon.

Carol P.

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« Reply #13 on: 28-Dec-11, 05:34:36 PM »

yikes!  Sorry to be late in responding -- would love to help!  I'll be out and about almost half of January, but can start to work next week!  What a wonderful project!
Vandrefalk/Karen R
Carol P.
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« Reply #14 on: 28-Dec-11, 07:55:37 PM »

yikes!  Sorry to be late in responding -- would love to help!  I'll be out and about almost half of January, but can start to work next week!  What a wonderful project!
Vandrefalk/Karen R

Thanks so much Karen!  I'll add you to the list.  Sometime in January, Ei and I will start sending out assignments and the sign-on info for the wiki we'll be collecting all the information.  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Peregrines know no borders.....
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