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Author Topic: Rhea Mae and Tiago's Webcam - Toronto - Canadian Peregrine Foundation  (Read 1639781 times)
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I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #945 on: 23-Jun-11, 11:12:58 PM »

 clap Bravo, great report!!  clap

Kris G.
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« Reply #946 on: 23-Jun-11, 11:20:32 PM »

Today was one of several of heavy rainstorms, mist and no untoward activities.  Everytime the rain started up, Cinnamon and Kate would suddenly get active, flapping their wings, moving around, giving us anxious moments that they would start out in the downpour.  Fortunately, they didn't!  Sunshine also gave us a few minutes of breath-holding, when she landed on top of the "C" of the Sheraton Centre sign, at the beginning of one heaviest downpours.  She was having trouble holding her balance, her wings were going like mad and she as slipping down the front of the "C"...  It was really frightening, for her, I'm sure, but for Zoe and I on the ground, too!!  Fortunately, she finally got a grip on something, held on and after the rain abated, gave several massive shakes, sending water flying and finally took to the air, with confidence!

The most extraordinary two episodes I witnessed today were of Sunshine learning the finer points of receiving food from her dad, Tiago, in mid flight!!  I was fortunate, both times, to be up on the 43rd floor, watching it all unfold right in front of me.  The first one was a bit sloppy, but totally successful...until Sunshine tried to land, with this small bird in her talons.  To put it nicely, she skidded somewhat, but finally came to a halt and then took the food out of my sight.  But the second try was magnificent!!!  Sunshine chased up on Tiago, squawking at her amazing volume, turned right upside down as she reached her dad, reached up and deliberately took the Starling from him.  All coolly calculated, very precise!!  I'm sure my mouth was hanging open, as I saw the whole thing unfold!!  Then she righted herself and landed on a fairly wide ledge, doing so deliberately and then looked around as if to say, "Hey, I'm soooo cool!!"!!  The funny thing was her handling of the prey.  Instead of plucking it, she dragged it around a bit and then eviscerated it, pulling out bits and pieces, enjoying them immensely!!  Oh well, she'll get the hang of that skill, too, and it was so great to see her enjoying her reward!!

Anne in Toronto 

What great experiences you are having, Anne, and thanks for sharing them with us!

I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #947 on: 23-Jun-11, 11:32:27 PM »

Awesome, Anne!!!  Thanks so much for the report!!!!!

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                Anatole France

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« Reply #948 on: 23-Jun-11, 11:55:10 PM »

Nice report Anne.  It sounds like you are having a ball watching Sunshine learn to be a falcon! 

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« Reply #949 on: 24-Jun-11, 05:36:58 AM »

Thanks Anne,

You are so lucky,and of course the falcons are too.Great reports.Thanks

Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #950 on: 24-Jun-11, 05:45:39 AM »

Thanks Anne,

You are so lucky,and of course the falcons are too.Great reports.Thanks


Yes, Anne - great posts! You are obviously loving this experience.

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #951 on: 24-Jun-11, 08:54:22 AM »

Kate in waiting! Come on's time!!

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #952 on: 24-Jun-11, 09:19:58 AM »

Kate's up on her soap box again!

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« Reply #953 on: 24-Jun-11, 03:28:45 PM »

Why do you keep looking at me like that?  I already TOLD you I'm NOT leaving this ledge EVER!  Got it?  OK then...

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« Reply #954 on: 24-Jun-11, 03:37:34 PM »

Why do you keep looking at me like that?  I already TOLD you I'm NOT leaving this ledge EVER!  Got it?  OK then...

 laugh  That's good!  Is that Kate?  She is reluctant to fledge? 
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« Reply #955 on: 24-Jun-11, 03:41:16 PM »

Why do you keep looking at me like that?  I already TOLD you I'm NOT leaving this ledge EVER!  Got it?  OK then...

 laugh  That's good!  Is that Kate?  She is reluctant to fledge? 

Yup...Cinnamon is on the edge looking out...Kate has been glued to that stand pipe for DAYS!

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
Carol P.
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« Reply #956 on: 24-Jun-11, 05:37:27 PM »

Today was one of several of heavy rainstorms, mist and no untoward activities.  Everytime the rain started up, Cinnamon and Kate would suddenly get active, flapping their wings, moving around, giving us anxious moments that they would start out in the downpour.  Fortunately, they didn't!  Sunshine also gave us a few minutes of breath-holding, when she landed on top of the "C" of the Sheraton Centre sign, at the beginning of one heaviest downpours.  She was having trouble holding her balance, her wings were going like mad and she as slipping down the front of the "C"...  It was really frightening, for her, I'm sure, but for Zoe and I on the ground, too!!  Fortunately, she finally got a grip on something, held on and after the rain abated, gave several massive shakes, sending water flying and finally took to the air, with confidence!

The most extraordinary two episodes I witnessed today were of Sunshine learning the finer points of receiving food from her dad, Tiago, in mid flight!!  I was fortunate, both times, to be up on the 43rd floor, watching it all unfold right in front of me.  The first one was a bit sloppy, but totally successful...until Sunshine tried to land, with this small bird in her talons.  To put it nicely, she skidded somewhat, but finally came to a halt and then took the food out of my sight.  But the second try was magnificent!!!  Sunshine chased up on Tiago, squawking at her amazing volume, turned right upside down as she reached her dad, reached up and deliberately took the Starling from him.  All coolly calculated, very precise!!  I'm sure my mouth was hanging open, as I saw the whole thing unfold!!  Then she righted herself and landed on a fairly wide ledge, doing so deliberately and then looked around as if to say, "Hey, I'm soooo cool!!"!!  The funny thing was her handling of the prey.  Instead of plucking it, she dragged it around a bit and then eviscerated it, pulling out bits and pieces, enjoying them immensely!!  Oh well, she'll get the hang of that skill, too, and it was so great to see her enjoying her reward!!

Anne in Toronto 

Very nice report Anne!  Aren't food transfers cool!  Thanks very much!   clap

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« Reply #957 on: 24-Jun-11, 07:26:55 PM »

!!! Much Appreciation, Heartfelt Thanks
June 24, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Linda Woods Reports:

GREAT BIG THANKS, and much appreciation to the Staff of The Keg, on York St. Toronto, and Thomas Chesterfield, Corporate Concierge of Oxford Properties at 120 Adelaide St, Toronto, for their unending persistence to find help for our young male Peregrine Falcon, Cinnamon.

Cinnamon in attempt to take yet another flight brushed a building and came to the sidewalk outside the Keg Restaurant on York St at Lunch time.  Keg Staff pulled into action and had the fledgling placed in a box and secured the area, so it would not come to harm, from foot traffic or vehicles.  Thomas Chesterfield made numerous calls to different Toronto agencies, before he reached us. I was immediately dispatched to the site and found Cinnamon, safe , secure with no injuries.

He was later returned to the nest ledge, to give him a second chance of making a successful flight.

Can’t say how thankful we are for their assistance to help this member of  a Species At Risk. It is most rewarding that in a large city such as Toronto, there are people that  do care about the wildlife that resides along side the huge glass towers that dot Toronto’s skyline.

Please if you are visiting Toronto, please drop by the Keg on York st, have meal and say thank-you to the following Keg Staff;

Cassandra, Sabrina, Sheena, Jordan, Heather, Agnes, Aja, Elizabeth and to Kelly McGoey, Lunch Manager for allowing her staff to go beyond their regular duties.

With Much Appreciation;

Linda Woods, Zoe, Annie, Harry, Paul, Vanessa, Mark Nash, Marion Nash, and the Rochester New York Falcon Crew

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

                Anatole France
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« Reply #958 on: 24-Jun-11, 08:04:12 PM »

What a great bunch of "Falcon Lovers". Thank you all for rescuing little Cinnamon. Bless you all.  clap

I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #959 on: 24-Jun-11, 08:16:51 PM »

What a great bunch of "Falcon Lovers". Thank you all for rescuing little Cinnamon. Bless you all.  clap

I agree, Donna!  These folks are just wonderful!!!!  There are pictures on Linda's post but I don't know how to post them here

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

                Anatole France
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