19-Feb-25, 03:12:41 PM
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Member Activities / Events / Re: Falcon Watch Weekend - 2013 - July 13th and 14th
on: 12-Jul-13, 08:48:22 PM
Greetings to everyone attending Falcon Watchers Weekend. I'm sorry that I can't be there but I will be thinking about you. Perhaps on Sunday you can spare some good luck wishes for my new rescue dog, Sophie, who, until 2 months ago, was a breeder in a puppy mill. On Sunday, she will be taking the test to become a Therapy Dog. It's a bit soon but the test had been scheduled so we will be giving it a try. Kapi in Vermont
Member Activities / Pets / Re: Kapi's Sherlock
on: 10-Jan-13, 07:55:10 PM
Thank you, Ei, for passing along my news. Sherlock's care had been taking an increasing amount of time and, even though I still have a young dog and cat, I find myself sort of twiddling my thumbs tonight. I've mostly been following the falcons on Facebook in the past year and hope to see a scrape full of eyasses this spring. If all goes well, the Kaver-car and I will make it to Rochester in the summer. Kapi P.S. For MAK: ![wave](https://rfalconcam.com/forum/Smileys/classic/wave2.gif)
Member Activities / Events / Re: Falcon Watch Weekend 2012 - August 3rd, 4th and 5th
on: 28-Jul-12, 09:27:11 PM
So sorry I won't be out there this year. I miss my regular visits from back in the M&K days. However, I have a fragile 14-year old dog who is keeping me close to home these days. I am hoping that there will be more regular offspring in the coming years and that I will be able to resume my visits. Meanwhile, I still have the KAVER license on my car and have been sharing photos of Orion on my FB page with a whole new audience who will soon be experiencing "empty nest syndrome." Hope you have a great weekend. I'll look forward to reading about it. Kapi in VT
Anything Else / Totally OT / Re: Janet Update - 6/19/2012
on: 21-Jun-12, 05:53:55 PM
Janet...I am still working on losing. I'll re-evaluate where I am at the end of the summer. Discovered in this current heat wave that I have nothing really lightweight that fits. Have had to donate several things that were still too snug at the end of last summer but were now too big. Not a bad problem to have, certainly, but it can be awkward. Kapi
Anything Else / Totally OT / Re: Janet Update - 6/19/2012
on: 20-Jun-12, 08:21:25 AM
Congratulations! That last pound or two before a goal marker is SO difficult! It's easier though in the summer when all the fresh foods come into the farmers market. I reached 60 pounds two weeks ago, on my one year anniversary weigh-in at Weight Watchers. Kapi
Anything Else / Totally OT / Re: storms in midwest and south
on: 05-Mar-12, 12:09:42 AM
Glad that you and Jeanne are OK, Patty, and that her sister's house is relatively intact. Your report of the way people are banding together to do what needs to be done reminds me of my own, and my state's, recent flood experience. People really do seem to be their best in times of trial and great need. I'm finding news of the tornado damage difficult to deal with. Flashbacks, if not exactly PTSD. And a terror that this early awful weather is a preview of a bad storm season to come. And, as a note for everyone, the recovery process post a disaster goes on long, long after said disaster has passed from the headlines. Life goes on but a "new normal" develops. Things are never quite the same again. Kapi in Vermont
Other Nature Related Information / Falcon Web Cams / Re: Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester
on: 12-Feb-12, 03:26:22 PM
Amazing history! Just for clarification, is it Ponce-Kingsley or Pounce-Kingsley? I have read both and wondered which is the correct spelling.
I've seen it both ways, but most often Pounce-Kingsley. There is a story behind the name which escapes me at the moment... If I remember correctly, it is Ponce...for Ponce de Leon. And the Kingsley is a street name...where he was bred? first seen? Not sure about the connection. Kapi
Member Activities / Events / Re: Falcon Watchers' Weekend, 2011
on: 12-Jul-11, 12:23:44 PM
Sorry I won't be able to be there this year. There seem to be enough options to make for a great weekend. I seriously blew the budget at the vet's in May. The dog survived but the bank account did not. And, though he is doing very well, even without financial considerations, I am not anxious to leave my 13-year old Sherlock at the kennel right now. Hope to see you all next year, Kapi in VT
Member Activities / Events / Re: Falcon Watchers' Weekend, 2011
on: 07-May-11, 01:18:46 PM
I am dealing with some geriatric animal issues right now that make leaving town both complicated and costly, so I will need to wait a while before committing. However, the date sounds good and I have penciled it in. Kapi in VT
Member Activities / Pets / Re: the rainbow bridge
on: 07-Mar-11, 10:22:35 PM
Scratch crossed the Rainbow Bidge today to loin her sister Peck. She died peacefully sleeping in Craig's arms, one of her many favorite places to be. RIP little one
I am so sorry to read of Scratch's passing. Kapi in VT
Rochester Falcons / Rfalconcam Website News / Re: New Features for 2011
on: 03-Feb-11, 07:37:49 PM
I am not seeing the forum names but am seeing the avatars...and I don't much like them. (Big surprise.) Among the things I don't like about the forums is all the extraneous stuff...pictures, smilies, fancy text... that make it more and more difficult to find the message. One reason for staying with the Kfalconcom format is that it has been "cleaner." Not so much any more. Crawling back into my snow cave, Kapi in VT