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Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester
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Topic: Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester (Read 1164288 times)
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I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #135 on:
29-Apr-10, 10:29:29 PM »
!!! Maybe we’re not done yet!!!!!
April 29, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill
Doug Garbutt Reports:
As reported, in late March there were 4 eggs here which have mysteriously gone missing. Well I think it was because a 3rd falcon showed up & caused a trauma smash or the residents here destroyed the eggs, I’m just guessing. However, yesterday the new female laid her 1st egg. She is taking good care of it & the male is bringing in food for her. We are hoping that there will be more eggs & that they are viable. It’s late in the season but hopefully it will work out ok.
I guess the resident female is gone!
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #136 on:
01-May-10, 02:42:04 PM »
!!! The falcons have finally been sighted!
April 28, 2010 - Ottawa - Crowne Plaza
CPF Postmaster Reports:
Good morning, all, just to let you know that the falcons have been spotted this morning (Wednesday Apr. 28/2010) at 10:15 à 10:25 a.m. Male sighted in flight and on CP hotel SE corner (last year’s nest site) TWO females in air above at the same time (both were larger than the bird that landed on CP and of about equal size some “chasing” observed but male did not participate but was watching from a distance and followed when the two females headed north over the East Memorial Block). Heard calling KEE__YAAK_YAAK_YAAK from male when he was on the CP Hotel ledge; neither female responded as far as I could tell. There is a crow’s nest in one of the trees on the Place de Ville patio area (smoking area), and is in perfect sight line from the SE corner of the CP Hotel, female crow is currently brooding her eggs; perhaps this will become a “lunch-counter” for the falcons once the baby crows begin to fledge. Keep in touch and have a great day…
!!! Getting close!
May 01, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:
Yesterday was approximately Day 30 by my count of heavy incubation here at the Etobicoke nest site! As if to back up my calculations - Jack for the first time since last years chicks were here was perched in his old signage spot most of yesterday so I know something is up! He spent quite a bit of time here yesterday for the first time in quite awhile.
This morning I arrived on-site at 8:25 am. Jack was on his old perch and Mom was in the nestbox. Usually you can’t see her from the ground due to the height and depth of the nestbox but this morning I observed her tail and head flipping around quite a bit which tells me she is not laying very flat like she normally does.
Jack spent his time watching, clearing the pigeons and anything else he didn’t like the look for about a half hour which included me!! He actually flew over to where I was across the street and down the road and circled low above me three times which was quite intimidating.
He went back to his perch for awhile, satisfied that I was sufficiently cowed - which I must say I was! Then he flew out to the south, back and forth a few times as something must have caught his eye and the last time he came back with something in his talons. He then flew to the front ledge and was in the process of preparing Mom’s brunch when a poor misguided pigeon was attempting to land on the ledge and he just grabbed it in midair and that was that! That’s the second time I’ve seen him do that and it’s just spectacular to see! He then took his new catch and flew by the nest ledge and then headed towards the direction of his other nest site!
At 9:36 he arrived back at our site, swung around and grabbed his previous catch and went to present it to Mom, a few chups were exchanged and she took the offering and flew out of sight to the rooftop to enjoy her meal.
She took close to a half hour to enjoy her meal and then returned to the webcam, a few more chups to dad and she settled into cleaning her talons and giving herself a good preen which is how I left her at 11:00 am and Jack was still in the nestbox so she’s had a good break this morning!
Glued to Keyboard
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #137 on:
01-May-10, 10:11:33 PM »
Port colborne now has 2 eggs
May 01, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill
Doug Garbutt Reports:
When I left work yesterday at 3:00pm there was still only 1 egg in the scrape. Today when I arrived at work it was 5:30am & I couldn’t se a darn thing, but when the sun came up & the female finally got off the scrape, I noticed that there were 2 eggs. I’m not sure if the 2nd egg was produced last night or early today. Mom was on & off the eggs quite a bit while I was there today so maybe she plans on having more as it does not appear that full incubation has started.
Posted on May 1, 2010 7:11 pm
Observation for Port Colborne - ADM Mill
If we forget our passion our hearts go blind @MsShaftway
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #138 on:
03-May-10, 09:11:54 AM »
Apr 28, 2010 - Turkey Vultures and 2010 Gameplan Update
Last night we had an interesting situation unfold. A group of 6 Turkey Vultures were gliding on thermals above the property, which caught the attention of our two Peregrines on site.
Alarm calling and territorial defense followed. Mom was the more aggressive of our two birds, but Jack also went on the offensive, hovering like a Kestrel around the vultures. Eventually, the Turkey vultures departed without much incident.
Over the past few weeks, folks from within the building and also from elsewhere have offered to help finance an observation camera, and have offered support for this year's process. This is appreciated, as volunteers are key to keeping track of activity on site.
Regardless, here are a few status updates:
1. Camera
A camera is not going to happen this year.
Sourcing of a Wi-fi camera was attempted, no vendor response was received. An electrician and cooperation from the building are key requirements to install a camera, and we don't have either.
Installing a wi-fi camera on the roof, coordinating senders and receivers, connectivity, monitoring equipment and web broadcasting all take effort. This work is not unlike an integration project I would perform for clients, and unfortunately I don't have either the time or assistance complete this task, so no camera.
2. Monitoring, Banding for 2010
Speaking with the MNR, it was explained to me that for sites where the property owner has an ongoing interest in the status of the falcons (eg. Toronto Sheraton Centre or Bloor/Islington sites), bandings take place.
Due to the fact that the MNR is stretched thin by many new nests in the GTA this year, combined with the minimal landowner commitment here, banding of any juveniles will only take place this year if they come to the ground after fledging.
Needless to say, this means that we will not have much chance of tracking our juveniles and their progress in the future, one of the rewards of stewardship efforts.
Fledge watch, assuming we have eggs hatch here, will still take place. As usual, volunteers are needed/welcome. We have a lot of time before we need to think about this but feel free to assemble teams, I would appreciate if folks can team up and plan for this.
3. New Legislation Implications
As most know by now, our site still falls under a protected status according to numerous pieces of legislation. This includes both the vacant ledge from 2008/9 as well as the ledge currently being used, plus additional perches including some beyond our property.
I have been told that the building and other nearby landowners have or will be sent information to clarify any restrictions and regulations to be aware of.
4. Original Male - Still in Rehab
Our original male is still at a rehab facility. He has recovered well and in the next few weeks he will be released. I will post more when the date is known. He is likely to be released either north or west of our site, but given the roaming nature of Peregrines he may end up back here, we'll see.
Other than these status updates, it's been fairly normal around here. I would still guess that eggs are being incubated, and monitoring continues.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #139 on:
04-May-10, 09:35:08 AM »
Port Colborne now has 3 eggs with full incubation. After the 4 eggs disappeared in March...new eggs have been laid. Late fledge if all goes well.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #140 on:
04-May-10, 12:02:46 PM »
!!! More Questions than Answers!
May 04, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:
Just when I was all confident that I was on the right track , I find now that I am more confused than ever. Last report had Jack here constantly and a lot of activity however the only food I saw go to the ledge was taken by Angel immediately and she flew off with it…or perhaps I was mistaken ?
Sunday I was her for 2.5 hours and did catch a shift change however Angel only went to the webcam and didn’t leave the ledge due to the rain. Yesterday and today I have seen Jack sporadically unlike Friday through Sunday when he was here for hours. I haven’t seen him taking food to the ledge at all but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t as I am not able to monitor for long periods of time during the week so I may just be missing him.
That being said, last night and this morning when I looked up to the nestbox I saw nothing..not a tail feather sticking out nor a wing and yet both times after a few minutes he flew out of the nestbox, vocalized to who I am assuming was Angel in the nestbox and off he went. What was he doing in the nestbox with her? Checking to see if he had any hatches? Visiting with hidden eyases, bringing them food? Just how deep is that nestbox?!
I can see quite clearly her tail feathers and the tips of both wings from the ground this morning so she is sitting high up again as she has the past few days. Perhaps given that he’s running two site, they are being more protective and secretive than normal not to attract unwanted attention. She has a pretty solid history of hatching out her chicks 30 days from the start of incubation however everything has been so different here the past year and without the cam for backup - I am in the dark so to speak!
I will keep watching a few more days and if nothing becomes overtly obvious, we will attempt to make another trip to a nearby rooftop to confirm or deny the presence of chicks.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #141 on:
05-May-10, 07:05:39 AM »
!!! Ottawa nesting and incubation confirmed!
May 04, 2010 - Ottawa - Crowne Plaza
CPF Postmaster Reports:
Diana is brooding in the same location as last year, at the southeast end of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Due to the delays, I think the hatching will take place in the first week of June, with the Falcon Watch starting closer to the end of June. Stay tuned for updates as we get them.
Eve Ticknor
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #142 on:
07-May-10, 07:04:21 AM »
No Hatch Yet.
May 06, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
CPF Postmaster Reports:
A quick check in at MEC caught the adult female talking a stretch and she exsposed her four unhatched eggs.
!!! Port Colborne now has 4 eggs!!!
May 06, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill
Doug Garbutt Reports:
Believe it or not, another egg appeared today. For a brief moment, the female was off the scrape & I clearly saw 4 eggs. The 4th egg could have been there before Monday (when full incubation started) but out of camera view. The camera covers most of the scrape but not the whole thing. Another good thing is that dad (who we call Buffalo Bill) is now pitching in with the incubation process. Hopefully he wasn’t shooting blanks & the eggs are fertilised, as they are taking very good care of them to date.
!!! Some Interesting News From North York
May 06, 2010 - North York - Nest
Bruce Massey Reports:
Over the Winter and Spring I have been monitoring the North York Birds. During the Winter they were seen individually but not together until around the first of April. Since the beginning of May the Birds have been concentrating in the Yonge & Finch area, predominately on the North American Center. As I work in the area I usually see one or the other first thing in the Morning and again in the early PM (1230-1300 Hrs).
Since a pair of peregrines nested 2 years ago I have been keeping watch on them, and last year they spent the summer checking out various buildings from Sheppard to Finch but to my knowledge did not have a successful Nest since 2008. I also touched base with the Building’s Maintenance Supervisor, last year and again this year, and got some very Interesting reports, and if confirmed, Important Information. The Male is Banded, (This alone makes it a New Male, if you remember the two birds that nested in 2008 were not Banded) but the most Important News was that the Band was “Reddish” in colour. This colour would suggest the Bird is a ” Canadian Hack Released Bird”. It also represents the first time one of these birds have been reported nesting here from Canada or the US. In the following days and Weeks I will attempt to confirm the Above and also try to see and if possible the Female is also Banded. Of course I will also determine if there will be a nest this year or not.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #143 on:
08-May-10, 05:54:11 PM »
Check out this video of the King St Falcons. So cute watching dad being curious and trying to get a look at the 2 newly hatches.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #144 on:
08-May-10, 06:02:18 PM »
Quote from: Donna on 08-May-10, 05:54:11 PM
Check out this video of the King St Falcons. So cute watching dad being curious and trying to get a look at the 2 newly hatches.
LIVE stream @ King ST.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #145 on:
08-May-10, 06:02:50 PM »
!!! Important News
May 07, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:
I have just learned that the male from the other site that Jack has been nesting at has been released this afternoon by the MNR. He was released in Mount Nemo and there is a chance he may decided to head home to his former mate. Should that happen, there is potential for conflict between him and Jack. Let us hope it doesn’t come to that particularly with a possible hatch occurring today here.
Mariah did it! Oh boy.
I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #146 on:
08-May-10, 08:16:08 PM »
Quote from: Donna on 08-May-10, 06:02:50 PM
!!! Important News
May 07, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:
I have just learned that the male from the other site that Jack has been nesting at has been released this afternoon by the MNR. He was released in Mount Nemo and there is a chance he may decided to head home to his former mate. Should that happen, there is potential for conflict between him and Jack. Let us hope it doesn’t come to that particularly with a possible hatch occurring today here.
Mariah did it! Oh boy.
He was home by noon today just as I knew he would be, the MNR thought otherwise but I knew because of what happened to Mariah!
I was at the site this morning and Jack was with Angel at our site during the storm - gale force winds and rain we had this morning and yes I stood out in that!! -. I left about 11:30 as the wind was too strong and I was cold and soaked. I got home at noon and opened my email and had an email from the other site saying Milton (that's what they've named him) was positively ID'd at their site at 11:30!!! They have a photo up of him at the site on their old nest ledge they took showing his bands.
TR Mom (who has no name) was on her eggs so they dont' know if the two met up but I expect he found her as he'd be calling to her.
Mathew just emailed me a half hour ago and Jack is now over there at their site as a hatch is expected there this weekend too - once again we are guesstimating as no cam there either!. No sign of Milton but he said Jack looks relaxed and was perched calmly on the ledge there.
Perhaps Milton being in rehab for a year won't be itching for a fight and with his old mate on eggs, he may just bide his time and lay low for awhile or we'll see some fireworks soon. I will be out there tomorrow to see what I can see if the weather clears up!
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #147 on:
08-May-10, 09:06:28 PM »
Perhaps Milton being in rehab for a year won't be itching for a fight and with his old mate on eggs, he may just bide his time and lay low for awhile or we'll see some fireworks soon. I will be out there tomorrow to see what I can see if the weather clears up!
Oh no....man, he beat talons over there quick. Let us know Carly. Hope all goes well. Maybe Jack will be relieved and give Milton's girl back to him. Too easy, I know. Oh drama!
I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #148 on:
10-May-10, 10:15:42 AM »
The fighting started at Toronto Residential at 6 pm last night and continued this morning. Jack has a slight chest wound but is still flying and in control of his territory last I heard a half hour ago although no falcons are now being sighted over there anywhere. I checked here several times and he has not come back here to check on Angel or the nest as of yet.
I have done a small update on the CPF site just now. I expect this will be like it was with Mariah and be prolonged over a few days until one of them wins or gives in? Mathew also has some updates on TR site this morning.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #149 on:
10-May-10, 10:32:47 AM »
Quote from: carly on 10-May-10, 10:15:42 AM
The fighting started at Toronto Residential at 6 pm last night and continued this morning. Jack has a slight chest wound but is still flying and in control of his territory last I heard a half hour ago although no falcons are now being sighted over there anywhere. I checked here several times and he has not come back here to check on Angel or the nest as of yet.
I have done a small update on the CPF site just now. I expect this will be like it was with Mariah and be prolonged over a few days until one of them wins or gives in? Mathew also has some updates on TR site this morning.
Another blip in today's events....I guess we all knew Milton would come back and a fight would occur. One has to go but which? The cam is down also. I just don't know.
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