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Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester
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Topic: Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester (Read 1164526 times)
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I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #180 on:
20-May-10, 11:04:19 AM »
Quote from: jeanne on 20-May-10, 10:37:00 AM
I was hoping Mom would prefer Milton who is more faithful than Jack who is maintaining two females!
Me too Jeanne! From what I've read and seen at other nest sites, the female/male will usually take back a mate that has returned from rehab. I'm encouraged by the fact she was seen hanging out with him and they actually have been together for a few years so they have a shared history. Perhaps the fact she had babies due to hatch any minute, she chose to maintain the status quo until the chicks are raised . Of course that may be seen as attaching human feelings to them but we'll see what happens in a few months.
I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #181 on:
20-May-10, 10:06:24 PM »
Quote from: carly on 20-May-10, 11:04:19 AM
Quote from: jeanne on 20-May-10, 10:37:00 AM
I was hoping Mom would prefer Milton who is more faithful than Jack who is maintaining two females!
Me too Jeanne! From what I've read and seen at other nest sites, the female/male will usually take back a mate that has returned from rehab. I'm encouraged by the fact she was seen hanging out with him and they actually have been together for a few years so they have a shared history. Perhaps the fact she had babies due to hatch any minute, she chose to maintain the status quo until the chicks are raised . Of course that may be seen as attaching human feelings to them but we'll see what happens in a few months.
Carly, keep us posted!! She might be thinking babies first. I do hope Milton is ok and will go back home. Gosh, he's cute.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"
Anatole France
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #182 on:
21-May-10, 01:54:58 PM »
Hi All
Working with the three different management groups and building owners, MNR and a host of other required services, partners and sponsors, press and media with regards to these three different dates to complete these four bandings.
As you might imagine, things are a little hectic and the likelihood is that we will miss someone with this e-mail communication. Please don’t hesitate to pass this announcement along to other stakeholders involved as we are neck deep with the coordination and organization of these and other bandings events, also to include ongoing banding arrangements for Burlington and Windsor nest sites.
There is still the possibility of a Mt. Sinai Hospital hatch, Port Colborne hatch, William Osler hatch and one never knows what the Scarborough Yellow Pages birds will do. All are still being closely monitored with ongoing communication with the various management groups at these nest sites.
Toronto downtown Sheraton Hotel nest site:
All has been arranged for May 28th, at 10AM banding. Set up is a 9AM, with banding at 10AM. Banding room has been booked and confirmed for the Pinnacle room, 43rd floor Penthouse with hotel management very excited. (Press, TV and radio have been invited), along with special VIP guests from USA), along with MANY representatives from other CPF partners and sponsors , also including 11 representatives from five other Canadian federal government districts from across Canada – via our friends from Environmental Services / Public Works and Government Services Canada. Should be a great day!
18 King Street nest site:
So far, all is going very well as we have 18 King Street management group is good for June 3rd at 10AM banding. Window washing agency, swing stage and swing stage operators are available and have now been officially booked and confirmed for this date. Media has also been invited.
Etobicoke Sun Life Centre – (Bloor & Islington) nest site:
Management group is once again very excited and planning their typical big event with invited guests and school groups and all is a “go” with them and other stakeholders for June 4th banding at 10AM in the east tower ground floor lobby. Window washing group has NOT YET confirmed but trying to work out the logistics of providing both the swing stage and operators for this banding at 10AM at the Sunlife Centre, AND same services for the afternoon out at the Mississauga Executive Centre – (MEC nest site).
Mississauga Executive Centre – (MEC nest site).
Management group also on board and agreed for a 2PM banding time once again to be conducted in the lobby of MEC building #1 (same venue as in past years).
Invited guests, and Mississauga news media have also confirmed their presence.
Once again, we are still waiting for Window washers to confirm this date and timeframe.
I will be back to ASAP as soon as we have a confirmation from Window washing regarding their service for MEC and Etob. Sunlife nest sites.
Mark Nash
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #183 on:
21-May-10, 09:30:34 PM »
WINDSOR, Ont. — A third peregrine falcon chick was spotted at the Ambassador Bridge this week.
“We got confirmation on three chicks,” Windsor Peregrine Watch Team site co-ordinator Dennis Patrick said Wednesday.
The chicks are about 19 days old. Because watch team members have to use binoculars and because of the angle of looking up at the high ledge, the team couldn’t confirm there were three chicks until Monday.
“They are growing so astoundingly fast,” Patrick said. “When you see them in the evening you go ‘I can’t believe how much they grew this day.’”
In 21 days, the chicks will be adult size and ready for their first flights, he said.
Adult peregrine falcons Freddie and Voltaire are hunting for food to feed their youngsters. Freddie brings food and Voltaire feeds the chicks, Patrick said.
The Windsor Peregrine Watch Team is monitoring the nest and will be there especially for the first flights in June. About 80 per cent of peregrine falcon chicks don’t survive but teams of trained volunteers can reduce the mortality rate to about 20 per cent.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #184 on:
23-May-10, 10:05:50 PM »
And There Were Two
May 20, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Sue McCreadie Reports:
Bill and I spent a couple of hours at the Lift Bridge yesterday and I’m very happy to confirm that we were able to see two little white heads. Are there more? We will keep watching. Mom was trying to shelter the little ones from the hot noon day sun, but they still managed to escape to peer over the edge.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #185 on:
23-May-10, 10:11:17 PM »
Today using a hardcore DIY camera rig, I peeked at the nest ledge. The camera was shaky, extended on about 20 feet of pole.
While peeking, Mom remained on the ledge quietly alarm-calling at the camera but otherwise calm and trying to mantle the young. They were in front of her, and while a head count was difficult, it appears there are 3 unless more are underneath. I would guess they're ~1 week old or less. No egg shells or fragments were visible, but a green-banded pigeon foot was.
Please read the entry directly below this for useful Species at Risk and Stewardship info and resources.
Additional posts will be made in the days to come.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #186 on:
28-May-10, 08:10:06 PM »
What’s Going On??
May 27, 2010 - North York - Nest
Bruce Massey Reports:
Who knows whats going on In North York. For the second week the Birds have moved South, now down in the Old (2008) Nesting Area, centering around North York City Center.
In the middle of last Week, I was seeing them in the Finch/Yonge area, Male or female and occasionally Both. This week I am only seeing one at a time again.
As with last week, I was seeing predominately the Male
two growing balls of fluff
May 27, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Robert Williams Reports:
As I arrived this evening at the bridge, mom was already actively hunting and quickly caught a pigeon over the harbour. She returned to the Skyway and then the overhead wires of the lift bridge to finish preparing it, then took it to the nest ledge to feed the chicks. There were two very visible white chicks that came to the edge of the ledge to be fed. They spent some time at the edge after feeding, looking all around and there was even some flapping going on after dinner.
The male arrived from parts unknown while the chicks were eating, and settled on the south tower. He seemed to keep looking down towards the parking lot and south of the tower. Later in the evening the female gave an alarm and dove across past the parking lot, around an old house south of the tower. Unfortunately I couldn’t see what upset her, but she buzzed the area several times screaming (while dad looked on), and settled for a short while on a lampost overlooking this area. She eventually returned to the hood beside the nest ledge where she remained when I left.
The chicks are growing so fast, they’ll be losing their downy white in no time. It’s nice to finally get a reasonable look at them.
Still In The Neighbourhood
May 21, 2010 - Niagara Falls
Bruce Massey Reports:
Spent the Victoria Day weekend in Niagra Falls. On Friday I arrived @ 0830 Hrs. and was down at Falls by Noon. That day Friday, I saw the Female briefly for about 30 Seconds near Clifton Hill area.
On Saturday, I was able to get down first thing in the Morning, but had to get back to the Campground by 0930 Hrs due to the Rain. I again got a brief 30 seconds of the Male flying up river towards the Horseshoe Falls, again in the Clifton Road area. I attempted to head down in the Afternoon, but the rest of the day turned out to be a Washout.
On Sunday, I got skunked in the Morning, but in the Afternoon when I decided to check the FallsView Area (In the area of the New Casino) I lucked out. I found both the Male & Female on the North West side of the New Hilton Tower.
On Monday, I again got Skunked, and left the Campground around 1030 Hrs. to go back to Toronto.
In conclusion, what I saw I think confirms the other Posts, suggesting that there isn’t any nesting activity at this time.
It’s Hot Mum!!
May 26, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:
Things are going well here - from what I can see, although there is far too much I can’t see which is namely our little triplets. I’ve seen the back of Angel quite a bit as she is sitting wings up in the box to sheild the little ones from the sun as she has done in previous years. I did think I saw a white head in the nestbox this morning but it quickly vanished! Angel was on the webcam in the shaded part, no doubt it’s extremely hot up there and we are expecting highs of 32c today!
Jack seems to be keeping up with food deliveries and breaks for both his families so far. It is strange to see so many pigeons in the area and all over the rooftops in his absence. You can tell when he flies in as suddenly they are flying all over the place in a panic and quite relieved when he leaves I’m sure!
A banding date has been set and we are awaiting one more confirmation before we can say it’s for sure! I’m excited to see the eyases this year, more so because we are missing all the critical milestones so it will be a big surprise when they come down to meet their public. Let us hope they are healthy and hardy!
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #187 on:
28-May-10, 10:03:07 PM »
Thought this was the Rhea Mae & Tiago thread.........Am I in the wrong place?
Did our girls go to Toronto for the banding?? Haven't heard a thing!
"Those who believe a dog has no soul, have never looked in the eyes of a German Shepherd."
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #188 on:
28-May-10, 10:07:39 PM »
Quote from: Dawn on 28-May-10, 10:03:07 PM
Thought this was the Rhea Mae & Tiago thread.........Am I in the wrong place?
Did our girls go to Toronto for the banding?? Haven't heard a thing!
This is the everyone EXCEPT RM&T thread...they're
And, yes, our gang is there...3 boys!
If we forget our passion our hearts go blind @MsShaftway
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #189 on:
31-May-10, 08:34:08 PM »
May 31, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre
Kathy Reports:
What a great day!! I’ve had my first sighting of two of the chicks from the ground level! I could see one set of black and white wings flapping in the corner next to the nest box. Mom is directly seated in front of the nest and was keeping her eye on me as I watched. And I saw one head peeking around behind her! Hopefully we still have three chicks and the other is just napping or out of viewing range.
I’ve had word this morning that Milton, the other male is back at the TR site. Both Jack and TR Mom are there and are aware of his presence. The female seems to be confused and is going between them but no sign of hostility yet.
The past week has seen our female pretty much on her own, save for sporadic visits by Jack she is feeding them, hunting, guarding and defending the territory on her own. The other day during the extreme heat I saw her at one point looking quite exhausted and she undershot the nest ledge and almost hit the glass coming in with food. Thankfully, although still hot and sunny, there has been a nice breeze the past few days and she looks much better today. She is doing an amazing job on her own and at least now the young are old enough that she can leave them when she has too.
Fledge will be challenging as she can’t be in three places at once if they decide to go at the same time but hopefully we can muster enough volunteers to give them a helping hand should it be required.
I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #190 on:
01-Jun-10, 12:39:04 AM »
Pictures of Milton, with some of Jack and Mom. I think Milton is a little cutie
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"
Anatole France
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #191 on:
01-Jun-10, 05:39:27 AM »
Quote from: jeanne on 01-Jun-10, 12:39:04 AM
Pictures of Milton, with some of Jack and Mom. I think Milton is a little cutie
I'm with you jeanne, he sure is.
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #192 on:
02-Jun-10, 06:39:16 PM »
of the banding at the Hamilton ON Sheraton nest of Madame X & Surge
Madame X nailed the guy taking the eyases from the nest...
If we forget our passion our hearts go blind @MsShaftway
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #193 on:
02-Jun-10, 06:56:30 PM »
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Canada Falcons: All but Rhea Mae & Tiago, (they have their own thread)
Reply #194 on:
02-Jun-10, 10:12:35 PM »
Bless her sweet heart! what a good mama! These falcons are fearless when it comes to their babies!
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"
Anatole France
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