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Author Topic: 2012 Calendars  (Read 46682 times)
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Kris G.
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« Reply #75 on: 10-Dec-11, 01:05:33 PM »

I think a great calendar would have been pics captured of Archer and/or Beauty and even Mr. T. at the nestbox this year with some of the Forum members captions.  BUT I went back to look at some of them today and all the pics are gone!  What happened to them?  I know that the people who own cameras with the big lenses aren't as interested in Beauty as they were with Mariah but I would think someone has taken some pics of A and B this year on TS building, Wilder building, OCSR, etc that also could have been included in a calendar. Even a distant pic of Unity on the tall stills would have been a good pic to include.

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« Reply #76 on: 10-Dec-11, 01:30:09 PM »

I think a great calendar would have been pics captured of Archer and/or Beauty and even Mr. T. at the nestbox this year with some of the Forum members captions.  BUT I went back to look at some of them today and all the pics are gone!  What happened to them? 

They were taken offline after 6 months so we don't run out of space on the server.

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« Reply #77 on: 10-Dec-11, 03:08:25 PM »

I  have been looking at my  2011 calendar - with pictures that I love,  but wondering what would be available for 2012.

I think with a change to the cover art, the calendar could be re-released for 2012. Lou put together that calendar. He would know best.

Do you mean like this?

This 2012 Redux Calendar is a makeover of our 2011 calendar, with the exception of a new montage of pictures taken by our dedicated, out-on-the-street, falcon watcher, Margaret! 


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« Reply #78 on: 10-Dec-11, 03:17:43 PM »

I  have been looking at my  2011 calendar - with pictures that I love,  but wondering what would be available for 2012.

I think with a change to the cover art, the calendar could be re-released for 2012. Lou put together that calendar. He would know best.

Do you mean like this?

This 2012 Redux Calendar is a makeover of our 2011 calendar, with the exception of a new montage of pictures taken by our dedicated, out-on-the-street, falcon watcher, Margaret!  


In case you're wondering who Margaret is it's me...MAK! lol  Grin

« Last Edit: 10-Dec-11, 04:21:12 PM by MAK » Logged

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« Reply #79 on: 10-Dec-11, 06:09:40 PM »

It's too bad some members don't feel we have a Rochester calendar this year, but with no babies this year I for one do feel using previous babies and now adults from M&K is a neat idea.  You guys did a good job figuring out a way around the no baby situation yet still tied it into M&K, which I thought was great.  It IS disappointing we didn't have any hatched this year in Rochester, but maybe next year................. thanks2

I'm not putting down the calendar-it's very nice but I'm not really familiar with 2 of the 3 Falcons so it doesn't really interest me enough to buy it. And why do we have to tie everything with M&K?  Mariah and Kaver haven't been here in over 2 years and I would imagine that there are many members of this Forum that don't even know who they are. We have 3 resident Peregrines who have been put on the shelf.  No 2011 ornaments of them, no mugs, no shirts, no calendar, etc.  If you go to the stores, the only merchandise that I found to have B&A's pics on are 2010 ornaments. The majority of stuff for sale contains Mariah and Kaver pics or the Rfalconcam logo.  Sure, we all loved M&K but don't you think it's time to move on and make new memories of what we have here now? I think MAK has a good idea that maybe it's time for Forum members to suggest what we want to see in the stores. I would love a mug and mousepad-anything with Archer and Beauty.  It's too bad that Unity is so hard to photograph being she's so far away to see. I hear she's a beautiful Falcon but I've never seen a good closeup of her.
I didn't mean it should tie in with M&K, but it did and M&K were Rochester.  You weren't familiar with those two of M&K's and personally I don't know the new couple and don't care who, just that it tied it somehow to Rochester.  Guess I should have left M&K out of the comment.  Ok back to my corner.

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« Reply #80 on: 11-Dec-11, 03:18:19 AM »

I  have been looking at my  2011 calendar - with pictures that I love,  but wondering what would be available for 2012.

I think with a change to the cover art, the calendar could be re-released for 2012. Lou put together that calendar. He would know best.

Lou - I have long admired your photo work, and  you and Dana are long time photographers of our falcons...I trust your work! 

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« Reply #81 on: 11-Dec-11, 03:28:11 AM »

I  have been looking at my  2011 calendar - with pictures that I love,  but wondering what would be available for 2012.

I think with a change to the cover art, the calendar could be re-released for 2012. Lou put together that calendar. He would know best.

Do you mean like this?

This 2012 Redux Calendar is a makeover of our 2011 calendar, with the exception of a new montage of pictures taken by our dedicated, out-on-the-street, falcon watcher, Margaret!  


In case you're wondering who Margaret is it's me...MAK! lol  Grin

MAK, this was getting too confusing for me to read....I knew I had the calendars, but I new it was you taking the pictures;   love them all!  ...margaret
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« Reply #82 on: 11-Dec-11, 11:10:07 AM »

...with the exception of a new montage of pictures taken by our dedicated, out-on-the-street, falcon watcher, Margaret! 


Just as an aside...I love the montage...perhaps it could be made into a T-shirt design?  And the 2011 montage, for that matter.  One of my regular go-to shirts is the watcher weekend montage you put together, Lou.  Or maybe we could do prints? A confession-I don't really use my home calendar for the dates-I flip around to whichever picture strikes me.  I keep coming back to the montage.  Just a thought.

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« Reply #83 on: 11-Dec-11, 04:29:22 PM »

...with the exception of a new montage of pictures taken by our dedicated, out-on-the-street, falcon watcher, Margaret! 


Just as an aside...I love the montage...perhaps it could be made into a T-shirt design?  And the 2011 montage, for that matter.  One of my regular go-to shirts is the watcher weekend montage you put together, Lou.  Or maybe we could do prints? A confession-I don't really use my home calendar for the dates-I flip around to whichever picture strikes me.  I keep coming back to the montage.  Just a thought.

Okay, Eileen. Easy enough. Here are some new products using your suggestion. 

Female T Shirt

Male T Shirt

Also, I added one more based on an email request..

Thanks for the suggestion.
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« Reply #84 on: 11-Dec-11, 04:48:47 PM »

...with the exception of a new montage of pictures taken by our dedicated, out-on-the-street, falcon watcher, Margaret! 


Just as an aside...I love the montage...perhaps it could be made into a T-shirt design?  And the 2011 montage, for that matter.  One of my regular go-to shirts is the watcher weekend montage you put together, Lou.  Or maybe we could do prints? A confession-I don't really use my home calendar for the dates-I flip around to whichever picture strikes me.  I keep coming back to the montage.  Just a thought.

Okay, Eileen. Easy enough. Here are some new products using your suggestion. 

Female T Shirt

Male T Shirt

Also, I added one more based on an email request..

Thanks for the suggestion.

Very nice!  The anonymous design is great too!   clap

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Carol P.
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« Reply #85 on: 04-Jan-12, 10:17:37 PM »

The 2012 Rochester Falcons in Toronto calendar is now for sale.

We have had the unique and wonderful experience of following our eyases: Rhea Mae (2006), Linn (2007), and Quest (2008), mature into adulthood and raise fledglings of their own. This calendar features pictures of them as eyases and fledglings in Rochester and as adults, along with their families, in Canada. Many thanks to our friends at the Canadian Peregrine Foundation for helping us share this experience.

The Merchandising team hopes you enjoy this calendar as much as we do, and we believe there is still plenty of time to order these as gifts to support rfalconcam.


I just wanted to let everyone know that I received my Rochester Falcons in Toronto calendar today and I love it.  The quality is outstanding and the pictures came out great.

I was very happy with how it turned out.   clap

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« Reply #86 on: 04-Jan-12, 10:28:55 PM »

The 2012 Rochester Falcons in Toronto calendar is now for sale.

We have had the unique and wonderful experience of following our eyases: Rhea Mae (2006), Linn (2007), and Quest (2008), mature into adulthood and raise fledglings of their own. This calendar features pictures of them as eyases and fledglings in Rochester and as adults, along with their families, in Canada. Many thanks to our friends at the Canadian Peregrine Foundation for helping us share this experience.

The Merchandising team hopes you enjoy this calendar as much as we do, and we believe there is still plenty of time to order these as gifts to support rfalconcam.


I just wanted to let everyone know that I received my Rochester Falcons in Toronto calendar today and I love it.  The quality is outstanding and the pictures came out great.

I was very happy with how it turned out.   clap

I also received my Rochester Falcons in Toronto calendars just before CHristmas.  One for me, and one for a friend in Florida.  This is a great calendar with Rhea Mae, Lynn and of course our Quest and Harlequin.
  Great shots and what a wonderful opportunity for Rochester and Toronto falcon lovers to collaborate.  Lovely pictures by all! 
 I only just saw the Wildlife Pictures Calendar thumbnails for the first time today, and they are great as well.  You are all so talented! 
Carol P.
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« Reply #87 on: 06-Jan-12, 10:53:07 PM »

I also received my Rochester Falcons in Toronto calendars just before CHristmas.  One for me, and one for a friend in Florida.  This is a great calendar with Rhea Mae, Lynn and of course our Quest and Harlequin.
  Great shots and what a wonderful opportunity for Rochester and Toronto falcon lovers to collaborate.  Lovely pictures by all!  
 I only just saw the Wildlife Pictures Calendar thumbnails for the first time today, and they are great as well.  You are all so talented!  - Margaret

Thanks for letting us know that you received your calendars and that you liked them Margaret.   wave

Peregrines know no borders.....
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