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Author Topic: Rhea Mae and Tiago's Webcam - Toronto - Canadian Peregrine Foundation  (Read 1639780 times)
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« Reply #735 on: 08-Jun-11, 10:48:08 PM »

Anne, so glad you are on a fledge watch!  And so cool that the rochester watchers are coming up there!  It is so different up there with such high buildings!!!!

You will be fine Anne!  And so lucky.  And all of you Rochester are the best, and Rhea Mae and Tiago's babies will be in fine hands with all of you watching. Yes, it will be different; Toronto is so different from our little city, but you are all such experienced watchers and have such a connection to RM that those fledglings are lucky!    Send lots of pictures and reports to all of us locked in couch potatoes.
Have fun and keep us "posted"!  Please?

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« Reply #736 on: 08-Jun-11, 11:04:10 PM »

Your excitment comes through in your report, Anne.  Have fun and enjoy the fledge watch.Keep us posted as we are all watching and reading.
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« Reply #737 on: 09-Jun-11, 07:56:03 AM »

!!! Thunderstorm, stay at home
June 08, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Linda Woods Reports:

All four chicks remain on the nest ledge. This afternoon, adults were seen doing touch and go and demonstrating flights skills. We couldn’t tell if the young ones were paying attention, because there  was no screaming of excitement from the kids. All was very quiet for the most part.

 A very threatening thunderstorm rolled through parts of the downtown area around 7p.m. Amazingly, some areas received hail and heavy winds and lots of rain. With the threatening weather we called the watch for the night around 7p.m.  I checked the webcam around 8p.m. and onward and had all four accounted for.

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« Reply #738 on: 09-Jun-11, 12:12:23 PM »

Looks like the zoomed view from the new cam is misbehaving today (better than earlier-new cam was out altogether), but all 4 are present and accounted for!

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« Reply #739 on: 09-Jun-11, 08:05:23 PM »

2nd Morning at the Sheraton Centre
June 09, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Harry Crawford Reports:

I got to the watch at 7:45am.  The chicks were fed at 6:30am [webcam
viewing].  Around 9am, the oldest chick was flapping and running
back and forth.  Most of the time, at least two chicks were visible
from ground level.  At 9:30am, an adult visited the nest ledge
briefly.  For about half an hour, none of the chicks were visible so
this was possibly another food drop.  Linda dropped by a bit later
and confirmed that all four chicks were on the nest ledge.  I left
just after 11:30am and the site was now being watched by Annie.
Posted on June 9, 2011 5:06 pm

And, as of right now, all 4 are still at home...though Sunshine fooled me there for a minute...thought it was Rhea Mae! 

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
« Reply #740 on: 09-Jun-11, 10:17:15 PM »

I had another good day on watch at the Sheraton Centre!  I went over at 10am and stayed until 4:30pm.  It was cooler today, at times cloudy, windy, but generally just comfortable.  One moment of holding my breath (or was that totally stop breathing!) -- one eyas almost became an unintentional fledgling, as it was standing out on the ledge, at the nestbox end, and suddenly flapped its beautiful wings and its front foot slipped and it tipped forward!  It then began to back-flap madly, caught its balance and regained its control, still on the ledge, and backed quickly into the nestbox, which was behind it!  It probably scared it more than me, but it would have been a close call!  hysterical It then did a "I'm in control" run from one end to the other of its home, fully flapping its wings, but in safety, away from the edge!!  That I can handle!!  happy

Tiago spent a very busy hour, in the early afternoon, "clearing the airspace" above the Sheraton.  There had been a fair number of Turkey Vultures, lots of seagulls flying around up there and then, within this hour, suddenly none, except Tiago!  It was really a good demonstration of Peregrine Power!!  He chased, did short stoops, struck at various birds and they moved along with no argument!!  Eventually the occasional seagull would pass through again, but not in any numbers!!  Rhea Mae spent the majority of her time sitting on various building tops that afforded her a clear view of the 43rd floor home of her eyases!  And then occasionally, one or the other would soar in to see the kids, presumably to make a drop of food.

So, my thoughts, after my first day, were proven right -- fledge watching involves hours of sitting, standing, patiently watching, broken occasionally by moments of shear terror!!

Back tomorrow, to see what it brings!!

Anne in Toronto
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« Reply #741 on: 09-Jun-11, 10:39:02 PM »

Very cool report Anne. A heart-stopper to boot! Good luck tomorrow and when they do fledge!!  Shocked

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« Reply #742 on: 10-Jun-11, 10:44:08 AM »

Sunshine still at home
June 09, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Linda Woods Reports:

All four were still on the ledge at 8p.m. this evening. Today the adults were seen giving flying lessons, but Sunshine wasn’t buying it. I think she was taking notes, but not really doing a lot of ‘testing her wings’ on the ledge, this evening. A food drop was done for the others around 6p.m.  Winds are really gusty at street level, whipping around these tall structures, which is really deceiving. It feels really cool out in the wind, but when I arrived at the King St. sight, the winds were calm and a very pleasant evening.

Perhaps tomorrow will be the day for a first flight.

2nd Morning at the Sheraton Centre
June 09, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Harry Crawford Reports:

I got to the watch at 7:45am.  The chicks were fed at 6:30am [webcam
viewing].  Around 9am, the oldest chick was flapping and running
back and forth.  Most of the time, at least two chicks were visible
from ground level.  At 9:30am, an adult visited the nest ledge
briefly.  For about half an hour, none of the chicks were visible so
this was possibly another food drop.  Linda dropped by a bit later
and confirmed that all four chicks were on the nest ledge.  I left
just after 11:30am and the site was now being watched by Annie.

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« Reply #743 on: 10-Jun-11, 11:47:43 AM »

Sheesh, they don't look fledge worthy yet.

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« Reply #744 on: 10-Jun-11, 12:00:28 PM »

Sheesh, they don't look fledge worthy yet.

I agree with the younger 2, but Sunshine & William are just about done shedding their fluff...


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« Reply #745 on: 10-Jun-11, 12:20:10 PM »

Sheesh, they don't look fledge worthy yet.

I agree with the younger 2, but Sunshine & William are just about done shedding their fluff...

Still would take a few days after to get their nerve up...NO?

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« Reply #746 on: 10-Jun-11, 12:22:33 PM »

I agree with the younger 2, but Sunshine & William are just about done shedding their fluff...

Still would take a few days after to get their nerve up...NO?

Yes, but once they're mostly feathers it could be any time

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« Reply #747 on: 10-Jun-11, 12:24:10 PM » went missing...sorry if it comes back again...

Without seeing their colour bands (must spell it right LOL) it's hard to tell, but I think it's Cinnamon on the nest tray...Sunshine on the ledge...Kate resting her head on the ledge...William by the back wall far end...

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
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« Reply #748 on: 10-Jun-11, 12:36:06 PM »

I agree with the younger 2, but Sunshine & William are just about done shedding their fluff...

Still would take a few days after to get their nerve up...NO?

Yes, but once they're mostly feathers it could be any time

I guess, look at Harrisburg, that one had white fluff when it fledged.

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« Reply #749 on: 10-Jun-11, 12:38:28 PM »

Well, I was right about Cinnamon!

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
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