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Author Topic: Rhea Mae and Tiago's Webcam - Toronto - Canadian Peregrine Foundation  (Read 1639781 times)
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« Reply #1005 on: 27-Jun-11, 06:26:53 PM »

Anne just called and asked me to pass it along that Cinnamon & Kate both fledged, did very well, and flew over to the building across the street, which is quite tall, and made it!  clap thumbsup
good news
Exciting! Great News! Greetings Carla

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« Reply #1006 on: 27-Jun-11, 06:52:45 PM »

Sometimes no news is not really good news.  But most of the time we don't know what becomes of the falcons.  With the web cams, it brings us right into their harsh world.  Just keep your fingers crossed.  I know you will have your eyes to the skies.
Still no news about Hope I suppose ? Greetings Carla
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« Reply #1007 on: 27-Jun-11, 08:26:25 PM »

Sunshine (I'm pretty sure) back for a visit

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
« Reply #1008 on: 27-Jun-11, 11:09:53 PM »

I've just got in from the fledge watch at the Sheraton Centre.  What an interesting day!  I arrived at 11:30am, in time to take over from Harry.  I'd already heard from Zoe that our two "cling-ons" had finally fledged.  And you all know this, too.  Great news!  They had both made it south across to the top of 120 Adelaide Street, were quite close to each other.  Sunshine joined them on and off all day, spent a lot of her time flying around, occasionally interacting with passing adults.

Finally, mid-afternoon, and without warning, Kate took off, did very well and returned to the top of 120.  This was the beginning of a number of quite good flights, pretty decent landings by her.  Her most interesting and heart-stopping was just after 8pm.  Suddenly she decided to return to the nest ledge...  Sunshine was up there...  She only made it to the 38th floor, landed on a small, slightly open window -- the kind that swings open from the bottom, only opens out about 10 inches -- and held on, flapping and flapping hard!  Suddenly, with a yank, that propelled her out backwards, prompted her to do a kind of flip and head west, she pulled away -- I think maybe a talon was stuck in the rubber molding around the window...  She certainly pulled the window open as far as it would go before escaping.  The beginning of this flight was a bit ragged, she looked like she was tiring and barely made it to the middle of the east wall of the Hilton Hotel.  And she grabbed a crack and just hung there, wings fully spread, tail spread, head peering around!  She looked all the world like a huge bat against the white wall!!  A stunning sight!!  She hung on for a good 4 minutes, finally released, beat her wings like mad and made it to the top of the next building south with little space or energy to spare!  I have never seen anything like it.  What a performance!  If she thought she would try to give us both heart attacks, she did well!!  I held my breath the whole time!!  Couldn't believe my eyes!!  Eventually, she left that building, headed back to 120, didn't quite make it, landed on a lower section of 130 Adelaide, but still up probably 20- 25 stories, and settled on the window washing apparatus for the night.  She was one tired little fledgling!!

Cinnamon.  Dearest little Cinnamon.  He didn't move too far all day.  Did some momentary flapping, moved about half-way across the north side of 120 over the day.  But never flew...  His moment might well come.  I still do have hope.  But he doesn't have the energy of his sisters, just wasn't prepared to leave the safety of his location.  Mostly stayed tucked up to the wall, safe from everything...  Does he remember with trepidation his last fledge?  Does he not feel strong enough?  Why is he so hesitant?  I just don't know.  He really wasn't going anywhere...

And I really don't know about the adults and feedings.  There may well have been a food drop before I arrived...  But there wasn't one until a good way through the afternoon and I saw no indication that Cinnamon got any of it...even approached...  The adults did fly by occasionally, did get chased by an ever kakking Sunshine.  But I don't understand the logistics or patterns of this food drop thing...  I certainly hope to see more interaction between the adults and the two newest fledglings tomorrow.  Certainly, I could have missed a drop, Linda could have.  We did have times when we were inside going upstairs to the 43rd floor, in buying another coffee, using the facilities...  But it all seemed to be lacking...  I feel really quite uneasy about the whole thing...

Anyway, still glancing up as we reluctantly walked away, we headed home at 9:20.  Truly hope that both Kate and Cinnamon stay where they are until the sun rises tomorrow morning.  I felt inspired by some of the efforts today, curious about why the adults were really nearby so little, where Sunshine and the adults disappeared to at the end of the day, nervous about Cinnamon and his future...  And will be back tomorrow to watch this whole thing unfold.  As it will...

Anne in Toronto
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« Reply #1009 on: 28-Jun-11, 05:49:19 AM »

I'm really shocked about the lack of feedings there. RM and Tiago, it doesn't sound like them. I guess only they know the reason for all this. Hope today is much better and little Cinni gets some good intake. Maybe Sunshine gloms it all when they try to take it to him. You know how big sister's are!! Thanks Anne.

Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #1010 on: 28-Jun-11, 05:55:20 AM »

I'm really shocked about the lack of feedings there. RM and Tiago, it doesn't sound like them. I guess only they know the reason for all this. Hope today is much better and little Cinni gets some good intake. Maybe Sunshine gloms it all when they try to take it to him. You know how big sister's are!! Thanks Anne.

Oh dear re that, Donna! We will all be fussing now.
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« Reply #1011 on: 28-Jun-11, 06:19:28 AM »

Rhea Mae in nest and NO kids on her tail! 6:19am

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« Reply #1012 on: 28-Jun-11, 10:21:36 AM »

In the past, I *think* that the adults feed them a little less when they are soon to fly.  Maybe they figure little Cinnamon has enough trouble lifting off without weighing him down with a lot of food.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

                Anatole France
« Reply #1013 on: 28-Jun-11, 11:01:38 AM »

I just got this from Zoe, a fellow watcher, who is at work, but saw Harry, our early morning watcher, on her coffee break:

"Harry can see all the family - the 2 [Kate and Cinnamon] are on the Bell building and Cinnamon has been doing several flights keeping height including the "E" on the Sheraton."

Well, that sounds positive!  The "E" is up higher than the nest ledge!!  Cinnamon is making good, despite the odds!  Maybe he got fed earlier this morning.  I sure do hope so!!  Just thought I'd let you all know.  I am heading down for 2pm today, needed a slight reprieve from going in earlier...  Will let you know about the day tonight.
Anne in Toronto
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« Reply #1014 on: 28-Jun-11, 12:32:03 PM »

I just got this from Zoe, a fellow watcher, who is at work, but saw Harry, our early morning watcher, on her coffee break:

"Harry can see all the family - the 2 [Kate and Cinnamon] are on the Bell building and Cinnamon has been doing several flights keeping height including the "E" on the Sheraton."

Well, that sounds positive!  The "E" is up higher than the nest ledge!!  Cinnamon is making good, despite the odds!  Maybe he got fed earlier this morning.  I sure do hope so!!  Just thought I'd let you all know.  I am heading down for 2pm today, needed a slight reprieve from going in earlier...  Will let you know about the day tonight.
Anne in Toronto

EXCELLENT!!! I'm so happy Cinni is doing well!! Thanks Anne!!!  2thumbsup
« Last Edit: 28-Jun-11, 02:08:28 PM by Shaky » Logged

Kris G.
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« Reply #1015 on: 28-Jun-11, 12:32:32 PM »

I just got this from Zoe, a fellow watcher, who is at work, but saw Harry, our early morning watcher, on her coffee break:

"Harry can see all the family - the 2 [Kate and Cinnamon] are on the Bell building and Cinnamon has been doing several flights keeping height including the "E" on the Sheraton."

Well, that sounds positive!  The "E" is up higher than the nest ledge!!  Cinnamon is making good, despite the odds!  Maybe he got fed earlier this morning.  I sure do hope so!!  Just thought I'd let you all know.  I am heading down for 2pm today, needed a slight reprieve from going in earlier...  Will let you know about the day tonight.
Anne in Toronto

This report sounds more hopeful for Cinnamon.  Thanks for the update!

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« Reply #1016 on: 28-Jun-11, 01:00:04 PM »

I just got this from Zoe, a fellow watcher, who is at work, but saw Harry, our early morning watcher, on her coffee break:
"Harry can see all the family - the 2 [Kate and Cinnamon] are on the Bell building and Cinnamon has been doing several flights keeping height including the "E" on the Sheraton."
Anne in Toronto

Thank you for the interim report, Anne...we're all worry worts...glad to hear Cinnamon is doing well so far!  Hoping he got one of those lessons in what NOT to do that Mark talks about!

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« Reply #1017 on: 28-Jun-11, 03:02:55 PM »

Although we got a sneak peek from Anne & Zoe (Anne, I forgot to ask you to thank Zoe too for passing the word) this report is bringing on the happy tears!  I personally think Cinnamon was waiting for Kate to be ready to fly and stayed with her until he knew she was OK.  clap  wub2

Cinnamon flying well
June 28, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Harry Crawford Reports:

When I arrived on site, I found that both Cinnamon and Kate had
moved from their last reported location last evening.  I couldn’t
see Cinnamon but Kate was on the upper railing of the old Bell
building.  One adult was visible.  By 8am, Cinnamon joined Kate on
the Bell building and both adults were on the north side of 130
Victoria.  Cinnamon is flying well.  Cinnamon is flying very well.
He made about five [about a block or more in length] flights,
maintaining height and landing well.  At one point, with Linda
watching from 43, he joined Sunshine for some flying.

Kate made about three flights, simply to relocate to different areas
of the Bell building.  She had no difficulty but these were not
challenging flights.  I would like to see her do some distance
flying.  Hopefully she will do so later today.
Posted on June 28, 2011 1:56 pm


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« Reply #1018 on: 28-Jun-11, 03:05:40 PM »

Although we got a sneak peek from Anne & Zoe (Anne, I forgot to ask you to thank Zoe too for passing the word) this report is bringing on the happy tears!  I personally think Cinnamon was waiting for Kate to be ready to fly and stayed with her until he knew she was OK.  clap  wub2

Hit enter too was Zephyr, wasn't it, who hung around waiting for Seneca to fledge?

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
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« Reply #1019 on: 28-Jun-11, 05:45:42 PM »

Zephyr hung out with Susan B after she was rescued also.  Like a protector brother!  Wish he would come back heart heart heart

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

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