Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Offspring => Topic started by: Joyce on 05-May-11, 06:52:35 PM

Title: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Joyce on 05-May-11, 06:52:35 PM
Some of you were wondering...where is Linn?  This was posted a few minutes ago on the Canadian Peregrine Foundation website...

!!! Yellow Pages Has Four Eggs!!
May 05, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Tracy Simpson Reports:

This afternoon, Marion and I took a trip up to the Yellow Pages nest to try and confirm the what and the where of the matter and had quite an exciting experience.  We walked the circumference of the building roof, fully expecting an exuberant adult to come charging in and yet managed to walk around and check each of the ledges without any interference…   …yet.  After seeing no adults and not one egg, we went for round two of the roof and to our delight were greeted by the adult female on the north side of the building.  Given her presence, vocalizations and swoops at us we knew that we must be close.  Another check of the northern ledges and we finally located the male on 4 eggs!!  He had squished himself into the corner of the ledge, a ledge which has ample room by the way, so that all that could be seen was his tail and wing tips.  He was all snuggled in there and sound asleep until the female sent up the alarm.  I was able to take lots of pictures of both resident adults and we have identified the female as Linn, a 2007 hatch from Rochester, New York.  We cannot confirm the identity of the male as of yet but it is suspected to be Rueben.  We will certainly be watching this site for a hatch and a confirmation on the resident male.  I will post pictures from today once I have had a chance to resize them so check back soon!!

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/)


Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 05-May-11, 06:56:46 PM
This is just getting better and better. OH THANK YOU JOYCE!!!The girls are all in Canada. 4 eggs too. My  :heart: is palping once again!!!.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 05-May-11, 07:06:28 PM
So I guess we can assume this is her and her mate?  :heart:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-May-11, 07:11:01 PM
 :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:

This is where she was seen when she was first ID'd up there back in ? ? ?  I wonder if she's had eggs before or if she was the female with the unhatched eggs the past couple of years there?  I don't know if they were ever able to ID who was there...

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 05-May-11, 07:13:14 PM
Wonderful news!     :clap:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 05-May-11, 07:20:51 PM
Thank you CPF!!!  Wonderful news!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 05-May-11, 08:13:30 PM
Okay...how many more of you are there???!!  Lol...great news, yay!   :notworthy: :notworthy:

(you know my secret theory that Angel may be a sibling of Mariah may not be so far fetched after all   :rolleyes:)

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 05-May-11, 08:21:25 PM
This is fabulous news!!!!!!  I remember when Linn was there a few years ago!  Thank you so much CPF!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Joyce on 05-May-11, 08:28:25 PM
:yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:

This is where she was seen when she was first ID'd up there back in ? ? ?  I wonder if she's had eggs before or if she was the female with the unhatched eggs the past couple of years there?  I don't know if they were ever able to ID who was there...

Ei - Linn was at Scarborogh-Bell in 2009. At that time, CPF thought that Reuben might be “servicing” two diferent females at two different nest sites.  Lawrie was at Yellow Pages.  Maybe Linn bided her time and has now paired with Reuben.  I haven't checked to see how far apart Bell and Yellow Pages are.

What is it with Canadian males servicing two females????


Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-May-11, 08:33:09 PM
Ei - Linn was at Scarborogh-Bell in 2009. At that time, CPF thought that Reuben might be “servicing” two diferent females at two different nest sites.  Lawrie was at Yellow Pages.  Maybe Linn bided her time and has now paired with Reuben.  I haven't checked to see how far apart Bell and Yellow Pages are.

What is it with Canadian males servicing two females????


Ah hah!  All I really remember without doing some digging (too tired tonight) is she was first seen at the building with the hack box in Scarborough...thanks!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 05-May-11, 08:44:55 PM

What is it with Canadian males servicing two females????


Checked on his background on the site and Rueben is/was an American born tiercel.   Maybe it's the Canadian beer  :devil:

The male at this nest site is named Rueben, and he is from the nest site at the Busch agricultural complex in Manitowoc, Manitowoc Country, Wisconsin. He was banded on May 9th, 2003, and has a black-over-green band on his left leg

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-May-11, 09:25:58 PM
This is such GREAT news!  M&K girls are strong, fierce Falcons.  Lots of good genes.   :clap:

When Linn was first seen, she was at Scarborough Bell on the hack box that was used to hack Tybropa Cree.  He was actually seen with Linn before he made the trip across the lake and met Mariah.  This is turning into quite the Peyton Place.   :happy:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 05-May-11, 09:48:56 PM
Wow. Step away for a few hours and all this news breaks.  Wonderful news about Linn.   I need a scorecard once more.  Our Rochester falcons are all over Canada spreading the genes of M and K.    This is so amazing to me that we can follow these magnificent creatures as they do what comes naturally! If we look at the blend....it's people, and technology, and nature and people, and nations and people, and organizations and nature, all coming together because of these creatures we love and support and admire. It is a privilege to observe the lives of these creatures from far and near. 

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bird Crazy on 05-May-11, 10:09:47 PM
What I want to know is Where the Boys are? our girls have gone to Canada so where are the boys, especially Zephyr? (I've wondered if he is the one in Buffalo last year, what was it an old grain elevator?)

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: dale on 05-May-11, 10:19:38 PM
Excellent!!! I was just thinking about that bird!
I emailed the great news to Linn Pierson's friends.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 05-May-11, 11:40:21 PM
Linn, in her best bat imitation

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: dale on 05-May-11, 11:57:58 PM
Linn, in her best bat imitation

Thanks, Jeanne - I remember that. The kind of bizarre thing you only see the first couple of days

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Annette on 06-May-11, 01:23:52 AM
That are wonderful news about Linn!  :bguitar:  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 06-May-11, 05:11:04 AM
Where the Boys are?

"...someone waits for me..."   :whistle:  Connie Francis, Florida, Spring Break

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 06-May-11, 05:13:13 AM
Thank you CPF!!!  Wonderful news!!

:ditto:  Love this!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 06-May-11, 07:27:35 AM
Linn on Ped bridge after fledging.

Linn from Rochester New York is back at Scarborough Bell nest Site and has found a friend. They are in full blown courtship mode!!
May 13, 2009 - Scarborough - Bell
Mark Nash Reports:

It appears that the adult peregrines on site at Scarborough Bell building were more than active today to say the least!!  After hooking up with Marion and Bruce on site in the late afternoon and  early evening after a flurry of telephone calls from Marion to hurry up and get there with the camera, I was blown away by the amount of observations that that that the two had witnessed.  The adult pair were observed in full courtship mode, with at least 8 copulations having been witnessed in less than three hours.  With lots of vocalizing, and many short flights with the pair in and out of the hack box on numerous occasions.  While the adult male never gave them a real good look at his leg bands, the adult female did, exposing her Black over Green band,  91 over V.  After checking my e-mail communication from our good friends in Rochester from last year, it appears that the adult is non-other than Linn, produced in Rochester New York at the Kodak nest site in 2007. She was photographed and observed several times last year with an adult male also wearing a Black over Green coloured leg band and a pinkish /purple coloured USFW band,, both at the Scarborough water tower and the Bell building.   While the photos I have are not the best and were taken after all of the best action had finished,  it does show an decent view of Linn as she appeared from the inside of the hack box.  Look for Marion’s report

The last to fledge in 2007. I remember that so well. She just laid there and watched the others.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 06-May-11, 07:36:32 AM
Linn red
Grace blue
Sacajawea yellow
Ananta silver  from 2007   

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 06-May-11, 05:09:48 PM
Thanks Dale!  I'm sure they'll be very happy to hear this news.   :happy:

Excellent!!! I was just thinking about that bird!
I emailed the great news to Linn Pierson's friends.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 06-May-11, 05:11:36 PM
Also known as the GALS! (Grace, Ananta, Linn & Sacajawea)!!!

Linn red
Grace blue
Sacajawea yellow
Ananta silver  from 2007   

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Joyce on 06-May-11, 05:48:47 PM

What is it with Canadian males servicing two females????


Checked on his background on the site and Rueben is/was an American born tiercel.   Maybe it's the Canadian beer  :devil:

The male at this nest site is named Rueben, and he is from the nest site at the Busch agricultural complex in Manitowoc, Manitowoc Country, Wisconsin. He was banded on May 9th, 2003, and has a black-over-green band on his left leg

:hysterical: That's too funny.  Here I am accusing Reuben of being Canadian.  Canadian beer...Busch Complex.  Must be some connection.  So once the male is confirmed, we might have a US pair residing in Scarborough.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 06-May-11, 05:55:07 PM

What is it with Canadian males servicing two females????


Checked on his background on the site and Rueben is/was an American born tiercel.   Maybe it's the Canadian beer  :devil:

The male at this nest site is named Rueben, and he is from the nest site at the Busch agricultural complex in Manitowoc, Manitowoc Country, Wisconsin. He was banded on May 9th, 2003, and has a black-over-green band on his left leg

:hysterical: That's too funny.  Here I am accusing Reuben of being Canadian.  Canadian beer...Busch Complex.  Must be some connection.  So once the male is confirmed, we might have a US pair residing in Scarborough.

Very cool eh?

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 08-May-11, 03:07:33 PM
!! Yellow Pages Has Four Eggs!! Linn from Rochester identified as the resident female!
May 05, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Tracy Simpson Reports:
Marion and I attended the Yellow Pages site today to follow up on how the nest at this location is progressing. At last visit, there were two eggs on the northwestern ledge that the territorial pair were attending to. Today’s check in revealed that two more eggs have been added to the nest scrape for a total of four. While attending the site, Marion and I were both carefully inspected by the residential pair and we were able to get not only pictures of the two adults, but firm identification on their band numbers as well. The resident female is Linn, hatched in 2007 in Rochester, New York and banded Black 91 over Green V.  The male is Rueben, banded Black 43 over Green M, hatched in 2003 at the Busch Agricultural Center in Wisconsin.


Linn spent a lot of time back in Nov. 07 - Jan 08 at the old CPF Scarborough Bell hack site and was unsucessful in producing eggs with Rueben in the summer of 2009. Rueben was also the resident territorial male at the Yellow pages nest site during this same time.  We will continue to check back in with this pair and follow the progress of this nest. I will also be posting pictures of the adults once I have had time to resize them so check back soon!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bonnie on 08-May-11, 08:24:16 PM
Rochester falcons rule! Watch out, Canada.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 09-May-11, 05:05:59 AM

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 09-May-11, 05:05:26 PM
I truly hope that Lawrie is ok.  That she is flying free and taking a break from raising young.  Be safe Lawrie where ever you are.   :wub:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 10-May-11, 06:54:03 PM
I was just looking at CPF site, and they have posted four pictures of Linn and Reuben.  (I'd have copied them to this post, but I don't know how

There are four pics; neither is identified, but from the size, I'd guess that three of the pics are of Linn.
If it is Linn, she is gorgeous!   Looks like her mom.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 10-May-11, 07:23:52 PM



Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 10-May-11, 07:27:01 PM
 :clap:  Great photos! I don't think there is such a thing as a bad Peregrine pic. I love them all!!! Thanks!  ;D

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 10-May-11, 07:27:27 PM
http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/linn-and-rueben-photos-are-here/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/linn-and-rueben-photos-are-here/) Beautiful pics, here's the link!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 10-May-11, 07:27:37 PM
What a handsome couple  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 10-May-11, 07:38:39 PM
She is gorgeous!  A very handsome couple!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bonnie on 10-May-11, 08:40:55 PM
She does look a lot like Mariah.  Let's hope she has the personalities of both her mother and her namesake.  Nobody messed with Linn P either.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 10-May-11, 09:01:43 PM
Beautiful pictures!  Thanks Tracy and Marion!   :clap:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 11-May-11, 05:15:17 AM
Beautiful pictures!  Thanks Tracy and Marion!   :clap:


Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: BIGFRANK on 13-May-11, 01:17:04 PM
I got this photo of Linn in the winter of 2007/08 sorry dont know the date anymore. She was on a flagpole near our Bell site. She has been in the area for some time it would appear. U can see she is still very much the juvenile in the photo!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 13-May-11, 04:37:37 PM
I got this photo of Linn in the winter of 2007/08 sorry dont know the date anymore. She was on a flagpole near our Bell site. She has been in the area for some time it would appear. U can see she is still very much the juvenile in the photo!

Thanks Frank!  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 21-May-11, 08:50:49 AM
Linn is a mother!!!   :clap: :2thumbsup:

!!! We have a Hatch - May 18th!
May 21, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:
May 20th 2011

Great news indeed! A huge thank you to the Yellow Pages security and their of their support, we were able to confirm a hatch today. Today offered the first sunny day after more than a week of blustery winds and rain, we were finally able todo another site visit to check on the Yellow Pages birds. We are very excited to report that todays observations yeilded a confirmation of a hatch! Given the visual we were able to get of the hatchling, it is believed that the young hatchling is approx. three days old. While the resident adult female was not giving much up as she stay firmly planted to the nest bowl, we did get a peek of at least one new born hatchling. The resident male was on hand to show his support to his mate, although the pair were very quiet throughout our visit. We believe that the young hatchling was hatched on Wednesday May 18th given its size.. We were unable to see any unhatch eggs or other young during this visit, but it is believed that their could be more young that have hatched.

Stay tuned…..(Mark is posting photos to CPF right now.)

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 21-May-11, 09:20:57 AM
Oh this is such great news, now we wait on Quest. Thanks!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Annette on 21-May-11, 09:28:54 AM
That are really great news!  :2thumbsup:  :bguitar:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 21-May-11, 09:35:06 AM
Now, that is really good news! Just a month ago, I was walking on windy hills near The Cloisters in far northern Manhattan, looking across the Hudson to the Palisades, and thinking of Linn Pierson.  That brought to mind her falcon namesake, who seemed to have vanished.  I thought of how fleeting life was, forgetting that life had its own thoughts about that.


Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 21-May-11, 09:52:48 AM
Now, that is really good news! Just a month ago, I was walking on windy hills near The Cloisters in far northern Manhattan, looking across the Hudson to the Palisades, and thinking of Linn Pierson.  That brought to mind her falcon namesake, who seemed to have vanished.  I thought of how fleeting life was, forgetting that life had its own thoughts about that.


Miracles do happen Paul! Bless Linn P.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: anneintoronto on 21-May-11, 12:25:53 PM
Linn Pierson will never be forgotten!  What an extraordinary person!  I always counted myself extremely lucky to have been her friend.  I learned so much from her!!

And this Linn is amazing, too!  Great news on the confirmed hatch!!  Thanks, carly and Mark!  She and her mate have a beautiful day here today, to work on feeding that (? those) hungry eyas!!

Anne in Toronto

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 21-May-11, 12:41:49 PM

It looks like 2 eyases in there. Hard to tell but....

Thank you CPF!!!

What a pretty falcon she is. Like her momma!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 21-May-11, 12:42:14 PM
Yay!  Good news for Linn and her hatch.  Thank you to Mark Nash and CPF for sharing.
Now it's Quest's turn!   Hope to see pictures soon.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 21-May-11, 12:50:38 PM
Reuben on guard! NICE!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 21-May-11, 01:09:35 PM

It looks like 2 eyases in there. Hard to tell but....

Thank you CPF!!!

What a pretty falcon she is. Like her momma!!

Definitely beautiful like Mariah!  I'm so happy for Linn and Reuben!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 21-May-11, 03:34:25 PM

It looks like 2 eyases in there. Hard to tell but....

Thank you CPF!!!

What a pretty falcon she is. Like her momma!!

Look at the size of those stones! Imagine having your mama sit on you with those suckers underneath you ! Ouch!!!  ;D She is stunning!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 21-May-11, 04:58:41 PM
Wow!  How beautiful she is!   :wub:

and maybe TWO tiny eyases!   :hatch1: :hatch1:

She is the spitting image of her momma Mariah, with a bit of Kaver's sweetness around her eyes.  Just lovely.   :'(

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bonnie on 21-May-11, 07:38:00 PM
I passed the info and link on to NJ Fish and Wildlife.  But they have their own Linn from 101 Hudson, aka Jersey City, also named in 2008.  Again Linn P is turning over in her grave.  I expect an email from her shortly, if they have email in heaven. 

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 28-May-11, 07:17:21 AM
I have some news to cheer you this sad morning...Linn has 3 babies!!!!   She's a messy housekeeper apparently but they've now confirmed 3 eyases at the site!!!

Details and photos of the three babies here:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/3-hatchlings-resident-adult-male-black-43-over-m-still-on-site/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/3-hatchlings-resident-adult-male-black-43-over-m-still-on-site/)

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 28-May-11, 07:18:12 AM
Thank goodness! A reason to cheer!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 28-May-11, 07:55:08 AM

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 28-May-11, 08:17:22 AM
A sloppy housekeeper..love Mark's wording. She'll learn as time goes on. Great for them with 3 hatching's.

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Annette on 28-May-11, 08:37:31 AM
I have some news to cheer you this sad morning...Linn has 3 babies!!!!   She's a messy housekeeper apparently but they've now confirmed 3 eyases at the site!!!

Details and photos of the three babies here:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/3-hatchlings-resident-adult-male-black-43-over-m-still-on-site/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/3-hatchlings-resident-adult-male-black-43-over-m-still-on-site/)
That are very good news!   :bguitar:  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 28-May-11, 12:26:39 PM
A sloppy housekeeper..love Mark's wording. She'll learn as time goes on. Great for them with 3 hatching's.

Good for Linn!  Three eyases!   But she is one sloppy nest keeper!    Needs some lessons!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 05-Jun-11, 07:16:49 AM
!!! 3 Hatchlings confirmed!
June 04, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

A quick visit today during a short break in the rain paid off. With a very quiet approach once we got to the roof, also paid off. Just as we arrived at the nest ledge, the clouds moved away and the sun appeared and lit up the entire building. We got really lucky indeed and the photos say it all!

Our approach was so quiet and with the sun at our backs, I managed to capture a few shots of Linn and her 3 new family members before she caught wind me. From that point onwards, our visit got progressively more interesting and intense!

It only took Linn but a second to take flight from the corner of the nest ledge where she was sunny herself with her three new hatchlings, and from that point onwards, both Paul and I spend the entire time scrambling and ducking to get to the access door and and to the safety of the concrete walls.

Linn is most certainly a Mariah offspring!! I have felt the wrath of Mariah during my visits to Rochester NY while I was atop of the Kodak tower with the DEC when we satellite tagging, and I can tell you that Linn is a full contact body hitting peregrine, just like her mother!!! Fierce and feisty! No pain, no gain type of gal!

We were asked to leave the roof area by Linn, and we obliged her,,, VERY QUICKLY!!

(Mark got some good photos of Linn doing her Mariah impression: http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/06/sightings/3-hatchlings-for-linn/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/06/sightings/3-hatchlings-for-linn/))

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 05-Jun-11, 07:32:47 AM
Ohhh Mariah for  sure!  :devil: And look at that baby of hers.
Linn is a full contact body hitting peregrine, just like her mother!!! Fierce and feisty! No pain, no gain type of gal!
Love it!!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 05-Jun-11, 07:37:18 AM
Looks like Linn's housekeeping skills may have improved  :clap: 

She is 100% her mother!  She is wearing what Rich always refered to as Mariah's "cranky look"  ;)  Love it!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Annette on 05-Jun-11, 07:48:00 AM
 goodnews: Linn has also eyases!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 05-Jun-11, 09:31:54 AM
One fierce looking peregrine!  ;D

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 05-Jun-11, 10:48:47 AM
I love Mark's descriptions!!!!  Linn is her mama's daughter for sure! :heart: :wub:

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 05-Jun-11, 12:43:16 PM
In those pictures that Mark Nash posted, Linn certainly does look like Mariah! 

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Jun-11, 12:56:56 PM
In those pictures that Mark Nash posted, Linn certainly does look like Mariah! 

She sure does!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: chlosmom on 05-Jun-11, 05:31:13 PM

to: mark nash----your tale about Linn and her babies was breathtaking---
it was amusing, yet stirring at the same time---although i'm in CA--i felt
 that i could have been there next to you in scarsborugh (sp)--you have a
very special gift--thanks for it sharing with me---j (also known as chlosmon)

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carla on 05-Jun-11, 05:51:28 PM
Ohhh Mariah for  sure!  :devil: And look at that baby of hers.
Linn is a full contact body hitting peregrine, just like her mother!!! Fierce and feisty! No pain, no gain type of gal!
Love it!!
Yes indeed she's Mariah's daughter.Cute little eyas

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: BIGFRANK on 08-Jun-11, 10:42:30 AM
Banding day is June 10th. Watch the CPF page for pics late that night or the next day. It will be another busy day of banding. Folks at Yellow Pages are very excited.  Marion will be looking for help with the watch..Rochester gals what U doing about 1o-14 days after the banding ?  ;)

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 08-Jun-11, 10:50:46 AM
Banding day is June 10th. Watch the CPF page for pics late that night or the next day. It will be another busy day of banding. Folks at Yellow Pages are very excited.  Marion will be looking for help with the watch..Rochester gals what U doing about 1o-14 days after the banding ?  ;)

I so wish I could!

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 11-Jun-11, 05:49:33 AM
Banding Day at the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site. 3 healthy chicks!1
Mark Nash Reports:

A very good day indeed at the Yellow Pages nest site! A huge thank you to the management and staff at Yellow Pages for hosting the banding in the lobby for all to see again this year, it was very well attended and a huge success! 3 very healthy chicks were banded this afternoon, 2 males and 1 girl named Striker, Jet, and Rhiannon. Both resident adult peregrine parents were on hand to voice their opinion and defend the nest and the entire event went like clockwork without incident. With a packed lobby of spectators, the three young hatchlings were sexed, banded, named and quickly examined to check their overall health and returned to their parents on the nest ledge after a quick photo shoot, all in record time.

A big thank you to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources for all of their support and for banding the young chicks, and to our special visitors from Rochester New York who travelled up from New State to see the banding.

The new resident adult female named Lyn was produced in 2007 in Rochester New York, banded Black 91 over Green V. The resident adult male is still Rueben, produced in 2003 from Wisconsin USA, banded Black 43 over Green M

Title: Re: Linn - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 12-Jun-11, 06:57:54 AM
Yellow Pages Banding Photos are Here!!!
June 11, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Tracy Simpson Reports:

It was another fantastic banding at the Yellow Pages building today with a great crowd in attendance.  A big thank you to all that attended and helped to name our three newest baby falcons Striker, Jet and Rhiannon.  It was also great to see the crew from Rochester, New York at the banding as Linn, the resident female, was hatched there and the ladies were ecstatic to see that Linn was now celebrating a family of her own right here in Toronto!!  Enjoy the pictures!!

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/06/sightings/yellow-pages-banding-photos-are-here/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/06/sightings/yellow-pages-banding-photos-are-here/) pics

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 15-Jun-11, 09:45:34 PM
Can I tell you something?  Linn is a Mariah look-a-like, right down to a split wing tip on the right wing.  Truly beautiful.   :wub:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carla on 16-Jun-11, 04:25:46 AM
Can I tell you something?  Linn is a Mariah look-a-like, right down to a split wing tip on the right wing.  Truly beautiful.   :wub:
She is Great!  :sunshine:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 16-Jun-11, 05:26:36 AM

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Jun-11, 01:22:29 PM
Photos at the link... Juvies get dinner (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/06/sightings/the-three-faces-of-mischief-and-full-crops-jsut-in-time-for-bed/)

!!! The three faces of mischief and full crops just in time for bed!
June 21, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

June 21st-2011

A visit to the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site this afternoon after the Don Mills banding to find all three hatchlings looking very good and almost ready to take their first flights. With all three of the chicks still on the nest ledge watching both of their parents very closely as they soared around in the winds above the nest building.

Upon my arrival, I tooo witnessed the incredible ariel display by both parents that lasted some 17 plus minutes as they soared around the top of the nest building and what was so spectacular, neither of the adults flapped their wings during the entire time. Utilizing the constant breezes, the adults did more than a dozen figure-eights and oval circles as they dove and stooped the three hatchling in the nest ledge and circled the building.

While spectacular to see, (and an obvious action on behalf of the parents to show the kids just how easy flight can be), I can only hope that the three hatchlings are reading more into the demonstration! As unskilled juveniles, (and still non-flighted), lets hope that they don’t believe that flight also needs allot of flapping to stay aloft!!

At around 6:30 pm, mom made a spectacular stoop on a pigeon hitting it mid air and in the same motion retrieved it before it dropped to the ground. She flew off to a roof top of a tall hi-rise building to the west and I watched her pluck it and removed what seemed to be hundreds of feathers as they swirled around in the wind and floated all over the horizon.

She finally flew over to the nest ledge and proceeded to beak feed the three chicks on waiting patiently on the nest ledge. A very tender moment indeed, and one that lasted some 20 minutes while I snapped hundreds of photos from my ground observation.

One of the hatchlings was waiting on the upper rim of the nest ledge, while a second hatchling was observed popping up and down from the nest ledge to the upper rim returning back to the interior of the nest ledge, and the third hatchling refused to jump up to the nest ledge rim seemingly unsure of the upper nest ledge position. The resident adult female beak fed them in their standing positions and all of the hatchlings seemed to get their full share.

Just as quickly as it happen, the adult female flew off the nest ledge with a small piece landing on the ledge directly above the nest ledge and proceeded to eat the small leftover. All three hatchlings disappeared to from the nest ledge rim down into the nest ledge and was never seen again during this watch. By 9pm, and now almost dark given the heavy over cast and clouds, I closed down the watch for the day and proceeded to the downtown Toronto King Street fledge watch to help Marion and Linda with their watch close down, and do the final examination and release of the young fledgling Cinnamon back to the Toronto Sheraton hotel nest site.

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Jun-11, 01:22:56 PM
All is well and everyone is still on the nest ledge so far, no fledges as yet.
June 22, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

No action yet!
June 22nd -2011

Kathy reports today that all three hatchlings are still on the nest ledge and although there is some flapping going on with at one of the older hatchlings, they are all still hanging tight to the nest ledge with not much eagerness to take their first flights. Both Linn and Rueben (the resident adults) are still closely attending and now starting to tease the the three hatchlings more often throughout the day trying to encourage them to start taking their first flights. By watch close, (and very consistent of this nest site), all three chicks seem to turn in long before darkness and disappear put of our view into the nest ledge and are inactive until darkness. After consulting with Marion who has spent hundreds of hours out here on the fledge watches in the previous years, it appears that this nest site is most unusual compared to many of the other nest sites that we have been monitoring and doing fledge watches over the past 17 years, in that the hatchlings historically become very inactive much earlier in the evening that many of the other nest site juveniles. By 8:37pm, and once again, all three hatchlings were tucked down in on the nest ledge out of our sight and down for the night.
Stay tuned……

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Jun-11, 07:55:33 PM
I posted this earlier in the wrong spot so am reposting it here:  :paperbag:

!!! One real fledge, one slipped off the ledge, and one still at home!
June 24, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:
June 23 & June 24 - 2011
Its been a busy couple of days and there has not been enough time in the day (or night) to do many postings given all of the time we’re spending in th streets doing some very long days and not getting much computer time.
Friday June 24 was the busy day at Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site when Kathy reported from Scarborough Yellow pages that Striker - 97 over Y first took his first flight ending up on an upper ledge around to the south east side of the Yellow Pages building. There his spent most of the day running back and forth across the ledge much to the delight of the occupants in the office suite.
Paul and Michelle later attended the office suites on the 11th floor to get a better look at him where they were able to confirm that despite his rather loud and hard impact with the glass prior to him falling down the face of the building where finally ended up on the ledge, that he was alright. Michelle and other office occupants took some great photos.

Marion and I arrived just shortly after 4pm to relieve Kathy and Michelle and witnessed several small feedings by Linn and Reuben. At approx. 7pm, with gusty and constant winds prevailing most of the day, little Jet - 98 over Y was actually blown off the nest ledge rim and was swept into the air. With little wing flapping going on at all, Marion watched in horror as he fell almost straight down the side of the building and was finally caught by the first ledge some 6 stories down. Thank goodness he at least opened his wings during his decent as they softened his fall.
Moments later, he did appear from the back of the ledge and spent the balance of the evening running back and forth on the ledge screaming to his parents for food as they soared around overhead.

Striker later took his second short flight gaining a little altitude as he round the building to the north west side and landed on yet another ledge at the same level as his brother Jet, but sadly not a connecting ledge. By dark, the two fledglings bedded down for the evening.

Rihannon - 53 over X stayed in the nest ledge all day with very little flapping through out the day, and received several feedings from her parents.

We closed the watch down at 9:45pm looking forward to returning in the morning to continue the watch.
Stay tuned…..

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 26-Jun-11, 11:28:42 AM
!!! Frustrating day indeed, but all five grins in our view by the end of the day!
June 25, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

Saturday june 25th - 2011
Its started with one of those days that you eat adrenaline for breakfast as my arrival this morning was met with only one fledgling and only one adult in view. The little fledgling named “Jet” was still on the upper concrete ledges where he had fallen (or been pushed) from the nest ledge yesterday, but the other two juveniles were no where to be found.

After more than 25 laps on foot around the nest building and a marathon walk throughout the commercial district to the east, south, and west checking every roof top and leading edge over the next five hours, I must admit that I felt defeated and at a loss as to where the other two juveniles were.

By 2pm, finally Rhiannon surfaced from the bowls of nest ledge up to the rim and in my view. OK, two hatchlings in view at the same time, but still no Striker, the first fledgling to take flights yesterday that had spent most of his day on the east side of the building on an 11th floor ledge.

By late in the afternoon Kathy and family arrived with reinforcements that helped out with a walkabout and search the grounds again, sadly with no luck of sighting striker..

Throughout the day, the resident adult female - (Linn) was on site most of the day in my view and brought in several little food packages to Jet in between the bursts of rain. Sadly, she gave absolutely no indication or hint as to where her kids were all day,, other than the obvious, she was not leaving the site and on guard all day long. With the resident adult male absent, I was convinced that Striker has most certainly flown off before my arrival this morning, and Reuben was out on his position watching him.

By 3pm, and just as Kathy and family were about to depart, Striker finally popped up into our sight from the back of the same ledge on the west side where Rhiannon had been visible on all day!

By 4 pm, Marion finally arrived from the downtown Sheraton fledge watch and spent the balance of the day and evening with me until we closed the watch off.

By 7:30pm, Reuben- (the resident adult male) finally arrived on site and in our view that allowed Linn an opportunity to leave her guarding posts and went out to get more food for the kids.

Over the next two plus hours, Linn fed both Rhiannon in the nest twice with a very small package of food that was brought in to Jet, but Striker did not get food today

The constant gusty winds, heavy overcast and bursts of rain really made for a crappy fledge watch and seemingly has kept everyone holding tight on the ledges for most of the day. By 10pm, with all five grins in our view, we closed the watch for the day and departed for home.

Stay tuned………..
Posted on June 26, 2011 10:03 am
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Striker & Jet

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 28-Jun-11, 06:54:44 PM
 :thumbsup: :foxbinocs:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 04-Jul-11, 03:41:28 PM
!!! It’s amazing how a week can change things at one location!
July 02, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 2 - 2011
It’s amazing how a week can change things at one location.
With a free evening, I headed down to the Yellow Pages nest sight with camera in tow and was this aviation enthusiast treated to some spectacular flying by all the young ones and their parents.
At first it was what appeared to be dad and the red banded chick practicing food exchanges.
Then along came another chick from the nest building and, much to my surprise, the two chicks started impersonating mom and dad doing mock food exchanges with each other while flying through the air!
Both young ones eventually landed on the Investor’s Group building where, while only sitting for a minute, one of the juvie’s didn’t really like my presence and just like mom and dad started screeching at me before taking off towards me while the other bird, still sitting on the ledge, watched with amusement.
It was at this time that the young peregrine landed on the top of the high arch on the eastern side of the Investor’s Group building and, lo and behold, mom was sitting on the little bar jutting out to the north. Dad was on the south west corner of the Investor’s Group building after stooping at a red tailed hawk which was across the street at the Orthodox church. The third juvenile then appeared out of nowhere and landed on the north east corner of the building due south of the Investor’s Group building.
With sunlight quickly diminishing at about 8:15pm, the female then abandoned her perch with the juvenile who was sitting at the top of the arch flying directly behind her towards the Yellow Pages building. They reached the building and then proceeded to circle the building 4 times before both came to a landing on the antennae on the eastern side of the building.
During this time, the male and the other 2 juveniles remained perched on the Investor’s Group building and the building adjacent to it.
At approximately 8:30pm there was a boisterous sound from the Yellow Pages building where mom returned to the building with a fresh kill. She circled the building and landed on an open antenna with the juvenile then landing on the same antenna to consume the kill. Feathers could be seen flying everywhere from the antenna.
When I left the area at about 8:45pm, the adult female and one of the juveniles were on the Yellow Pages building and the adult male and 2 other juveniles were on the 2 buildings to the west.
It was a perfect evening, and all flights seen were not only strong but lengthy, showing that the skills of their parents have definitely been passed on to these young.
Attila Papp
Posted on July 4, 2011 11:48 am


Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 04-Jul-11, 04:22:19 PM
What a great report and the pics......WOW!! Go Linn and Reuben!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 04-Jul-11, 07:05:43 PM
I agree!  Great report and awesome pics!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 04-Jul-11, 10:51:29 PM
 :clap: :thumbsup: :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 05-Jul-11, 12:04:51 AM
What a great report and the pics......WOW!! Go Linn and Reuben!  :2thumbsup:


Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 05-Jul-11, 12:33:06 AM
Yes to the grand eyases!   Lynn and Reuben and babies!     Fly high and fly strong!   

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Braveheart2665 on 05-Jul-11, 08:35:58 PM
Thanks for the reports -so glad all are doing well - Awesome pictures  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 06-Jul-11, 09:06:20 AM
!!! All 3 fledglings playing and learning
July 04, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

Ann Reports
Wow action with all three juvenile peregrines
They were all talon touching and flying together.
Not great shots but fun to watch.

 Awesome shots!!

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 06-Jul-11, 09:38:48 AM
GREAT shots! The Red Arrows could learn something.

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Annette on 06-Jul-11, 02:27:07 PM
Wonderful pictures!  :notworthy:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 06-Jul-11, 04:55:03 PM

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 06-Jul-11, 05:32:28 PM

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: chlosmom on 07-Jul-11, 12:36:14 AM
i think they're great shots--ty

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-Jul-11, 06:45:45 AM
Looks like Ann Brokelman is not addicted like the rest of us...visiting Linn today instead of Quest!  Pics at the link! (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/07/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages-lots-of-falcon-action-tonight/)

Scarborough Yellow Pages - lots of falcon action tonight
July 20, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Ann Brokelman Reports:

I arrived at the Yellow Pages building at 6:00pm to see Linn sitting on the NE corner and one juvenile eating on the S centre side.

Within 15 minutes the activity started.  One male was hovering on the top of the building, the female joined in.  They played catch me if you can, talon touching, the speed was incredible.  Stooping at each other, turning right, then left then straight down.  For appr 10 minutes the two juveniles played around the building.  They then moved to the building on the south side (beyond the parking lot), I was surprised to see both of them sitting on the light stand right above me.  It was the female (red tag) and Jet.  Well they looked at me but didn’t go anywhere.  Suddenly the 3rd male peregrine juvenile joined them and  went on the attack.  That got all three up and playing over the parking lot and then toward the 401.  They were over the highway for a good 3 minutes chasing, diving, playing.  They then moved to the building to the east of the photo lab and were seen diving at each other and landing on the top of the building.  They were still having a heck of a good time when I had to leave.  I stopped in after going to a meeting 8:15pm and no sign of them.

I tell you that is what you call amazing, fantastic and totally wild.  You need to go and watch this behaviour as it is really too hard to describe but well worth the drive to Scarborough.  I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.
Posted on July 20, 2011 9:03 pm
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 21-Jul-11, 08:21:10 AM

 I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.

I was reminded last week that we used to call ground hogs "swearwords" here. Five points to anyone who can come up with the name of the person who originated it.

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 21-Jul-11, 08:23:55 AM

 I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.

I was reminded last week that we used to call ground hogs "swearwords" here. Five points to anyone who can come up with the name of the person who originated it.

Don't suppose it was Dorothy Parker...

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 21-Jul-11, 11:00:51 AM
Looks like Ann Brokelman is not addicted like the rest of us...visiting Linn today instead of Quest!  Pics at the link! (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/07/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages-lots-of-falcon-action-tonight/)

Scarborough Yellow Pages - lots of falcon action tonight
July 20, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Ann Brokelman Reports:

I arrived at the Yellow Pages building at 6:00pm to see Linn sitting on the NE corner and one juvenile eating on the S centre side.

Within 15 minutes the activity started.  One male was hovering on the top of the building, the female joined in.  They played catch me if you can, talon touching, the speed was incredible.  Stooping at each other, turning right, then left then straight down.  For appr 10 minutes the two juveniles played around the building.  They then moved to the building on the south side (beyond the parking lot), I was surprised to see both of them sitting on the light stand right above me.  It was the female (red tag) and Jet.  Well they looked at me but didn’t go anywhere.  Suddenly the 3rd male peregrine juvenile joined them and  went on the attack.  That got all three up and playing over the parking lot and then toward the 401.  They were over the highway for a good 3 minutes chasing, diving, playing.  They then moved to the building to the east of the photo lab and were seen diving at each other and landing on the top of the building.  They were still having a heck of a good time when I had to leave.  I stopped in after going to a meeting 8:15pm and no sign of them.

I tell you that is what you call amazing, fantastic and totally wild.  You need to go and watch this behaviour as it is really too hard to describe but well worth the drive to Scarborough.  I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.
Posted on July 20, 2011 9:03 pm
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Sounds like exciting stuff! Thanks for the update!  ;D

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carla on 21-Jul-11, 03:12:01 PM
I think I remember,it was Martha Eberle 2002 , or if I´am wrong it was Lawrence O´Heron 2004.

Greetings Carla

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 21-Jul-11, 03:21:48 PM
I think I remember,it was Martha Eberle 2002 , or if I´am wrong it was Lawrence O´Heron 2004.

Greetings Carla

I know Carol P used that "swearword" a lot, (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d4/frostyfrost34/groundhog.gif) down by the Ped Bridge. (http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/ali-314/AF/SwearWord.gif)

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 21-Jul-11, 05:15:26 PM

 I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.

I was reminded last week that we used to call ground hogs "swearwords" here. Five points to anyone who can come up with the name of the person who originated it.

I know, I know!  Can I say?  Pretty please?   :lol:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 21-Jul-11, 05:22:19 PM
I think I remember,it was Martha Eberle 2002 , or if I´am wrong it was Lawrence O´Heron 2004.

Greetings Carla

I know Carol P used that "swearword" a lot, (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d4/frostyfrost34/groundhog.gif) down by the Ped Bridge. (http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/ali-314/AF/SwearWord.gif)

It wasn't me.   :wave:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 21-Jul-11, 05:32:16 PM
I think I remember,it was Martha Eberle 2002 , or if I´am wrong it was Lawrence O´Heron 2004.

Greetings Carla

I know Carol P used that "swearword" a lot, (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d4/frostyfrost34/groundhog.gif) down by the Ped Bridge. (http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/ali-314/AF/SwearWord.gif)

It wasn't me.   :wave:

No, in your reports you would say you saw the swearword creature down by the gorge. Not that you said the actual swearword! I swear, this is confusing.

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 21-Jul-11, 05:41:00 PM
I think I remember,it was Martha Eberle 2002 , or if I´am wrong it was Lawrence O´Heron 2004.

Greetings Carla

I know Carol P used that "swearword" a lot, (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d4/frostyfrost34/groundhog.gif) down by the Ped Bridge. (http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/ali-314/AF/SwearWord.gif)

It wasn't me.   :wave:

No, in your reports you would say you saw the swearword creature down by the gorge. Not that you said the actual swearword! I swear, this is confusing.

LOL Donna.  I knew what you meant.   :rofl:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 21-Jul-11, 05:51:22 PM
I think I remember,it was Martha Eberle 2002 , or if I´am wrong it was Lawrence O´Heron 2004.

Greetings Carla

I know Carol P used that "swearword" a lot, (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d4/frostyfrost34/groundhog.gif) down by the Ped Bridge. (http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f101/ali-314/AF/SwearWord.gif)

It wasn't me.   :wave:

No, in your reports you would say you saw the swearword creature down by the gorge. Not that you said the actual swearword! I swear, this is confusing.

LOL Donna.  I knew what you meant.   :rofl:

I'm DUH!!

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carla on 21-Jul-11, 06:32:10 PM
I do remember the video Carol posted and I loved it ,and what I read in her reports about the groundhogs.I enjoyed it.
About Martha and Lawrence ,that's what I searched for in Shakymons messages.

Greetings Carla

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bonnie on 21-Jul-11, 07:31:45 PM
Boy are we desperate for discussion topics.  But this is fun.  And Linn P is still turning over in her grave that her namesake is the butt of the discussion.  LOL. NJ Fish and Wildlife is loving this one

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: ginha on 21-Jul-11, 08:52:28 PM

 I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.

I was reminded last week that we used to call ground hogs "swearwords" here. Five points to anyone who can come up with the name of the person who originated it.

Was it Jim P. I seem to remember a video of him a long time ago. And from then on they were known as "swearwords"


Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 21-Jul-11, 10:39:49 PM

 I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.

I was reminded last week that we used to call ground hogs "swearwords" here. Five points to anyone who can come up with the name of the person who originated it.

I know, I know!  Can I say?  Pretty please?   :lol:


Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 22-Jul-11, 04:18:16 AM

 I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.

I was reminded last week that we used to call ground hogs "swearwords" here. Five points to anyone who can come up with the name of the person who originated it.

I know, I know!  Can I say?  Pretty please?   :lol:


Say, would ya!? The suspense!! (The things we chat about when the season is nearly over...)

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Jul-11, 06:18:20 PM

 I was so busy watching the peregrines I almost stepped on a ground hog.

I was reminded last week that we used to call ground hogs "swearwords" here. Five points to anyone who can come up with the name of the person who originated it.

I know, I know!  Can I say?  Pretty please?   :lol:


No, it's your 50th birthday Shaky.  You should say who it was.   :lol: 

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 22-Jul-11, 08:01:39 PM
I really don't know. I'm 99% sure it was Martha, but I don't have the original Birdcam discussion board thread from 2002.

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Jul-11, 09:28:32 PM
I really don't know. I'm 99% sure it was Martha, but I don't have the original Birdcam discussion board thread from 2002.

and I was pretty sure it was Linda B aka Plant Lady.  If I remember right, she called them (Groundhogs) that because of the holes they left in her yard.  Every time she tripped over one of the holes, she called the creature that left them a "swear word".  Maybe I'm not remembering right.  Hmmmm.   :confused:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 23-Jul-11, 10:50:03 PM
Scarborough- yellow pages - All 3 young were seen
July 23, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Ann Brokelman Reports:

Yellow Pages

Stopped in at 12 noon.  Heard one screaming while in the car.  Young female soared right by me - see attached photo.  Male joined her in flight.  Both headed to the photo buiding and dissappeared. Total quiet within 5 min. I stopped on my way home from shopping 5:00pm to see the male with the yellow band sitting right on top of the yellow pages screaming.  So all 3 were accounted for.  No sign of any adults.

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 25-Jul-11, 07:24:10 AM
Scarborough Yellow Pages - 3 young dare devils
July 24, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Ann Brokelman Reports:

At 6pm  I saw 1 adult and 1 juvenile at the building at Markham and Neilson. Within 5 minutes the male juvenile was off with the female juvenile following him.  They darted across the road towards the photo lab.  Flying so fast it was hard to keep them in sight.  Over the road again and towards the 401.  Back and forth they went.  Looked behind me at the yellow pages building to see the third juvenile sitting at the peak of the building. He was screaming and screaming for food.  I then noticed the adult had left.  At 6:30 you could hear all 3 juveniles screaming and the race was on to the fitness centre to see what mom had brought. The one male got the food and the other two sat on the ledge screaming.  Suddenly the male with the food took off with the other 2 juveniles following again.  He landed on the hotel.  So did the other ones.  The last I saw of the 3 little screamers was them flying around the temple on Markham Road. They were flying from one top to the next.  Man are they fast, beautiful and fun to watch.  Ann

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 25-Jul-11, 07:57:40 AM
Boy isn't it great to hear about juvies tearing up the sky even if we can't see it ourselves? They sooo capture your heart and then find a place deep within your soul!  A true love affair!!! :heart:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Aug-11, 06:12:07 PM
When I first saw that beautiful picture that Mark Nash took of Linn, I caught my breath and thought, wow! she's the spitting image of her mom, Mariah.  I wasn't the only one.  Most of the Rochester Watchers I spoke to couldn't believe how closely they resembled each other.   :heart: :heart:

When we went to Scarborough to witness the banding of Linn & Rueben's eyases, we were amazed to see that Linn also had Mariah's split wing tip!   :wub:

The last time I spoke to Mark, I asked permission to use his picture.  I had an idea, a compare picture of Mariah and Linn and I had the perfect picture in mind to use.  It took me awhile to find it, but I finally did.

I sent the compare pic to Mark and he was stunned.  He loved it and had the picture posted in the Scarborough Yellow Pages section of the CPF website.

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/08/sightings/mariah-linn/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/08/sightings/mariah-linn/)

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Aug-11, 06:39:54 PM
When I first saw that beautiful picture that Mark Nash took of Linn, I caught my breath and thought, wow! she's the spitting image of her mom, Mariah.  I wasn't the only one.  Most of the Rochester Watchers I spoke to couldn't believe how closely they resembled each other.   :heart: :heart:

When we went to Scarborough to witness the banding of Linn & Rueben's eyases, we were amazed to see that Linn also had Mariah's split wing tip!   :wub:

The last time I spoke to Mark, I asked permission to use his picture.  I had an idea, a compare picture of Mariah and Linn and I had the perfect picture in mind to use.  It took me awhile to find it, but I finally did.

I sent the compare pic to Mark and he was stunned.  He loved it and had the picture posted in the Scarborough Yellow Pages section of the CPF website.

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/08/sightings/mariah-linn/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/08/sightings/mariah-linn/)

Thanks for creating this Carol!  It's uncanny how much Linn looks like Mariah!

And for those who haven't mastered enlarging CPF thumbnails...

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 05-Aug-11, 07:08:30 PM
I see the resemblance!! Good job Carol!

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 05-Aug-11, 08:18:43 PM
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Aug-11, 10:08:26 PM
When I saw that picture of Linn I thought of this one Cornpoppy had taken of Mariah in 2008...


Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Aug-11, 10:41:01 PM
When I saw that picture of Linn I thought of this one Cornpoppy had taken of Mariah in 2008...


Wow! Those two pics are almost an identical match!  Linn sure looks like her momma!

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Aug-11, 11:33:05 PM
When I saw that picture of Linn I thought of this one Cornpoppy had taken of Mariah in 2008...


I'd lost that picture!  Thanks for posting it Ei!  They are so incredibly alike.  Love it!

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 06-Aug-11, 08:19:46 AM
So beautiful!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bird Crazy on 06-Aug-11, 11:15:48 AM
Wow she looks like her Momma alright.  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 06-Aug-11, 02:01:00 PM
And made into a proper collage...

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 06-Aug-11, 02:31:53 PM
Unbelievable!  Too bad the pic of Mariah isn't as clear (assume it was taken thru a window at Kodak) but what a stunning resemblance with split wing to boot!

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: chlosmom on 06-Aug-11, 02:33:38 PM
and the beat goes on... :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 06-Aug-11, 03:47:33 PM
 ;D :heart:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 08-Aug-11, 05:00:03 AM
;D :heart:


Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: BIGFRANK on 05-Dec-11, 05:08:06 AM
Lately one CPF volunteer has been shut out,but another has seen both Peregrines in the general area hunting,so both Linn and Rueben are still on site. We hope for an update soon.

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 05-Dec-11, 05:09:56 AM

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 05-Dec-11, 05:33:19 AM
 :clap: Yay, thanks BF!

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 05-Dec-11, 10:22:47 AM
 :thumbsup: ;D

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Dec-11, 06:02:26 PM
Good to know.  Thanks Big Frank!   :wave:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 06-Dec-11, 06:42:11 PM
I just found the beautiful photos of Linn and Mariah. What an incredible resemblance!

Great to know that Linn and Reuben are still around - thank you, Big Frank!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 14-May-12, 04:23:24 PM
!!! Site Check at Yellow Pages Reveals Three Eggs

May 11, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Tracy Simpson Reports:
On Friday, Marion and I made a trip up to the Yellow Pages building to check in on Linn and Rueben and their progress towards a hatch this year.  When we arrived, neither adult was in sight and so off we went inside to speak to security.  Paul Zisis, security for the building, was able to share the recent activity around the building as being relatively quiet and only one adult seen at a time.  Marion and I then headed up to a higher elevation to check on the pair and struck it lucky as Linn had just taken off for a break and Rueben was out of the area.  This allowed us to take a first glance at their progress and indeed the pair have three eggs that they are currently incubating.  We will be watching for the change in behaviour that will signify a hatch.  Check back soon as we hope to be announcing their first arrival!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 14-May-12, 05:10:55 PM
!!! Site Check at Yellow Pages Reveals Three Eggs

May 11, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Tracy Simpson Reports:
On Friday, Marion and I made a trip up to the Yellow Pages building to check in on Linn and Rueben and their progress towards a hatch this year.  When we arrived, neither adult was in sight and so off we went inside to speak to security.  Paul Zisis, security for the building, was able to share the recent activity around the building as being relatively quiet and only one adult seen at a time.  Marion and I then headed up to a higher elevation to check on the pair and struck it lucky as Linn had just taken off for a break and Rueben was out of the area.  This allowed us to take a first glance at their progress and indeed the pair have three eggs that they are currently incubating.  We will be watching for the change in behaviour that will signify a hatch.  Check back soon as we hope to be announcing their first arrival!!

Great news!  I was wondering how Linn and Rueben were doing.  Three eggs!  WooHoo!   :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-May-12, 07:22:37 PM

!!! 3 Hatches For Linn And Rueben
May 16, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Frank Butson Reports:

An excited message from Mark has come that Yellow Pages has 3 hatchlings. Congratulations to the folks at Yellow Pages. Photos to come tonight with a complete posting.
Posted on May 16, 2012 7:03 pm
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 16-May-12, 08:11:37 PM

!!! 3 Hatches For Linn And Rueben
May 16, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Frank Butson Reports:

An excited message from Mark has come that Yellow Pages has 3 hatchlings. Congratulations to the folks at Yellow Pages. Photos to come tonight with a complete posting.
Posted on May 16, 2012 7:03 pm
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Wonderful news!  Congratulations everyone!  :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 16-May-12, 08:30:02 PM
Good news is all over !  Congratulations to Linn and Reuben,  and RHea Mae and Tiago, and Quest and Kendal, and now  Beauty and DC for their egg.   A good day.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 16-May-12, 09:16:34 PM
!!! Site Check at Yellow Pages Reveals Three Eggs

May 11, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Tracy Simpson Reports:
On Friday, Marion and I made a trip up to the Yellow Pages building to check in on Linn and Rueben and their progress towards a hatch this year.  When we arrived, neither adult was in sight and so off we went inside to speak to security.  Paul Zisis, security for the building, was able to share the recent activity around the building as being relatively quiet and only one adult seen at a time.  Marion and I then headed up to a higher elevation to check on the pair and struck it lucky as Linn had just taken off for a break and Rueben was out of the area.  This allowed us to take a first glance at their progress and indeed the pair have three eggs that they are currently incubating.  We will be watching for the change in behaviour that will signify a hatch.  Check back soon as we hope to be announcing their first arrival!!

Sweet! Thanks Carly

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-May-12, 05:49:47 AM
How did I miss this...I know we knew, but still...pictures too!

!!! An expanded new family - 3 Hatchlings! Congratulations Linn & Ruben!!
May 16, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

May 16th - 2012
I am delighted to report that the results of my site visit today yielded a wonderful surprise: Three healthy young new hatchlings! Given their small size, (and the largest of the clutch), it would appear that the first hatched was likely on or about May 12th or May 13th.

Congratulations Yellow Pages and Petra!!
Posted on May 17, 2012 1:21 am
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-May-12, 08:06:26 AM



Mark Nash-CPF

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 30-May-12, 11:02:49 AM
!!! Yellow Pages Banding confirmed - Friday June 8th at 1:30pm
May 30, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:
May 30th - 2012

We are delighted to announce that we have confirmed a banding date of Friday June 8th at 2:00pm!
With a meet and greet in the lobby at the Yellow Pages building at 1:30pm, we will then proceed to band the young peregrine hatchlings at approx. 2:00pm.

Hope to see you there!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 30-May-12, 12:16:45 PM
!!! Yellow Pages Banding confirmed - Friday June 8th at 1:30pm
May 30, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:
May 30th - 2012

We are delighted to announce that we have confirmed a banding date of Friday June 8th at 2:00pm!
With a meet and greet in the lobby at the Yellow Pages building at 1:30pm, we will then proceed to band the young peregrine hatchlings at approx. 2:00pm.

Hope to see you there!!

I'm so excited!  The timing will let me make a zoom-zoom trip up to the banding! Joyce & MAK have graciously offered to go with me! Been waiting for years to be able to do this!  WOO HOO!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 30-May-12, 01:12:09 PM
!!! Yellow Pages Banding confirmed - Friday June 8th at 1:30pm
May 30, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:
May 30th - 2012

We are delighted to announce that we have confirmed a banding date of Friday June 8th at 2:00pm!
With a meet and greet in the lobby at the Yellow Pages building at 1:30pm, we will then proceed to band the young peregrine hatchlings at approx. 2:00pm.

Hope to see you there!!

I'm so excited!  The timing will let me make a zoom-zoom trip up to the banding! Joyce & MAK have graciously offered to go with me! Been waiting for years to be able to do this!  WOO HOO!

I'm happy for you, Ei!  You'll have fun!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Lynne in New Hampshire on 30-May-12, 07:32:13 PM
!!! Yellow Pages Banding confirmed - Friday June 8th at 1:30pm
May 30, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:
May 30th - 2012

We are delighted to announce that we have confirmed a banding date of Friday June 8th at 2:00pm!
With a meet and greet in the lobby at the Yellow Pages building at 1:30pm, we will then proceed to band the young peregrine hatchlings at approx. 2:00pm.

Yea!! Glad you can go!!!
Hope to see you there!!

I'm so excited!  The timing will let me make a zoom-zoom trip up to the banding! Joyce & MAK have graciously offered to go with me! Been waiting for years to be able to do this!  WOO HOO!

I'm happy for you, Ei!  You'll have fun!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: BIGFRANK on 03-Jun-12, 03:07:35 AM
Yellow Pages Chicks Staying Out of the Rain

June 02, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Bruce Massey stopped in this morning at the Yellow Pages nest site to check in on Linn, Rueben and their growing family of three.  At first Bruce could see Rueben at the office tower to the west of the nest building and Linn perched above the nest ledge on the upper roof.  There were no chicks in view and so Bruce watched for signs of the young ones popping their heads up above the rim of the ledge.  Rueben took off in pursuit of food of which Linn was obliged to chase him for, take possession of and return to the nest ledge.  She landed on the edge of the ledge and wandered the length of it as if not knowing what to do with it.  It was a challenge for Linn to feed her little ones when they were tucked under the overhang of the nest ledge napping!!  Thanks to Bruce for checking in on the family and we look forward to meeting them all at the banding set for the 8th of June!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Jun-12, 10:26:15 AM
Working my way through the pictures, but I got 2 videos loaded...

http://youtu.be/E_RXQ6oIZxY (http://youtu.be/E_RXQ6oIZxY)

http://youtu.be/5lFeDV7B-7M (http://youtu.be/5lFeDV7B-7M)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 10-Jun-12, 11:06:35 AM
That was awesome hovering by Linn, I presume!! Very cool Ei.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Jun-12, 11:24:52 AM
That was awesome hovering by Linn, I presume!! Very cool Ei.

Yes, it was Linn. I have several videos of her just floating there over the nest...amazing!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 10-Jun-12, 11:27:27 AM
Wow!  Great flying and I love the hovering!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 10-Jun-12, 06:02:54 PM
Great job on the videos Ei!  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 19-Jun-12, 01:00:21 PM
!!! And then there was two!! Calling all available fledge watchers! We start the fledge watch on Wednesday June 20th.
June 18, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

June 18th - 2012
A spot check with Yellow Pages today yielded some disturbance results indeed that has us more than concerned. It would appear that while we are on track with the official starting of the fledge watch tomorrow given the photos of the hatchlings taken on Monday, it might appear that one of the hatchlings is missing!

Kathy, the Scarborough Yellow pages fledge watch coordinator conducted a extensive search of the facility with the help of Paul and they were not able to located the third hatchling.

Two of the three hatchlings remain in their nest ledge and both resident adult parents are attending. It is incredibly bazar although that the past five days of spot checks have produced some unusual behaviours from both the adults and the hatchlings.

Typically at this time of the hatchlings development, we are seeing them up on the rim of the nest ledge flapping and carrying on in the usual fashion. Both Bruce and now Kathy have reported over the past week that this has not been the norm out here this year.

While it is entirely possible that our missing hatchling has already been ledge hopping (and there are allot of ledges to hide out in), it is noticeably odd that we haven’t seen allot of ledge hopping and flapping.

Kathy will be out there again Tuesday doing an extensive property search and facility search from the ground to see if we can spot the missing hatchling.

We are calling on all available fledge watchers to join us on Wednesday June 20th to participate in the Yellow Pages fledge watch.

Stay tuned……………

Hope he turns up!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 19-Jun-12, 05:21:13 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Come on, I should have stayed in bed!  :(

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 19-Jun-12, 05:24:07 PM
Hope they are wrong and find the little munchkin.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bird Crazy on 20-Jun-12, 06:08:00 PM
my first thought is an intruder. That would make the little ones hunker down. Hope he just got adventurous and is OK.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-Jun-12, 04:23:48 PM
 :phew: I guess they never got around to posting all 3 of Linn & Rueben's youngsters were found...

!!! First Rescue at Yellow Pages! Fledgling is just fine and returned back to its parents!
June 20, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

Wednesday June 20th - 2012
The fledge watch started out at 6:30 am this morning with Kathy Smith from the CPF on site and all three hatchlings still in the nest ledge in full view. With this hot and humid stuff again today, Oh my goodness, it is debilitating out here.

Pressed and stressed for time with not enough hours in the day and night to be in the streets on all of the ongoing fledge watches, its been very difficult to get any computer time to get the huge back log of updates and photos posted with fledgling peregrines falling and resident adults from the sky all over the place, so I have to be short and sweet.

Alerted by Big Frank that one of his collogues having been passing the nest site, saw a fledgling in the air on a direct flight path downward to the south east of the Yellow Pages parking lot.

More telephone calls on the mobile as the young fledgling peregrine ends up on the ground in the roadway on one of the main arteries of the rear parking lot. Paul from Petra security and Vivian from the CPF watch team rushes to the grounded birds location and holds back the on-lookers and reroutes the vehicle traffic around the downed fledgling until others can get to the rear parking lot to do the rescue.

Kathy holds position to keep her eyes focussed on nest ledge on the remaining two hatchlings,, now up on the nest ledge flapping looking like they are going to go.

The grounded young fledgling is Panagiotis - banded Black R over 42 and is successfully rescued and retrieved from the roadway without incident.

Later in the evening, the young peregrine is again examined for any injuries or trauma usually associated with grounding on hard services and is cleared to be released back to its parents.

Successful release under the cover of darkness with the fledge watch team still in place in the now darkened parking lot waiting just in case the released bird takes a panic flight back into the air at release, everything goes exactly as planned. The fledge watch finished for the evening with the two un-fledged hatchlings still on the nest ledge and one other very happy fledgling back to elevation and in its parents care.

So far, 22 young fledglings have been rescued and /or pulled from the streets so far this season since the fledge watches started!

Stay tuned, you can bet there will be far more to come……..

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 21-Jun-12, 07:29:59 PM
Thanks Kitty, glad #3 was found or perhaps there all along but hiding  :lol: :pray:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 21-Jun-12, 10:46:13 PM
Thanks Kitty, glad #3 was found or perhaps there all along but hiding  :lol: :pray:

Good news!   :clap:  Thanks for posting this Ei!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: WW on 23-Jun-12, 03:05:28 PM
I was out this evening at the yellow page building to do my first fledge watch on Linh and Reuben's kids. it was an amazing experience. it was very comfortable and even windy/cold, it helps the babies and parents a little bit, all of them were in view and in good shape.
Mark and Tracy were very kind to allowed us to see the release of Albus (who was rescued earlier in the day) back onto the ledge.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 24-Jun-12, 08:13:35 AM
Thanks Kitty, glad #3 was found or perhaps there all along but hiding  :lol: :pray:

Good news!   :clap:  Thanks for posting this Ei!

:ditto:   :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 24-Jun-12, 08:21:04 PM
I was out this evening at the yellow page building to do my first fledge watch on Linh and Reuben's kids. it was an amazing experience. it was very comfortable and even windy/cold, it helps the babies and parents a little bit, all of them were in view and in good shape.
Mark and Tracy were very kind to allowed us to see the release of Albus (who was rescued earlier in the day) back onto the ledge.

Good job WW!  Thanks so much for keeping an eye on Linn and Reuben's young ones!   :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-12, 12:01:40 PM
Some Pictures of the Yellow Pages Boys
June 27, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Tracy Simpson Reports:

As I have been going through some of the pictures that I have taken recently, I have to admit that the boys at the Yellow Pages nest site are super cute.  Panagiottis ( Paul ) has is quite a character as he bee bops around and plays with both his siblings and his parents.  Eagan is a bit more laid back but is always up for a game of tag and little Albus is so cute as he tries to be like his Dad.  I hope you enjoy some of the pictures and there are more to come so check back soon!!


   Panagiotis (Paul)

  Maybe Eagan?

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-12, 12:03:43 PM
!!! Finally all fledglings flying high - and both holding and gaining their altitude!
June 26, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 26th - 2012
Finally, all of the young fledglings are flying high with strong flights and actually doing some real flying! Eagan was identified this morning on the very top of the Yellow pages building and made some very good flights and was able to both hold his altitude and gain heights and altitudes above the nest building. While all of the fledglings landings are typical - (very bad), they are still learning and practice will make perfect. Lot of crash landings still to come for sure, but each of them are now chasing their parents around in the air for food!

At this point, the dawn to dusk fledge watch will be discontinued and regular daily spot checks will be done to ensure that they are all still going strong.

As always, we will all be spot checking them throughout the next few days.
Stay tuned for some of the great photos that everyone has been taking along with their reports
Stay tuned………..
Posted on June 27, 2012 4:00 am
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-12, 12:09:48 PM
Sorry-going backward here...

!!! Update on the Yellow pages fledglings and Eagan’s rescue!
June 25, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

While this observation report is out of sequence and we apologize for the late posting, we have been severely backlogged with a huge volume of observation reports combined with the very long hours we have all had to be in the streets on the various fledge watches. Many photos are being taken and sent in that all have to be saved, downsized, cropped, colour corrected and re-saved, then posted with the authors observation report to the correct nest site.

Please bear with us, as we have taken in some 178 different observation reports and HUNDREDS of photos, and their still streaming in by the dozens each day. In addition to the above, there are those that refuse to send in their written reports prefer to call in with a verbal report or leave them on voice message. These have to be interpreted, typed, copied and posted. For some, there are very long days, and for others, there are many long days AND very long late nights combined in an effort to get these reports processed.

That being said, while both little Paul and Albus have finally been flying well and holding their altitude, - (in fact both are now able to gain huge gains in altitude landing on the upper most peak of the Yellow Pages building and long flights over to the roof area of the Investers Group building and back) little Eagan has not done so well, still running around on the granite ledges for several days below the nest ledge, finally ending up on the lowest ledge only feet above the sidewalk.

Today after much coaxing from the adults, all of the fledglings wee very active including little Eagan, who attempted his first real flight. Sadly, he was not able to hold his altitude and came to the ground on the grass area on the west side of the nest building.

His second flight has him crossing two busy roadways, Progress Ave and eventually Milner Ave (full of rush hour traffic), no one thought he would have been able to dodge the moving traffic without getting hit! With a huge amount of good luck, he didn’t get hit by any of the traffic,

Eagan did manage to catch a little air on his third attempt (from the ground level) but alas ran out of steam again and ended up on the ground several times before he finally grounded himself in the front yard of a house on Progress Ave.

Now with Bruce in hot pursuit, he was able to rescue Eagan successfully safe and sound, and without any further incident. Eagan was later safely released back to the nest building roof top and his parents under the cover of darkness.

Once again a huge thank you to all that helped us on the watch this day, and the great building staff for getting us (and of course little Eagan) back to the roof elevation.

Stay tuned………..
Posted on June 27, 2012 3:25 am
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 30-Jun-12, 01:05:26 PM
Site Check at Yellow Pages
June 29, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Yesterday I had the opportunity to stop in at the Yellow Pages nest site to check in on Linn and Rueben and their three little fly boys.  When I arrived, I had Paul ( Panagiottis ) on top of the dome of the kitchen being very silly as he was going under and then over one of the beams and kept it up for about 10 minutes as if it was a game.  Rueben was on the nest building on the southeast corner watching Paul misbehave.  Moments later, another juvie flew up and landed on the Investors Group sign on the south side of the building and he had something with him; a little tidbit.  After taking a look through the scope, this was Albus showing off his green tape. 

Back on the building, Linn had arrived with food and was busily plucking it on the east side of the nest building.  Rueben was calling to her like a juvenile and was chasing her for a tidbit.  It was almost a courtship type behaviour and was quite cute.  With food now in at the nest building, Paul flew from the kitchen to the very top of the nest building where the parents usually go to get a break from the young ones.  Ha!!  He made a flawless landing!!  Albus was on the southeast corner of the nest building now as well after flying over from the Investors Group sign.  What I could not find was Eagan, the little male with red tape.  I waited and watched as Linn finished off her meal, not sharing this one, and was now sitting on the uppermost southern granite ledge.  Still no Eagan.  While at this stage, with him flying very well last week and making excellent landings on and around the nest ledge, he is a strong flighted juvenile.  Even so, there is still much trouble these kids can get into as they explore the world outside the nest ledge.  Typically, this little tyke certainly loves his naps and may have been already fed and asleep.  Given that my time there was brief, just over an hour, and I may have missed his feeding and nap, we will err on the side of caution and be out for site checks this weekend to see where Eagan is hiding.

Posted on June 30, 2012 8:51 am
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 30-Aug-12, 06:18:59 PM
Posted on FB by Big Frank...not sure how close this is to "home"...

Another photo of close up of the band will follow. Ann Brokelman spotted and photographed a Peregrine Falcon at Rouge Beach. The band is black/black R over 42. That is Panagiotis(Paul) from Yellow Pages! Great going Ann!! He was chasing/hunting/harassing shorebirds, gulls and ducks, but didnt get anything Ann reports.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 30-Aug-12, 06:30:45 PM
Posted on FB by Big Frank...not sure how close this is to "home"...

Another photo of close up of the band will follow. Ann Brokelman spotted and photographed a Peregrine Falcon at Rouge Beach. The band is black/black R over 42. That is Panagiotis(Paul) from Yellow Pages! Great going Ann!! He was chasing/hunting/harassing shorebirds, gulls and ducks, but didnt get anything Ann reports.

Nice!!  :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 30-Aug-12, 07:43:04 PM
That's wonderful news!!  Another M&K descendant flying the skies  :handshake:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 30-Aug-12, 09:18:48 PM
"He was chasing/hunting/harassing shorebirds, gulls and ducks, but didnt get anything"

That sounds like Orion from this mornings watch. Man he was terrorizing the birds in the river, even took a shot at a Great Blue Heron! At supersonic speed!!!  :yes:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: margaret on 30-Aug-12, 10:58:31 PM
That's wonderful news!!  Another M&K descendant flying the skies  :handshake:

YAY, for more M and K descendant's flying the skies.   Great gene pool! Fly high and strong!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 02-Sep-12, 10:25:37 PM

 Linn by Patty Gale. Look at her crop!!  

For our American friends, this is the Yellow Pages building where Reuben & Linn are (I couldn't resist taking this pic, the building looked so nice in the setting sun)  Looks Halloweenish!  :halloweeen1:

Great pics!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 02-Sep-12, 11:06:39 PM
 I'd say she's eating well!  :spaghetti:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 11-Mar-13, 09:04:48 AM

Haven't posted to the CPF site just yet but thought you guys would enjoy a shot of Linn. She was chowing down yesterday on a stashed pigeon and when she finished, she refused to leave without her pigeon wing.

from Tracy!   :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 11-Mar-13, 12:28:56 PM

Haven't posted to the CPF site just yet but thought you guys would enjoy a shot of Linn. She was chowing down yesterday on a stashed pigeon and when she finished, she refused to leave without her pigeon wing.

from Tracy!   :clap:

Great pic Tracy!  :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 11-Mar-13, 07:00:00 PM

Haven't posted to the CPF site just yet but thought you guys would enjoy a shot of Linn. She was chowing down yesterday on a stashed pigeon and when she finished, she refused to leave without her pigeon wing.

from Tracy!   :clap:

Linn looks so much like her mom Mariah.   :heart:  Awesome picture taken by Tracy.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 17-Mar-13, 01:27:01 PM
Linn at nest, by Ann B

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 18-Mar-13, 05:18:04 AM
 :heart:  Little Linn  :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 23-Mar-13, 06:48:53 AM
!!! Some great photos of the Scarborough Yellow Pages peregrines from a different view!
March 19, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

March 19th - 2013
A huge thank you to David Goodfellow who spent the time to find us, we may now have someone very close to the Scarborough Yellow pages nest site that has some elevation (and very close to the peregrines winter roosting spot)!

While the first lot of photos that he has sent into us are not the most recent - (taken 2010, 2011 and 2012), they do show some great close-up views of Linn and her mate, in addition to some other very interesting regular avian visitors. He admits that he rarely see’s the grins in the summer time (as they are typically incubating and raising their hatchlings over at the Yellow pages building nest site). This observation and behaviour is very consistent to many of our other resident urban peregrines in that most of them have different fall and winter roosts, hunting areas and other hang-outs. While they are still very much “on territory” and watching and protecting the nest area’s very closely, they don’t spent allot of time on the nest ledges in the fall and winter months.

After seeing the first lot of peregrine photos, we can wait to see what else David has been able to capture on film! Great shots David!!

Other more recent observation reports of the Yellow pages pair, reports both resident adults are very much on site with lots of courtship activities going on!
Stay tuned……………

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 23-Mar-13, 09:29:40 AM
we can wait to see what else David has been able to capture on film!

Film? What's that?

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 23-Mar-13, 09:31:08 AM
we can wait to see what else David has been able to capture on film!

Film? What's that?

Former Kodak employee, are we?

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 23-Mar-13, 09:39:37 AM
we can wait to see what else David has been able to capture on film!

Film? What's that?

Former Kodak employee, are we?


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 23-Mar-13, 09:42:24 AM
we can wait to see what else David has been able to capture on film!

Film? What's that?

Former Kodak employee, are we?


That tells me, then! (I sure do miss film, tho... hate digital!)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: NoraH on 23-Mar-13, 11:01:10 AM
!!! Some great photos of the Scarborough Yellow Pages peregrines from a different view!
March 19, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

March 19th - 2013
A huge thank you to David Goodfellow who spent the time to find us, we may now have someone very close to the Scarborough Yellow pages nest site that has some elevation (and very close to the peregrines winter roosting spot)!
Are the pictures anywhere with a link or did I just miss them going through here?  Thanks.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Mar-13, 11:08:52 AM
!!! Some great photos of the Scarborough Yellow Pages peregrines from a different view!
March 19, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

March 19th - 2013
A huge thank you to David Goodfellow who spent the time to find us, we may now have someone very close to the Scarborough Yellow pages nest site that has some elevation (and very close to the peregrines winter roosting spot)!
Are the pictures anywhere with a link or did I just miss them going through here?  Thanks.

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/03/sightings/some-great-photos-of-the-scarborough-yellow-pages-peregrines-from-a-different-view/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/03/sightings/some-great-photos-of-the-scarborough-yellow-pages-peregrines-from-a-different-view/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Mar-13, 11:12:09 AM

Rueben                            Linn

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Mar-13, 11:15:55 AM

Rueben                            Linn

And for those who just thought...purple band? Rueben was hatched May 9, 2003 Busch Agricultural Center Manitowoc, WI 

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Mar-13, 11:21:05 AM

Rueben                            Linn

And for those who just thought...purple band? Rueben was hatched May 9, 2003 Busch Agricultural Center Manitowoc, WI 

His mother was unnamed *G/*9 hatched Burns Harbor, IN May 7 1999 NIPSCO Bailly Power Plant Father unknown

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 23-Mar-13, 11:26:13 AM
Thanks for bringing the photos over Kitty, I meant too but it was too early and not enough coffee in me at the time to try and remember how I did it last time  :lol:

I love that photo of Linn  :notworthy:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: NoraH on 23-Mar-13, 11:49:04 AM
 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:  Thanx!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Mar-13, 11:51:36 AM
Thanks for bringing the photos over Kitty, I meant too but it was too early and not enough coffee in me at the time to try and remember how I did it last time  :lol:

I love that photo of Linn  :notworthy:
No problem!

How to post a picture from another website or online album:

Right click on the picture-copy image location
Open a forum reply
Click the insert image button above (tiny picture 2nd from the left bottom row)
Paste the image location in the box (right click-paste or Ctrl-V)
Click OK and that's all there is to it!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 23-Mar-13, 12:01:08 PM
Thanks for bringing the photos over Kitty, I meant too but it was too early and not enough coffee in me at the time to try and remember how I did it last time  :lol:

I love that photo of Linn  :notworthy:
No problem!

How to post a picture from another website or online album:

Right click on the picture-copy image location
Open a forum reply
Click the insert image button above (tiny picture 2nd from the left bottom row)
Paste the image location in the box (right click-paste or Ctrl-V)
Click OK and that's all there is to it!

I did that but for some reason I kept getting this mile long string and figured I just needed to step back and go make coffee as likely my fingers weren't doing what my mind was telling them to do.  Thanks kitty  :bow:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-13, 01:46:44 PM
 Linn and Rueben are Incubating!!  :clap:
April 12, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

I stopped in at Yellow Pages earlier this week and tried to find Linn and Rueben’s nest location this year.  Kathy and I checked all of the ledges and although we found scrapes everywhere, there was no sign of the elusive incubating adult.  Yesterday, we stopped by again for a check and found Rueben on duty definately incubating an undisclosed number of eggs.  He was one wet little male but never gave up his post.  Great job Rueben.  I have posted an image of where the pair are incubating this year rather than try and describe the location as the building has a different configuration that is hard to describe.   If I were to try and describe it, it is on the north side of the building, facing Milner Ave., on the northeast corner on the west “shoulder”.  See what I mean!!  Hopefully the map will help to clarify things.

Check back very soon as pictures are to follow!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 13-Apr-13, 01:50:25 PM
Linn and Rueben are Incubating!!  :clap:
April 12, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 13-Apr-13, 02:20:56 PM
SWEET!!  :cheerleader: :cheerleader:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 13-Apr-13, 02:44:27 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 13-Apr-13, 10:40:39 PM
 :heart: :wub: :heart: :clap: :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 17-Apr-13, 12:18:12 PM

Tracy Simpson Reports:

With this year’s egg production underway, I promised pictures of the dynamic duo.  Here are just a few to get you started!!  Soggy Rueben Sandwich and Big Linn Extreme Yoga!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 17-Apr-13, 02:05:33 PM
 :clap:  Great pics Tracy!  :flash:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 17-Apr-13, 05:41:52 PM
Love the pic of Reuben with his mirror image! Thanks Tracy!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 26-May-13, 11:50:51 AM
Holy moly, Striker has displaced Milton and is Midnight's new mate!!

The resident male in downtown Brampton with Midnight is none other than Striker, banded solid black 97 over Y with blue tape that is still visible, who hatched in 2011 at Yellow Pages to Linn and Rueben.

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/05/sightings/brampton-nest-has-failed-and-a-new-male-discovered-its-striker/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/05/sightings/brampton-nest-has-failed-and-a-new-male-discovered-its-striker/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 26-May-13, 04:37:30 PM
Some nice photos attached to the report on Striker as well.  His mate Midnight was born in Canton, Ohio and is the daughter of Mystic and the late legendary Maverick.  Her sister Moxie is nesting at the Fort Wayne Indiana site.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 26-May-13, 05:35:53 PM
!!! We have a hatch at the Scarborough nest site - so far at least two chicks!!
May 24, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

May 24th - 2013

Hatch - May 17th - 2013
Congratulations Petra, you have a hatch!!
Finally able to get back to the Scarborough nest site to check up on the love-birds and I’m delighted to report that there has been a hatch!! Arrived just a right time, in the middle of a changing of the guard and was able to take a few quick photos of the resident adult female - Linn and her new hatchlings!

Although I can confirm that there has indeed been a hatch (and we can see at least two young hatchlings - aged at approx. a week old as of this date when the photos were taken), we can only see two hatchlings of them so far. As you can see in the photo where Linn is brooding her offspring, she has tucked them underneath a six plus inch overhang on the nest ledge that makes it virtually impossible to underneath it, regardless of the angle.

We know that there were four eggs, although none are visible during this visit. At this point, we can only guess just how many hatchlings there are until they get a little bigger or more mobile.. They we’re all huddled together in very tight condensed pile, all tucked inn under the overhang as you can see by the photos.

So at this point given the size of the hatchlings, they are looking to be about 8 days old as of Saturday May 25th, making a hatch date of May 17th - 2013

Enjoy,,,, more to come…….

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 26-May-13, 05:43:59 PM
!!! We have a hatch at the Scarborough nest site - so far at least two chicks!!
May 24, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Thanks for bringing the day's news over carly. Totally on hatch watch here LOL!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 26-May-13, 05:52:48 PM
!!! We have a hatch at the Scarborough nest site - so far at least two chicks!!
May 24, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Thanks for bringing the day's news over carly. Totally on hatch watch here LOL!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 26-May-13, 11:18:20 PM
Awesome news about Linn & Reuben's confirmed hatches!   :clap:

Plus more good news about their son Striker!  Woohoo!   :yahoo:

Thanks for sharing this news with us Carly!   :wave:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 14-Jun-13, 02:02:06 PM
!!! Yellow Pages Banding - June 12th-2013 - Success! 2 very healthy hatchlings
June 12, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
Yellow Pages Banding - June 12th-2013

2 more healthy chicks for the Scarborough Yellow Pages Nest site!

Late this morning, 2 healthy Peregrine chicks were successfully banded by Mark Heaton of the Ministry of Natural Resources with th help of CPF volunteers, and returned back to the nest ledge to their parents.

One of CPFs long time volunteers and supporters, John Miller our Rock Climber who extracted the chicks from the nest high atop the Yellow Pages building with the help of Mark Nash who watched his back while he went over the edge and extracted the two young peregrine hatchlings for banding.

While in the lobby many people anxiously awaited the new additions to the family Linn the long standing resident adult female was busy giving John the business and her opinion of the hole matter.

When the chicks where brought down to the banding table, Dave Currie assisted Marion Nash at the banding table to record the banding data and Mark Heaton and his crew banded the chicks.

The chicks, 1 male and 1 female were weighed, sexed, and banded without much fuss from them at all because they had full crops and like a human baby that had just been fed were a little sleepy and content to accept the new bands and have their pictures taken for the family album.

The two young peregrine hatchlings were although full of energy and very feisty by the end of the banding process and clearly had their mothers attitude. Very healthy indeed!

The resident adult male father - “Ruben” was also on hand assisting his mate with her efforts to dispatch the human extraction crew on the upper roof walkway.

The young female hatchling weighed in at a whopping 1010 grams one of the heaviest this year and was named Neira. Her young brother weighing in at 690 grams was named Loki.

A huge thank you to Petra and Yellow Pages for all of their support and assistance and to the Aurora district of the Ontario Ministry of Natural resources and Mark Heaton and his crew for banding support.

What a great team!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 14-Jun-13, 02:08:33 PM
WOW, that is a BIG girl!! I like the names too! Congrats to Linn and Ruben!! Thanks carly!!!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: WW on 24-Jun-13, 12:45:19 AM
 :wave: Hello all Rochester god-parents of Linn and god-grandparents of Linn's babies.
Winnie from Toronto here. Just want to let you know that my husband and me plus another watcher David Currie spent the last two days watchging Linn's babies, Loki and Niera at yellow page during the weekend.
The report for Saturday is up already on CPF's website, sorry, for not reposting directly but I was tired out from the watch and excitment these two days. Hope you will enjoy the pictures. Both linn and reuben are great parents and they are always nearby.  :wub:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 24-Jun-13, 05:42:24 AM
:wave: Hello all Rochester god-parents of Linn and god-grandparents of Linn's babies.
Winnie from Toronto here. Just want to let you know that my husband and me plus another watcher David Currie spent the last two days watchging Linn's babies, Loki and Niera at yellow page during the weekend.
The report for Saturday is up already on CPF's website, sorry, for not reposting directly but I was tired out from the watch and excitment these two days. Hope you will enjoy the pictures. Both linn and reuben are great parents and they are always nearby.  :wub:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/)

Thanks for the report Winnie and now the fun begins! Good luck.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 24-Jun-13, 01:35:40 PM
 :wave: Good luck there Winnie-nice to hear from you!  :yes:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 24-Jun-13, 05:17:17 PM
:wave: Hello all Rochester god-parents of Linn and god-grandparents of Linn's babies.
Winnie from Toronto here. Just want to let you know that my husband and me plus another watcher David Currie spent the last two days watchging Linn's babies, Loki and Niera at yellow page during the weekend.
The report for Saturday is up already on CPF's website, sorry, for not reposting directly but I was tired out from the watch and excitment these two days. Hope you will enjoy the pictures. Both linn and reuben are great parents and they are always nearby.  :wub:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/scarborough-yellow-pages/)

Hi Winnie!   :wave:

So glad you are helping out with the fledge watch for Linn and Reuben's young ones!  Thanks for helping to keep them safe and letting us know how they are doing!   :thankyou:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-13, 03:07:27 PM
 Loki in action!
June 24, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

Monday June 24, 2013 Yellow Page Evening Watch

Loki taking his first flight tonight

Loki is the star of today! Loki was still at the top horizontal ledge (the same place we left him on June 23 night) running around like crazy when I arrived afterwork at 7:15pm to join David Currie and Kathy for a short watch. The mischievous baby Loki is very fond of practising his high beam balancing skill right on the ledge edge or corner.
Then with a blink of an eye, Loki slipped/fell off the horizontal ledge, landed on the first floor canopy. He fully took advantage of this extended space to run and test fly. On a few occasion, we saw him lifted off and in air during his run/fly practice. Just when we thought that we would have an easier evening, Loki took flight towards the east back side of the building and disappeared. Kathy, David and me sprinted into hot pursuit of him. Not seeing him on the ledge, we searched for him on ground for about 10 minutes but to no avail. Then Kathy and me got a call from David, that Loki had shown himself up on the other first floor Canopy, right underneath the next ledge, on the other side of the building. What a relief!
What is also interesting is Loki had definitely took a leap of faith to reach the other end of the canopy because there is this space of about 15 ft to 20 ft at least that the canopy is disconnected.
His new position gave us some closer photos we have ever taken on him since his banding. Isn’t he cute and getting handsome?!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-13, 03:08:07 PM
!!! One of thoes days with a twist and another successful rescue and release!
June 26, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

June 26th- 2013
The heat and humidity have been absolutely debilitating for most of us that have had to be in the streets for 14 plus hours a day! As we finish week three of overlapping fledge watches, the stats are looking pretty good despite the overall lower production this year.

It was a very slow day on the watch at Yellow pages today, having the two young juveniles spending most of the day on the nest ledge, with the exception of the Loki, the little male fledgling who only made two flights all day, each time returning back to the nest ledge to join his sister Neira.

While they were strong, high flights around the building at the upper roof areas, it was obvious that the humidity was affecting all the birds. The adults would be best described as very inactive themselves, as they spent most of their time on the nest building itself throughout the entire day with only a a half a dozen flights themselves.

The young female juvenile - “Neira” has yet to take her first flight and seems very happy to stay in the nest ledge with not allot of flapping going on at all in comparison to many of the other hatchlings that we have watched at other nest sites this season while on the fledge watch. Linn, the resident adult female is keeping her young close to the building and although there was only three feedings today, she brought all of the food directly into the nest ledge itself. One of the reasons I’m sure that Loki is returning (and or) spending allot of his time back on the nest ledge.

Again this evening, by 8:30pm, both of the young had eaten their third meal and they were tucked down into the nest ledge and activity simply stopped by 8:30pm.

The real only excitement if that’s what you would call it, was at the end of the day when I noticed a while coloured bird on the leading edge of the lower canopy cover just above the Progress street entrance. While it took me a few moments to identify the little bird through my binoculars, it was identified as small yellow Conure or Budgie! We watched it for over an hour pace back and forth along the leading edge of the roof overhang, where it finally settled in and eventually tucked itself in the corner close to the wall as darkness fell.

Obviously someone’s Conure or Budgie that had escaped it owners. We can only hope that it will stay low and be able to escape undetected as its bright yellow colouring doesn’t offer it any camouflage, especially given its lack of any cover on the open rooftop. It did appear to have a quite a full crop so it would appear that it has found food and not starving. See several of the many photos that I was able to take.

A big thank you to Lori, Dave and Winnie who spent time with me today on the watch throughout the day as without them I may have slept the entire day away and missed all of the excitement - lol

At 9:00pm. I closed the watch for the day as it was very obvious that the juveniles were hunkered down in the nest ledge, with both parents high on their roosting spots also settled down for the evening.

I’m now off to the ICICI nest site at Don Mills and Eglinton to meet up with Cathy to do a release of the young fledgling female that Bruce had rescued and retrieved from the ground earlier today.
Stay tuned…..

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-13, 03:08:38 PM
!!! I’m lost and looking for my family!! A LOST yellow Conure or Budgie needs its family!
June 26, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

Wednesday June 26, 2013 Yellow Page Evening Watch

I arrived at YP around 7:30 pm to share space with Mark Nash, David Currie and our peregrines. Apparently, apart from some exciting excellent flight demonstrated by Loki yesterday on Tuesday, nothing much happened today. Mark and David were watching Loki sitting next to Niera in the nest ledge the whole day!

This brother and sister pair do really like hanging out with each other. They have been in the nest most of the time Tuesday and today. And they like to sit side by side with each other too. I must have more than 200 photos of them sitting next to each other. Because they are sitting so close to each other, most of the photos either show a head and a tail next to each other, or a combination of wings or head or tail, or back. You get the idea.

One minor note is that a budgie came visit the building this afternoon. I cannot get a good shot at is since it is too small and is hiding near the first floor canopy where Loki has landed on Monday. It was a pale yellow + while coloured budgie, if any of you know an owner missing a budgie with that description, please act fast. I feel bad for the budgie and pray it will stay safe.


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 27-Jun-13, 04:21:36 PM
Ask Carol P, she rescues lost birds that get too close to falcons!  She may have room for 1 more!

Kidding aside, I feel bad for the little bird, not a very good place to hang out. Thanks Winnie.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 27-Jun-13, 04:54:05 PM
Loki looks really small to me and cute as he can be. I hope that Conure high tails it out of there! Thanks for the reports!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 30-Jun-13, 08:52:26 PM
!!! Wow, both fledglings are flying high,, and very very well indeed!
June 29, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

Saturday June 29th - 2013
Once again, I can’t tell you how much 48 hours can make a huge difference some time. that is certainly the case out here at the Scarborough Yellow pages nest site. I arrived this morning to find the little fledgling - (named Neira) roosting on the upper ledge of the kitchen building as we have nick-named it, - (its actually the Investors Group building), with her brother (named Loki) above her yet again on the upper most elevation.

Both juveniles were roosting quite comfortably and preening as if the this roost was one that they had been using all their lives! Linn, (their mother) was on the opposite side of this elevation clearly on guard. Ruben was located on the upper most point of the nest building looking over his territory with all of his family in full view.

Throughout the morning and early afternoon, the young fledglings made several incredible flights back and forth between the two buildings and never lost a single foot of altitude in any error and although they both have some learning to do with regards to skilled landings, both fledglings landed on their intended targets.

Loki on the other hand, is now chasing both his parents around in the air, circling-up to gain altitude like a “big-boy” and looking like an adult!!

By 1pm, it was quite apparent to me that neither of the fledglings are at much risk of coming to the ground because they can’t hold their altitude. For the most parts, our job is done her at ground level and the rest is now up to Linn and Ruben to teach their fledglings the ropes and the necessary like skills that they will need to help them survive from here on in.

I have officially terminated the full time fledge watch, but we will be doing spot checks at each nest site for the next few weeks to check up on the fledglings progress.

It is this time (over the next four weeks that the GREAT PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES EXIST, as the parents are going to teach the young flacons what to hunt, how to hunt it, and the their is some incredible aerial display going to happen. The Yellow Pages nest site is one of those unique sites in that the building is surrounded by lots of unobstructed open air and the photo opportunities to catch some of this incredible things that are about to take place once the fledglings are fully flighted.
Stay tuned…………,,, - (some photos to follow this observation report).

Hope to see you all out there with your cameras!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 30-Jun-13, 09:01:09 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 03-Jul-13, 10:06:37 AM
Adorable "babies" - just catching up and I'm so happy for the good news!   :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Jul-13, 12:44:58 PM
The head count rounds from this weekend tally. Not all birds have been resighted as of yet but that could have just been timing and increased activity levels due to the cooler air. Here's what we have so far.

Yellow Pages - two adults confirmed
ICICI - two adults and both juveniles confirmed
Duncan Mill Road - adult female confirmed, adult male in rehab
Toronto Sheraton - both adults confirmed and one juvenile heard
King Street - both adults confirmed and one juvenile confirmed
North York - both adults confirmed
Etobicoke Sun Life - both adults and three juveniles confirmed
MEC - juvenile female confirmed
William Osler - both adults and two juveniles confirmed

Given that the birds are now more active and moving about it is making it harder to be certain of seeing everyone. The tape color on the juveniles is helping to be sure of who we are seeing. The data keeps pouring in and we will keep you updated as the counts progress.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Jul-13, 12:45:55 PM
http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/07/sightings/duck-under-glass-well-sort-of-finger-licking-good-ok-talon-lick-in-good (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/07/sightings/duck-under-glass-well-sort-of-finger-licking-good-ok-talon-lick-in-good)

!!! Duck under glass - (well sort of)! Finger licking good - (OK, talon lick-in good)!
July 19, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 19th - 2013
What’s better than fresh Duck for breakfast or (maybe last night’s dinner) for young fledglings Loki & Neira.
Found at the foot of Wynn Fitness Building 10 Milner Business Court closest to the building referred to as the “Kitchen”.

Alex Mitchell

I'll let you all go to the link to see the picture...if you dare!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 22-Jul-13, 12:46:56 PM
The head count rounds from this weekend tally. Not all birds have been resighted as of yet but that could have just been timing and increased activity levels due to the cooler air. Here's what we have so far.

Yellow Pages - two adults confirmed
ICICI - two adults and both juveniles confirmed
Duncan Mill Road - adult female confirmed, adult male in rehab
Toronto Sheraton - both adults confirmed and one juvenile heard
King Street - both adults confirmed and one juvenile confirmed
North York - both adults confirmed
Etobicoke Sun Life - both adults and three juveniles confirmed
MEC - juvenile female confirmed
William Osler - both adults and two juveniles confirmed

Given that the birds are now more active and moving about it is making it harder to be certain of seeing everyone. The tape color on the juveniles is helping to be sure of who we are seeing. The data keeps pouring in and we will keep you updated as the counts progress.

LOL, I just posted this the same time as you Ei under Canada Falcons!!!   :handshake:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Jul-13, 12:53:59 PM
LOL, I just posted this the same time as you Ei under Canada Falcons!!!   :handshake:

I was here anyway with the duck story LOL!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 22-Jul-13, 01:00:11 PM
http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/07/sightings/duck-under-glass-well-sort-of-finger-licking-good-ok-talon-lick-in-good (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/07/sightings/duck-under-glass-well-sort-of-finger-licking-good-ok-talon-lick-in-good)

!!! Duck under glass - (well sort of)! Finger licking good - (OK, talon lick-in good)!
July 19, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 19th - 2013
What’s better than fresh Duck for breakfast or (maybe last night’s dinner) for young fledglings Loki & Neira.
Found at the foot of Wynn Fitness Building 10 Milner Business Court closest to the building referred to as the “Kitchen”.

Alex Mitchell

I'll let you all go to the link to see the picture...if you dare!

Oh, I just saw his in CPF! Yuck! (Love your new avatar, Ei! Rosetta?)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Jul-13, 01:37:31 PM
Oh, I just saw his in CPF! Yuck! (Love your new avatar, Ei! Rosetta?)

Thank you!  This is the first avatar worthy one I've taken since Ananta in 2007!

I posted a profile view too of whoever it is. MAK thinks it's Voyager.  Other opinions are welcome. All I know is both girls were under the wing having a snack when this one posed for me.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 26-Jul-13, 06:47:38 AM
Linn, Rueben and Neira at Home
July 24, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Bruce Massey Reports:

I was out at the Yellow Pages nest site to check in on Linn, Rueben and the kids over the past few days.  On Saturday after the storm, I did have both adults confirmed but there was no sign of any juveniles.  Tuesday when I arrived, I checked in with security and learned that the juveniles hadn’t been positively identified since last Thursday.  I set out for a recon walk of the area and was able to spot one juvenile on a building in the territory.  I set up my scope and waited for a view of the tape colour that each of our banded young ones has over the USFW band and my patience paid off.  I was able to positively identify Neira by her red tape healthy and screaming for food.  During my visit I was unable to sight Loki but it may have just been my timing.  Yesterday I was back on site and again had Linn, Rueben and Neira who was actively chasing around the local resident birds.  As hard as she tried, and there was one good stoop, Neira still came up empty taloned each time.  Loki did not make an appearance yet but he is such a great flyer that he is most likely exploring further afield and it may take a few visits to catch him at home.  We will be back to check in again and look to spot little Loki and will keep you updated on how the family is progressing.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 26-Jul-13, 12:35:25 PM
Thanks Bruce and Donna!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 26-Jan-14, 03:12:03 PM
Canadian Peregrine Foundation
Bruce was out at Yellow Pages this morning and found both adults sitting on the ledges. They were too far in for a confirmation on their identities but he believes they are Linn and Rueben. Thanks to Bruce for the update.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 26-Jan-14, 10:01:09 PM
Canadian Peregrine Foundation
Bruce was out at Yellow Pages this morning and found both adults sitting on the ledges. They were too far in for a confirmation on their identities but he believes they are Linn and Rueben. Thanks to Bruce for the update.

Bruce is da man!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Feb-14, 01:58:26 PM
I was just rummaging around in the CPF site...I had missed the banding photos from Linn & Rueben...they were pending last time I was there.

Anyway, not sure who the photographer is, but they caught a few phenomenal ones of Linn...like this one...

more here (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/06/sightings/yellow-pages-banding-june-12th-2013-success-2-very-healthy-hatchlings/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 22-Feb-14, 02:19:54 PM
I was just rummaging around in the CPF site...I had missed the banding photos from Linn & Rueben...they were pending last time I was there.

Anyway, not sure who the photographer is, but they caught a few phenomenal ones of Linn...like this one...

more here (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/06/sightings/yellow-pages-banding-june-12th-2013-success-2-very-healthy-hatchlings/)

Wow!  Momma's girl!  Beautiful but fierce!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Christiane on 22-Feb-14, 02:44:46 PM

She was one of my favorite; "Little Linn' not so little any more--she looks like a force to be reckoned with.  Another beauty.  Christiane

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 22-Feb-14, 03:19:01 PM
Fantastic shots of this gorgeous Peregrine!  :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Feb-14, 09:44:03 PM
Wow!  Beautiful picture of Linn!  Thanks for sharing this Ei.    :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 22-Feb-14, 10:32:06 PM
wow!  Fearless like her mom!!! Beautiful pictures!!!!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Feb-14, 01:08:43 PM
OK...on my annual hunt for a few more facts before publishing the family tree...

Neira & Loki...I have Neira's band #, need Loki's.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Feb-14, 06:01:32 PM
What a beautiful photo of Linn. She is one gorgeous falcon. Thank you!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 26-Mar-14, 10:55:56 PM

Nest site check at Yellow Pages had Rueben at the nest building and Linn on the Investors Group sign soaking up the sunshine.   From CPF

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 27-Mar-14, 08:45:11 AM
Linn and Rueben On Site at Yellow Pages
March 27, 2014 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Tracy Simpson Reports:

Coming back through the city from Bowmanville, I decided to take a break from driving and stop in at Yellow Pages to check in on Linn and Rueben.  I found Rueben almost right away on the southwest ledges of the building sunning himself.  Up that high all I could see at first was a white dot that was out of place on the dark building and the binoculars revealed a preening Rueben.  I scanned around for Linn and couldn’t find her at first but a check of her favorite roosts helped me to locate her.  She was also sunning herself on the Investors Group sign and pushing down a nice crop of food.

I was able to confirm Linn’s band number, Black 91 over Green V, and get a few photos of the lovely lady up on the sign.  We look forward to season with the pair and will be watching to see what ledge they choose to nest on this year.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Mar-14, 09:45:02 AM
I was just rummaging around in the CPF site...I had missed the banding photos from Linn & Rueben...they were pending last time I was there.

Anyway, not sure who the photographer is, but they caught a few phenomenal ones of Linn...like this one...

more here (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/06/sightings/yellow-pages-banding-june-12th-2013-success-2-very-healthy-hatchlings/)
Just came across this photo again.  Thanks for posting, Ei.  Linn sure is a gorgeous and fierce woman, and this is a wonderful photo.  Nature is truly awesome.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bird Crazy on 27-Mar-14, 08:06:44 PM
I was just rummaging around in the CPF site...I had missed the banding photos from Linn & Rueben...they were pending last time I was there.

Anyway, not sure who the photographer is, but they caught a few phenomenal ones of Linn...like this one...

more here (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2013/06/sightings/yellow-pages-banding-june-12th-2013-success-2-very-healthy-hatchlings/)
Just came across this photo again.  Thanks for posting, Ei.  Linn sure is a gorgeous and fierce woman, and this is a wonderful photo.  Nature is truly awesome.
oh she looks totally ticked off  :scaredblue:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 21-Apr-14, 11:35:05 AM
!!! 4 Eggs
April 17, 2014 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

Checked the nest and there are now 4 eggs likely laid last Friday April 11th.
Stayed tuned for hatch.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 21-Apr-14, 12:02:49 PM
!!! 4 Eggs
April 17, 2014 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

Checked the nest and there are now 4 eggs likely laid last Friday April 11th.
Stayed tuned for hatch.

Thanks for the update!  :wave:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 21-Apr-14, 03:20:30 PM
Great news!   :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 13-May-14, 05:52:22 AM
A 2013 sub adult was found dead in their territory yesterday - he was hatched at our Mississauga Holcim site - details here.  :(

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/looks-like-lyn-ruben-defended-the-territory-today/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/looks-like-lyn-ruben-defended-the-territory-today/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 13-May-14, 06:16:30 AM
I thought they didn't hurt the juvies, they just drive them out! How terribly sad for the little one! I'm sure nesting season has a lot to do with it but still....it's a baby! :(

*Maybe they were driving it out but HH just went the wrong way into a building!

Fly Free

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: patsy6 on 13-May-14, 08:32:22 AM
Oh, how very sad!  Poor little HH.  I sure wish more building owners would invest in glass that isn't so reflective.   :(

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 13-May-14, 08:42:51 AM

         Fly free, Hurricane Hazel.  :(

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 13-May-14, 02:19:50 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 14-May-14, 10:02:11 AM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 14-May-14, 01:24:21 PM
Pip, pip!!!  Baby on the way!!   :happy:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 14-May-14, 01:37:01 PM
Pip, pip!!!  Baby on the way!!   :happy:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/)

More grandbabies for M&K!  They're popping out all over!  :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-May-14, 02:22:34 PM
Pip, pip!!!  Baby on the way!!   :happy:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/)

More grandbabies for M&K!  They're popping out all over!  :wub:

Actually great grandbabies...Canada Square is Stormin' & Haven. Linn & Reuben are at Yellow Pages.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 14-May-14, 02:28:52 PM
Pip, pip!!!  Baby on the way!!   :happy:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2014/05/sightings/almost-here/)

More grandbabies for M&K!  They're popping out all over!  :wub:

Actually great grandbabies...Canada Square is Stormin' & Haven. Linn & Reuben are at Yellow Pages.

Oops!  I thought these were Linn's eggs.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 14-May-14, 02:34:21 PM
Sorry my bad, mixed up the offspring...there are so many of them  :laugh:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-May-14, 02:37:45 PM
Sorry my bad, mixed up the offspring...there are so many of them  :laugh:

Not a problem! I think it's the watcher named Lyn that causes the confusion. It is a most excellent mistake to be able to make LOL!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 14-May-14, 04:29:20 PM
Sorry my bad, mixed up the offspring...there are so many of them  :laugh:

Not a problem! I think it's the watcher named Lyn that causes the confusion. It is a most excellent mistake to be able to make LOL!

You are right and trying to sneak in a post from work in a hurry doesn't help either  :lol:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-May-14, 05:04:34 PM
Sorry my bad, mixed up the offspring...there are so many of them  :laugh:

Not a problem! I think it's the watcher named Lyn that causes the confusion. It is a most excellent mistake to be able to make LOL!

You are right and trying to sneak in a post from work in a hurry doesn't help either  :lol:

I've had to delete a few of those in my day ;)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-May-14, 11:46:05 AM
!!! Scarborough Milner Nest site - Hatch Confirmed!!
May 20, 2014 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

May 20th - 2014
Great news today as my visit was well timed! Two hatchlings confirmed at the Yellow pages & Petra nest site on Milner Ave., in Scarborough.
Sadly, due to the rain, and knowing that Linn would be very aggressive, I only brought my camera phone with me expecting that my visit wold be very short, so the photos are not the best. (Although, the purpose of our visit is not for a photo shoot, but to document and confirm a hatch so that banding can be arranged with the MNR and building management and the site can be managed appropriately).

Both Rueben and Linn were on site and strongly suggested that I not hang around, which I was more than happy to oblige them.
Stay tuned for more updates………



Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 21-May-14, 11:55:36 AM
This is such good news!  Linn looks just like her mom Mariah!   :heart: :wub: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Joyce on 31-May-14, 09:25:18 PM
"Striker" banded Black 97 over Y, from the Yellow Pages nest site in 2011 (son of Linn & Ruben and Mariah & Kaver grandson) has been confirmed the 2014 resident male in Brampton, Ontario.

His mate is "Midnight" banded Black 98 over Red E with a purple USFW band on the other leg. She is a 2011 hatch from the Chase One nest site in Canton, Ohio.  She is daughter of the late, great Maverick and is from his final brood with Mystic. Midnight was with Milton in 2013. They had a failed nest site and Milton was displaced by Striker in May.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 31-May-14, 09:29:19 PM
"Striker" banded Black 97 over Y, from the Yellow Pages nest site in 2011 (son of Linn & Ruben and Mariah & Kaver grandson) has been confirmed the 2014 resident male in Brampton, Ontario.

 :yahoo: :yahoo:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 31-May-14, 09:35:34 PM
 :clap: :clap: :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 31-May-14, 09:40:38 PM
Great news!   :clap: :thumbsup: :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 31-May-14, 10:10:24 PM
I always have mixed feelings with displacements! It's a YAY/NAY situation!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 17-Jun-14, 05:27:38 PM
 2014 Banding Day at Yellow Pages
June 11, 2014 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

Thanks goes out to everyone at Yellow Pages and to Petra for hosting the 2014 Peregrine Chick Banding Event.

They are once again proud foster parents to 3 healthy chicks 2 girls and a boy.

the male hatchling weighed in at 655 grams and was about 21 days old he was named Lorne

the first female banded weighed in at 890 grams at 20 days old

and the last chick another female weighed in at 855 grams at 18 days old

All were healthy and strong!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bird Crazy on 23-Jun-14, 07:26:59 PM
foster parents? so the chicks aren't theirs?

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Jun-14, 07:34:33 PM
foster parents? so the chicks aren't theirs?

I suspect a typo...the eggs were laid & hatched in the normal fashion

We often get half a story from one site mixed in with another. But I don't think there were any fosters this year

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 23-Jun-14, 09:02:20 PM
foster parents? so the chicks aren't theirs?

I suspect a typo...the eggs were laid & hatched in the normal fashion

We often get half a story from one site mixed in with another. But I don't think there were any fosters this year

I was wondering about that too! :confused:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Jun-14, 09:04:12 PM
foster parents? so the chicks aren't theirs?

I suspect a typo...the eggs were laid & hatched in the normal fashion

We often get half a story from one site mixed in with another. But I don't think there were any fosters this year

I was wondering about that too! :confused:

You know, I just read it again...I think he means Yellow Pages & Petra are the foster parents...

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 23-Jun-14, 11:32:30 PM
foster parents? so the chicks aren't theirs?

I suspect a typo...the eggs were laid & hatched in the normal fashion

We often get half a story from one site mixed in with another. But I don't think there were any fosters this year

I was wondering about that too! :confused:

You know, I just read it again...I think he means Yellow Pages & Petra are the foster parents...

Yes, I agree Ei.  Petra hosted the banding this year.  Marion called them the foster parents.   :happy:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Bird Crazy on 24-Jun-14, 05:33:08 AM
makes sense, had me confused thanks for clearing it up.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-14, 08:05:12 AM
 Wow, its time!!!
June 26, 2014 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 26th - 2014
I arrived on site around 1:00pm and was treated to a great time watching the young ones on the nest ledge. I watched one of the young at first exploring the ledge a bit and even spending some time on the edge. All 3 were visible during my 4 hours there with one being far more bold then its siblings. However when one of the parents brought back what looked to be a pigeon for dinner at 3:45 two of the three made there way to were the parent was and was feed with the third looking on but still a bit hesitant to come out that far. Then after food time was over two of the young ones started flapping there wing for a good while firmly on the ledge. Should be a great long weekend watching them learn there wings.


P.S. I have a couple more pics ill send in another email.
Posted on June 27, 2014 12:08 am
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-Jul-14, 07:16:12 AM
 A very hot humid day, but no drama today. All three juveniles in view all day, none of them taking any flights!
July 01, 2014 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

Sunday June 30th - 2014
Well, today was one of those watching the paint dry days! It was hot and humid, and thank goodness for the constant breezes that persisted all day, right up to 8pm. Had it not been for the constant winds to keep us cool, we surely would have melted in the streets today.

The two young female peregrines spent all day again in the nest ledge again today with the occasional flapping and allot of screaming to their parents to food when ever they were in sight. Lorne, the little male fledgling who had finally been able to return back to the nest building yesterday after his disappearance, spent all day on the next column ledge over from the nest itself watching his two sisters. He spent most of his time sleeping, and getting two feedings by mom.

Much later in the afternoon, he was able to get one level up and ran the retaining wall ledge around the north side of the nest building. He visited his two sisters on several occasions and eventually got the nerve and dropped down back into the nest ledge itself and finally joined them! He never flew at all today.

By 9pm, the light was disappearing along with the overcast that was moving in, the winds died out and the three disappeared from our view down into the nest ledge for the night. Both adults were visible roosting on the upper north of the nest building keeping a close eye on the juveniles in the nest ledge and they tooo bedded down for the evening.

We closed the fledge watch down for the day and departed for home.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 28-Jul-14, 08:05:10 PM
!!! Beachville territorial female has been identified! Its Rihannon from the Yellow Pages nest site!
July 27, 2014 - Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel
Mark Nash Reports:

Sunday July 27th - 2014
The Beachville territorial female has been identified! Its Rihannon from the Yellow Pages nest site!
Wow, Lucie and Richard are determined!!! Great works guys as all of your efforts have paid off!!

Lucie texted me Sunday with some great news, in that she and Richard attended the Beachville Quarry site again this weekend determined to get the identity of the territorial female that has hooked up with Joe - Black banded 48 over Y, the little 2010 Hamilton produced male who they earlier identified a week ago on one of their earlier visits. Well, their efforts have paid off, as they were able to identify the territorial female via its leg bands, - (Black 53 over X).

After checking the banding database, Black 53 over X turns up to be a peregrine named Rihannon, a female peregrine produced at the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site in 2011. Her parents are Linn hatched 2007 from Rochester NY USA and Rueben, hatched in 2003 from Wisconsin USA.

During their visits over the past month since the peregrines were reported, we have found no evidence of them having actually produced offspring this season as we would have seen fledgling juveniles still hanging around at this time in the season. As we know, the fledglings are solely dependant on their adults for food, training and support for 2 to 3 months after they fledge,, and there is no evidence of any fledglings.

That being said, our fingers are crossed that the pair will stay (or return if they migrate) and produce offspring next season………..

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 28-Jul-14, 09:12:54 PM
Wow and the Legacy continues! Now, is this a totally new nest site?? Thanks Carly!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 28-Jul-14, 09:16:34 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 28-Jul-14, 09:41:32 PM
 :thumbsup: After all the sad falcon news lately, it's really great to see that our Lynn from 2007 successfully raised at least one set of eyases!

Dot in PA

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 29-Jul-14, 09:03:35 AM
Wow and the Legacy continues! Now, is this a totally new nest site?? Thanks Carly!

As far as I know it's a new site.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 29-Jul-14, 09:56:00 AM
Saw her getting banded!  :heart: :wub: :heart:  Thanks for posting this very good news Carly!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 29-Jul-14, 11:02:58 AM
Wow and the Legacy continues! Now, is this a totally new nest site?? Thanks Carly!

As far as I know it's a new site.

That's good, no battles over it!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 31-Jul-14, 01:49:12 PM
:thumbsup: After all the sad falcon news lately, it's really great to see that our Lynn from 2007 successfully raised at least one set of eyases!

Dot in PA


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 04-Apr-15, 09:40:22 AM
From the Canadian Peregrine Foundation today:

April 04, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Yesterday Bruce Massey was out at the Yellow Pages nest site and found both of the adults at home…   …with company. A third bird, identified as a female, briefly entered the territory and was fully escorted out by the pair. The resident adults quickly returned and copulated on the nest building cementing their bond and intent. Although Bruce was unable to confirm band numbers yesterday he was able to see that the female was wearing a black over green recovery band with a silver USFW which is consistent with Linn. He will continue to work on confirming identities this week.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 04-Apr-15, 09:52:04 AM
Lots of singles out there!!  :hyper:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: PatriciaRose on 04-Apr-15, 11:57:56 AM
Hope the poor girl finds a home!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 04-Apr-15, 09:42:46 PM
It sure is getting crowded in the PEFA world.  Many thanks to Bruce for checking out this location.  I've been wondering how Linn and Reuben were doing.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Apr-15, 09:29:00 PM
!!! Markham and Milner update
April 14, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

Kathy and I went out to take a look at the Yellow Pages nest today to see 3 eggs now for the Petra/Yellow Pages Falcons. The male was not in site but the female was closely guarding her eggs and would not fly off so I was not able to confirm her band numbers.
Posted on April 14, 2015 7:40 pm


Well, I personally have no doubt this is Linn...Mark Nash took this in 2009 or 2010

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 15-Apr-15, 05:55:35 AM
Lol..I thought the same thing when I saw that face looking up kitty... :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 15-Apr-15, 06:46:02 AM
 :heart: :wub: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: patsy6 on 15-Apr-15, 06:48:26 AM
Linn is so beautiful, and so fierce looking.  I'll bet she got the best qualities of both her parents.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 15-Apr-15, 07:39:43 AM
Linn is her momma's daughter in looks.  Rhea Mae is more dark like Kaver, but has Mariah's fierce look.  Quest is a combination of both Mariah and Kaver.  Diamante looks more like Mariah, but has that "good dad" gene from Kaver.  Love them all!   :wub:

Title: Re: Linn & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 15-Apr-15, 08:26:16 AM
And made into a proper collage...

Found it!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: valhalla on 15-Apr-15, 01:48:47 PM
 :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-Apr-15, 04:14:35 PM
!!! News From Brampton
April 21, 2015 - Brampton - Courthouse
Marion Nash Reports:

As witnessed by Toivo earlier in the week, mating continues at the Brampton courthouse. The pair, who have claimed the courthouse as their own, are an unbanded female and a banded male 97/Y and his name is Striker. (Tracy can you insert some info on Striker, how old, hatch location.ect)

The pair can most often be found on the north ledge of the courthouse however this is often too close for comfort for another nesting pair of falcons who call the courthouse home. On the other side of the courthouse are a pair of American Kestrels; our smallest falcons. At the moment, you may be lucky enough to see the two having quite the midair battle.
Incredible speeds and stoops can be witnessed as the kestrels try to scare off the peregrines. So far this behavior has been unsuccessful on the part of the kestrels. Hopefully, we will see two active and successful falcon nests in the near future!
Posted on April 21, 2015 11:26 am
Observation for Brampton - Courthouse

(can't figure out why the CPF picture links are breaking this year)

From my banding file...

Striker   97/Y B/B   yellow      May. 18 2011   Scarborough, ON, Canada

Son of Linn & Reuben!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: PatriciaRose on 21-Apr-15, 06:39:01 PM
Sounds like pretty close quarters! Hope it all works out! :o

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 21-Apr-15, 08:42:37 PM
!!! News From Brampton
April 21, 2015 - Brampton - Courthouse
Marion Nash Reports:

As witnessed by Toivo earlier in the week, mating continues at the Brampton courthouse. The pair, who have claimed the courthouse as their own, are an unbanded female and a banded male 97/Y and his name is Striker. (Tracy can you insert some info on Striker, how old, hatch location.ect)

The pair can most often be found on the north ledge of the courthouse however this is often too close for comfort for another nesting pair of falcons who call the courthouse home. On the other side of the courthouse are a pair of American Kestrels; our smallest falcons. At the moment, you may be lucky enough to see the two having quite the midair battle.
Incredible speeds and stoops can be witnessed as the kestrels try to scare off the peregrines. So far this behavior has been unsuccessful on the part of the kestrels. Hopefully, we will see two active and successful falcon nests in the near future!
Posted on April 21, 2015 11:26 am
Observation for Brampton - Courthouse

(can't figure out why the CPF picture links are breaking this year)

From my banding file...

Striker   97/Y B/B   yellow      May. 18 2011   Scarborough, ON, Canada

Son of Linn & Reuben!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 21-Apr-15, 08:57:02 PM

(can't figure out why the CPF picture links are breaking this year)

It's not an accident.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-Apr-15, 09:10:09 PM

(can't figure out why the CPF picture links are breaking this year)

It's not an accident.

OK. I worked it out...

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Annette on 22-Apr-15, 12:00:31 AM
Delete the s in https. Sometimes it helps.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Apr-15, 05:51:50 AM
Delete the s in https. Sometimes it helps.

Thanks-I'll keep that in mind.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 21-Jun-15, 03:06:43 PM
From CPF:

!!! Markham and Milner update
April 14, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:

Kathy and I went out to take a look at the Yellow Pages nest today to see 3 eggs now for the Petra/Yellow Pages Falcons. The male was not in site but the female was closely guarding her eggs and would not fly off so I was not able to confirm her band numbers.

No Hatch Yet!
May 07, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:

Still no hatch. Lyn was up off eggs fast to voice her opinion about us being there so I snapped a shot and left. will have to back again next week or so to have another look. Could only see 2 of the eggs.

!!! Eggs gone
May 15, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:

Looks like the first set of eggs were not fertile. only 2 of the 3 eggs could be seen on May 7th and on May 15 all 3 were gone. I checked all ledges to see if there had been any more laid but there was nothing yet. Will have to give Lyn time to lay another clutch and then hatch so will not be going up to check for a while.

!!! Nest has failed this year.
June 19, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:

Checked Yellow Pages. Doesn’t look promising. Checked all the ledges. Lynn was on the NW ledge on north side but no signs of nest. Found 1 egg on NE ledge East side but not attended.



Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 21-Jun-15, 03:16:56 PM
Really sad and you have to wonder why there has been no efforts made to give them a nest tray or covered box.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-Jun-15, 03:32:07 PM
Very odd year all around. Hopefully next year will be better.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 21-Jun-15, 10:57:33 PM
Really sad and you have to wonder why there has been no efforts made to give them a nest tray or covered box.

It is sad..they've been nesting together for several years now..strange year, indeed.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 22-Jun-15, 07:52:33 AM
A nest box would be nice. Well, they are not the only ones with no hatched eggs this year. Bad year with one, two or all eggs not hatching!

Still sad for Linn!  :(

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Jun-15, 08:49:35 AM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 14-Jul-15, 11:00:24 AM
I am sorry to read that Linn and Reuben had no chicks this year. I am not familiar with what the site looks like, but am wondering if there is a reason why they have never been given a nest box? The new nest boxes CPF has installed at a couple of sites this year look as if they provide good protection. How can I help with providing one for Linn and Reuben?

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Jul-15, 11:01:12 AM
 Sunday Spot Check at Yellow Pages
July 14, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Bruce Massey Reports:

This past Sunday I went out to Yellow Pages in the morning for a quick check in on the adults before the heat of the day moved in.  I found both adults on the nest building and both were very active.  After about 10 minutes, the two went on a hunt to the south and shortly thereafter the female returned to the Yellow Pages building and the male flew over to the floodlight over Wynne Fitness.  The female then flew over and landed on the top of the Investors Group building so I re-positioned for a better look.  By the time I was set up the male had already taken off on another hunt attempt but the female remained in place.  I was able to get the scope on her and read her band number.  I can confirm that the female is still Linn donning a black 91 over green V band from Rochester, New York. The male did not return for some time and the heat was coming on so I packed it up with plans to come back and confirm the ID on the male.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Jul-15, 11:10:57 AM
I am sorry to read that Linn and Reuben had no chicks this year. I am not familiar with what the site looks like, but am wondering if there is a reason why they have never been given a nest box? The new nest boxes CPF has installed at a couple of sites this year look as if they provide good protection. How can I help with providing one for Linn and Reuben?

I think one of the reasons for no nest box is they never know which ledge Linn will choose. I'm not sure how large the ledge spaces are either.

Each side of the building has 2 small corners with gravel where I have placed the big pink arrow below...that's where she nests

I think she has used a different one several times. There is a small overhang on each one that does offer some protection...she's part way under the overhang in the pic below.

Hopefully just one more part of the very odd year it's been all over.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 14-Jul-15, 11:19:36 AM
I think one of the reasons for no nest box is they never know which ledge Linn will choose. I'm not sure how large the ledge spaces are either.

Each side of the building has 2 small corners with gravel where I have placed the big pink arrow below...that's where she nests

I think she has used a different one several times. There is a small overhang on each one that does offer some protection...she's part way under the overhang in the pic below.

Hopefully just one more part of the very odd year it's been all over.
Thank you so much for the information and pics, Dumpsterkitty. That is very useful and much appreciated.

I wonder if the CPF knows if there is a suitable location for a nest box, and whether the building owners would be amenable to this.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Jul-15, 11:57:35 AM
Thank you so much for the information and pics, Dumpsterkitty. That is very useful and much appreciated.

I wonder if the CPF knows if there is a suitable location for a nest box, and whether the building owners would be amenable to this.

I think they have considered it in the past but there really aren't any other good spots if I recall correctly....lots of sloped glass at the higher elevations. I believe the building owners have been very involved & cooperative. And they've been successful every prior year.

Linn just picked a lovely cliff with a choice of 8 spots that wasn't ideal for whatever reason this year.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 17-Jul-15, 07:35:36 AM
New Resident Male at Yellow Pages
July 17, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Bruce Massey Reports:

Over the past week I have made several trips out to the Yellow Pages nest site to try and confirm the resident adults band numbers.  Prompted by Marion’s observations of no appearance or serious defense by Rueben during her site visits and the lack of young this year, I was determined to confirm that both Rueben and Linn were still here and running the territory.  I was able to get Linn’s band number earlier in the week, black 91 over green V with a silver USFW band.  The male was much more challenging.

On Monday, I was able to get a partial read of the black over green band and knew right away that this was probably NOT Rueben.  The adults were also behaving like they were in courtship.  I finally got a perfect look at the band and the male is black 54 over green W with a silver USFW band.  Tracy contacted a few people in search of his identity and it turns out that he is George, hatched at the North Grand Island bridge in 2013. If he continues to hold this territory then he will be Linn’s new mate for the 2016 season.

We have not seen Rueben at all and have no idea of his current status.  We do know that he was from Wisconsin, hatched in 2003 and at 12 he was getting on in years.  Many of our older males this year have lost their territories to younger newcomers and it looks like that is the case here.  If this occurred at some point during the nesting season (we were all busy at fledge watches and so unable to be on site to witness any changes) that might explain the clutch of eggs that were lost.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 17-Jul-15, 07:42:08 AM
Footnote: In my research on George - I discovered that Duncan from Hamilton (who just moved to Niagara Falls nest site this Spring) was nesting at the South end of the bridge where George was born for a few years prior to 2013  (including 2012 before construction started).

There was construction on the South end so he and his mate were forced to move - and he could have moved to the North portion where George was born. The male was banded black/black but they were unable to read his bands at that time.

And of course with more construction being done on bridges there - it looks like Duncan moved to Niagara Falls some time last year or early this year.

So it's entirely possible George is Duncan's son, which would make him Madame X and Surge's grandson and explain why he chose this area. Of course we'll never be able to prove it as it's circumstantial evidence but what are the odds that 2 Canadian birds would have been nesting on the same bridge at opposite ends.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: patsy6 on 17-Jul-15, 07:59:28 AM
Oh, poor Reuben! Wherever he is, I hope he's okay. 

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 17-Jul-15, 10:21:31 AM
Another male loses it's territory-we'll miss you Reuben!  :(

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 17-Jul-15, 01:12:24 PM
I am sorry to read that Reuben has been displaced. He and Linn seemed to be a very compatible pair. I hope Reuben survived any territorial battle which might have taken place, and that he is safe somewhere.

This kind of change at the nest certainly provides a viable explanation for why there were no chicks this year.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: CanBirdMan on 30-Jul-15, 10:01:02 AM
Further to the above post.  A new Nest has been discovered approximately 3-4 Km (2-2.5 Miles)West of Yellow Pages site.  It was revealed when CPF received a phone call of a Bird trapped on a Balcony.  This bird turned out to be a Female Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with no bands.  There was also a 2nd juvenile in the vicinity.  The trapped bird  was removed kept over night banded the next day. Of the adults the female has no Bands, but the Male is banded Black over Green. Unfortunately with the extremely Humid Weather we have been experiencing in TO over the last week or so I haven't been able to return to positively ID Male by Band #'s.  However w/the long weekend, and the Humidity breaking I intend to ID the Male. 
.      The  reason I have posted here it is hoped that given the close proximity to the Yellow Pages  site that the male is in fact Reuben. When I'm successful in getting the band #I wil post the Outcome.
Bruce Massey (CanBirdMan)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 30-Jul-15, 04:13:03 PM
Further to the above post.  A new Nest has been discovered approximately 3-4 Km (2-2.5 Miles)West of Yellow Pages site.  It was revealed when CPF received a phone call of a Bird trapped on a Balcony.  This bird turned out to be a Female Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with no bands.  There was also a 2nd juvenile in the vicinity.  The trapped bird  was removed kept over night banded the next day. Of the adults the female has no Bands, but the Male is banded Black over Green. Unfortunately with the extremely Humid Weather we have been experiencing in TO over the last week or so I haven't been able to return to positively ID Male by Band #'s.  However w/the long weekend, and the Humidity breaking I intend to ID the Male. 
.      The  reason I have posted here it is hoped that given the close proximity to the Yellow Pages  site that the male is in fact Reuben. When I'm successful in getting the band #I wil post the Outcome.
Bruce Massey (CanBirdMan)

Thanks Bruce! You're the man!!!  :wave:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 31-Jul-15, 06:09:45 AM
Further to the above post.  A new Nest has been discovered approximately 3-4 Km (2-2.5 Miles)West of Yellow Pages site.  It was revealed when CPF received a phone call of a Bird trapped on a Balcony.  This bird turned out to be a Female Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with no bands.  There was also a 2nd juvenile in the vicinity.  The trapped bird  was removed kept over night banded the next day. Of the adults the female has no Bands, but the Male is banded Black over Green. Unfortunately with the extremely Humid Weather we have been experiencing in TO over the last week or so I haven't been able to return to positively ID Male by Band #'s.  However w/the long weekend, and the Humidity breaking I intend to ID the Male. 
.      The  reason I have posted here it is hoped that given the close proximity to the Yellow Pages  site that the male is in fact Reuben. When I'm successful in getting the band #I wil post the Outcome.
Bruce Massey (CanBirdMan)

Good to see you here Bruce! I do hope Reuben has just moved over a few km...he's been a good mate to Linn all these years.

Here's hoping for a successful year for all of them next year.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: CanBirdMan on 06-Aug-15, 08:29:18 AM
Since my last post, I have spent some time trying to ID the Male @ our New Nest. Wow is this bird elusive. He's only seen briefly and even then most of the time I'm defeated by Distance or Height to  to read the Band.  Haven't given up yet.  Will continue to update.
CanBirdMan (Bruce Massey

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: CanBirdMan on 04-Sep-15, 09:38:51 AM
Hi there it's been several weeks and the Adults & Juveniles in the Kennedy/401 area have seemingly dispersed, I haven't seen them. I think realistically that I'll have to keep a close eye on the area next Spring to try and be.able.to pinpoint the Nest.  Will update.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 04-Sep-15, 10:30:10 AM
Hi there it's been several weeks and the Adults & Juveniles in the Kennedy/401 area have seemingly dispersed, I haven't seen them. I think realistically that I'll have to keep a close eye on the area next Spring to try and be.able.to pinpoint the Nest.  Will update.

Thanks Bruce for all your help!!  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Apr-16, 11:22:45 PM
This should be changed to Linn & George, seeing as Reuben is no longer Linn's mate.  

Post for 2016 season:

!!! Both Linn and George still the residents,, but a disturbing update!
April 02, 2016 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Mark Nash Reports:

Saturday April 2nd - 2016
Its looks like winter is back for another week, along with freezing artic temps and three separate clippers to come, all with snow about to hit us over the next 48 to 72 hours!

In an effort to get back out to do an update before the snow hits the fan and it gets really cold again, I was able to get back to the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site to do get an update on what’s been happening.

Both resident adult Pefa’s were visible and in my view upon my arrival (on the upper rooftop of the building), but obviously no incubation was happening! Very odd indeed, given the blustery cold winds, snow flurries and wind chills!! I spent a good 30 minutes watching and observing the pair from the south eastern parking lot prior to going up to the roof. Both birds were roosting quietly on separate ledges on the east upper side of the building.

So it was back inside and up to the roof area with security to check the ledges. After checking all of the upper 8 ledges with no success (and no interest from either of the two resident adults), we decided to do a second-go-round, this time in the opposite direction to get a look at each of the 8 ledges from the left hand side. Remembering that there is a overhang that surrounds each ledge and its easy to miss something without taking a detailed look from both sides of each of the 8 ledges.

As we moved around to the south east corner ledges, we finally got a some attention by the resident adult female, (Linn who was easily identified by her Black 91 over Green V coloured leg band). Moments later, she was joined by her mate, George, (clearly identified as being George by his Black 54 over Green W coloured leg band). *See attached photos

Both birds spent some time scolding us, (along with the usual areal dive bombing) as they seems to be focusing their attention to us as we approached one of the upper eastern facing ledges. *See attached photos

A quick peek over top of the retaining wall to view down onto the ledge and the story (at least in part) unfolded. A sad story indeed!
*See attached photos

While I could speculate all day as to the potential causes, I just haven’t had the opportunity to watch the site over the past few months and without any recent history of events, it is impossible to say what has taken place and caused this net result at this point.

What I can report, is the obvious, while three eggs were clearly observed, two of the eggs were fractured with gaping holes in them, and all three eggs were dried out looking and almost pure white. There was no shine to the eggs, and they appeared to be sun bleached white. While Linn and George were quite territorial and protectant of the ledge itself,, neither birds ever attended to the ledge even after my visit.

I did spend 30 plus minutes down in the parking lot observing the birds behavior after my visit and both birds took up roosting positions on other ledge corners and did just that,, roosted. Again, neither birds showed any interests in the ledge with the eggs.

I can only hope that the eggs were from last season, and the pair have yet to lay eggs this year!
I will be back in a couple of weeks to do another site visit and hopefully will have some better news about the pair to report.
Stay tuned…………..

Posted on April 2, 2016 8:30 pm
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages
See all observations for: Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Title: Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 03-Apr-16, 06:44:11 AM
How sad!!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 03-Apr-16, 12:17:04 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Apr-16, 12:45:26 PM
Very sad.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 03-Apr-16, 01:48:35 PM
I don't know whose those were but I expect they are old.  Still time for eggs for Linn, maybe she is hiding them because people keep spying on her  :blindfold:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Apr-16, 02:03:20 PM
I suspect those are last years eggs. Still sad to see.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 03-Apr-16, 02:09:06 PM
It is always sad to see eggs which have been lost or abandoned. Still, I think that these three eggs are at least a year old. They are so dried out, chalky white and brittle-looking; they very much resemble very old eggs which I have seen at other sites where they remained in the nest for up to a year and a half.

It is still fairly early, and I am hopeful that Linn and George will be able to have eggs this year.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 05-Jun-16, 05:47:45 AM
!! Surprise, Surprise, Surprise,,,, Two very healthy hatchlings!!!
June 04, 2016 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:

June 4th - 2016
With a short brake from the bandings, I was finally able to get back to finishing our site visits in an effort to get an update on what’s been happening at several of the other nest sites,, as we’re looking for second clutches and new hatches. Today, I was able to complete and visit three sites, including the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site at Progress and Milner in Scarborough.

With the support of Paul, I attended the upper roof top walkway and checked the new nest location of Linn and her new mate. While the resident adult male was no where to be seen during my visit,, Linn was on site, and in fine form!! Linn, the long standing resident adult female greeted us moments after exiting the door to the upper roof walkway.

We were quickly reminded that “she” is the lord and master and that the upper elevations are hers, and hers only. It was quite obvious that we were not welcomed guests!! With Paul defending, I was able to briefly pop up and looked over the top of the retaining wall ledge and snapped a couple of photos of the nest ledge below.

Just at that moment, I felt the sting on the top of my head as Linn made yet another full contact hit! Paul and I quickly headed for the cover behind the retaining wall, eventually making our way around the south side of the building, and finally to safety and under cover behind the exit door. The entire event was something out of Alfred Hitchcock’s horror movie “The Birds”,, but this time we were the victim’s !!!! Oh my goodness, this girl is a no-nonsense peregrine!!

During the brief encounter, (yes we were being aggressively pursued, dive-bombed and stooped on with full contact hits), I was able to snap a few photos of Linn as she kited above us during her set ups for additional stoops and dive-bombing runs.

Lets just say, it would be understatement to say that we were both pleased to be off the roof and under cover!

Much to my delight, I was able to confirm that there was at least two very healthy hatchlings on the nest ledge! While there may have been a third hatchling under the overhang, there was no way I was going to hang around with my back exposed to Linn any longer with this bird. The photos should tell the story.

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 05-Jun-16, 08:04:55 AM
Surprise indeed!! She's brutal!!  :devil:  Glad she has 2 to raise!!  :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Joyce on 05-Jun-16, 09:18:48 AM
Surprise indeed!! She's brutal!!  :devil:  Glad she has 2 to raise!!  :heart: :heart:

Linn says, "I am my mother's daughter!"  Of the 3 M&K females in Toronto from Rochester (Rhea Mae, Linn, & Quest) Linn is the closest in fierceness to Mariah.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Jun-16, 09:26:29 AM
I didn't realize Linn's mate was from NY too...CPF site said George hatched in 2013 on the North Grand Island Bridge. Linn was always great at giving them a hard time..they did get some great pics though! She looks and acts like her mother!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Jun-16, 05:41:29 PM
I look at Linn and I see Mariah! Love her! So happy she has little ones! What a fierce mom!  :heart: :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 05-Jun-16, 08:15:46 PM
She is fierce!!!!  So happy she has babies!

For a look back at her mama:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqv_hJaBJ_E (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqv_hJaBJ_E)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Jun-16, 08:42:13 PM

Mariah & Linn

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Joyce on 05-Jun-16, 09:20:00 PM
I didn't realize Linn's mate was from NY too...CPF site said George hatched in 2013 on the North Grand Island Bridge. Linn was always great at giving them a hard time..they did get some great pics though! She looks and acts like her mother!

Yep, the Rochester/Buffalo connection in Toronto.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Jun-16, 10:43:04 PM
I didn't realize Linn's mate was from NY too...CPF site said George hatched in 2013 on the North Grand Island Bridge. Linn was always great at giving them a hard time..they did get some great pics though! She looks and acts like her mother!

Yep, the Rochester/Buffalo connection in Toronto.


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 13-Jun-16, 10:12:09 PM
3 beautiful eyas. 2 female and 1 male.  Thanks to Ann B for the info!!

Yellow Pages pair of peregrine falcons. Too much work to do right now but will try and get tags tomorrow. What an amazing pair of falcons protecting their 3 babies


Didn't Mark say 2 babies???? Where was the 3rd??  :o

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 13-Jun-16, 10:28:41 PM
Thanks for the update Donna! Anne-you do a great job up there bringing us news and pics!!  :clap: :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 13-Jun-16, 10:31:18 PM
(http://i66.tinypic.com/29zxxsi.jpg) Names etc.



pics by Ann B

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 14-Jun-16, 05:36:43 AM

!!! Banding day and a surprise
June 13, 2016 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

It turns out that there are 3 chicks not 2. There was 1 boy and 2 girls all healthy and good weights

Mark Heaton from the OMNRF banded the chicks with assistance from colleagues Scott and Craig and CPF volunteer Kathy Smith. This years chick extractor was CPF volunteer climber John Miler.

Canadian Wildlife Services did blood sampling on all 3 chicks as part of a toxicology study of fire retardants in our environment.

Male named Kojis 650 grams band Y over 29 with blue tape
Female named Lorraine 890 grams band S over 63 with red tape
Female named Velcro 845 grams band S over 64 with white tape

Thanks to Paul and Louis from Petra for putting this together for us and getting us access to the roof to collect the chicks.

Fledge watch should start in about 10 days stay tuned to follow the progress of the little ones.

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2016/06/sightings/banding-day-and-a-surprise/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2016/06/sightings/banding-day-and-a-surprise/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 14-Jun-16, 08:08:22 AM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: patsy6 on 14-Jun-16, 01:50:44 PM
Great news!    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 14-Jun-16, 02:04:54 PM
Yay!  :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 31-Dec-16, 05:42:03 PM
Linn's son Kojis has been photographed north of the city in Simcoe County!! 

https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 31-Dec-16, 05:48:25 PM
Linn's son Kojis has been photographed north of the city in Simcoe County!! 

https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3)


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 31-Dec-16, 05:50:36 PM
Linn's son Kojis has been photographed north of the city in Simcoe County!! 

https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3)

Oh! He's gorgeous! Thanks Carly!  :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 31-Dec-16, 05:54:07 PM
Linn's son Kojis has been photographed north of the city in Simcoe County!! 

https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3)

Oh! He's gorgeous! Thanks Carly!  :clap:

Isn't he?  I said to someone earlier today, I keep going back to that photo because that face looks familiar - it's that fierce M&K look I think  :lol:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: patsy6 on 31-Dec-16, 06:37:19 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 31-Dec-16, 07:01:35 PM
Linn's son Kojis has been photographed north of the city in Simcoe County!! 

https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/photos/pcb.1308072955879576/1308072945879577/?type=3)

Oh! He's gorgeous! Thanks Carly!  :clap:

Isn't he?  I said to someone earlier today, I keep going back to that photo because that face looks familiar - it's that fierce M&K look I think  :lol:

You're right! Linn is Mariah's twin and he is going to look a lot like them!  :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: jeanne on 31-Dec-16, 10:21:50 PM
That is a Mariah look!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 01-Jan-17, 10:12:28 AM
He's a hunka hunka burning Falcon!!  :heart:

Thanks for the info!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 12-Jan-17, 04:32:01 PM
Some stunning photos of Kojis sent into CPF, he is gorgeous  :wub:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2017/01/sightings/kojis-seen/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2017/01/sightings/kojis-seen/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 12-Jan-17, 06:37:30 PM
Some stunning photos of Kojis sent into CPF, he is gorgeous  :wub:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2017/01/sightings/kojis-seen/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2017/01/sightings/kojis-seen/)

Gorgeous falcon!  :yes:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 12-Jan-17, 08:17:08 PM
Great pics and what a darling face!! 

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 12-Jan-17, 10:01:33 PM
Some stunning photos of Kojis sent into CPF, he is gorgeous  :wub:

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2017/01/sightings/kojis-seen/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2017/01/sightings/kojis-seen/)

Oh, just look at that fierce look!  :heart: :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 09-Apr-17, 01:00:05 PM
Anyone here about whether Linn and George have any eggs?

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-17, 01:09:31 PM
Haven't seen anything posted on the site about them :(

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 09-Apr-17, 02:31:58 PM
Haven't seen anything posted on the site about them :(

Thanks Carly. I hadn't heard anything either. I know they usually have a hard time finding the eggs at this location.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 01-May-17, 08:35:35 PM
!!! 4 Eggs at Yellow Pages
May 01, 2017 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

April 29th 2017

There 4 eggs now at Yellow Pages and I will be checking for hatch later this week stay tuned.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-May-17, 08:37:37 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 01-May-17, 09:34:30 PM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 01-May-17, 09:45:53 PM
 :thumbsup: :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Annette on 02-May-17, 06:44:46 AM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 02-May-17, 07:24:40 AM
Such wonderful news!  :clap:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 02-Jun-17, 01:00:28 PM
Any news about Lynn's little ones?

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 02-Jun-17, 01:11:51 PM
Any news about Lynn's little ones?

Only one post on CPF that said she had a hatch back on May 14th.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 02-Jun-17, 02:04:52 PM
Any news about Lynn's little ones?

Only one post on CPF that said she had a hatch back on May 14th.

Ok. Thx Carly. :wave:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 03-Jun-17, 03:24:18 PM
And finally, the news we've all been waiting for...

 Another successful banding day
June 02, 2017 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:

June 2nd 2017

3 boys and a girl for Scarborough.

Female- Named Wonder Woman band Z 13 red tape
Male-named Zisman band Y 45 Blue tape
Male- named Cezar band Y 46 Yellow tape
Male- named Luis band Y 47 White tape

All chicks are very healthy. Like most sites this year we have more boys than girls. the chicks are 19 to 21 days old today so the oldest chick should take flight in about 2 weeks fledge watch should start about June 14th.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 03-Jun-17, 03:33:52 PM
 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Awesome, thanks!!! Boyz Boyz Boyz!!!  :scaredblue:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Jun-17, 06:58:10 PM
Wonder Woman! Hahaha! Love it! <3

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: patsy6 on 03-Jun-17, 09:39:31 PM
Three boys and Wonder Woman!   :heart:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 17-Oct-17, 01:02:19 PM
Another Rochester grandson just caught at Tommy Thompson Park - link to photos soon as they post them.  This one is Linn's!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 17-Oct-17, 07:06:18 PM
Another Rochester grandson just caught at Tommy Thompson Park - link to photos soon as they post them.  This one is Linn's!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 17-Oct-17, 08:07:40 PM
Heh...board went down and I couldn't post it earlier but here he is...handsome boy  :wub:  Photo by them of course and link to Facebook for those that have access:  https://www.facebook.com/tommythompsonpark/photos/pcb.929265130555376/929265007222055/?type=3&theater (https://www.facebook.com/tommythompsonpark/photos/pcb.929265130555376/929265007222055/?type=3&theater)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: AlisonL on 17-Oct-17, 08:54:59 PM
Heh...board went down and I couldn't post it earlier but here he is...handsome boy  :wub:  Photo by them of course and link to Facebook for those that have access:  https://www.facebook.com/tommythompsonpark/photos/pcb.929265130555376/929265007222055/?type=3&theater (https://www.facebook.com/tommythompsonpark/photos/pcb.929265130555376/929265007222055/?type=3&theater)

Thanks, Carly! What a beautiful little juvie he is! So great to see him show up at TTP.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 14-Jun-18, 05:34:02 AM
Canadian Peregrine Foundation

1 boy and 1 girl at Yellow Pages in Scarborough! Some photos from the June 6th banding. Linn is one aggressive mother! Welcome ALFA (male, R/16, 24 days, 655 g, blue tape) & SIERRA (female, Z/67, 23 days, 895 g, red tape). Mom Linn (black over green 91/V) is the long-standing resident female (hatched 2007 in Rochester, NY) and Dad is George (black over green 54/W), who has been the resident male since 2015 (hatched 2013 at North Island Grand Bridge, NY).

(Photos by Lucie, more on CPF Facebook)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Donna on 14-Jun-18, 07:41:10 AM
Thanks for the good news Carly!!  :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: MAK on 14-Jun-18, 12:28:05 PM
 :2thumbsup: Thanks Carly!  :wave:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 14-Jun-18, 09:15:56 PM
So happy to know that Linn is still there and she has young ones!  :wub:

She takes after her mom, the fierce Mariah!  :heart:

Thanks Carly!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 11-May-19, 07:22:25 AM
From CPF: http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/05/sightings/linn-is-still-very-much-on-site-and-still-very-much-in-charge-sadly-only-one-egg/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/05/sightings/linn-is-still-very-much-on-site-and-still-very-much-in-charge-sadly-only-one-egg/)

Linn is still very much on site,, and still very much in charge!!! Sadly, only one egg :-(
May 10, 2019 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:
May 10th 2019
Well, I have some both good news and some bad news to report today after visiting the Scarborough nest site this afternoon.

First the good news,, I met an old friend again this afternoon at the Scarborough nest site, and was greeted by Linn, the long standing resident adult female, hatched in Rochester NY at the old Kodak nest site, banded Black 91 over Green V.

After a very brief re-introduction and with the resident adult male stooping and diving only inches from my head,, Linn joined him as she came up from the nest ledge and quickly landed on the upper retaining wall ledge. Without missing a wing-beat, she quickly ran down the ledge towards me,, (or should I say at me) in an effort to shew me away,, at it worked!!

It only took a second for me to realize that she meant serious business and was not in the mood to entertain houseguests and I managed to get out of her way as she was only inches away from my face!! Linn is a no-nonsense full body contact gal!!

I was able to snap a single photo of the nest nedge, and saw only one egg, (that the adult male was incubating at the time).

The not so good news, is ofcourse only one egg was present. It might appear that the unusual (un-seasonal cold damp rainy spring has taken its toll on a number of southern Ontario nest sites this year),, with little to no production of eggs and failed nest sites altogether that we have been recording so far this spring.

Unfortunately, I was not able to identify the resident adult male, as he never stopped stooping at me the entire visit, and with Linn on the pursuit, I wasn’t hanging around!!

Enjoy the photos, the best I could do under the circumstance……… DUCK!!! and I don’t mean quack quack

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 08-Jun-19, 05:02:24 PM
!!! If at first you don’t succeed,, try , try again! A second clutch!! :-))
June 07, 2019 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:
June 7th - 2019

Despite the fact that the pairs first clutch of eggs had earlier failed,,, there is no reason to stop trying,, and so it is for the Scarborough Milner nest pair!

Today’s check-in visit yielded some very good news indeed with presence of a second clutch of 4 eggs!!
Yeeee gads …. we’re going to doing fledge watches and bandingss all summer long!!!
Stay tuned, as it would seem that Linn and her mate is not quitters!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 08-Jun-19, 06:18:55 PM
!!! If at first you don’t succeed,, try , try again! A second clutch!! :-))
June 07, 2019 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:
June 7th - 2019

Despite the fact that the pairs first clutch of eggs had earlier failed,,, there is no reason to stop trying,, and so it is for the Scarborough Milner nest pair!

Today’s check-in visit yielded some very good news indeed with presence of a second clutch of 4 eggs!!
Yeeee gads …. we’re going to doing fledge watches and bandingss all summer long!!!
Stay tuned, as it would seem that Linn and her mate is not quitters!!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 26-Apr-20, 11:15:14 AM
Lyn has 3 eggs

April 25, 2020 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:
Yes Lyn is still on site however I can?t confirm who the male is yet. There are now 3 eggs and we will be going back soon to check for a hatch.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-May-20, 09:01:51 PM
 Thank you Carly! This is wonderful news about Linn and her mate.  :heart:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-21, 07:46:37 AM
A post to CPF which I missed but found after I had identified Velcro in a post on FB, she is at Detroit Zoo nest site.  This is Linn's daughter from 2016!  Barb Baldinger is going to contact someone to let them know it's Velcro. 

Velcro in Michigan
March 20, 2021 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
Got a report from our bander Mark Heaton that Velcro a female produced in 2016 at the Yellow Pages nest site in Scarborough has been seen in Royal Oak, Oakland County Michigan on March 12th 2021.

FB post on Peregrine Falcons Southeast Michigan site - I went through the video from that day and saw Velcro's bands and was able to ID her. (https://www.facebook.com/Peregrine-Falcons-Southeast-Michigan-164682993603101 (https://www.facebook.com/Peregrine-Falcons-Southeast-Michigan-164682993603101)

News from the Detroit Zoo website:

Peregrine Falcons at the Detroit Zoo
A new unidentified pair of Peregrine falcons are now residing in the Detroit Zoo?s water tower nest box. Last year?s couple, male Justice and female KJ who successfully fledged four chicks, have not returned to this nesting site. However, another banded bird from Ontario has been seen visiting the box ? this could get interesting.

Thank you to the Michigan DNR for helping us with the nest box design, and also to Metro Wireless and Spiritech for helping with the network and camera setup. This live stream will be active from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily.

NOTE: these falcons are wild animals and free to come and go; there won?t always be activity in the nest box.
Here is the link to the Falcon Live Cam: https://detroitzoo.org/falcon-cam/ (https://detroitzoo.org/falcon-cam/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 09-Apr-21, 07:48:54 AM
This is such wonderful news!  A Mariah & Kaver granddaughter continues their legacy!  :heart:

Thanks Carly!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-21, 09:10:27 AM
She's perched just outside the nest box right now and preening.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-21, 09:59:16 AM
Detroit Zoo Update:

The Falcon Cam was just turned on yesterday and thanks to Kathy Majich we have the ID of the female. She is Velcro (black, S/64) a 2016 hatch from the Scarborough Yellow Pages site near Toronto, Ontario. Her mother Linn hatched in Rochester, New York and father George is from North Grand Island Bridge in New York. The new Detroit Zoo male is unbanded. Susan Stevens caught this screen shot of them together in the Detroit Zoo water tower nest box. Here is the link to the Falcon Cam: https://detroitzoo.org/falcon-cam/

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-21, 11:48:50 AM
I find it interesting that 2...maybe 3...of M&K's descendants have been seen in Michigan. Ihteram...there was another I can't recall right now...either Michigan or just across in Canada...and now Velcro. I've always wondered if there is an affinity to where one of the original pair were hatched.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Apr-21, 01:31:05 PM
Detroit Zoo Update:

The Falcon Cam was just turned on yesterday and thanks to Kathy Majich we have the ID of the female. She is Velcro (black, S/64) a 2016 hatch from the Scarborough Yellow Pages site near Toronto, Ontario. Her mother Linn hatched in Rochester, New York and father George is from North Grand Island Bridge in New York. The new Detroit Zoo male is unbanded. Susan Stevens caught this screen shot of them together in the Detroit Zoo water tower nest box. Here is the link to the Falcon Cam: https://detroitzoo.org/falcon-cam/

The legacy continues!❤️

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 15-Apr-21, 11:26:42 AM
First egg for Velcro and her unbanded mate!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 15-Apr-21, 11:34:27 AM
First egg for Velcro and her unbanded mate!!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 19-Apr-21, 09:42:50 AM
Egg #2 has arrived for Velcro and her mate.  It's late but the male seemed to be dealing with an intruder which no doubt contributed to the delay.  This morning all is calm and he came in to see the egg once she laid it. I was busy on a conference call so I didn't' get a screen shot and she is now covering them.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 19-Apr-21, 05:43:17 PM
Egg #2 has arrived for Velcro and her mate.  It's late but the male seemed to be dealing with an intruder which no doubt contributed to the delay.  This morning all is calm and he came in to see the egg once she laid it. I was busy on a conference call so I didn't' get a screen shot and she is now covering them.

Great news! Let's hope it remains peaceful there.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 21-Apr-21, 06:45:49 PM
Egg #3 is here!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 21-Apr-21, 10:02:53 PM
Egg #3 is here!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 23-May-21, 07:16:05 PM
First hatch happening right now for Velcro and her unbanded mate at Detroit Zoo.!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-May-21, 08:01:12 PM
First hatch happening right now for Velcro and her unbanded mate at Detroit Zoo.!

Woo Hoo!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 24-May-21, 06:36:31 PM
#2 is here for Velcro!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 24-May-21, 09:12:15 PM
#2 is here for Velcro!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 27-May-21, 08:54:00 AM
3 days after the last hatch another hatch!!!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 27-May-21, 10:56:09 AM
3 days after the last hatch another hatch!!!

Better late than never.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 04-Apr-22, 11:03:43 AM
Detroit Zoo won't be running their web cam this year due to maintenance at the site however they have confirmed that Linn's daughter Velcro is still there this year and she and her mate have 3 eggs so far!!

From FB:

Over the last several years, we have been delighted to see thousands celebrate the peregrine falcons who nest on the iconic Detroit Zoo water tower. We have encouraged this by providing a live video feed, allowing the community to watch these birds become parents and raise their chicks.

This year, due to ongoing maintenance of our water tower and parking lots, we have decided to discontinue the live feed, and we will not be broadcasting footage of the nest on the Detroit Zoo website. While we know some lovers of these majestic birds will be disappointed by this decision, we remain committed to sharing with you the falcons? journey on our social media pages.

We are pleased to announce the peregrine falcon female from last year, Velcro, has returned to the water tower, along with an unbanded, unidentified male. The pairing has resulted in three eggs in their nest so far.

Stay tuned for more periodic updates about this dynamic duo!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 04-Apr-22, 11:59:06 AM
Detroit Zoo won't be running their web cam this year due to maintenance at the site however they have confirmed that Linn's daughter Velcro is still there this year and she and her mate have 3 eggs so far!!

From FB:

Over the last several years, we have been delighted to see thousands celebrate the peregrine falcons who nest on the iconic Detroit Zoo water tower. We have encouraged this by providing a live video feed, allowing the community to watch these birds become parents and raise their chicks.

This year, due to ongoing maintenance of our water tower and parking lots, we have decided to discontinue the live feed, and we will not be broadcasting footage of the nest on the Detroit Zoo website. While we know some lovers of these majestic birds will be disappointed by this decision, we remain committed to sharing with you the falcons? journey on our social media pages.

We are pleased to announce the peregrine falcon female from last year, Velcro, has returned to the water tower, along with an unbanded, unidentified male. The pairing has resulted in three eggs in their nest so far.

Stay tuned for more periodic updates about this dynamic duo!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 04-Apr-22, 01:29:36 PM
Detroit Zoo won't be running their web cam this year due to maintenance at the site however they have confirmed that Linn's daughter Velcro is still there this year and she and her mate have 3 eggs so far!!

From FB:

Over the last several years, we have been delighted to see thousands celebrate the peregrine falcons who nest on the iconic Detroit Zoo water tower. We have encouraged this by providing a live video feed, allowing the community to watch these birds become parents and raise their chicks.

This year, due to ongoing maintenance of our water tower and parking lots, we have decided to discontinue the live feed, and we will not be broadcasting footage of the nest on the Detroit Zoo website. While we know some lovers of these majestic birds will be disappointed by this decision, we remain committed to sharing with you the falcons? journey on our social media pages.

We are pleased to announce the peregrine falcon female from last year, Velcro, has returned to the water tower, along with an unbanded, unidentified male. The pairing has resulted in three eggs in their nest so far.

Stay tuned for more periodic updates about this dynamic duo!

Great news!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 12-May-22, 04:43:59 PM
Detroit Zoo update on Velcro and her unbanded mate.  

Velcro and her mate have 4 successful hatches again!  :clap:

https://www.facebook.com/detroitzoo/photos/a.718124978225903/5242160015822354 (https://www.facebook.com/detroitzoo/photos/a.718124978225903/5242160015822354)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 05-Jan-23, 09:10:01 AM
Say hello to another M&K descendant, hanging out at the Warren, MI nest site:  Hatched at the Detroit Zoo to Linn's daughter Velcro in 2021.  Banded as female Blk/Blu 64/K and not named.  What a beauty  :wub:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Jan-23, 02:17:21 PM
Say hello to another M&K descendant, hanging out at the Warren, MI nest site:  Hatched at the Detroit Zoo to Linn's daughter Velcro in 2021.  Banded as female Blk/Blu 64/K and not named.  What a beauty  :wub:


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 05-Jan-23, 04:45:26 PM
Say hello to another M&K descendant, hanging out at the Warren, MI nest site:  Hatched at the Detroit Zoo to Linn's daughter Velcro in 2021.  Banded as female Blk/Blu 64/K and not named.  What a beauty  :wub:


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Jan-23, 05:44:43 PM
Say hello to another M&K descendant, hanging out at the Warren, MI nest site:  Hatched at the Detroit Zoo to Linn's daughter Velcro in 2021.  Banded as female Blk/Blu 64/K and not named.  What a beauty  :wub:


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 31-Mar-23, 10:49:02 AM
Warren, MI:  The Warren watchers have named 64/K = Wilma and her unbanded mate = Fred.  Wilma just laid her 2nd egg a few minutes ago.

They do have a web cam and a FB page if anyone is interested .

https://www.earthcam.com/usa/michigan/warren/falcon/?cam=falcon_mi&fbclid=IwAR1zUldxRL5-LJu1H9OYj743pyPG_rbrIiHHuA2krGhi_IAqXpcyFSbjXmQ (https://www.earthcam.com/usa/michigan/warren/falcon/?cam=falcon_mi&fbclid=IwAR1zUldxRL5-LJu1H9OYj743pyPG_rbrIiHHuA2krGhi_IAqXpcyFSbjXmQ)

https://www.facebook.com/WarrenPeregrineFalcons (https://www.facebook.com/WarrenPeregrineFalcons)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 31-Mar-23, 12:27:03 PM
Warren, MI:  The Warren watchers have named 64/K = Wilma and her unbanded mate = Fred.  Wilma just laid her 2nd egg a few minutes ago.

They do have a web cam and a FB page if anyone is interested .

https://www.earthcam.com/usa/michigan/warren/falcon/?cam=falcon_mi&fbclid=IwAR1zUldxRL5-LJu1H9OYj743pyPG_rbrIiHHuA2krGhi_IAqXpcyFSbjXmQ (https://www.earthcam.com/usa/michigan/warren/falcon/?cam=falcon_mi&fbclid=IwAR1zUldxRL5-LJu1H9OYj743pyPG_rbrIiHHuA2krGhi_IAqXpcyFSbjXmQ)

https://www.facebook.com/WarrenPeregrineFalcons (https://www.facebook.com/WarrenPeregrineFalcons)

Wonderful news! So happy she laid her 2nd egg. 😀

Thank you Carly!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 11-Apr-23, 11:34:45 AM
Wilma and her mate Fred are incubating 4 eggs now.  Sorry meant to update last week :)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 11-Apr-23, 01:40:03 PM
Wilma and her mate Fred are incubating 4 eggs now.  Sorry meant to update last week :)


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 08-May-23, 06:17:48 AM
First hatch for Wilma and Fred overnight!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 08-May-23, 06:52:19 AM
First hatch for Wilma and Fred overnight!

Great news!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 08-May-23, 09:30:32 AM
First hatch for Wilma and Fred overnight!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 08-May-23, 10:05:00 AM
First hatch for Wilma and Fred overnight!

Yabba Dabba Doo!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 08-May-23, 11:53:18 AM
First hatch for Wilma and Fred overnight!

Yabba Dabba Doo!


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 09-May-23, 08:15:40 PM
Still only one baby and probably for the best.  The male is useless, she's been up looking for him to bring food and he never shows up with any.  Thankfully only one baby but still the lack of food for the baby and her is worrisome.  I wonder if he has a nest elsewhere. 

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 10-May-23, 12:57:09 PM
A second egg hatched this morning, Wilma yelled at Fred and he finally stepped up!  Talons crossed it sticks  :happy:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 25-May-23, 07:44:44 PM
Looks like Gramma Linn is still going strong  :heart:  CPF posted her offspring will be banded on June 4th.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Jun-23, 08:39:23 PM
From CPF on FB:

Banding at Petra 325 Milner formerly Yellow Pages June 2nd

Once again this Linn has only one chick another boy.

As we have done at all the sites so far this year Environment and Climate change Canada`s Glenn Barrett and Kyna Dawn did blood work on the chicks and our new climber John Beals extracted the chicks. This time Eva Bobak from OMNRF banded the chick while Mark Heaton assisted. Linn was her usual self very aggressive but thankfully did not hit anyone or steal their hat this time lol.

The little boy was quite small at 550 grams but very healthy and was named Yorgos by
 Paul Zesis from Petra the name is Greek for George.  His band number is C over 44 and although there is only one chick we put red tape on his silver band just in case we loose sight of him during the fledge watch and someone from the community sees a falcon with red tape and reports it to us.

Thanks to Petra and our volunteers for making this a successful banding.

More photos from outside that Lucie took to come.

(https://i.postimg.cc/y8nP21LT/IMG-9135.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 04-Jun-23, 01:13:54 PM
Banding for Linn's two grand kids at Warren is set for tomorrow morning around 11 am.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 04-Jun-23, 01:40:33 PM
Banding for Linn's two grand kids at Warren is set for tomorrow morning around 11 am.

Thanks Carly!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 05-Jun-23, 11:22:53 AM
Banding being streamed on-line and the results are in.  M&K's newest descendants are:

Pebbles - girl - blk/blu - 21/AE
Betty - girl - blk/blu - 22/AE


Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Jun-23, 01:26:06 PM
Banding being streamed on-line and the results are in.  M&K's newest descendants are:

Pebbles - girl - blk/blu - 21/AE
Betty - girl - blk/blu - 22/AE



Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Jun-23, 05:55:32 PM
Banding being streamed on-line and the results are in.  M&K's newest descendants are:

Pebbles - girl - blk/blu - 21/AE
Betty - girl - blk/blu - 22/AE


What? No Bam Bam?  :lol:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 05-Jun-23, 08:30:26 PM
Banding being streamed on-line and the results are in.  M&K's newest descendants are:

Pebbles - girl - blk/blu - 21/AE
Betty - girl - blk/blu - 22/AE



Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 05-Jun-23, 08:49:33 PM
Banding being streamed on-line and the results are in.  M&K's newest descendants are:

Pebbles - girl - blk/blu - 21/AE
Betty - girl - blk/blu - 22/AE


What? No Bam Bam?  :lol:

They wanted Bam Bam but number 2 turned out to be a girl as well  :lol:

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 19-Jun-23, 03:03:20 PM
For anyone who read the last report - great news this time around!!


I reported earlier that we had gone to check on him to decide when we should start the fledge watch and after an extensive search could not find him on any ledge. Well I have no idea how we missed him but he is now on the 12th floor area alive and well. The fledge watch will be starting in the next day or 2 so hears hoping he wont play hide and seek with anymore. I would appear that Linn from Rochester has become quite foxy and her attempts to hide her chicks has become better over the years lol.

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 19-Jun-23, 04:34:59 PM
For anyone who read the last report - great news this time around!!


I reported earlier that we had gone to check on him to decide when we should start the fledge watch and after an extensive search could not find him on any ledge. Well I have no idea how we missed him but he is now on the 12th floor area alive and well. The fledge watch will be starting in the next day or 2 so hears hoping he wont play hide and seek with anymore. I would appear that Linn from Rochester has become quite foxy and her attempts to hide her chicks has become better over the years lol.

Awesome news! Thanks, Carly!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Kris G. on 20-Aug-23, 09:49:13 PM
Great news about Yorgos!

http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2023/08/sightings/yorgos-doing-well/ (http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2023/08/sightings/yorgos-doing-well/)

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 21-Aug-23, 06:24:56 AM

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: carly on 30-May-24, 02:17:18 PM
Two new M&K great, great grandkids banded this morning in Warren Michigan.  Great Grandma is Linn of course.

Color Band:  Black over Blue: C/80
USFW Band:  1156-25092
Sex:  Male

Color Band:  Black over Blue: 43/AE
USFW Band:  2447-06032
Sex:  Female

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Carol P. on 30-May-24, 05:29:21 PM
Two new M&K great, great grandkids banded this morning in Warren Michigan.  Great Grandma is Linn of course.

Color Band:  Black over Blue: C/80
USFW Band:  1156-25092
Sex:  Male

Color Band:  Black over Blue: 43/AE
USFW Band:  2447-06032
Sex:  Female

Go Linn! This is awesome news! Thx Carly!

Title: Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Post by: Shaky on 30-May-24, 09:54:44 PM
Two new M&K great, great grandkids banded this morning in Warren Michigan.  Great Grandma is Linn of course.

Color Band:  Black over Blue: C/80
USFW Band:  1156-25092
Sex:  Male

Color Band:  Black over Blue: 43/AE
USFW Band:  2447-06032
Sex:  Female

Great names!