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« Reply #18 on: 06-May-14, 07:24:57 PM » |
And the updated band spreadsheet for all Rochester related birds believed to be alive...
Save & sort at your leisure. If anyone has the USFW band numbers, please let me know. We'd like to add them where available...
Quick reference table by name...
Name VID USFWS Tape (over band) or Band color USFWS # if known Birth date Birth place Aconcagua *8/*3 B/G red 2005 Rochester, NY Alberta *2/5 R/R ??? 1995 Wainright, AB Albus R/43 B/B green May. 12 2012 Scarborough, ON, Canada Alfreda 73/AX B/G silver May. 2012 Buffalo, NY Alkyonis *G/O B/R white 2004 Rochester, NY Allen 93/P B/G ??? May. 7 2004 Lima, OH Amora S/13 B/B red May. 9 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Ananta 90/V B/G silver 2007 Rochester, NY Archer 25/V B/B silver 2006 Port Colborn, ON, Canada Aura 50/U B/G blue 2006 Rochester, NY Baron 19/BA B/G yellow May 24 2013 Rochester, NY Barry 36/H ??? 2001 Cleveland, OH Beauty 81/Y B/G silver 1687-00506 2007 Pittsburgh, PA Belle 87/X B/B red 2008 Toronto, ON, Canada Billy 77/AX B/G red May-13 Buffalo, NY Blaze R/41 B/B blue May. 9 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Blue female97/BA B/G blue May-13 Rochester, NY Carina Y/70 B/B red May 10 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Chance D/47 ??? 2008 Oregon, OH Chayton *1/*S B/R blue 2003 Rochester, NY Chester 95/Y B/B silver May. 16 2011 Toronto, ON, Canada Cinnamon P/60 B/B red May. 5 2011 Toronto, ON, Canada Destiny *1/*U B/R white 2003 Rochester, NY Diamante 21/R B/G red 2008 Rochester, NY Dot.Ca 13/Y B/B silver May. 7 2010 Etobicoke, ON, Canada Eagan R/44 B/B red May. 13 2012 Scarborough, ON, Canada Edge *1/*T B/R red 2003 Rochester, NY Edward 81/AV B/G ?? green May-13 Buffalo, NY Eleanor 2/8 B/R ??? May. 19 1993 Sheboygan, WI Electra P/55 ??? 2008 Oregon, OH Elle 25/X B/R ??? 2011 Flint, MI Erin *B/*D B/R silver May. 17 1998 Milwaukee, WI Esperanza *2/P B/R silver 2005 Rochester, NY Falcor 29/X B/B ??? Jun. 6 1990 Cincinnati, OH Fef 62/X B/B blue May. 4 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Felix W/64 B/B white May 9 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Franklin 95T B/B ??? May. 13 1990 Cedar Rapids, IA Freedom *1/*M B/R red 2002 Rochester, NY Freedom U/8* ??? 1994 Evansville, IN Fulmine *8/*2 B/G blue 2005 Rochester, NY Gleig 33/X B/B silver May. 6 2009 Hamilton, ON, Canada Grace 92/V B/G blue 2007 Rochester, NY Grissom *8/*5 B/G green 2004 Rochester, NY Gurdy Y/66 B/B yellow May 9 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Harlequin 54/X B/B red May. 29 2011 Toronto, ON, Canada Ihteram *2/R B/R yellow 2005 Rochester, NY Imagine Y/68 B/B blue May 14 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Intimidator 42/K B/G ??? May. 2 2002 Cincinnati, OH Isis *D/O B/R black 2002 Rochester, NY Jack R/G silver 2002 Mississauga, ON, Canada Jemison 95/W B/G blue May. 18 2010 Rochester, NY Jet 98/Y B/B blue May. 19 2011 Scarborough, ON, Canada Journey 61/X B/B red May. 2 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Kendal 33/Y B/B silver May. 9 2009 Toronto, ON, Canada Kimani Y/71 B/B blue May 10 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Legacy 39/Y B/Y red 2010 Toronto, ON, Canada Leopold C/D B/R ??? Jun. 12 1992 Kenosha, WI Liberty 96/X B/B yellow 2009 Toronto, ON, Canada Lily 86/X B/B white/blue 2008 Toronto, ON, Canada Linn 91/V B/G red 2007 Rochester, NY Loki W/70 B/B blue May 17 2013 Scarborough, ON, Canada Lorenzo 38/Y B/B yellow 2010 Toronto, ON, Canada Luna Y/69 B/B yellow May 10 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Maize *S/*C B/G ??? 2009 Flint, MI Majesty 2/*A B/G ??? Apr. 7 2002 Cleves, OH Mariah none blue/yellow 1687-01349 1996 unknown Marlee R/36 B/B yellow May. 1 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Mary Ellen *B/*B B/R ??? May. 17 1998 Milwaukee, WI Mira S/14 B/B green May. 11 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Mr. Mott 24/X B/R ??? 2011 Flint, MI Neira Y/73 B/B red May 17 2013 Scarborough, ON, Canada Orion 25/R B/G silver Jun. 20 2012 Rochester, NY Osler 31/Y B/B silver 2009 Toronto, ON, Canada Panagiotis R/42 B/B blue May. 12 2012 Scarborough, ON, Canada Pigott 43/X B/B red/green May. 9 2011 Hamilton, ON, Canada Pride *2/K B/R red 2004 Rochester, NY Princess *B/*S B/R ??? May. 18 1998 Manitowoc, WI Quest 96/V B/G blue 2008 Rochester, NY Ramjet W/65 B/B white May 14 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Raynie A/*H B/R ??? May. 4 1995 Chicago, IL Rhea Mae P/*T B/R silver 2006 Rochester, NY Rhiannon 53/X B/B red May. 18 2011 Scarborough, ON, Canada Roosevelt R/4* ??? 1995 Columbus, OH Rosetta 96/BA B/G blue/white May 24 2013 Rochester, NY Rueben 43/M B/G ??? May. 9 2003 Manitowoc, WI Sacajawea 93/V B/G yellow 2007 Rochester, NY Sandy (Links) 97/X B/B red 2009 Toronto, ON, Canada Seneca 95/V B/G silver 2008 Rochester, NY Simcoe 63/X B/B yellow May. 8 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Skye 50/X B/B silver 2011 Etobicoke, ON, Canada Solar R/38 B/B blue May. 8 2012 Toronto, ON, Canada Sparky S/75 ??? 2008 Oregon, OH Star-Scribe 11/Y B/B blue 2010 Toronto, ON, Canada Stormin 30/Y B/B silver 2009 Toronto, ON, Canada Striker 97/Y B/B yellow May. 18 2011 Scarborough, ON, Canada Sunshine 24/X B/B green May. 1 2011 Toronto, ON, Canada Susan B. 97/V B/G green 2008 Rochester, NY Swifty 35/P ??? 2003 Fort Wayne, IN Tiago 29/H B/B silver 2005 Toronto, ON, Canada Tinia Y/67 B/B red May 14 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Tlohtli *1/*V B/R yellow 2003 Rochester, NY Unity 17/V B/B blue/red 2008 Toronto, ON, Canada Virginia 76/AX B/G yellow May-13 Buffalo, NY Voyager 95/BA B/G yellow/red May 26 2013 Rochester, NY Wagner 73/AW B/G silver May. 2012 Buffalo, NY Welcome W/63 B/B green May 10 2013 Toronto, ON, Canada Windwhistler E/*T B/B silver 1998 Etobicoke, ON, Canada Yellow female 99/BA B/G yellow May-13 Rochester, NY Zanar 69/K B/B silver 2004 Ottawa, ON, Canada Zephyr 22/R B/G yellow 2008 Rochester, NY