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Author Topic: Hurricane Irene  (Read 32476 times)
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Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #15 on: 28-Aug-11, 05:22:49 AM »

I'm as ready as I can be.  Right now I'm waiting for some clearer idea when the heavy rains will actually get here.  I need to head into work ahead of the real nasty stuff (I work in a nursing home-all hands needed in critical weather) but it's barely moved in the past few hours. 

Good luck, Ei - mind yourself!!
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« Reply #16 on: 28-Aug-11, 05:50:15 AM »

I'm as ready as I can be.  Right now I'm waiting for some clearer idea when the heavy rains will actually get here.  I need to head into work ahead of the real nasty stuff (I work in a nursing home-all hands needed in critical weather) but it's barely moved in the past few hours. 

Good luck, Ei - mind yourself!!

Thanks.  I got here safely a while ago-not really working yet-just reading a book-the call outs should be starting any time now, so I'll be busy soon I'm sure.

Keeping good thoughts for others in the path of the storm...

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
« Reply #17 on: 28-Aug-11, 06:03:05 AM »

The press coverage is annoying me!  I have seen staged shots of downtown Annapolis (heavy Rain on the roads) and Baltimore (Curtis Bay, which floods all the time with a boat in the hospital parking lot on a trailer).  Feedback from Owings is a heavy rain event.  TS warning still, but we saw that all the time on the boat!  Except in the winter they are called nor'easters. 
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #18 on: 28-Aug-11, 06:35:03 AM »

I'm alive!!! Brutal winds over night and heavy rains. Major flooding all over. The eye will hit around 10am. They say still a Cat 1. No power loss as of yet. The day has just started. I actually slept all alone downstairs. So many roads closed due to downed trees and flooding. Waiting for the rest of the day. Feel so sorry for those on the coast, they are getting slammed. Stay safe, stay dry, if you can.

Ed may not get home from work tonight with all the roads closed. Sad

Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #19 on: 28-Aug-11, 06:48:59 AM »

Poor Ed! But he is probably better to stay where he is... which, of course, will delight you no end! Take care!
« Reply #20 on: 28-Aug-11, 08:32:38 AM »

Stay save everyone!
I'm  to busy this year to post a lot on the forum .But I read all the messages every day,I still think this is the best forum.I admire all you falconwatchers ,and I watch all the pictures en videos everyone posts .Patti ,I came halfway true your album and will watch the rest of the pictures on a cold winternight.I miss Aafke and hope she will be back on the forum soon.For now I hope the storm is going to slow down and causes not to much damage.
Greetings Carla

Thanks Carla!  This is going to be a bad one.  and I miss Aafke too! 

I hope everyone in this storm's path stays safe and I also miss Aafke and all her many contributions to this Forum.  Hope she comes back soon!

Have no fear, Aafke will re-appear!!  clap

Yes, Aafke will be back!!!  I'm in fairly close contact with here and she will be!  She was away on a month's vacation, is catching up -- we all know that vacations wear one out completely and her 3 gardens got away from her, as gardens are want to do!!  But she will be back, once things are back in some kind of order!  I'll let her know that you all have been missing her!!  We all need that!

And saying that, I am thinking about all you folk on the east coast of the USA!!  Have been watching the happenings on CNN...  Jan in CT is okay so far, but the storm hasn't completely reached her yet.  Did have some sleep, a good breakfast!  Donna -- have been thinking about you!  And heard yesterday from Betty Faye Lawton -- she's prepared for the winds, loss of power up there in NH -- at least she's up on high ground!  All my positive thoughts to all you out there!!

Best wishes,
Annie in Toronto

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« Reply #21 on: 28-Aug-11, 09:12:20 AM »

Lady Liberty is a bit obscured!
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #22 on: 28-Aug-11, 11:28:09 AM »

Anyone hear from Donna in the last hour or so? Things seem kinda bad where she is... lemme know, ok? Esp since Ed may not be able to get home. I am fussing! Thanks!
Paul Hamilton

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« Reply #23 on: 28-Aug-11, 11:55:21 AM »

Paul checking in here.  We have one tree down in our yard, and lots of leaves, small branches, and twigs everywhere.  It's as if forest giants had a big party with lots of green confetti. Our power held on until a bit past midnight and then decided that it had performed sufficiently in the face of overwhelming odds, and departed.  The robo-voice on the telephone says that the electrons will report for duty again between noon and six.  Our peak wind was 58 mph (93 kph), a tie with the last big storm, Isabel, in 2003.  We prepared as we did for Isabel, and got the about the same outcome.  It felt just like Isabel, in terms of wind and rain, but it lasted a good deal longer.

No word from the people on Ocracoke since yesterday, but flooding may have trashed the telephones.  They did make it through the highest winds, which were a far more challenging 85 mph (137 kph). 

Best wishes to all you falcon fans who are in the storm now.   


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« Reply #24 on: 28-Aug-11, 11:58:36 AM »

Thanks Paul.
I'm glad you and your family are OK.
Greetings Carla
Kris G.
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« Reply #25 on: 28-Aug-11, 12:03:22 PM »

Glad to hear all is OK with you and your family, Paul.


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« Reply #26 on: 28-Aug-11, 12:05:58 PM »

Stay save everyone!
I'm  to busy this year to post a lot on the forum .But I read all the messages every day,I still think this is the best forum.I admire all you falconwatchers ,and I watch all the pictures en videos everyone posts .Patti ,I came halfway true your album and will watch the rest of the pictures on a cold winternight.I miss Aafke and hope she will be back on the forum soon.For now I hope the storm is going to slow down and causes not to much damage.
Greetings Carla

Thanks Carla!  This is going to be a bad one.  and I miss Aafke too! 

I hope everyone in this storm's path stays safe and I also miss Aafke and all her many contributions to this Forum.  Hope she comes back soon!

Have no fear, Aafke will re-appear!!  clap

Yes, Aafke will be back!!!  I'm in fairly close contact with here and she will be!  She was away on a month's vacation, is catching up -- we all know that vacations wear one out completely and her 3 gardens got away from her, as gardens are want to do!!  But she will be back, once things are back in some kind of order!  I'll let her know that you all have been missing her!!  We all need that!

And saying that, I am thinking about all you folk on the east coast of the USA!!  Have been watching the happenings on CNN...  Jan in CT is okay so far, but the storm hasn't completely reached her yet.  Did have some sleep, a good breakfast!  Donna -- have been thinking about you!  And heard yesterday from Betty Faye Lawton -- she's prepared for the winds, loss of power up there in NH -- at least she's up on high ground!  All my positive thoughts to all you out there!!

Best wishes,
Annie in Toronto

Thank You Anne.
Donna OK ??
Greetings Carla
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #27 on: 28-Aug-11, 01:02:19 PM »

Phew!! What a morning. Me and Kara just had to go out and get some pics, that's why I was gone for a couple hours. It's so bad out there. Dover, Denville, Rockaway...all under water. Here's a few pics I took this morning.

These are all of Our baseball field in Denville. We had to leave as they were closing more roads and we had to get home.

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #28 on: 28-Aug-11, 01:05:16 PM »

Here's the bridge I took the pics of Denville from and a couple pics of the street my brother lives on.The water is rushing so fast in the houses, they can't pump it fast enough. It just rolls back in.

The Dover pic is across the highway from me. I have never seen it so bad. I don't think anyone is going any where for a few days.



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« Reply #29 on: 28-Aug-11, 02:20:03 PM »

Here's the bridge I took the pics of Denville from and a couple pics of the street my brother lives on.The water is rushing so fast in the houses, they can't pump it fast enough. It just rolls back in.

The Dover pic is across the highway from me. I have never seen it so bad. I don't think anyone is going any where for a few days.

Glad You and Kara are save.WOW, lots of water .Is your brother OK ?

Greetings Carla
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