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The Journal of Rfalconcam

Archive for July, 2007

Fledge Watch- Lou Capuano- Saturday, July 7, 2007 6:00- 9:00PM

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

These are some pictures I took today. We stopped out early for a bit and returned later in the evening to greet some folks who came in from out of town. We were treated to some nice flying by all of the falcons and they were right at the Kokak tower area! Yay!


Fledge Watch- Lou Capuano- Saturday, July 7, 6:00-11:30AM

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

A Fantastic Morning for Breakfast

Mariah, Kaver and the juveniles put on the most spectacular aerial display that I’ve seen all year! The weather was perfect and there was a stiff breeze that the juvies seemed to love. Here is an album of some pics that I took this morning to give you a flavor of how dynamic is was. No photo titles in this album – I’ll add them later and for now, just let the pictures paint the story.


Fledge watch: Tom and Ryan Lentz- Saturday, July 7, 8:00- 9:00am

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

All four fleglings were sighted. At one point all four resting in the gorge, three on a wire leading to a small building near the river and the forth sitting on the bridge support. There were may aerial photo ops as they all flew in the and around the gorge. They are looking more and more like adults flying, catching thermals and soaring high in the air, diving at high speed, but when landing in the trees you can still see they still are learning.

Gallery- A Hard Left Turn

Friday, July 6th, 2007

Ananta Turning
Click the image above to see the full-sized picture

Chasing bugs in flight takes luck and dexterity, as Ananta demonstrates. Falcon watcher Marcia Lyman perfectly captured her sudden left turn on the evening of June 25.

Look for more pictures and videos in the Gallery at Imprints in the coming days. If you have pictures or videos of the Rochester falcons that you’d like to submit to the Gallery, check out our submission guidelines.

Fledge Watch- Sue Mattice, Friday, July 6, Noon-3:00PM

Friday, July 6th, 2007

When I arrived at about noon, I found a group of 10 or 12 watchers on the pedestrian bridge. They told me the falcons were on a downtown Rochester field trip again. From 12:00 until 12:50 we could catch glimpses of one, two or three juvies flying, drifting on the wind, and playing tag high in the sky over Lincoln Tower, Midtown, the Changing Scenes building and as far west as the communications tower.

Fledge Watch- Larry O’Heron- Friday, July 06, 7:00- 7:30am

Friday, July 6th, 2007

I arrived at the Pedestrian bridge, and was quickly brought up to speed by Dan S, Kathy G, Jeanne and Gary. Basically it was a quiet morning. Dan saw Mariah lead at least two juvies out over Frontier. I hung around for awhile and decided to head downtown. I had seen one juvie on the Frontier Communication tower.

Fledge Watch- Carol Phillips- Thursday, July 5, 9:00a.m. to 11:30a.m.

Thursday, July 5th, 2007

The juvies have made their way back to the High Falls and Kodak Tower, after spending most of yesterday in the Rochester Downtown area.

I’ve put together a Kodak EasyShare Gallery Album which includes pictures and my report from today’s Fledge Watch.

Fledge Watch- Lou Capuano, Wednesday, July 4, Noon- 1:00PM and 8:00- 8:30 PM

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

Downtown Already?

Dana and I stopped out twice today after reading Larry’s report that he saw the juvies downtown this morning. We stopped down about noon and saw 3 juvies and 2 adults. We again stopped down at 8:00 PM and saw one adult and two juvies. It was raining and/or heavily overcast pretty much all day, so these pics aren’t the best, but at least it gives a flavor of some of the spots they may be around and the lower quality photos that accompanies the territory.


Gallery- Mariah Brings Food

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007
Mariah Prepares to Land with Prey

Click the image above to see the full-sized picture

From falcon watcher Jim Pisello comes this dramatic image of Mariah bringing a pigeon to her fledgling daughters. She caught it over State Street near the Kodak tower only seconds before this picture was taken.

Look for more pictures and videos in the Gallery at Imprints in the coming days. If you have pictures or videos of the Rochester falcons that you’d like to submit to the Gallery, check out our submission guidelines.

Fledge Watch – Carol Phillips – July 4, – 7:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

Well, we knew it would happen. As Larry O reported this a.m., all 4 juvies discovered downtown Rochester. We were able to see the four young Peregrines soaring above the Xerox Building south of the pedestrian bridge.

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