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The Journal of Rfalconcam

Archive for July, 2007

Falcon Watch- Larry O’Heron- Wednesday, July 4

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

Not too much to report except that Mariah led all four juvies downtown to hover and draft over the Xerox Bldg. I went downtown and was treated to a spectacular display of flight ability over the Xerox Bldg. It is 30 stories (over 300 ft tall) and with a storm coming in, the winds must have been something up there. All four juvies looked great in the flying conditions with the occasional “gang of four” talon tag. My first to see all four juvies playing together.

Not much else, but wind and rain.

Larry O

Fledge Watch- Liza Otto, Tuesday, July 3, 7:30-9:30PM

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

I have not been down to watch in a few days due to family obligations and I am amazed at how capable the fledglings are . I am grateful for such a smooth fledging year! The fledglings are so adept, I keep mixing them up with their parents. They are gliding so well!

Fledge Watch- Jim Pisello- Tuesday, July 3, Noon-1:00PM

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Fantastic flying from all four fledglings during the lunch hour. Take a look!

Fledge Watch – Carol Phillips – July 3, 2007 – (Noon Hour)

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

While everyone was snapping pictures of the three juvies flying above us during the noon hour watch, I decided to switch to video and boy am I glad I did. While Sacajawea was napping under the bridge, her sisters Linn, Grace and Ananta decided to wow the watchers.

Fledge Watch Pictures- Lou Capuano , July 3, 2007 6:00 AM-8:00 AM

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Mariah & Kaver’s Family – Doing Just Fine

I stopped out this evening for a couple of hours. All of the action was at the RGE station and Kodak tower area. We had a couple of food transfers and had a good laugh at Sacajawea, who showed that she doesn’t believe in leaving any food on the table. Here are the pics.


Falcon Watch- Larry O’Heron, Tuesday July 3, 6:30-7:30am

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Watchers included Dan S, Jeanne, Mike, Kathy G and Dawn.

We had lots of talon tag over the BeeBee station power plant, over the river, in front of the gorge and over the river. It was imply not possible to track which juvies were involved when. Suffice to say that Dan S reported having all four juvies this morning, so all are accounted for. The talon tag continues to improve in skill and navigation. The juvies are much better at stalling in mid-air and then continuing their flight. We were close enough to often see the talons come out during the tag, and see juvies invert and recover.

Fledge Watch- Marcia Lyman, Monday, July 2, 5:30-9:00 PM

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

At around 5:30 tonight, I arrived at the Kodak visitor parking lot to find Carol P. and Susan C. observing two of the juveniles eating on the roof of the High Falls office building. Another soon flew in from somewhere on the BeeBee Station. Two of these were identified as Ananta and Linn. Mariah was watching from the catwalk of the High Falls smokestack. Soon Linn flew, with food, to the northernmost BeeBee Station building, landing next to another of her sisters, I think Grace.

Fledge Watch – Carol Phillips – July 2, 2007, 8:00AM- 5:00PM

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Today’s Fledge Watch was very enjoyable. Lots of sunshine, blue skies and flying by our favorite Falcon family. Check out my Kodak EasyShare Gallery Album of pictures and my fledge watch report from today’s watch.

Fledge Watch- Sue & Al- Monday, July 2- 10:30am- 2:30pm

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

My husband Al and I arrived at the bridge on a beautiful morning and a quick call on the radio brought us to the observation deck, where we found Carol P, Dana, Joyce and Joyce from Ottawa. Two juvies were flying around the gorge, sometimes right in front of us. Mariah was watching from the shady tree.

Fledge Watch- Jim Pisello, Monday, July 2, 6:30am & Noon

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Continued great flying from all the fledglings. Here are some pictures from the morning and lunchtime

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