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Archive for the ‘Fledge Watch’ Category

Fledge watch 7-30-13

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This mornings starting temperature was 59 (F) 15 (C) with mostly cloudy skies and calm conditions.

I spotted a falcon on the top arm of the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) as soon as I got off the 490 ramp at 5:35am. I drove to Church St. where I spotted another one near the bottom arm on a beam that extends out from that satellite dish.

img_0006-juvie1 img_0010-beauty

It was still quite dark out and IDing them was a challenge but I was able to determine that the lower bird was a juvie and the upper bird was Beauty. The juvie flew off to the northeast soon after I arrived and Beauty remained until 6am when 2 juvies flew in from the east. 1 landed on the 2nd arm and the other on the platform railing southeast corner. The 2nd arm fledgling left soon after landing.

img_0007-juvie-taking-off img_0015-juvie-ready-to-go img_0017-juvie-takes-off

A few minutes later I found a 2nd juvie on the platform railing northwest corner of FCT. The 2 of them were watching 3 crows that were hanging out on the lower Frontier roof.

img_0025-2-kids You must click on my pics to see the full version

5 minutes later Baron flew in and coaxed his southeast sister to join him in some talon tag. It was a brief  flight as she returned to her corner. They did some moving around up there and then Baron returned getting both of his sisters to fly with him this time. One of them landed on the northwest corner of the railing and the other 2 flew by trying to knock it off before they both settled on the platform.

img_0029-juvie-spread-out img_0039-2-juvies-trying-to-knock-1-off-railing img_0041-2-juvies-on-the-platform

As I stopped watching to tweet what I had witnessed all 3 flew off and it would be a long time before I saw any falcons again. I searched downtown for an hour then tried my luck at the Brighton Site and came up empty there as well. After more searching downtown I parked it on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) for a bit until I got a call from DebbieH saying she had a baby bird (starling) on the ground outside her building not moving much. I drove there and tried to put it in the nook of a tree out of harms way but it came down to the ground so we left it there in the dirt under the trees where it was safe.

Deb and I then went up on the BSB to have a look around to no avail. She went to work and I went to City Hall. I saw Beauty on the south side platform railing of FCT as I pulled over on Fitzhugh St. and after another look she was gone. I found her  at 8:15am on the southeast cube of FCT.

img_0053-beauty img_0056-beauty-on-se-cube img_0072-beauty-on-cube

I pulled up in front of City Hall to share space with the Beautyful one as she stayed there for over half an hour. She was keeping track of the crows that the juvies were watching earlier giving me some very cute head poses.

img_0064-sweet-beauty img_0074-cutie-beauty img_0076-beautyful

When she did fly off to the south she wasn’t gone long as she returned with cached food and landed on the tower below the southeast cube. Seconds later a fledgling came flying in squawking and landed on top of the small Frontier tower.

img_0078-and-beautys-off img_0090-beauty-with-cached-food<Beauty     Juvie> img_0084-juvie-watching-beaiuty

img_0091-beauty img_0092-juvie-and-beauty <click it

Just before 9am Beauty extracted a pellet and then started to eat her cache as the juvie watched and whined. The juvie moved back where I couldn’t see it from where I was stationed. 10 minutes later after beauty had her share she flew off to the north with her leftovers and returned with a fledgling on her tail. They both landed on the small tower and then hopped over to the top of the satellite dish where I believe Beauty was feeding her offspring and then she just gave it up.

img_0095-beauty-takes-food-with-her img_0097-beauty-gave-food-to-juvie

I lost sight of them as they flew off at some point and the next sighting I had was that of Baron with a full crop on the top red beam north side of FCT. Baron then flew over to the small tower across from Beauty who was there unbeknownst to me until now and he started whining-so she flew over to the center of the FCT below the platform.

img_0100-baron-with-a-full-crop1 img_0107-baron-is-off <Baronimg_0110-beauty-thinks-she-can-hide-from-mak<Beauty

img_0111-baron-thinks-he-can-hide-from-mak-too<Baron    Beauty> img_0115-sleeping-beauty img_0118-bba

This is where I left them as I called it a watch at 9:40am. I saw all 3 fledglings and Beauty on my watch sending me home smiling! 🙂

Click the links below to view more pics and videos



Monday Night Fledge Watch – All Five Seen Tonight – 7/29/13

Monday, July 29th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watch Carol P.

I arrived downtown around 6:15 pm.  Kathy O had already reported that she had seen a lot of flying by all three juvies over Xerox.  When I got there, only 2 were in view on top of Xerox near the NW corner and Dot.ca was on the top IBeam of the OCSR near the south corner.

Dot.ca on top IBeam of OCSR 7-29-13Baron and one of the girls on Xerox NW Corner 7-29-13






First Dot.ca and then one of the juvies on top of Xerox took off.  We didn’t see them leave.  I didn’t have long to watch, so I left Kathy on the Broad St Bridge (BSB) and drove over to the east side of Xerox.  From there, I could see a falcon on the east side of what was left of Midtown Plaza, a shell of it’s former self.  But, the falcons seem to like it!  I parked on the east side near where the old bus terminal used to be located. After parking  my car I was able to get a better look.  There were two falcons up there, Dot.ca and a juvie.  One of the girls.  She was mantling food after grabbing it from DC.  There was a little tug-0-war before DC let her have it.

Dot.ca and One of the Girls with Food - 7-29-13East End of Midtown Plaza - DC and Juvie with Food - 7-29-13Dot.ca and Juvie with Food on Midtown Plaza 7-29-13*





While I was watching the two on Midtown, I heard the juvies flying above before I saw them.  They were tearing up the sky between Xerox and the Chase Tower.  Then I saw a third falcon for just a moment, flying near them.  Beauty had joined them and for the first time in awhile, I saw all five at once.  🙂

I didn’t see where Beauty went.  The two talon tagging juvies flew around the north end of the Chase Tower and did not return.  When I looked back up at the two on Midtown, I could only see Dot.ca.  But I knew the juvie with the food was still up there because she continued to vocalize now and then.

DC and one of the  Girls With Food on Midtown 7-29-13DC and one of the  Girls With Food on Midtown 7-29-13The Juvie with the Food Moved Back Where I Could No Longer See Her - DC continued to Keep Guard - 7/29/13*





As I was leaving at 7:30 pm, Kathy texted that Shaky had arrived on the Broad St Bridge.  I was sorry I had missed him.

In this last picture, I marked some of the Falcon Hotspots that we have mentioned in recent Watch Reports.  Just to give you and idea of what we are seeing.  This is our view, looking east, from the east end of the Broad St Bridge.  From there you can see the Chase Tower, Midtown Plaza, B&L, and Xerox.

Rochester Falcons Hot Spots - View of East End of BSB Looking East - 7/29/13*





Goodnight Everyone!

Fledge watch 7-29-13

Monday, July 29th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

I’m loving these cooler temperatures as it was 56 (F)  13 (C) when I headed out this morning at 5:30am. It was mostly cloudy with a chilly breeze.

It was 25 minutes into my watch before I saw a falcon. I had been all over downtown looking for them when I stopped on the Court St. Bridge and noticed a fledgling fly in from the northeast and land under the northeast wing of the Times Square building (TSB). I drove down to the hole by He’s Chinese to check it out. As I arrived and took a look I was now seeing 2 juvies up there.

img_0001-fledglings-on-tsbClick on my pics to see full version

Soon after the fledgling on the right flew off and returned shortly after. Seconds after that our 3rd fledgling flew in and landed under the northeast wing with its siblings totally catching me off guard as you can see the pic is totally out of focus.

img_0004-1-juvie-left img_0005-2-comes-back img_0006-3-lands

Just seconds later the juvies  one at a time flew off and started playing talon tag as they circled their birth building-Times Square several times. I lost sight of them  but I did find one on Widows Walk southeast corner of the railing. It didn’t stay there long as its siblings came streaking thru enticing it to join them. They all flew off to the northwest. The Broad St. Bridge (BSB) was my next stop and I found Dan there when I arrived. He had seen an adult on Kodak Office (KO) when he first went on watch. As we watched and waited for some action Dan pointed out a rainbow that had formed in the western sky.

img_0007-end-of-a-rainbow img_0008-end-of-rainbow-2

Just the north end of the rainbow was peeking thru an opening in the clouds and the slightest lighting change effected the 2 pics which I thought was kinda cool. We also were being entertained by the many bug catchers flitting and flying in our faces, within reach at times. I’m glad their sonar was working cuz I thought we would be wearing one before they were done!  Larry came by to join us about 6:50am and 5  minutes later I spotted Dot.Ca (DC) on the southwest corner of Xerox.


Dan left as Larry and I witnessed DC fly around to the back of Xerox only to come back in view landing on the northwest corner now.

img_0015-dc2Click it

DC flew off Xerox again and soared above it briefly before disappearing in the eastern sky. Larry and I drove that way and found DC now perched on the southeast corner of Xerox.


Larry had to get going so after getting a tweet from cam watcher BC (Thank you) saying there was a falcon on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) I headed over to City Hall to take a peak. Approaching from Plymouth Ave. I could see a falcon on the south platform railing but when I arrived it was gone. I left to check at our Brighton site (BS) but was disappointed to find nobody home.

Returning to downtown around 8am from the BSB I spotted Beauty on the top ibeam of OCSR near the south corner. Enroute to a closer spot I noticed a juvie on the northwest corner of the Widows Walk railing.

img_0024-juvie-on-ww img_0025-juvie img_0026-hunters-stare

I watched the juvie for a bit then drove over to Main St. by the Radisson Hotel to watch the Beautyful one.

img_0031-beautyful img_0033-beauty

I left her after 20 minutes and while stopped at the traffic light at Main and State St. facing east I noticed the glass on the Crossroads building showing a great reflection of the clouds and Powers building.


I next found a juvie on the FCT top arm-I couldn’t get a positive ID on it but I think it was Baron as when it flew off to the northeast it looked small like a tiercel (male falcon).

img_0049-goin-outta-my-head-over-you img_0053-juvie-on-fct img_0055-juvie-on-an-arm

I checked from different angles around the tower but never could get a good shot of this young fledgling.  No matter, because I saw all 3 of our youngsters earlier in my watch and I also saw their fabulous falcon parents Beauty and DC. I ended my watch at 9am-not too exciting but a successful watch and I’ll smile about that every time! 🙂

One video link below for you to click and view


Friday, Saturday & Sunday Fledge Watch Report – Lots and Lots of Flying by Our Three Juvies! – 7/26,27 & 28/13

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Here I am in catch-up mode again!  It was a wonderful weekend of Falcon Watching for me and all the other Watchers.  Baron, Rosetta & Voyager are doing great.  We watched all three flying over HSBC, Xerox, Chase Tower and Midtown.  Talon tagging and knocking each other off the buildings.  Baron may have more maneuverability than his sisters, but they are holding their own against his swiftness.  I had to laugh yesterday, when Baron continually attempted to knock his sister off the Chase Tower when she landed on top to take a rest.  He gave up and landed on the next column over from his sister.  Then it was her turn.  She took off and relentlessly attempted to knock Baron off!  Then they were both in the air again!  They are amazing to watch.  Wish you could all be here.

They are also starting to chase other birds, Crows, Gulls, Pigeons, Starlings.  I believe it’s only a matter of time before we see a successful hunt by one of them.

Let’s see if I can remember the names of all the Watchers that came downtown this weekend during my Watches.  Kathy O, Dana, Joyce, Lisa McK, Dan S, Larry O, Lou, Jeanne, Debbie H, Joe B (aka Viper1234) and his family. Hope I didn’t forget anyone.  Also, a big thanks to our on-line Watchers who let us know what’s happening on camera.  Thanks Ei and Donna!

Here are some pictures from the weekend that I took.  To see any of them larger, just click on the picture.  If you hover your cursor over the picture, it will give you a description of what the picture is.  Hope you all enjoy this pictorial report of my weekend watches.  Enjoy!

FRIDAY – 7/26/13





















SATURDAY – 7/27/13


























SUNDAY – 7/28/13
















Goodnight Everyone!

Fledge watch 7-27-13

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

The starting temperature today for my fledge watch was 60 (F) 16 (C) with partly cloudy skies and a gentle breeze.

While I was stopped at the off ramp from 490 and Plymouth Ave. I could see 2 falcons on the east side of the platform. When I drove over to the City Hall parking lot one of them had moved over to the north side. It then walked back over by its sibling who looked to be eating something and a blurry flurry ensued. 5 minutes later they both flew off to the south and I quickly lost sight of them.

img_0003-2-on-the-platform img_0004-its-a-blurry-flurryMake sure to click on my pics for the full version

I left the parking lot and when Widows Walk came into view I spotted 2 juvies on the lower ledge west side.


I went to Broad St. near Fitzhugh St. to park and share space with these 2 fabulous falcons. I didn’t get a chance to ID the other as it flew off after a crow right after I stopped the car. I was able to ID the one on the corner as Baron and at 6:04am he flew off to the south.

img_0011-baron-and <Click it        Baron says hi>img_0015-baron-says-hi img_0020-handsome-baron img_0022-baron-takes-the-plunge

I drove to the Broad St. bridge (BSB) and found a juvie on the northeast corner of the Thomson Reuters building. It flew off to the west out of view. A couple minutes I noticed movement down by the foot of Mercury. It was a Baron trying to get his footing on the wing that is attached to the ankle of Mercury. This is a first for me-these juvies will try perching on anything!

img_0026-juvie-on-thomson-reuters img_0028-trying-to-balance-on-mercury-ankle-wing

He  soon figured out that it wasn’t a good idea and flew off to Widows Walk landing on the east side railing with his back to me.  I happened to notice the moon above Times Square looking like it was coming out of one of the wings-kinda cool!  5 minutes later Baron flew south out of my view from in the hole next to He’s Chinese.

img_0030-moon-coming-out-of-wing img_0033-juvie-on-ww img_0035-and-we-have-lift-off

I couldn’t find any PEFAs so I drove to Brighton to look for Pigott-she wasn’t there so I returned to downtown. As I drove down Exchange Blvd. I spotted a juvie under the northeast wing so I pulled over in front of the Blue Cross Arena. Then I spotted a second pair of wings behind it so there were two up there.


I went back to the hole as Larry tweeted from the BSB with Dan that there was two and one of them flew over to the southeast wing ledge. The juvie under the northeast wing was Voyager and she took it to the back of the ledge out of view.

img_0041-under-southeast-wing<SE wing juvie  Voyager> img_0045-voyager img_0047-hello-out-there

At 7:30am the southeast wing bird flew south-stooping on something as reported by Larry and 8 minutes later Voyager flew south as well.

img_0052-voyager-takes-off Click it to see Voyager

Larry tweeted that there was a juvie on the Thomson Reuters roof and suggested I come up and ID it. It had its back to me so I couldn’t see a leg band but after seeing its malar stripe on my computer I’m convinced it was Baron. I spotted Voyager up on Mercurys head. Another new perch for me to witness a falcon on.

img_0053-voyager-uses-mercurys-head <Voyager   Baron> img_0064-juvie

At 8am Baron left and so did Larry. Voyager remained on Mercurys head for another half hour before flying west out of my field of vision.

img_0073-voyager img_0074-voyager-and-a-couple-friends <click it>  img_0077-voyager-takes-off

I checked all of downtown but never saw another falcon so I ended my watch at 8:45am. This would be the first watch in a long time that I saw no adults and I don’t believe I saw Rosetta either. That’s ok because Voyager and Baron gave me more than enough reason to smile!

I won’t be doing a morning watch tomorrow (Sunday)

Click on the links below to view a photo album and 3 videos



Fledge watch 7-26-13

Friday, July 26th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a bit chilly this morning again with bit of a breeze and a starting temperature of 50 (F) 10 (C) but it warmed up quick as the sun shown through.

As I pulled off 490 at 5:30am and took a look at the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) I could see the shape of a falcon under the platform and when I stopped in the parking lot next to Hochstein Music Academy I spotted another one on the top arm east side but could no longer see the one under the platform. The FCT is a tricky place to look for PEFAs as the slightest angle change can make a bird disappear.

Suddenly 2 flew out from under the platform followed by the one on the arm-so one was hidden from me. They flew west and returned playing talon tag around the FCT being as verbal as ever. One at a time they landed under the platform on crossbeams-2 on the north side and one on the east side at the same level.

img_0004-3-fledglings You must click on my pics to view the full version img_0001-2-juvies-on-fct img_0005-looking-for-breakfast

One of the north side juvies flew off up to the small tower and then Dan pulled up next to me.

img_0006-no-leg-bands-showing img_0007-fledgling-takes-off Click it

I gave him the scoop and said I was going up on the Sister Cities garage and he said he’d join me. He loved the view from up there and shortly after we got up there Dot.Ca (DC) flew over us with a small package heading southeast and landing on the Crossroads building northeast corner where a juvie was waiting for him. DC dropped off the food and left only to be replaced by a juvie who wanted a share of the meal.

img_0008-breakfast-on-crossroadsClick it

5 minutes later they both flew off heading west-one of them had the food in its talons. One went to the Widows Walk (WW) and landed briefly on the east side railing before flying east out of view. Dan and I couldn’t find any PEFAs so at 6:25am we came down from the garage and went over to the Broad St. Bridge (BSB). We were falconless there as well for the next half hour but there’s always something in the river to keep you occupied. I taped some baby ducklings moving rather fast on land and in the water and saw both the adult and juvie Black-crowned Night Herons.

img_0011-3-ducklings img_0013-black-crowned-night-heron-and-friends <adult BCNH  Juvie BCNH>img_0020-juvenile-black-crowned-night-heron img_0015-pretty

Dan left at 7am so I took a ride but I didn’t go far as I spotted 2 fledglings on Widows Walk after I turned on Exchange Blvd off of Broad St pulling over in front of the Philipone building. 1 was on the east side railing and the other on the south side.


I couldn’t ID them as they weren’t showing their bling and had their backs facing out so I couldn’t see the front of them either. 10 minutes later the the fledgling that was on the east side flew west only to return landing on the west end of the south railing.

img_0027-one-juvie-off Click it img_0028-one-returns img_0029-2-again

It left again so I took a spin over to Broad and Fitzhugh for a better view of the remaining juvie. I still couldn’t tell who it was as it flew off heading east right into the sun blinding me long enough to lose sight of it. I went to Brighton around 7:30am to see if Pigott was there but nothing there either. I must say this was the slowest watch I’ve had in a very long time. As I returned to downtown I spotted a juvie on the west corner of the OCSR roof from the hole.

img_0033-juvie-on-ocsr img_0036-these-juvies-like-to-talk

About 20 minutes passed when it started vocalizing and flew off to the north. Next thing I knew Beauty had taken its place on the roof and I could see wings pop up past her so I figure she brought in food and the juvie was eating.

img_0041-beauty img_0047-i-really-need-a-pedicure

Half hour went by when I decided to drive to the Andrews St. Bridge to see the north side of OCSR. I found Rosetta on the roof at the north corner eating.

img_0051-rosetta img_0054-rosetta img_0058-rosetta img_0060-rosetta

That’s all she wrote folks-I ended my watch at 8:45am leaving Rosetta and the Beautyful one on the OCSR roof. I saw all 5 downtown Peregrine Falcons this morning albeit with not much flying observed. No falcon videos today and no photo album but we can still smile knowing they are all doing well! 🙂

Click on the link below to view some very fast baby ducklings


Thursday Late Afternoon/Evening Fledge Watch – All 5 Seen – Juvies Doing Well – 7/25/13

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

This afternoon was much nicer than it was yesterday, not as cool.  The falcons were very active yesterday, not so much today during my watch.  There was still a lot of flying by the juvies and all the Rochester Falcons were seen, Beauty, Dot.ca, Baron, Rosetta and Voyager.  Oh, and Joyce saw Pigott at the BS location before heading downtown to join me for a falcon watch.

When I first arrived a little before 4:00 pm, I could see a juvie on the 2nd arm down on the Frontier Communication Tower (FCT) and one eating on the platform floor near the NW corner.  Ei, who was keeping an eye on the RFalconcam cameras reported that there was a 2nd falcon on the platform railing on the west side.  I was unable to see the 3rd falcon.  Thanks Ei for letting us know there was a 3rd one up there.

Juvie on arm of FCT when I first arrived 7-25-13*





I parked in the City Hall parking lot and could see two of the three.  Joyce was parked in a nearby alley.  The juvie on the 2nd arm down took off and headed SE passing on the south side of the OCSR.  After the first one left, the other two popped up on the north side of the platform, one on the railing and one on the floor.  The one on the railing hopped and winged his way down the railing.  I could make out the lower juvie following from below.  When the lower one would catch up, the juvie on the railing would turn his head (yes, it was Baron) in all different directions, staring down at his sister.  He finally jumped down to her level and they continued to play.

Two juvies playing on the FCT Platform 7-25-13*





Joyce joined me then and let me know that the female that flew towards OCSR was up on top of the elevator shaft.

One juvie on top of OCSR Elevator Shaft 7-25-13*





Baron then took off heading NW where we lost sight of him.  We couldn’t see the 3rd one on the platform, so we weren’t sure if she was still up there or not.

Baron Flying High Over FCT 7-25-13Baron Flying High Over FCT 7-25-13*





Joyce needed to get something to eat, so I headed over to the Broad St Bridge to take a look at the juvie on the elevator shaft.  She was still there, but not for long.  So far, I had not seen an adult.

I decided to get out of my car and check out the river below.  All the usual suspects were there except for one “mystery bird”.  Well, at least to me it was a mystery bird.  A gorgeous little shore bird.  Here are a few pics.  Can you help me ID this little one?

Mystery Shore Bird on Genesee River 7-25-13Mystery Shore Bird on Genesee River 7-25-13Mystery Shore Bird on Genesee River 7-25-13*





Joyce joined me on the bridge just as the falcon on top of the OCSR elevator shaft left.  We watched the shore bird for awhile longer before heading back over to the FCT, parking in the City Hall parking Lot.

Two juvies were in sight on the FCT and one took off, heading north.  S/he was on a mission, heading straight towards the Kodak Tower.  We noticed that Beauty was there and the juvie landed next to her on the launch pad.  Beauty had food and the juvie took it to the east side, while Beauty moved over to the SW corner.  That’s how they remained for a long time.  During that time, Dan S joined Joyce and I.

Beauty and Juvie on the Kodak Tower Launchpad 7-25-13*





Dot.ca flew in from the south and landed for a moments on the FCT.  Then he was off, heading back to the south.  We couldn’t see where he went. The juvie on the platform vocalized and took off and followed Dot.ca.  This juvie broke off the chase over the river, just north of OCSR and then started to circle higher and higher, eventually heading NW.

Joyce was able to ID the juvie on the top arm of the FCT as Voyager.  It was time to head home at about 7: 30 pm.  I left Joyce and Dan sitting in their lawn chairs in the City Hall Parking Lot.  On my way home, I stopped by the Kodak Tower for a closer look at Beauty.  The juvie that had been eating was gone!  They are tricky that way!  lol

Voyager on top arm of FCT 7-25-13*





I received a text from Falcon Watcher Lynda.  She was wondering if anyone was around.  I told her where to find Joyce and Dan.  She did!  Joyce left a tweet that She and Dan had been joined by Lynda and Grace. It was time for me to head home.  I was very glad to have seen all five this evening and that Pigott had also been seen.  Woohoo!  Goodnight everyone!  Tomorrow is Friday and another weekend of falcon watching is almost upon us.

Fledge watch 7-25-13

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Just wait a week to go from one season to another here in Rochester. Oppressive heat and humidity last week with the high for a few days in the 90’s  and low’s in the 70’s. This week our highs are in the 70’s and as I commuted to the city for my watch this morning the bank clock in Mt. Morris said 48 degrees (F), that’s 9 (C)!!! What a shock to the system!

Arriving at the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) at 5:30am I found Rosetta all by herself (or so it seemed) on the east side railing where she quickly jumped down to the platform-most likely looking for food.

img_0001-whos-up-there-kid img_0004-turn-around-rosetta

A couple minutes later I could hear 2 juvies vocalizing and so I checked every angle to look for the 2nd one. No luck finding 2 but there was one on the east side railing when I got around to that side again and then it flew south. I went in search of our little family and found Beauty on the northeast corner of HSBC perched on the railing. She stayed there with me for 10 minutes then kakked a bit and flew off to the west circling above Xerox and Bausch&Lomb.

img_0008-beauty img_0009-beautyful

I lost track of the Beautyful one as she came in and out of view. I ended up going back to FCT where all 3 juvies were playing talon tag. I drove up to the top of the Sister Cities garage for a broader view of things. A juvie landed on the support beam for the large satellite dish on the FCT but wasn’t there for long as one of its siblings flew in and tried to get it to join in a game of talon tag.


Success as all 3 Falconeers took off heading north toward Kodak Office (KO). Sure enough one landed on the west side wall of the 20th floor and another landed on the northeast corner crown of the dolphin balcony.

img_0017-on-kodak-office-west-side img_0018-on-kodak-office-southeast-corner Click my pics for the full version

The balcony fledgling flew up briefly landing on the southeast corner of the netting that keeps birds from getting into the playpen. The 3rd juvie flew past landing on the northeast corner of the launchpad and then they both were off and circling the tower and out of view to the north. They came over to FCT quite noisily-one landed on the top arm west side and the other on the 2nd arm south side.

img_0020-i-got-something-to-say img_0022-i-got-something-to-say-too img_0026-2-kids-on-the-fct click it

Next I spotted a falcon on the northeast corner of the KO playpen netting-I couldn’t tell if it was an adult or juvie because of the distance. The top arm fledgling flew down to the south side railing of the FCT platform,the KO bird was gone and the railing bird flew up to the 2nd arm across from its sibling then they flew off together to KO landing on the playpen netting west side.

img_0028-not-sure-if-juvie-or-adult img_0034-rosetta-ready-to-take-off img_0038-hangin-together img_0043-come-play-with-me img_0044-not-easy-to-perch-on-netting

They didn’t stay long as 1 of them flew off circling and flew close trying 3 times to get the other to come play tag.  3rd time was the charm as they flew off talon tagging to the north. Thankfully nobody got their talons caught in the netting!

The next half hour I spent looking for our falcon family to no avail so I went over to Brighton. Pigott was nowhere to be found either so back downtown I went. As I sat on the Broad St. Bridge I was just about to tweet and ask where had all the falcons gone when I got a message from cam watcher Donna saying one was on the west side of the FCT platform railing. DebbieH walked up and we both took a ride over to City Hall just in time to see it fly off to the Widows Walk north side railing.

img_0061-thars-a-birdie-down-there img_0065-voyager-stretches-out img_0066-nice-spread

Deb had to get to work so I drove to the hole behind Keybank for a good angle to see the leg bands in order to ID it. Turns out this wonderous wing spreader was the lovely Voyager. While she was up there a robin and a sparrow joined her, perching on the opposite side of course! While I tweeted out her identity she flew off so I had no idea what direction she went. I took off for FCT finding who I figure was Voyager perched up on the top arm north side of FCT.


I could find no other PEFAs and called it a watch. I never saw Dot.Ca so maybe he was off with Pigott this morning or perhaps with the other 2 fledglings teaching them how to hunt. I did however see all 3 Fledglings which is reason to smile! 🙂

Click on the links below to view more pics and 3 videos



Wednesday Late Afternoon/Evening Fledge Watch – All Seen at the Frontier Comm Tower! – 7/24/13

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

It was a much cooler day today.  A little chilly in fact.  Overcast for much of the day, but by the time I left work, the clouds were breaking up and the sun was shining.  I arrived downtown close to 4:00 pm.  When I spotted 2 falcons low on the Frontier Communication Tower (FCT), I headed over there and that’s where I remained for my entire Watch which was a little over 4 hours.

At that time, the area around City Hall was very busy, but I found a parking spot on the street in front of the Frontier bldg, which the FCT sits on.  I fed the meter and found the best spot to sit, which was a bench in front of City Hall.  The sun was directly in my face, but I could see the two falcons on the lower section of the FCT.  Baron was on the south side and was crying out to Beauty who was at his level on the east side.

Baron Low on the FCT 7-24-13*





Beauty started to KAK KAK KAK and she flew off low heading north.  The Kakking got louder and I walked around trying to see where she went.  To my surprise she was very low on a security camera on the NE corner of the Frontier Bldg directly across from the City Hall.  There were many people on the sidewalk there that kept looking up trying to figure out what the loud noise was.  I knew and I worried that maybe one of the young ones was in trouble.  After a few moments, Beauty stopped vocalizing and she flew back to the Frontier Comm Twr, landing on the east side a little higher than she had been.

Beauty on the Frontier Bldg Security Cam 7-24-13Beauty Back on FCT 7-24-13*





While it was quiet, I searched the surrounding area, but couldn’t find anything that might have been bothering Beauty.  That was before Dot.ca flew in with food followed by Rosetta.  They both landed on the platform above and Baron joined them.

Dot.ca on FCT with Food 7-24-13Rosetta Followed Dot.ca to the FCT 7-24-13*





I could see both Baron and Rosetta sharing the small prey that Dot.ca brought in, through the platform grating.

Both Voyager and Baron share Dot.ca's Food Offering 7-24-13*





After they finished, both settled on the platform.  I never did see Dot.ca take off since my attention was on the juvies.  Ei, a member of the Rfalconcam Forum tweeted out that there were three juvies up there, although I could only see two.  Thanks Ei!

Baron and Rosetta on the FCT Platform 7-24-13

Baron's Tapered Wings 7-24-13

Beauty remained on a lower part of the comm tower.  She was actively watching the area to the east, obviously in hunt mode.  Then she was off!

Beauty on FCT in Hunt Mode 7-24-13Beauty on FCT 7-24-13*





Kathy O joined me just in time to see Beauty return carrying a pigeon towards the FCT.  Both Voyager and Baron were off chasing Beauty.  They all landed low on the FCT and a tug-o-war between Voyager and Beauty started.  Baron didn’t get in the middle of it, smart boy.  Mom and daughter were not giving up.  After a lot of persistence, Beauty finally pulled the pigeon away from Voyager and they both touched beaks. Voyager was hungry, but Beauty wanted to prep the food before she gave it to her.  Feathers were flying for quite awhile before Voyager again moved in and Beauty left her to her meal.  Baron flew up higher on the comm tower and watch from above.  Rosetta had never moved from her spot on the platform.

Beauty and Voyager Fight Over Food on FCT 7-24-13B&V Tug-o-War 7-24-13B&V Food Fight 7-24-13*





Beauty Wins 7-24-13B&V Touch Beaks Before Beauty Preps the Food 7-24-13Beauty Gets the Prey Away from Voyager 7-24-13*





Baron Joins Voyager While Beauty Preps Dinner 7-24-131Rosetta Remains on FCT Platform 7-24-13Baron Waits for Awhile and then Takes Off 7-24-13*





After Beauty completes the preparation of the prey she brought in with feathers flying, she takes off and let’s Voyager eat.  Kathy O had to leave and Dan S joined me.

Beauty Flies Around and Lands Above Voyager -7-24-13Baron Relaxes on the north side of FCT 7-24-13*





Beauty Watches Over Voyager While She Eats 7-24-13Beauty Above Voyager While She Eats 7-24-13*





Voyager ate her fill for a very long time.  When she finished, Beauty went to the leftovers and had an evening snack.

Beauty Eats a Little Bit of What is Left of Voyagers Meal 7-24-13*





Just before 8:00 pm, Dan and I could see all 3 juvies and Beauty on the Frontier Comm Tower.  It was so nice to see all three juvies together!

Beauty, Voyager, Rosetta and Baron on FCT 7-24-13*





Beauty and Voyager were very close, lower on the FCT, while Baron and Rosetta were high up.

Beauty on the left Voyager on the right 7-24-13Voyager with a Nice Full Crop 7-24-13Voyager on FCT After a Large Meal 7-24-13*





At 7:30 pm, I was ready to go and tweeted that out.  But, as usual, something happened to make me stay just a little longer.  No pictures sorry to say.  Dan and I were chatting when a very noisy gull flew by the Frontier Comm Tower.  It had just passed by heading south when first Baron and then Rosetta took off.  They both took turns stooping on the gull over and over again above the Hochstein School of Music Parking Lot.  Dan and I moved out to the sidewalk to get a better view.  That gull didn’t know what hit it and was so confused, not knowing what way to turn.  All three flew east behind City Hall and we lost sight of them.  It wasn’t long before both Rosetta and Baron returned to FCT.  Wow!  What a way to end my Watch.  🙂

Dan and I both left a little after 8:00 pm leaving Beauty, Voyager, Rosetta and Baron on the Frontier Communication Tower.   It was so nice to stay in one place and to see so much falcon activity tonight.

Have a nice evening everyone!

Fledge watch 7-24-13

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was 62 degrees (F) 17 (C) with a brisk breeze out of the northwest and no humidity when I arrived downtown this morning making it feel downright chilly!

My first stop was the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) as is my usual routine and i spotted a fledgling right out of the gate as it flew to the small Frontier tower and landed. A couple minutes later it flew over to the FCT and joined another juvie on the platform railing-one on the east side and one on the south side. The 3rd juvie was on the 2nd arm and they all took off when Beauty came in with food.

img_0008-pefa-on-fct-arm img_0009-juvie-takes-off img_0010-ready-for-take-off Click on pics for full version

There was a food exchange and the 3 Falconeers ended up on the small tower fighting over it! One of them took off with the food as Dot.Ca (DC) came in and landed next to the remaining 2 with food. They started a tug of war and DC left them to it. Next there were 4 in the air space around FCT and the Sister Cities Garage where I stationed myself on the roof for this busy time.

img_0016-outta-here img_0017-3-juvies-on-small-tower

What happened next was an adrenalin starter for a juvie chased after one with food and as they were wrestling in mid air not paying attention they kept losing altitude and dropped down to near Fitzhugh St. between City Place and the garage. Just before reaching ground they broke it off and the one without food flew right up the face of the garage and above my head within 6 feet of me! It was sensational and probably the most memorable thing I’ve witnessed-falcon speaking of course!! DC then came screaming across above me flying toward Times Square chirping and the juvie followed after him then doubled back at Widows Walk and landed on the northeast corner of City Place.


Turns out this was Voyager-a lovely little flyer after her slow start leaving the nest.  She then flew over to FCT landing on the platform railing. I saw another fledgling on the small tower. Next I watched 2 juvies chasing each other with one landing behind the satelite dish one on the northeast cube and Beauty landed on the southwest cube.

img_0025-juvie-behind-satelite-dish img_0026-beauty<Beauty img_0027-voyager<Voyager

Voyager left flying past the Powers building to near the OCSR and out of sight. The dish bird flew to the north side of FCT and either landed or kept flying north for I lost sight of it. Beauty was the only falcon I could see and she left a few minutes later stooping on something to the north and then there were none. A flurry of activity in my first half hour! I came down from the garage and went to the Broad St. bridge (BSB) where I spotted one of the girls on the southeast corner of the Crossroads building and she appeared to be eating.

img_0031-juvie-eating-on-crossroads img_0032-juvie Click the pics

She took off and flew above the OCSR and disappeared behind it to the north. I then spotted 2 juvies playing talon tag above the State St. area. I drove over to City Hall to find Rosetta on the north side railing of the platform.

img_0033-rosetta img_0034-rosetta img_0039-hello

Another fledgling landed on the platform and then Rosetta and the juvie flew southwest. I left for the Brighton site at this time and found the pretty Miss Pigott on the south side vent at the east end all poofed up staying warm on this chilly morning.

img_0044-poofy-pigott img_0047-pigott img_0049-hey-there-girl

I shared space with Pigott for half hour as she checked out her surroundings for a potential meal. She faked me out a couple times as I thought she would take off but then would settle back down into her poofy state.

img_0050-pigott img_0053-pigott

I had an early appointment so I ended my watch in Brighton at 8am. I must say it was a very quick start to my watch this morning and I’m able to say that I saw all 6 Rochester Peregrine Falcons which put a big old smiley face on me!!  🙂

Click on the links below to view my videos


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