Afternoon watch 9-22-12
Saturday, September 22nd, 2012By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
Joyce came to get me for a quick watch before going to the Genesee Brewery to celebrate a birthday for fellow watcher LarryO. Our quick watch turned into more than we bargained for as a new tiercel that was visiting Beauty today kept us on our toes. We are calling him NG for new guy and he has a flat top just like Beauty.
When we first arrived downtown there was a pefa on Crossroads and we thought it was NG cuz that’s where he seemed to be a lot of the time when CarolP and Dana were watching him earlier. I got out the car and walked down Exchange St. to Main St. trying to get a closer look at him but he left while I wasn’t watching and when I joined Joyce in the hole she said that NG flew off Crossroads and that Beauty followed him and they went back and forth and she didn’t know if one or both of them had landed on the Times Square building(TSB). Next we had Beauty on Crossroads and no NG. Beauty then went to OCSR and landed on the top ibeam southeast side where she remained for the remainder of our watch. And it’s a good thing cuz we had enough trouble keeping up with NG!
NG then came out of nowhere and flew in front of Beauty and doubled back landing on the southeast corner of Crossroads.
Next we saw another tiercel most likely Dot.Ca fly in front of OCSR at which point NG flew off and chased him across the river very fast and they both disappeared behind the Bausch&Lomb building. NG then returned a couple minutes later and landed under the southeast wing on the TSB.
Barbara joined us about this time and we were having trouble deciding if it was DC or the new tiercel. I got my scope out and started leaning toward NG when CarolP and KathyO showed up. CarolP got her scope out which is better than mine and we all had a look. It was unanimous that this was NG on the TSB. Joyce spotted a hawk over near Widows Walk which soared thru right by the TSB and it wasn’t til it got out over the river that NG took off after it. Of course we lost them both behind the Thomson Reuters building which always blocks the view of the river when you’re in the hole. A couple minutes later NG returned and landed under the southeast wing again. After a few idol minutes he flew over to the Wilder building chasing after a couple small birds before flying out over the river, past Beauty on OCSR and then to Crossroads one more time. He is a busy one!
Jeanne joined us around this time. NG then stooped over the river and we lost him then we saw him again back and forth over the river and then he was gone. We all had to leave for the Larrys’ birthday gig at the brewery and so we left Beauty on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR and no other falcons around.
I’ve been told that since it’s off season the falcons don’t really fight each other so hopefully DC and NG did not engage or get injured. I will be out before sunrise in the morning and hopefully I will be smiling by the end of my watch with all good things to report for all the pefas in Rochester. 🙂
Click the links below for more pics and a fast video of NG