Morning watch 11-18-13
Monday, November 18th, 2013By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
High winds and a temperature of 50 (F) 10 (C) greeted me as I walked out the door today for my watch
I failed to find a falcon until 7:10am this morning-it was Beauty that I spotted from the Andrews St. bridge. She was on the top ibeam northeast side of OCSR.
I drove to the Radisson Hotel by Main St. to observe the Beautyful one. She spent most of the hour I spent with her looking northeast and while I was there a security guy from the hotel came out to question me. Some folks inside the hotel wondered what I was taking pics of so I showed him a pic of Beauty on my camera screen and gave him the lowdown on our beloved falcons. He said cool and left me to it.
After she finished stretching her wings I waited to see if she was going to take off but she just got settled again so I left to check the Brighton Site (BS). I found Dot.Ca (DC) there on the upper east roof but no Pigott. He hopped down to the lower roof while I was going to a better viewing spot.
After a few minutes DC walked to the southeast corner near the roof top tree. Oh and in case you didn’t notice-he had a full crop! lol
I left DC to look for Pigott and when I got back he was gone so I drove back to downtown where I found him on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR with Beauty.
When I wasn’t looking Beauty slipped off leaving DC by himself. I drove to the Andrews St Bridge where I found her on the northeast side top ibeam of OCSR.
I ended my watch at 9:16am having started and ended with Beauty on OCSR which makes me smile! 🙂
Click on the links below to view my videos (also a video of the crows in Washington Square Park that I had trouble loading for yesterdays watch report)