Saturday late morning/early afternoon Falcon Watch – 12/12/15
Saturday, December 12th, 2015By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
Another nice day, but not as warm and bright as yesterday. Temps in the 50’s (F). The temps will be rising into the 60’s over the next few days. So unusual for us this time of year.
Larry O had reported seeing the falcon at BS this morning, so that’s where I started my watch. I found the unbanded female on top of the building on the northeast corner. She was actively watching everything that passed through, including a bunch of very noisy Crows.
She started to bob her head rapidly up and down. I knew it wouldn’t be long before she took off. She spread her wings and she was off heading south fast. When she neared the wooded area at the back of the property, she stooped and I lost sight of her. A few moments later she returned, flying up to the south side of the building. I found her on the west side of the southeast extension.
After awhile, she made a short flight over to the windows below the south side vent. This is where I left her to go downtown to look for Beauty and
Downtown, I found Beauty and on the Frontier Communication Tower (FCT). Beauty was on the northeast box and was below her within the frame work.
They were both preening and very content. All was peaceful and quiet downtown.
I continued on, stopping at Hawkeye and Seneca Towers, where I had no luck finding any falcons.
At Medley Center, I saw a small falcon on top of the glass peak. I got my scope out to get a closer look and saw that it was not a Peregrine Falcon. It was its smaller cousin, the Merlin.
I checked Seneca Towers one more time and again could find no falcons. There were also no falcons at Russell Station.
On my way home, I saw this beautiful creche. Enjoy!