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Archive for July, 2016

Billie at the Medley Ctr! – 7/5/16

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

During my downtown watch, I received a text from fellow watcher Dana.  She had spotted 3 falcons over at Medley Ctr.  As soon as my downtown watch was over, I headed to the old mall.

I found one adult Peregrine Falcon on the roof at the center of the mall.  Based on size, I thought it was a female and she was on the hunt.  As pigeons flew over, she would take off and chase them.  In one of my pictures, I am 99.9% sure that I’m seeing a 77 Black over AX Green Band (thanks Donna!) and a silver USFW band.

She hunted the whole time I was there and then took off, heading west, back towards Seneca Towers.  I usually see her from far away, so I was very happy to have spent some time with Mariah and Kaver’s granddaughter for a short visit.  🙂

Here are some pictures I took of Billie and Medley Ctr.  What a gorgeous girl she is!





Tuesday Morning Fledge Watch – 7/5/16

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

I arrived downtown a little before 6 am and joined Dan on the Court St Bridge.  My intention was to do a head count of the falcons after the firework display last night.  We were there two hours and only saw Beauty and three of the juvies, one of which was Leo.

Beauty brought in food, and there was a food transfer right above us.  The juvie carried the prey to the base of Mercury.  Leo joined his sister and they shared breakfast.  There was another juvie sitting on Mercury’s head and Beauty landed on the foot. We had 4 of our 6 falcons in view.  Dan and I thought that the 4th juvie was out getting lessons from Dot.ca.

1-juvie-on-mercurys-head-7-5-16<— Juvie on Mercury’s Head.

2-beauty-flying-in-with-food-7-5-16<— Beauty Flying in with Breakfast!

3-two-juvies-on-mercury-7-5-16<— Two juvies on Mercury.

4-beauty-below-mercury-7-5-16<— Beauty on the railing below Mercury.

5-two-juvies-on-base-of-mercury-7-5-16<— Leo and his sister sharing breakfast on base of Mercury.

6-four-falcons-on-mercury-7-5-16<— Four Falcons on Mercury, Beauty and 3 juvies.

I hope to get out again later today to find all 6 Rochester Falcons.

Sunday Fledge Watch – 7/3/16

Monday, July 4th, 2016

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Here are some pictures from my Sunday Fledge Watch.  Enjoy!

12-two-juvies-on-ww-7-3-16<— Two juvies on Widow’s Walk.

13-two-juvies-on-ww-7-3-16<— Two Juvies on Widow’s Walk.

14-beauty-on-church-7-3-16<— Beauty on Church.

15-leo-on-church-chimney-7-3-16<— Leo on Church chimney.

16-juvie-on-ww-7-3-16<— Juvie on Widow’s Walk.

17-mercury-reflects-7-3-16<— Mercury Reflects!

18-juvie-on-tsb-7-3-16<— Juvie Sleeping on Times Square Bldg.

19-two-juvies-on-tsb-7-3-16<— Two Juvies on East Side Ledge on Times Square Bldg.

21-three-juvies-on-ww-7-3-16<— Three juvies on Widow’s Walk.

22-widows-walk-7-3-16<— Widow’s Walk, Irving Place (Old City Hall) and Times Square Bldg.

All four juvies are being seen together daily.  All are doing very well.  We’ve witnessed food transfers from the adult to the juvies. Last night three of the juvies were playing above the Xerox bldg, while the 4th was on the Times Square Bldg with Beauty, vocalizing loudly.

Here are some pictures I took of the 3 juvies playing over Xerox.  Dana, Carrie, Shaky, Jeanne, Kathy O and I were able to watch them from Aqueduct St (aka “the hole”),  It was at quite a distance, but so much fun to watch.



Saturday Fledge Watch Pics – 7/2/16

Monday, July 4th, 2016

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Here are some pictures from my Saturday Fledge Watch.  Enjoy!

1-dc-watching-over-juvie-7-2-16<— Dot.ca watching over Juvie on Times Square Bldg.

2-dc-on-metal-work-on-tsb-7-2-16<— Dot.ca on metal work between the wings on Times Square Bldg.

3-sleeping-juvie-7-2-16<— Sleeping Juvie on Times Square Bldg.

4-juvie-flying-off-of-wing-7-2-16<— Juvie Taking Off from the Wings on top of the Times Square Bldg.

5-incoming-over-mercury-7-2-16<— Incoming Juvie over Mercury!

6-matilda-and-lilac-on-philippone-7-2-16<— Matilda with Food on the Philippone Bldg.  Lilac watching and waiting.

7-matilda-and-lilac-on-philippone-7-2-16<— Matilda and Lilac sharing a meal on the Philippone Bldg.

8-matilda-and-leo-7-2-16<— Matilda and Leo.  He wants his share!

Thursday & Friday Fledge Watch Pics – 6/30 & 7/1/16

Saturday, July 2nd, 2016

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Here are some pictures from my Thursday and Friday Fledge Watches.  Enjoy!

1-all-4-juvies-6-30-16 <—– All 4 juvies on Times Square Bldg – 6/30/16

2-between-the-wings-7-1-16<—- Juvie Between the Wings of Progress (on Widow’s Walk). – 7/1/16

6-one-of-the-girls-resting-washington-bldg-7-1-16<—- One of the girls resting on the Washington Bldg. – 7/1/16

3-beauty-on-watch-washington-bldg-7-2-16<—- Beauty on Guard on Washington Bldg. – 7/1/16

5-beauty-on-kestrel-duty-7-1-16<—- Beauty keeping the Kestrels away! – 7/1/16

4-leo-in-the-middle-on-ww-7-1-16<—- The other three juvies (Leo in the middle) watching from the Widow’s Walk. – 7/1/16

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