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Eyes to the Skies

Archive for June, 2017

Fledge Watch/Juvies like the Hall of Justice 6-20-17

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

There was a mix of sun, clouds and blue skies with a starting temperature of 63 (F) 17 (C)

Click on the pics to see the full version

I started my watch on the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) at 5am, I mistakenly tweeted CSB which is the Court St. Bridge. From there I could see a juvie on the east side roof of the Wilder building. It was too dark and too much of a distance to get a clear pic. I then drove to the hole (Aqueduct St.) where I could see a juvie on the column above the nest box. I continued on to join Dan on the CSB where I spotted a second juvie on the column to the back of it where I wouldn’t have seen it from the hole. Dan was watching the Spectrum Communications tower where Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) were hunting from. Beauty left the tower and went to the Powers building northeast corner and 2 juvies ended up under the southeast wing of Times Square (TSB) after talon tagging around the area.

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Ontario was one of the juvies under the wing and he took off doubled back and tried to knock sis off the wing ledge then over to Powers and knocked mom off the corner and took her spot. Beauty ended up on the camera.

img_0020-bo1 img_0024-hello-cutie

DC went to Powers with food then took it back behind TSB-probably cached it under northwest wing then flew out and back to land under the northeast wing. Beauty had tried to get food from DC and took his place on the southeast corner of Powers. Ontario flew over to join sis under southeast wing then off again quickly. Beauty then took DC’s spot under the wing and DC flew past Charlotte under the northeast wing.

img_0029-dc<Clickimg_0035-dc-flies-past-charlotteClick> img_0040-beauty

Suddenly the Beautyful one took off fast towards Cornhill where pigeons were flying-she wasn’t really stooping but fast enough to catch up with them. She made a little bit of a turn and snagged her self one of the pigeons. She had a little trouble taking it out of view behind Thomson Reuters eventually ending up on the base of Mercury. DC was right on her tail and swooped in 2 or 3 times trying to get it from her but she’d have none of it. Then a juvie who I believe was Ontario buzzed by her as well then flew off with dad over the river. Larry and Zeke joined us at this time and a few minutes later Carol reported being in the hole. There was a juvie on the light under the northeast wing at this time.

img_0043-b-carrying-prey img_0045-b-with-prey img_0047-juvie-following-b-who-has-food

img_0050-dc-trying-to-get-food img_0051-b-says-no img_0052-dc-back-again img_0053-not-getting-it

img_0054-juvie-zips-by <Clickimg_0055-juvie-again img_0057-juvie-on-light1

DC went to Powers and 2 juvies flew around Mercury while Beauty had a bite to eat. She went to the money bag when she was done and DC came in and grabbed what she left behind and took it to the Hall of Justice (HOJ) where 2 juvies were on the northeast end of the roof. Dan and Larry left around 7am. I joined Carol at Falcon Central as things settled down for a while. Eventually, 2 juvies popped up on the north side roof edge of HOJ.

img_0062-beauty img_0065-dc1 img_0066-dc-with-food

img_0064-bdc1<Clickimg_0069-dc-delivers img_0096-juvies-on-hoj<Click

Beauty and DC kept patrolling over HOJ to check on the kids. Beauty went to Powers and DC to wing ring on TSB.

img_0098-dc img_0088-b

When I ended my watch just before 9am Beauty was hovering above Crossroads. Keep smiling everyone! 🙂

Click on the link below to see today’s snippet video


Fledge Watch/A rainy morning 6-19-17

Monday, June 19th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It rained on and off with overcast skies and a temperature of 70 (F) 21 (C)

Click on the pics to see the full version

I arrived downtown at 5 am but forgot my phone so I went back home and returned about 5:30 as it was raining. From the hole I could see Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) next to each other on OCSR top I-beam south corner and I could see no juvies.


I drove over to the Court St. Bridge to watch with Dan where I could see most of the spots our juvies might be. I soon spotted 2 juvies flying over the Wilder building. One of them went to Powers and one to Wilder chimney. Soon there were two falcons at Powers and the chimney juvie flew west towards the back of Times Square (TSB). Both adults were gone and then one of the Powers birds flew toward the back of TSB as well.

img_0006-juvie img_0008-2-on-powers

Beauty came flying in with food and a juvie flew up to her and got the food out of her talons and flew off with it towards the back of TSB. I left Dan to check things out and found Rachel and Charlotte eating on the back lower roof of TSB. And the Beautyful one was on the east side of the railing on Widows Walk (WW). Beauty then delivered food to Ontario on the northwest corner of WW.

img_0009-rc img_0011-beauty2 img_0016-b img_0021-bo

I had to park down on Broad St. Washington St. to see both WW and the back of TSB where everybody was but when I got there it looked like only one of the girls was still there.

img_0019-juvie img_0023-taken-from-behind-tsb

At 6:30am I could confirm all 5 downtown Rochester Peregrine Falcons were present and accounted for.  DC on OCSR top Ibeam W corner, Charlotte on NE corner Powers, Beauty with Ontario on WW and Rachel on TSB. I then returned to the CSB to find that Larry and Zeke had joined the watch.


Carol arrived around the same time that DC was spotted on the jail tower. Beauty showed up on Powers before flying to the column above the nest box where a juvie had food, then she flew to the Mercury money bag (MMB).

img_0032-dc1 img_0034-b1 img_0036-b-and-juvie<Clickimg_0040-juvie-eatinng-on-tsb

DC left the jail tower and ended up on the Powers building near the southeast corner. There was no mistaking his whiteness even on a dreary day such as it was this morning.


Dan and Larry left as it started raining again and Carol and I went to our cars. I drove over to the Andrews St. bridge and found a juvie on the north side of Crossroads and one on the east side of the Wilder roof. Carol confirmed that the juvie on the TSB juvie was still there so we had accounted for everyone.

img_0045-juvie-on-cr img_0046-juvie-on-wilder img_0047-taken-from-asb

I left at 8am to go walk Jeanne’s dog, Bella as it had stopped raining and while we were walking at the Brighton site I spotted 2 fawns in the very tall grass. I also spotted a wild turkey when we were leaving, I could only see his head sticking up in the grass.

img_0050-fawns img_0052-hello

I stopped downtown real quick on my way through at 9am and was able to see all 3 juvies and both adults. Beauty was on the MMB, DC on a wing ring, a juvie on CR and a juvie on Powers. I was smiling as I left downtown Rochester ending my fledge watch at 9:20am! 🙂

Click on the link below to check out my snippet video from today’s watch


Fledge Watch/Action a plenty 6-18-17

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a balmy 76 (F) 24 (C) with a delicious breeze when I started my watch at 5:05am

Click on the pics to see the full version

When I first arrived on watch this morning there were 2 juvies at the nest box. I drove over to the Court St. bridge (CSB) to join Dan at 5:10am so I could see where the action took place and I wasn’t disappointed. A few minutes later it started and for the next 2-3 hours there sure was plenty of action! Ontario landed under the northeast wing to start things off. Beauty took off from OCSR and flew over to Xerox to ride the therms above it before gracefully gliding over the river to the jail tower.

img_0003-ontario img_0006-b-on-jail-tower

When we checked Times Square (TSB) Rachel was on the wall by herself and soon after she flew over to the Wilder roof. Then another juvie showed up on the Wilder chimney and Rachel joined it. They both flew off and then we had 3 juvies flying around together above TSB, Hall of Justice and jail. They were talon tagging and having a grand old time. Dot.ca (DC) showed up at the Powers building while Beauty watched from the top I-beam west corner of OCSR.

img_0009-rachel img_0013-rachel img_0015-2-juvies-on-wilder-chimney

img_0016-dc img_0017-beauty1

One of the juvies showed up on Crossroads (CR) and then Charlotte joined dad at Powers. He was on the camera and she was on the railing when Ontario came shooting in and forced dad off the cam. He then went up on the cam and DC flew to TSB and landed on one of the wing rings.

img_0018-juvie img_0020-dc-and-juvie img_0021-dc-and-char

img_0023-oc img_0026-co img_0027-dc

Next thing we knew all 3 juvies were at it again flying around the TSB, Wilder, Powers area. Beauty went to the Mercury money bag (MMB) to observe while DC watched from the wing ring. Rachel and one other juvie landed on the southwest corner of Wilder. I spotted a Great Blue Heron hunting down on the river bank in between the activities.

img_0030-gbh img_0031-beauty img_0032-dc img_0033-rachel

Suddenly the Beautyful one took off over the Blue Cross Arena (BCA) chasing pigeons but was unsuccessful and so returned to Mercury landing on the heel. Ontario ended up under the southeast wing of TSB and Rachel was on the Wilder corner by herself. At some point Larry and Zeke joined Dan and I on CSB and a while later Jeanne came by.

img_0034-beauty1 img_0036-o

Next up Beauty and DC were at Powers-they left with Beauty going to the MMB and DC to OCSR. Char and Lil O went over to Powers again after that. Rachel still on Wilder corner.

img_0037-b1 img_0038-br<Click> img_0048-all-3-juvies

img_0051-co img_0052-o-taking-off

Carol and Kathy arrived downtown around 7am with Joyce coming soon after that. They were in the TSB area. Beauty and DC did some flying together and ended up on the jail tower very briefly then Ontario joined them in flight. They broke away from their son and he flew south as far out as the jail tower then to the northeast wing of TSB. Char landed on CR then flew over to the northwest wing ring of TSB trying to get a foot hold with her wings out the whole time. She gave up after a half minute and disappeared past CR.

img_0056-b-takes-off-from-jail-tower img_0059-char-on-wing-ring img_0060-c

In the meantime, Beauty landed on the column above the nest box. Rachel finally built up the courage to leave Wilder and flew very well over to the south side of TSB where she landed nicely on a ledge next to a light-she was ready for a nap. Ontario flew in and knocked mom off the column then joined Beauty and DC flying out over the OCSR and the river. Beauty went to the MMB while Ontario followed dad to the east back behind Chase.

img_0063-b img_0071-r

A bit later, Charlotte and Ontario flew together landing on the east side of CR. Dan and Larry left so Jeanne and I joined Carol, Joyce and Kathy at Falcon Central.  Linda (Braveheart) came by and Carla joined the mix a while later. Things were winding down by this time. A juvie showed up on the base of the Powers flag pole and Beauty landed on the railing briefly and that was about it for me.

img_0075-juvie-on-base-of-powers-flagpole img_0076-dc img_0077-beauty

I ended my watch a little after 9am- after such an action packed morning how could I not be smiling! 🙂

Check out the link below to see all the activity on my watch


Fledge Watch/All together now 6-17-17

Saturday, June 17th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a warm start to the day with mostly clear skies and a temperature of 71 (F) 22 (C) – hot and humid conditions were forecast

Click on the pics to see the full version

All 3 juvies spent the night at home in the nest box area and when I checked the livestream before heading out this morning they were still there. When I arrived at 5am in the hole Rachel was on the nest box roof and a few minutes later Ontario flew over to the Wilder chimney and right after Charlotte took off to join him. It was too dark out for pics at first and I couldn’t see the activity that good with all the buildings blocking my view so I went to the Court St. bridge (CSB) to join Dan where I could keep track better.


Charlotte and Ontario flew out around Mercury both ended up under the northeast wing of Times Square (TSB). Around 5:30am we spotted Beauty following Dot.ca (DC) up to drop off food to little O and Char. The Beautyful one went to the Mercury money bag (MMB) after a quick stop at the Powers building east side railing, DC was in that nest and after Beauty left he went out on the cam.

img_0006-dc-drops-food-to-o-and-c img_0010-beauty img_0011-beauty1 img_0014-dc

While Ontario and Char ate I checked out the river and boy, was it ever roaring this morning! Beauty did some fly bys over TSB and returned to the MMB.

img_0019-c-and-o img_0023-location img_0025-south-of-csb img_0034-beauty

DC flew east over the river disappearing behind the Hyatt Hotel and Beauty went right after him. When he returned he had food and delivered it to Rachel with Beauty following behind. DC then went up to cam 1 and Beauty to the heel of Mercury. Charlotte flew out and landed on the column above the nest box. A runner named Jackie stopped to talk to Dan and I about the falcons. She said that she and her sister checked out the rfalconcam facebook page. We told her a few things that she didn’t know about Peregrines and then off she went to finish her run.

img_0041-dc-on-cam-1 img_0043-beauty-on-heel

After a few minutes Beauty flew over to feed Rachel as she likes to decide how much her kids eat, especially when they’re first learning to fly-extra weight can bog them down. DC, Char and Ontario were all watching from above.

img_0046-dc-watches-b-feed-r img_0049-c-watching-b-feed-r img_0052-lil-o img_0053-all-5

DC left cam 1 and stopped by to check on Char and when he flew off Ontario followed him. After some nice flying with pops Lil O returned to the northeast wing and DC landed on the well wall. Ontario then did some exploring up in the metal grating between the wings on TSB-you can see his shadow in the first pic. When he was done he perched on the light that was on the northeast wing ledge. Carol reported for duty at 7am down in the hole and Dan left so I drove over to join her.

img_0056-peekaboo-o img_0057-lil-o<Clickimg_0058-ontario1

Beauty cached the leftovers on the base of Mercury and Ontario flew over there and ate it! He’s a funny lil guy. Rachel chased DC off the wall, Beauty went to cam 1 and Ontario flew off over Wilder out of view. DC ended up on the east side railing of Widows Walk. All of a sudden Ontario came from the north and straight over to knock dad off and take his spot. DC went over to the west railing briefly then he left.

img_0060-dc1 img_0062-beautyful-one

Charlotte remained on the column with a slight bulge in her crop. Ontario had a nice flight with mom and Rachel was napping on the north wall.

img_0061-char-with-a-full-crop img_0063-rachel-napping

Ontario buzzed Beauty on cam 1 and landed on the ledge above the well wall and at 8am Char made a trip over to the south side of Crossroads. A couple minutes later DC flew in with food and went up to the back of the northwest wing ledge with it where we couldn’t see him, but Beauty could and she went up there and took it to the column above the nest box then over to feed Charlotte.

img_0069-char-rousting img_0071-b-watching-dc<Clickimg_0074-bc

Char backed off while Beauty plucked feathers from the prey. She moved in and started screaming at mom to hurry up and feed her.

img_0075-b-plucking-feathers img_0078-let-me-scream-in-your-ear-mom img_0080-ready-when-you-are-mom img_0083-time-to-eat

Beauty had a bite to eat after Charlotte had her fill, then she took a chunk of it over to the column above the nest box. DC showed up to check for scraps and found an ugly little piece that he took to Rachel.

img_0092-b-leaves-with-leftovers img_0094-where-ya-going-mom


Carol was like-what is that? lol And Rachel was like-what is that dad? I’m not gonna eat it! He chased her down the wall! Then she walked away from him as if to say-you can have it! A very funny series!

img_0100-gotta-small-package-for-ou-r<Clickimg_0101-dc-with-scraps-for-r img_0102-ugly-chunk-of-leftovers

img_0103-gee-dad-i-dont-want-that img_0105-you-can-have-it-dad<Click

Things settled down after that and soon after Lisa joined the watch I ended mine. Char was flattened out on Crossroads where we couldn’t see her Rachel was on the wall bump and Ontario was under the northeast wing when I left at 9:45am. Oh, the smiles our Rochester Peregrine Falcons are providing us! 🙂

Click on the links below to check out today’s videos




Fledge Watch/food for all 6-16-17

Friday, June 16th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was 67 (F) and 20 (C) to start with sun and clouds

Click on the pics to see the full version

I made it downtown by 5am today after checking the cams before leaving home. Charlotte and Ontario were still on Times Square (TSB) in the nest box area when I left. Upon arriving I found Rachel on the Wilder building near the stovepipe, Ontario on the main cam and Charlotte on the wall bump. Ontario flew over to Wilder to check on his sister, Rachel and I couldn’t see Charlotte until Donna reported that she was on the nest box roof where I couldn’t see her.


Beauty came flying through to land on cam 1 as Ontario went back over to TSB and joined Charlotte. They were screaming at mom for food!


Ontario lost patience and flew over Rachel, who had made her way to the southwest corner of Wilder, and landed on the chimney. He quickly walked to the north side out of view. Charlotte remained on TSB running, flapping and squawking up a storm.


Suddenly Dot.ca (DC) came streaking through with Ontario right on his tail. The Beautyful one took off with them and I lost sight of them until DC flew up to the southeast wing ring. He must have brought food because I found Beauty on the northwest corner railing of Widows Walk and Ontario was eating on the southeast corner below the railing.

img_0023-dc img_0027-ontario img_0028-beauty1 img_0029-widows-walk<Click

I lost track of Charlotte with all the action and about 10 minutes later spotted her up on a north side column at the back of TSB and she was also eating. I had all 5 in sight for a short time.

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Beauty flew over  by Char and tried to get the food from her. After failing she flew out and back right over her then doubled back to successfully get it away from her daughter and have a few bites for herself.

img_0044-b-arrives img_0045-b-flies-by img_0046-b-takes-food-c-not-happy

Carol arrived in the hole around 6:20am and so I decided to go across the street to the parking lot next to TSB where I could see Rachel on the southwest corner of Wilder. Beauty dropped food off to Rachel and after a bit started feeding her beak to beak.


Carol saw Charlotte fly to the Wilder chimney after that she flew to the north side of TSB under the bar we call the jungle gym.After a few minutes her BYF (big yellow feet) slipped and she had to spread her wings and fly away. She then joined Rachel on the southwest corner of Wilder.  I saw some neat clouds in the eastern sky and took a pic to share (taken from Irving Place, the alley that runs behind TSB).

img_0056-pretty-sky img_0060-c-with-food-in-her-crop img_0063-c img_0064-charlotte-slips-off-tsb

Around 7:40am Beauty buzzed the girls and landed on the fire escape ladder before flying north. Carol reported DC on the top I-beam west corner of OCSR and then I joined her in the hole. Ontario flew around a bit and went to the northeast wing ledge and soon after laid down for a nap. Larry stopped by on his way to work and got a big kick out of Ontario’s tail feathers hanging over the edge.

img_0065-dc img_0066-o img_0068-dc img_0069-o-sacked-out-on-tsb

Charlotte made her way off the Wilder chimney without us noticing after we lost track of her up there. Donna and Ei reminded us that she had gone up there. Out of sight out of mind right!? Anyway, she was walking around near the stove pipe while Beauty was on the column above the nest box and DC over on OCSR.


Rachel made an appearance near the stove pipe then everyone hunkered down for a while. Half hour later Beauty and DC started flying up past Ontario and circling above Wilder trying to get the kids to fly but they were having none of it. Beauty broke it off and went to OCSR south corner top I-beam but DC kept buzzing past Ontario kakking and eventually gave up. The kids were sleeping off breakfast and wanted no part of flying.

img_0078-rachel img_0081-r-takes-leap-of-faith img_0086-o-being-cute

Around 9:45am Ontario pooped and flew off toward the river like a rocket and actually went into a partial stoop before coming back into view and landed on the Wilder chimney with Char. Before I could get a pic he went over to the north side where she was out of our field of vision. Once again mom and dad started circling above Wilder trying to get the kids going but failed to do so. Beauty ended up on the Mercury money bag and DC to the northwest wing ring on the tippy top of TSB.

img_0093-big-juvie-poop img_0089-beauty img_0094-dc

A big bug with two sets of wings on each side flew in and landed on the Thomson Reuters building which neither Carol nor I knew what it was-we’re more into raptors than insects. lol I found an action figure on Aqueduct St. that had lost a leg when I was packing up to leave for a physical therapy appointment.

img_0095-bug-on-tr img_0096-injured-super-hero-in-the-hole

I ended my fledge watch after a peaceful morning with our Rochester Peregrine Falcon family giving me much to smile about! 🙂

Click on the links below to watch today’s videos




Fledge Watch/Rachel fledges 6-15-17

Thursday, June 15th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

The temperature when I started my fledge watch was 59 (F) 15 (C) . When the sun came up it shone brightly

Make sure to click on my pics to see the full version

I checked the cams before leaving for downtown at 4:55am even though it was still dark out. I could see that Rachel was still home at the nest box and I could just make out the shape of Charlotte over on the Wilder chimney where the watchers left her last night. When I  arrived downtown I looked from the Radisson Hotel by Main St. where I could see Charlotte was still on the chimney and Rachel on the well wall flapping her wings as Ontario came flying in to land on the column above the nest box.

img_0002-o-on-tsb img_0005-rachel

He didn’t stay for long and in usual juvie fashion buzzed Charlotte prompting her to take off after him. Beauty joined the fray and then I lost Charlotte down Main St. Beauty went to the heel of Mercury and Ontario went up to the money bag and I went to the hole.  Rachel was still flapping away on the wall.

img_0007-rachel img_0008-bo img_0009-o img_0010-b

Ontario took off again and I went in search of Charlotte. Donna informed me that someone had landed on the Crossroads building. I checked to find that it was Ontario and then he flew to the column above the nest box.


Having no luck finding Charlotte I drove over to the Court St. bridge (CSB) to ask Dan what he had seen. He said Charlotte had gone back to the chimney but we couldn’t see her. All of a sudden Rachel fledged, flying north up Exchange Blvd. with Ontario right on her trail. He thumped her a couple times causing her to lose altitude then they both disappeared heading up Main St. out of view. I jumped in my car and headed over. Beauty was on the column above the nest box when I found Rachel on the black exhaust structure on the Wilder roof and I also found Charlotte on the southwest corner of the Wilder roof. Phew!!

img_0014-rachel1 img_0016-beauty img_0017-char

I stationed myself in the parking lot next to the Times Square building where I had the best view of the Wilder roof from the ground. I could see the top part of Mercury and the west corner of OCSR from there as well. Carol arrived a little after 6am and went to the hole to watch. Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) were circling the area and Ontario joined them and then flew to the well wall bump as reported by Carol and also Larry who was on the CSB with Dan. He also said DC flew from the Powers building  to the northeast wing ring of TSB. Charlotte headed toward the Wilder fire escape ladder when Rachel surfaced to join her sister.

img_0019-char img_0023-the-girls img_0028-r-or-c

Next up, Ontario flew over the girls and landed on the Wilder chimney. Charlotte went to the southwest corner followed by Rachel who then got busy feet and started walking the roof ledge on the west side of Wilder.

img_0031-hello-ladies img_0033-o-yelling-at-his-sisters img_0034-all-3-together-on-wilder<Click

I spotted Beauty on the west corner top I-beam of OCSR as Ontario buzzed by her. Larry reported that Ontario was on the tip top of OCSR.

img_0037-b img_0038-o-on-top-of-ocsr img_0040-taken-from-parking-lot-at-northwest-corner-of-tsb<Click

Larry and Carol reported a series of events in which Ontario flew with the Beautyful one and DC with all 3 landing and taking off from various spots on TSB. I kept an eye on the girls since their brother is doing so well. KathyO joined the watch around 7am and I stretched my legs and walked to the front of Times Square looking for prey parts on the ground. I only found a partial wing from what looked like a pigeon or Mourning Dove and lots of poop on the sidewalk as I was standing at the front entrance of the building which is directly below the nest box area.

img_0044-from-below-times-square img_0081-leftovers-below-tsb

Meanwhile, the girls got busy walking around on the edge of the Wilder roof. I met Judy, who works in the TSB and watches the livestream when she can.

img_0048-running-rachel img_0053-hi-sis img_0054-char img_0055-char

DC flew in and landed on the Wilder ladder so the girls went screaming over there. He promptly took off as it was too much noise for him. Teehee! So they went back to the corner to hang out and preen for a bit.

img_0061-char-and-dc img_0065-rachel img_0067-there-goes-dad<Click

img_0070-falcon-power img_0073-cr<Clickimg_0075-girls-just-wanna-have-fun

The girls eventually made their way to the southeast end of Wilder near the stove pipe out of my view so I went over to the hole and joined Carol and Kathy. Joyce showed up at this time as well.

img_0090-char img_0093-here-i-come-sis img_0095-by-the-stove-pipe

The girls watched as their busy brother flew over on his way to the Crossroads building. All was quiet when I ended my watch at 8:45am.

img_0097-watching-o-fly-above img_0098-ontario-on-crossroads img_0104-bye-girls<Click

It was kind of hectic at the start of today’s fledge watch but I was smiling the whole time as all 3 downtown Rochester Peregrine Falcon juvies have now successfully fledged! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos



Fledge Watch/There’s no place like home 6-14-17

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Boy was it ever foggy this morning but when the sun came up it cleared up fast and made way for bright blue skies and sunshine. It was quite breezy and chilly compared to the last few days with a temperature of  57 (F) 14 (C)

Click on pics to see the full version

I could only see the outline of the Times Square building (TSB) through the fog when I first arrived downtown. The last place Ontario was seen last night was on the grating between the wings. He was gone from there and so the search was on to find him. While in the parking lot next to TSB I spotted Dot.ca (DC) on the Wilder green strip laying low until the fog lifted.

img_0003-widows-walk img_0004-mercury img_0005-ocsr img_0006-dc

DC flew to the southeast wing ring of TSB and the girls were out on the wall. Soon after Beauty showed up on the southeast corner of TSB one level higher than the nest box.

img_0013-char img_0014-rachel

img_0015-dc1 img_0017-beauty img_0018-on-the-look-out

Everybody seemed to be looking around-did they know where Ontario was or were they searching for him. Charlotte and Rachel were huddled together on the wall And then about 6:25am Donna informed me that Ontario had just landed near cam 4. Phew, a big sigh of relief!

img_0024-wheres-my-brother-mak img_0026-dc img_0032-what-a-beeauty img_0039-the-girls

Ontario finally showed himself out on the wall with his sisters. Carol joined me just before 7am and a friend that works at Thomson Reuters, Mary came by on her way into work. It was so nice to see her as I haven’t seen Mary in a couple years since I was in Arkansas for most of last years fledge watch.


DC flew to OCSR landing on the top I-beam west corner then a bit after 7am KathyO arrived. Beauty and DC put on a flying display for the kids then he went to northeast wing and she to the column above the nest box before going over to OCSR and landing on the south corner top I-beam.

img_0045-dc img_0050-beauty

Larry and his dog, Zeke came by for a few minutes at this time. His timing was impeccable as Ontario flew over to Crossroads. A strong controlled flight with a perfect landing. At first we thought it was an adult, it was that good! Charlotte had ideas of flying from watching her brother and started winging it on the wall.

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Beauty and DC flew over to TSB and started alarm calling and swooping at something or someone in the back of TSB. This went on for quite a while before they settled down and at 8:47am Ontario took off from Crossroads. DC flew with him as he circled a couple times in the Times Square area before they both headed north towards the Powers building. We split up to go look and found DC on the southeast corner top railing of Powers but no Ontario.

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He had managed to sneak back to TSB and was seemingly hiding on the ledge above the nest box area.

img_0085-o-hiding-out img_0086-o-peeking<Click it

After another round of swooping, circling and alarm calling the Beautyful one landed on the column above her adventurous boy. He always ends up back at TSB as if to say “There’s no place like home”

!img_0088-beauty img_0089-im-down-here-mom

Beauty flew to the Mercury money bag then back to TSB on the southeast column an DC showed up on OCSR. Ontario was napping after a busy morning! Beauty and DC put on another flying lesson out in front on TSB trying to entice their kids to join them but they were all sacked out. I ended my watch at 9:45am as my days are full of appointments and such these days.

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Since I began putting this report together Charlotte has fledged to the Telesca building and I spotted Billie outside my living room window circling many, many times looking down at the tree tops of Seth Green Park. Was she looking for prey or a fledgling!? I went out on the west balcony and searched the area with my binocs but didn’t see or hear any juvies. How could I not be smiling after the day I had sharing space with our Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂

Click on the links below to check out today’s videos



Fledge Watch/Ontario checks the north side of Times Square 6-13-17

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

The air was a little soupy this morning as in humid. It was overcast with rain on and off. The starting temperature was 71 (F) 22 (C)

Click on the pics to see the full version

When I joined Dan on the Court St. bridge at 5:35am all three kids were on the deck and Beauty was on cam 1.


I didn’t get my chair out as I figured Ontario would be flying right away and I’d be leaving to follow him-I was right. Not 5 minutes later he was off-flying well over the Philipone building across the street from Times Square (TSB) where he made a u-turn and headed back toward the nest box area. He zoomed through and out over the parking lot by TSB then back to land on the north side at a pretty good clip. I was worried that he may have come in too fast and got hurt. I went to the hole to look for him but didn’t see him at first. He finally came out to the edge of the roof above the well wall so I could breathe a sigh of relief. He ran down to the edge overlooking the well where Rachel was looking up at him. Beauty checked on him then returned to cam 1.


By 6am Charlotte showed herself and joined Rachel on the wall. Ontario was a bit tired and started to nap a bit on and off while the girls hung out on the wall below him.

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Charlotte went to the wall bump and Rachel parked herself below mom. It stayed this way until CarolP arrived with Ontario stretching, napping, preening and being his cute self.

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It started to rain as soon as she got out of her car and the kids started flapping and squawking in the rain. Larry and Zeke (Larry’s dog) joined Dan on the bridge and Carol (Lukka) showed up to watch with CarolP and I in the hole. At about 7am Dot.ca (DC) brought food to the deck and the Beautyful one took it from him and over to Ontario. DC then flew up under the northeast wing of TSB.

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The girls started out on the bump together watching Ontario eat but then they made their way down to the end of the wall. They wanted to eat too!

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At first Ontario was eating on his own but Beauty tried many times to get it from him so she could control how much he ate. Less weight is better when they are learning to fly. She finally got it from him and started to beak feed him. When she felt he had enough she finished off the leftovers.  Charlotte and Rachel ended up back on the bump.

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KathyO joined the fledge watch around 8am and around this time DC came flying in over the hole parking lot with a live pigeon! Feathers were flying as the pigeon was struggling to get free-it was successful and flew off while DC went up to the northeast wing ledge. Beauty flew to the ledge above the nest box briefly then over to the Mercury money bag (MMB). All was quiet for an hour or so until DC flew in with prey in his talons. He landed on a small ledge on the southeast corner of Times Square where Beauty also landed but he wasn’t ready to let her have it yet. They flew out above us in the hole where a food transfer took place over our heads!Beauty then flew over to the well wall to feed the girls.

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Charlotte got a few bites at the start but Rachel got the lions share and then mom shut down the feed and took the leftovers over to the base of Mercury to stash for later. She returned to land on cam 1.


It started to rain again as I was taking a pic of DC on the top I-beam south corner of OCSR. The kids started flapping away as it down poured for a few minutes. After the rain stopped I had to get going to a physical therapy appointment for my shoulder thus ending my watch at 10am. What fun we’re having with our Rochester Peregrine Falcon family as they are bringing smiles to us all! 🙂

Check out today’s videos by clicking on the links below




Fledge Watch/Deja Vu 6-12-17

Monday, June 12th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Another warm start with a busy breeze, bright blue skies and a starting temperature of  68(F) 20(C)

Be sure to click on my pics to see the full version

I met Dan on the Court St. Bridge (CSB) at 5:30am just before the sun came up. Beauty was on the well wall bump, the girls were on the deck and Ontario was on the nest box roof. Soon after Dot.ca (DC) came in with food and Beauty flew off. Rachel grabbed the food delivery just like yesterday and wasn’t willing to share with Charlotte, Ontario wasn’t interested as he was eye balling that south side ledge where he had fledged to yesterday. Beauty returned landing on cam 1 and DC went up under the northeast wing of Times Square (TSB).

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Next, DC flew north and Beauty flew to the ledge above the nest box. I like to check out the river gorge when I’m on any of the downtown bridges and I noticed a Great Blue Heron standing next to a rock. He jumped up on it and just before he took off I took a pic of him with his wings just starting to open. I also spotted Buddy, the gull on a log.

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DC returned to wing ledge and then the Beautyful one went down to the deck. I assume she took the food from Rachel, then went out on the wall to feed Ontario.

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Then the deja vu moment occurred when Ontario flew over to the south side ledge like yesterday.  Meanwhile, Charlotte went out to Beauty on the wall to get fed as Rachel, on the deck and Beauty watched Ontario take off. He did some well done short flights down the south side of TSB and again, just like yesterday disappeared behind the building. At this point I left Dan to be closer to the action. By the time I got to in front of the Blue Cross Arena (BCA) Ontario came back into view on the south side.

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Ontario flew over to cam 4 and unbeknownst to me at the time, Larry tweeted the same info as me. I didn’t get his tweet so we both reported where all five falcons were. At 6:30am Carol arrived in the hole (Aqueduct St.). I could see Ontario and DC who was under the northeast wing. Beauty was on cam 1 and the girls were in the deck area.

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I stayed where I was for a bit to watch Ontario in case he decided to take off again before joining Carol. He closed his eyes, did some stretching and preening and at one point was laying down on cam 4.

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I joined Carol, who was with our Buffalo watcher Carol (Lukka) in the hole. Joyce and Kathy showed up next as Beauty was on cam 4 and Charlotte was on the well wall bump flapping her wings. DC was still under the wing, Rachel was on the deck.

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Just before 8am Ontario and Charlotte went out to the end of the well wall together while Beauty watched over them.

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Just before I left, Carla joined the watch. Once again when I got home there were no falcons to be found at Seneca Towers. I keep listening for screaming juvies as they must be about ready to fledge. I ended my watch just before 9am as I had appointments today. I’m smiling a lot these days as I share space with  downtown Rochester’s Peregrine Falcon family and watchers! 🙂

Click on the link below to see today’s snippet video


Fledge Watch/Ontario fledges 6-11-17

Sunday, June 11th, 2017

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a warm start with a delicious breeze, hardly a cloud in the sky and a starting temperature of  68 (F) 20 (C)

Make sure to click on the pics for the full version

I arrived downtown at 5:30am and joined Dan on the Court St. Bridge (CSB). Rachel was on the deck while Charlotte was sharing the wall bump with her brother, Ontario. He had ants in his pants right from the get go as he was running the wall and jumping back and forth between the nest box roof and cam 4. It was obvious he was going to fledge today. Dan said that Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) had been hunting over by the Spectrum Communications tower earlier. About 10 minutes later the Beautyful one flew in and landed on cam 1 as all three of the kids began squawking and flapping their wings.

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DC flew in with food around 6am and took it to the top I-beam southeast side of OCSR to prep it before dropping it off to the kids. Beauty had flown past him to see what he had then went to the base of Mercury. Rachel grabbed the small package of food and did not share.

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DC went up under the northeast wing of the Times Square building (TSB) after the drop. A few minutes later Beauty did some flying in front of the kids then landed on the Mercury money bag (MMB). A few minutes later she flew after a small bird over by the Hyatt hotel and returned to land on the main cam. She was watching Rachel hog the food and soon jumped down and tried to get it from her but I don’t think that happened . Beauty left soon after and went to the heel of Mercury.

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A couple minutes later at about 6:40am it happened-Ontario flew from the nest box roof over to the ledge across from the nest box. Fledge #1 for 2017! Dan was about ready to leave as he rarely stays past 7am so I left and parked down in front of the Blue Cross Arena (BCA) to keep an eye on our brave young tiercel.

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Ontario was head bobbing like crazy trying to get a bead on his new surroundings and then he got bust feet. He walked down the entire south side of TSB to the back of the building where the lower roof is located. I went down Broad St. to follow his adventure when he disappeared behind it out of my view and no matter how far down Broad St. I went I couldn’t see him and the sun was directly behind TSB making it even harder to see.

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I don’t like it when I can’t see them because for all I know he flew off the building and I would not know what direction to look. Luckily he was a good boy and came back to the south side and eventually made his way around to the front of TSB where everyone could see him on cam again. Right about that time Joyce came by and said she was going down to the hole and Carol tweeted that she was over there. I joined them shortly after and Beauty showed up landing on cam 1 to watch Ontario as well.

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At this point it was clear that Ontario wanted to rejoin his family. DC showed up landing on the northwest wing ring at the very top of TSB. Linda (Braveheart) joined the watch and DC stooped on a small bird missed it then went up under the northeast wing.

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Around 8am Ontario flew down to one of the columns between the nest box and the ledge he fledged to.  He spent some time on the ledge right below the nest box. KathyO joined us in the hole at this time.

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About half hour later Carla joined the watch just before I left for a bit. While I was gone Buffalo watcher Carol (Lukka) had joined the group. She had been watching last night and stayed over to help us today again. When I got back Ontario got busy again making the short flights between the columns and landing very well for a new fledgling. He was trying so hard to figure out how to get back up to the nest box area.

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Ontario went back to the other small ledge in the shade to rest. DC stopped by to check on him landing on the column to the right of him. This was around 11am and at this time Dan showed up to watch with us and a while later Brian and Randy also came by.


DC flew off after a few minutes and did some flying in front of TSB trying to show Ontario how it’s done. Then he landed on a small ledge below the well wall and started keeping an eye on Charlotte who was at the end of the wall flapping her wings.

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Beauty was up with Rachel on the deck and at one point we had all 5 in view.

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I left downtown a little after noon and when I got home to Seneca Towers there were no falcons to be found. I ended my watch at 12:30pm after sharing many smiles with my fellow watchers! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos




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