Fledge Watch/Juvies like the Hall of Justice 6-20-17
Tuesday, June 20th, 2017By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
There was a mix of sun, clouds and blue skies with a starting temperature of 63 (F) 17 (C)
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I started my watch on the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) at 5am, I mistakenly tweeted CSB which is the Court St. Bridge. From there I could see a juvie on the east side roof of the Wilder building. It was too dark and too much of a distance to get a clear pic. I then drove to the hole (Aqueduct St.) where I could see a juvie on the column above the nest box. I continued on to join Dan on the CSB where I spotted a second juvie on the column to the back of it where I wouldn’t have seen it from the hole. Dan was watching the Spectrum Communications tower where Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) were hunting from. Beauty left the tower and went to the Powers building northeast corner and 2 juvies ended up under the southeast wing of Times Square (TSB) after talon tagging around the area.
Ontario was one of the juvies under the wing and he took off doubled back and tried to knock sis off the wing ledge then over to Powers and knocked mom off the corner and took her spot. Beauty ended up on the camera.
DC went to Powers with food then took it back behind TSB-probably cached it under northwest wing then flew out and back to land under the northeast wing. Beauty had tried to get food from DC and took his place on the southeast corner of Powers. Ontario flew over to join sis under southeast wing then off again quickly. Beauty then took DC’s spot under the wing and DC flew past Charlotte under the northeast wing.
Suddenly the Beautyful one took off fast towards Cornhill where pigeons were flying-she wasn’t really stooping but fast enough to catch up with them. She made a little bit of a turn and snagged her self one of the pigeons. She had a little trouble taking it out of view behind Thomson Reuters eventually ending up on the base of Mercury. DC was right on her tail and swooped in 2 or 3 times trying to get it from her but she’d have none of it. Then a juvie who I believe was Ontario buzzed by her as well then flew off with dad over the river. Larry and Zeke joined us at this time and a few minutes later Carol reported being in the hole. There was a juvie on the light under the northeast wing at this time.
DC went to Powers and 2 juvies flew around Mercury while Beauty had a bite to eat. She went to the money bag when she was done and DC came in and grabbed what she left behind and took it to the Hall of Justice (HOJ) where 2 juvies were on the northeast end of the roof. Dan and Larry left around 7am. I joined Carol at Falcon Central as things settled down for a while. Eventually, 2 juvies popped up on the north side roof edge of HOJ.
Beauty and DC kept patrolling over HOJ to check on the kids. Beauty went to Powers and DC to wing ring on TSB.
When I ended my watch just before 9am Beauty was hovering above Crossroads. Keep smiling everyone! 🙂
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