Fledge/juvie watch 8-18-12
Saturday, August 18th, 2012By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
I met Dan at 6:20am on the Broad St. Bridge(BSB) he gave me the lowdown on what he had seen earlier. He said Orion flew off the Times Square building(TSB) from under the northeast wing and chased a flock of ducks down in the river between BSB and the Court St. bridge. After they were cleared out he went after a crow and finally sent a mob of crows on their way as well, to the south near Cornhill. Larry joined us a few minutes later and then in a few more minutes KathyO,Carol and Dana showed up. The plan from last night was that everyone was coming down early this morning. Mission accomplished!
Beauty showed up and flew to the top ibeam of OCSR southeast side.
Dana got pooped on by a gull and half hour later Orion flew in landing on the well wall by the nest box and then flying over to the Crossroads building on the south side.
As Larry was leaving Jeanne pulled up to join the watch and soon after Dan left as well. Orion was pretty active as he went to the north end of the well wall and then flew to the north corner of Crossroads. Both Beauty and Orion flew north and we didn’t see them for quite a while afterwards. We all decided to go to the pedestrian bridge at High Falls to look for them. No luck but we did see some wildlife including 3 cormorants, a Turkey Vulture and a kingfisher but no falcons.
When we returned to the BSB we didn’t see any falcons for about an hour when Orion showed up to chase and stoop on some pigeons and gulls near Andrews St. 20 minutes later Beauty flew in and landed on the deck at the nest box and Orion landed on the north wall of the well by the nest box. Beauty left at some point I didn’t even notice cuz I was watching Orion who was jumping up and down(or so it seemed) and flapping his wings. This is when he was playing with Orville the famous eyas sitting rock. Well today Orion dropped Orville over the edge and it came crashing down to the sidewalk below the Times Square building.
This picture may be Orion looking down at his old friend. When we heard that Orville was missing Carol went searching for him and found him in 4 pieces. Jeanne who gave me a ride home soon after these events took place, showed me a pic since I was watching Beauty on OCSR over by the Radisson when Carol came back to the BSB with the broken rock. Orion went up under the southeast wing of the TSB and that would be where we left him and Beauty was still on the north side of OCSR in the shade for her afternoon nap.
That last pic I took from the north end of the Radisson Hotel. I just liked the looks of the sky behind the city scape and it made me smile! 🙂
For more pics and a video from my watch click on the links below