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Archive for March, 2014

St. Patricks Day morning watch 3-17-14

Monday, March 17th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Happy St. Patricks Day!

It was 9 degrees (F) -13 (C) when I left for my watch this morning!!! Calm winds with clouds and sun throughout its entirety

As I was at the traffic light at South Ave. and Broad St. I couldn’t help but the notice the full moon in the western sky.

img_0001-check-out-that-moon img_0002-moon-this-morning

At 7:18am as I was checking from the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) I spotted a falcon flying near Kodak Office (KO)-it flew around to the north side out of view and I didn’t see it come out on the other side. I checked around the whole building with no luck finding it.
15 minutes later as I was checking the east side from the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) I spotted Beauty on Bausch & Lomb (B&L)-she was on the west side on the southwest corner aka Archers’ corner. I took a pic and then started recording a video on which she pooped , stretched her wings and flew off after 20 seconds heading north.

img_0003-beauty-on-archers-corner-bl img_0004-beauty-on-bl-archers-corner

I made a u-turn to see where she went but she had already vanished behind buildings. My attention was diverted to city workers clearing the frozen, dirty snow banks that lined the sidewalks on the bridge-they were blowing it right into the river. Just imagine all the salt, garbage and who knows what was in those snow banks and now polluting the river and all the wildlife that uses it. OY!

img_0006-getting-rid-of-dirty-snow-banks-on-bsb img_0008-snow-blown-into-river-from-bsb

Anyways, I drove around the city a couple times but found no falcons so I went over to the Brighton Site (BS). Arriving there around 8:20am and finding Pigott on the west extension southwest corner with her back to me. There was nowhere else that I could get a better look at her so I just stayed put.


Larry came by on his way to work and soon after Pigott vocalized as she turned and started walking on the roof as Dot.Ca (DC) arrived and went into the cubby chirping up a storm.


Pigott joined him and the echupping began echoing quite loudly from the cubby lasting about a minute. DC then flew out only to return for a second round of chupping, chirping and I’m sure bowing. Can’t see in the cubby so we have to imagine what goes on in there. Perhaps some egg laying will occur in there this year.

img_0015-dc-exits-cubby img_0016-dc-leaving-cubby img_0017-dc-in-flight DC flying from cubby 1st round

img_0023-dc-leaving-cubby-again img_0024-dc-outta-there img_0025-dc-takes-same-route-from-cubby-2nd-time DC flies out from cubby after 2nd round

As you can see, DC takes the same route out of the cubby each time. Pigott came out and went to the northwest corner of the southwest extension above the cubby and DC went to the same southwest corner of the west extension she was on earlier.

img_0028-dc img_0029-dc <DC

Larry left and a minute later DC flew across to Miss Pigott who was whining and they mated in on the roof so that I could only see the right wing of DC flapping. He left flying northwest and Pigott remained with only her tail feathers hanging over the edge of the roof-she was whining in a hushed voice.


At 8:54am Pigott flew south and didn’t return. On my way back downtown I got tweets from Donna saying Beauty was at the nest box and from Pat saying DC was on the southeast wing ring of Times Square. Thanks for the assist ladies! So I arrived downtown in time to see the Beautyful one fly out from the nest box over to OCSR coming to rest on the top ibeam west corner. Then just as I looked up to the wing rings DC flew off and went to Beauty where he attempted and aborted a copulation.


DC flew to the nest box chirping but Beauty didn’t join him so he left and I have no idea what direction he went because I missed his exit. I ended my watch at 9:30am smiling after an action packed 2 1/2 hour watch where I saw all 3 Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂

Click on the links below to see a couple  videos



Morning watch 3-16-14

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Well we are back to the cold blustery weather today. As I stepped out the house the 16 degrees (F) -9 (C) and wind hit my face and I instantly teared up. Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature it’s the middle of March!

It took 2 trips around downtown this morning before I had my first falcon sighting at 7:23am. As I came up to the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) from checking the east side I spotted Dot.Ca (DC) on the top ibeam near the south corner of OCSR. I went to my spot by the Radisson Hotel at Main St. for closer viewing.

img_0005-dc2 img_0008-dc2

I shared space with him for less than 10 minutes as he flew off to the northeast out of view behind the hotel at 7:30am.

img_0012-dc-takes-off-look-at-those-byf img_0013-dc-me-and-my-shadow

I went to the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) and could just barely make out a falcon flying up to and landing on the Kodak Office (KO) launchpad. Next I drove down State St. and pulled over to see who it was way up there-twas DC near the southeast corner!

img_0025-dc-on-ko img_0026-dc2

I left him after a few minutes to go search for the Beautyful one but I couldn’t find her and when I checked KO again DC was gone. At 7:42am I got a tweet from cam watcher Carly (TY) that Beauty and DC had been at the nest box at 7:2oam. I just missed them as I figure I was on the east side at the time. I checked out the High Falls from the ASB  and had my first Cormorant sighting of the new year.

img_0033-hello-mr-cormorant img_0034-baby-its-cold-outside img_0036-my-first-cormorant-of-the-season

I left there as the wind was right in my face out of the north making my eyes tear so much I couldn’t see anything. Made my way to the hole as I spotted Beauty under the southeast wing of  the Times Square building (TSB) and DC was over on OCSR plucking feathers from prey on the top ibeam southeast side. Beauty could see DC as he seemed like he was trying to hide at first. She had a few syllables to say as he started ripping into the feathers of his catch-lots of white down feathers so I believe he had a Mourning Dove.

img_0038-beauty img_0042-dc-has-food img_0048-beauty-says-i-want-some-darling img_0057-lots-of-feathers img_0064-beautyful

I got a tweet from Larry that he had a falcon over at the Brighton Site (BS) and since I hadn’t seen Pigott in a couple days I left our downtown duo to go check it out. On the way Larry tweeted that there were 2 of them now-had DC left his food for Beauty, stashed it or brought it to Pigott. Hmm, never can tell what he’s doing when it comes to food. So I joined Larry at BS around 8:45am-Pigott was on the west end of the south side vent and DC was on the southeast corner of the roof above her.

img_0073-pigott img_0071-dc

Larry said he saw some nice tandem flying and I didn’t miss out for shortly after I arrived they did some more before DC flew into the cubby loudly chirping. Pigott landed on a window across from the cubby on the west extension and had a few chups for him but didn’t join him.

img_0075-pigott-chupping-at-dc <Pigott>   img_0076-pigott

They both took off again flying south then north over Highland Park where we lost them. Larry left and I stayed a bit longer to see if they’d come back. I headed back downtown and found DC on the top ibeam close to the south corner of OCSR at 9:30am after having a look around for Beauty.

img_0085-dc-preening1 img_0088-dc1 img_0089-crazy-eye-dc

I ended my watch at this time, content and smiling for having seen all 3 of our beloved Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂

Click on the links below to see all of our falcons on video this morning





Morning watch 3-15-14

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

I must say the weather this week has been a roller coaster ride-up and down with the temps. Today when I stepped out of the house it was 39 degrees (F) 4 (C) Tomorrow we aren’t supposed to get out of the teens!  There was light rain falling throughout my watch with a busy breeze and overcast skies

I found Beauty around 7:10am on the east side of Bausch & Lomb northeast corner and she was eating-her favorite spot lately.


She stopped 5 minutes later and flew across to a southeast corner on that east side and cached her leftovers. She went up near the building where I couldn’t see her then came shooting out and flew west toward Times Square (TSB).


I caught up with the Beautyful one whom I could see from the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) on the deck next to the main cam. She didn’t stay long and flew up under the southeast wing of TSB.

img_0021-beauty img_0033-beauty-sucking-on-her-talon

I was now parked down in the hole behind He’s Chinese. After 10 minutes Beauty flew off to the east with a quiet, short vocalization and as I turned my head to watch I saw another falcon, had to be Dot.Ca (DC) fly with her near the Mercury statue. They disappeared over the river where I couldn’t see them. I drove up to the BSB to look for them but I couldn’t pull over as the bridge was all full up with cars for a 5K run downtown this morning. Beauty was under the northeast  wing so I went back to the hole.  At just before 8am i saw DC fly to Widows Walk (WW) and land on the east side on the ledge below where the railing level is located.

img_0043 img_0043-dc-on-ww

He then walked to the north side and went out of view around the corner so I drove over to Fitzhugh St. where I could see him pull out cached food that was up there and start eating.

img_0048-dc img_0056-dc

DC acted nervous like maybe he was afraid Beauty might catch him with her cache and after 5 minutes he left with his prize headed toward TSB chirping. As I was stopped at the traffic light at Exchange and Broad St. I saw beauty fly to the nest box area and when i got back to the hole I could see DC under the northeast wing nibbling on what was left of the pigeon leftovers. I couldn’t see Beauty from there so I went back up on the BSB to see if she was still at the nest box. I found her on the deck by the main cam.

img_0069-dc-with-his-cache img_0073-whatcha-lookin-at1 img_0074-bdc

Back to the hole again where I could park I spent the next half  hour watching DC  perched on the edge of the northeast wing ledge next to his stolen cache. Every once in a while the wind would make the wing on the prey bird move and startle DC, making him lose his balance. It was pretty funny to watch.

img_0081-whoa img_0082-windy-up-there img_0087-wind-blows-cache-wing-scares-dc img_0088-is-that-cache-alive-its-moving img_0089-what-the

Finally, he could take no more and flew off to the north leaving the magical moving wing behind.

img_0091-im-outta-here img_0092-darn-scary-cache img_0093-see-ya<Click it

I left for a check of the Brighton Site but when I arrived at 8:50am Pigott was not there. As I pulled into the east side parking lot I spotted a crow fly off the east extension with cached food-this is the 2nd time this week I’ve witnessed a crow stealing cached food at BS. This is why falcons go after crows, because they’re  thieves! lol   On my way back downtown I stopped to take pics of the ice jam on the Genesee River between the Ford St. Bridge and downtown.


I found blocked roads along the way and after making my way around to the hole I spotted Beauty on the top ibeam of OCSR near the south corner. She had a great seat for the St. Patricks Day parade that would be passing below on Main St. From where I was parked on Aqueduct St. I could see Main St. where they were setting up the grandstand for the parade.

img_0104-beautyful img_0105-location-shot img_0106-setting-up-grand-stand-for-parade-on-main-st

I ended my watch at 9:30am before I got blocked in but before I left our fair city I took a couple pics of the festivities.The vendors by the Radisson Hotel, the green line painted on Main St. and a row of Irish flags.

img_0108-location-shot img_0109-green-paint-stripe-for-st-pattys-parade img_0110-irish-flags-are-flying<Remember to click on pics for full version

That’s all she wrote folks-with a smile! 🙂

Click on the links below to see more pics and videos





Morning watch 3-14-14

Friday, March 14th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

What blizzard-we had a blizzard here? Mostly clear main roads this morning with a starting temperature of 25 (F) -4 (C) overcast with a southerly breeze-forecast says a high in the 40’s today

I found Dot.Ca (DC) on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR at 7:10am as he was eating his breakfast. I didn’t see Beauty in the near vicinity.

img_0001-dc-with-prey img_0002-dc-has-breakfast

I left him to it as I went searching for Beauty. As I returned to the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) DC was gone from OCSR. I found Beauty under the northeast wing of  the Times Square building (TSB) with her back to me, but at the time I thought it was DC. Once again her salmon color helps in identifying her.


I stayed a while then left to check the Brighton site (BS). Arriving there about 8:15am I found a Canadian Goose on the southeast corner of the east extension-not exactly the falcon I was hoping to find. A minute later a crow came by landing below the goose, who had a lot to say to the crow. The crow moved in on the ledge out of view and came back out with some cached food that most likely belonged to Pigott and flew off with it. He dropped it just before landing on a pine tree and had to go to the ground for it, he took one bite and left it in the snow.

img_0022-goose-warning-crow-not-to-take-pigotts-cache img_0023-first-a-look-to-see-if-pigott-is-around img_0024-moving-in-for-the-burglaryClick on my pics to see full version

img_0026-got-it-goose-says-i-hope-pigott-doesnt-blame-me img_0027-crow-drops-the-goods-on-the-ground img_0028-took-one-bite-and-left-it2 img_0029-get-some-police-tape-and-cordon-off-this-area-for-investigation

So that was my entertainment at BS today. Upon returning downtown I found the Beautyful one still under the northeast wing of Times Square with her back to the world so I continued on to look for DC. From the Andrews St. bridge I spotted him on the northeast corner of the Kodak Office launchpad. I drove to State St. and checked him out. His crop was full from the meal he had eaten earlier on OCSR.

img_0032-dc img_0036-dc2 img_0037-dc-livin-on-the-edge

I made one last check of Beauty on Times Square before calling it a watch just before the 9 o’clock hour-she still had her back to me.


Keep smiling everyone! 🙂

Click on the links below to see todays videos




Thursday Afternoon Falcon Watch – 3/13/14 – The Day After the Blizzard of 2014

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Sunrise at 7:24 am.  Sunset at 7:13 pm.

After receiving up to 20 inches of snow in the Rochester area yesterday, the city did an awesome job of clearing out the snow from the city streets.  It was 15 degrees (F) during my watch.

I did check the Kodak Park area after getting out of work and found no falcons there.

Today I decided to head downtown first.  From the Broad St Bridge (BSB) I could see both Beauty and Dot.ca on the south side top IBeam of the OCSR.

Beauty and Dot.ca on OCSR 3-13-14*





Dot.ca was eating while Beauty watched.  (Beauty – Left; Dot.ca  – Right)  You can really see the size difference between them.  The female (falcon) is on average one third larger than the male (tiercel).

Beauty and Dot.ca on OCSR 3-13-14Beauty and Dot.ca on OCSR 3-13-14Beauty and Dot.ca on OCSR 3-13-14*





When Dot.ca finished his meal, Beauty took the leftovers and cached them up inside the OCSR elevator shaft.  This was a place that Kaver used to cache his leftover food during the spring/summer months when feeding his and Mariah’s young.  Long time Falcon Watcher Dan S named it the cold stone, since it was a cool spot during the heat of the Spring and Summer months.

Beauty returned to the top IBeam.  A short while later, Dot.ca took off heading west.  I waited to see if he would return.  When he didn’t, I headed over to the BS location where I found Dot.ca on the southeast corner of the east extension.  I had just missed Larry O, who reported seeing two falcons on the east extension.  When I got there, Pigott was gone.  Dot.ca kept looking towards the east.

Dot.ca at BS 3-13-14Dot.ca at BS 3-13-14*





After preening, Dot.ca took off and flew low going northeast.  I thought he was either going out to greet Pigott or heading back downtown.

About 5 minutes after Dot.ca left, Pigott flew in carrying prey.  She flew around the west end of the building, caching the remainder of her meal there.  She flew back to the east side landing on the south side roof of the east extension.  She had a full crop and evidence of a recent meal on her beak and talons.

Pigott at BS 3-13-14Pigott at BS 3-13-14Pigott at BS 3-13-14*





After moving around on top of the roof, she took off and landed on a east facing window on the southeast ext, just below the tree ledge.

Pigott at BS 3-13-14*





I left Pigott there to go downtown one more time before ending my watch.  Dot.ca had returned to the top IBeam of the OCSR, this time to Beauty’s left.

Dot.ca and Beauty on OCSR 3-13-14Dot.ca and Beauty on OCSR 3-13-14*





I ended my watch a little before 6:00 pm.  At 7:36 pm, Kathy O reported: “BS falcon report – Pigott settled in 6 floors down in nighttime roosting spot.”

While I watch the falcons downtown, I continue to watch the diving ducks on the river below the Broad St Bridge.  They continue to do well as far as I can tell.  I think I hit the Red-breasted Mergansers siesta time though.  I’ll leave you with a few pics of the river and critters that are calling it home this Winter.  Goodnight everyone!

Let Sleeping Duck Float 3-13-14Male Red-breasted Merganser 3-13-14Male Red-breasted Merganser 3-13-14*





Juvie Ring-billed Gull Looking For a Fish 3-13-14An RBM Chase 3-13-14Pretty Golden Eye I Think 3-13-14

Morning watch 3-13-14

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Well, we survived the blizzard of yesterday-I reckon at my house I got around a foot and a half with drifts up to my hips. As I made my way downtown this morning it was mostly cloudy with a temperature of 9 degrees (F) -13 (C) and still windy but not like yesterday. Toward the end of my watch the sun broke thru making it very bright out with all the new fallen snow!

After a drive to the east side with no luck I stopped on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) and spotted Dot.Ca (DC) on the top ibeam of OCSR near the south corner around 7:30am. I went over by the Radisson Hotel at Main St. to observe him and check the elevator shaft for Beauty-she wasn’t there.

img_0005-dc1 img_0006-dc

I left him after 10 minutes or so to look for Beauty and when I came back thru from the east side DC was gone from OCSR. I stopped on the Andrews St. bridge (ASB) and while I was there I spotted a small falcon (probably DC) flying over the river near the Radisson Hotel. It crossed the river heading west and then a larger falcon (probably Beauty) flew with it-they passed the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) and out of view. I left for the Brighton Site after they didn’t return. Pigott was on the west end of the south side vent all foofed up and crouched down to stay warm as I arrived at 8:30am.

img_0012-pigott img_0021-pretty-pigott

As I tweeted that Miss Pigott was there she flew off and I found her over on the southeast corner of the east extension. You can see that she has a small bulge in her crop so she did have a bite to eat.

img_0035-pretty-pigott img_0036-pigott

I didn’t stay long for I wanted to get a glimpse of  Beauty before ending my watch so back downtown I went. Spotting DC on the top ibeam of OCSR southeast side I went to the Radisson Hotel again to find that he had prey-he was ripping out feathers creating a feather flurry!


I left him to it and set out to check the Kodak Office Tower-I pulled over on State St. when I spotted the Beautyful one on the launchpad at 9:30am. She had her back to me as she was perched on the south side right above where the old Mariah & Kaver nest site used to be. She was watching something below her-probably a pigeon, as they like to hang out around the Kodak letters on the roof.

img_0046-beauty-on-ko img_0049-beauty img_0051-beauty-looking-for-breakfast

I drove around to the west side of KO to get a better angle but she was gone by the time I got there. I happily ended my watch at 9:45am with a smile after finding all 3 resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons unscathed by the blizzard of yesterday! 🙂

Click on the links below to view videos from todays watch






Morning watch 3-12-14

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Well the weather is the story today-when I left for my morning watch at 7:10am it was wet and raining with a little sleet mixed in and a temperature of 33 (F) 1 (C). By the time I got downtown there was light snow mixing with the sleet. Within half hour of arriving in our fair city the snow and wind picked up considerably and it only went downhill from there. We are forecast for blizzard conditions today with 12-20 inches of snow and winds up to 40 mph gusting up to 50 mph and maybe some thunder too1 Just a little spring storm for upstate New York. lol  Stay safe out there Rochester!!

So I didn’t have a falcon sighting until 8am when I saw one fly off the City Place building which is near the Frontier Communications Tower. I was on the Andrews St. bridge as I watched it fly south vanishing in the snowy dark sky quickly. I headed for Times Square since that’s the general direction the falcon was headed. I went down to the hole and could barely make out a falcon on the southwest side of OCSR on the top ibeam. It was Beauty.


Wasn’t sure it was her until I went to Graves St. at Main St. right across from OCSR for a closer look. There’s no mistaking that salmon color, even in a snow storm!


Next I ventured over to the Brighton site where it was snowing a little harder than downtown but closer viewing. I arrived around 8:40am and after a couple trips around the property I spotted a falcon on the southeast extension on a top west facing window. This was Dot.Ca (DC) judging by the whiteness of  him.  It didn’t look like he was liking the weather too much.


Across from him on the southwest extension was Pigott on an east facing top window and she was preening as the snow came down all around her.


I stayed only long enough to make videos of them as the conditions were getting worse by the minute and I wanted to check on Beauty again before calling it a watch. It was no luck as I couldn’t see if the Beautyful one was still on OCSR or up in the elevator shaft but I have a feeling she was hunkered down up there out of the weather. Personally, I love blizzards and severe weather so I was smiling over that and the fact that I saw all 3 of our resident Rochester Peregrine Falcons this morning as I ended my watch at 9am! 🙂

Click on the links below to view some snowy white videos




Morning watch 3-11-14

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was 36 degrees (F) 2(C) and overcast when I left for downtown at 7:10am but the sun broke thru the thin clouds and it was partly sunny for the remainder of my watch

As I made the u-turn on the Broad St. bridge (BSB) to face the Times Square building (TSB) I spotted a falcon on the Mercury money bag (MMB). I drove down to the hole and stopped at Aqueduct and Bank Place to face Mercury. Dot.Ca (DC) was on the MMB and Beauty was behind me under the southeast wing of TSB.

img_0002-dc1 img_0003-dc

DC flew off headed toward TSB and I whipped over next to Keybank at Aqueduct and Basin St.-on my way over I could hear the sound of falcons mating and saw them under the southeast wing as I looked that way. As I came to a stop, so did they with DC flying off to the northeast-I lost sight of him behind the buildings. Beauty then flew down to the nest box. Donna texted me that they were both in the nest box at that time. I saw Beauty fly out and go to the MMB but I missed DC-this was around 7:30am.

img_0010-beauty1 img_0011-beauty

Beauty left Mercury heading northwest. I took a ride but didn’t find her or DC until I returned to Exchange Blvd. 20 minutes later and spotted Beauty back under the southeast wing . I parked in front of the Blue Cross Arena to get a better look at her-she was looking Beautyful in the sun up there.

img_0019-beauty img_0024-beauty1 img_0026-watching-a-starling-fly-below

I left at this time to check out the Brighton Site (BS) arriving there at 8:22am and finding a kestrel on the west side. Just as I got my camera up it took off-they’re quick little falcons! Larry stopped by and said hello on his way to work. He saw the kestrel too on the back of the building and while we were watching it fly off DC came in and landed on the south side vent landing on the east end and then ran to the middle of it.

img_0030-dc1 img_0031-dc img_0036-dc1 img_0038-dc-in-the-crouched-position

DC saw Pigott fly in and he flew to the southwest extension opposite from where she was then he flew off to the north and I lost sight of him until he reappeared on the southeast extension.

img_0040-dc img_0042-whitey-i-mean-dc-lol

I backed up to find Miss Pigott peeking over the roof edge above the cubby. Meanwhile, DC was scratching his head and thinking about his next move which came a half minute later.

img_0044-pigott img_0045-pigott-waiting-for-dc-above-cubby<Pigott  DC>img_0048-better-scratch-on-this-one img_0050-step-back-mak

Pigott flew out and back going into the cubby where some loud echupping took place and I didn’t see DC the little sneak go in but I heard him chirping.

img_0051-pigott-ready-to-go-to-cubby-with-dc img_0053-pigott-next-stop-the-cubby

A minute later Pigott came flying out then DC appeared at the front of the cubby a few seconds later then he flew off. He returned to the cubby and then left again flying southwest in the direction Pigott had gone.

img_0055-dc-to-the-front-of-the-cubby img_0056-dc-off img_0057-dc-returns-to-cubby img_0058-dc-leaves-cubby-again img_0059-dc-off-to-look-for-pigott

I waited a couple minutes for them to return and then took a ride around to the front of the building where I spotted DC up on an antenna on the top of the building. As I stopped the car he flew northwest toward downtown so I left too. I drove all over downtown searching and as I parked the car on the Andrews St. Bridge I spotted a falcon on the east side platform railing of the Frontier Communications Tower. I got my camera just in time to get the take off and judging by size I believe it was the Beautyful one. I watched as she flew south past the Powers building and then I lost sight of her when she turned left and flew east behind OCSR.


A quick ride around the city with no more sightings brought a close to my watch around 9:30am. I saw all 3 Rochester Peregrine Falcons including some serious courting of DC with Beauty(copulation) and Pigott (bonding in the cubby). The 2014 season is in full swing without the drama of the last 2 springs making for lots of smiles! 🙂

Click on the links below to see todays videos


Morning watch 3-10-14

Monday, March 10th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

I’m liking these morning temps lately-today it was 36 (F) 2 (C) with dark overcast skies

I found Beauty eating on the south side of Bausch& Lomb (B&L) at the southeast corner as I pulled over on Woodbury Blvd. to check the area at 7:20am.

img_0001-beauty-on-bl-from-woodbury-blvd img_0002-taken-from-woodbury-blvd

I drove around to Broad St. for a closer view and soon after she stopped eating had a look at something (I believe DC) then flew west with the goods.

img_0004-beautyon-bl img_0005-beauty-stops-eating-when-she-sees-something img_0006-beauty-leaves-with-the-goods

I caught up with Beauty as I pulled over on the Broad St. bridge (BSB)-she was at the nest box and Dot.Ca (DC) was under the northeast wing of the Times Square building (TSB).

img_0008-beauty-waiting-for-dc-at-nest-box img_0010-dc

I drove down to the hole where I had a closer look-the drawback being that I couldn’t see the nest box from there, but I could see DC and would follow his lead.


DC saw Beauty take off and flew after her to the southeast out of view and back less than a minute later. The Beautyful went to the nest box and DC went to the corner of the deck by the main cam for some bonding time.

img_0020-dc-sees-beauty img_0023-dc-getting-ready-to-go img_0025-the-ghost-of-dc-takes-off-lol img_0027-dc-on-deck

It took less than a minute and he was off again flying north with Beauty following right after him.

img_0028-dc-drops-off-the-deck <DC>  img_0029-dc-off-to-never-never-land-haha img_0032-beauty-takes-off-after-dc<Click to see Beauty

Beauty returned by herself coming to rest under the southeast wing at 7:52am. It was at this time I left to check the Brighton Site (BS).


I arrived at BS around 8:30am to find Miss Pigott on the southeast corner of the east extension. She had a little bulge in her crop as she did some stretches and watched every Canadian Goose that flew in and landed on the property.

img_0045-pigott-doing-her-morning-stretches img_0058-pigott-watches-geese-flying-by img_0062-pigott-watches-goose-land img_0065-more-geese-coming

I kept expecting her to go after the geese but she just cranked her head and watched them as they came in waves to land on the lower roof in the back of the building and on the grounds. I left Pigott at 9:10am as she was looking up at the sky.

img_0067-golly-mak-how-many-geese-are-coming img_0070-ill-stretch-out-in-case-i-have-to-chase-a-goose-or-2-or-3-or img_0072-skies-the-limit-miss-pigott

As I arrived downtown I spotted DC under the northeast wing of the TSB so I parked in the hole to check him out.


I couldn’t see in the nest box from there so I went over to the Radisson Hotel driveway near Main St. just in case Beauty had gone up into the OCSR elevator shaft. She wasn’t up there but I could see her perched in front of the nest box looking relaxed and checking to see if DC was above watching over their territory.

img_0082-beauty-waits-patiently-for-dc img_0084-yep-hes-still-up-there img_0086-taken-from-the-radisson-hotel-driveway-by-main-st img_0090-see-ya-later-dc

All was good in the Rochester Peregrine Falcon world as all 3 were seen doing just fine early in this 2014 season which sent me on my way with a smile as I ended my watch at 9:30am! 🙂

Click on the links below to view todays videos


Sunday Falcon Watch – 3/9/14 – Beauty, Dot.ca, Pigott and the KP Falcon

Sunday, March 9th, 2014

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Our time sprang ahead one hour today.   Sunrise at 7:31 am and Sunset at 7:08 pm.

Temps just made it into the 30’s today.  It was windy and cold, but the sun was out for much of the day making it a very nice day here in Rochester, NY.

I started my watch at 11:00 am at Kodak Park where I found the KP Falcon (KPF) on the east stack catwalk.

KP Falcon 3-9-14KP Falcon 3-9-14KP Falcon 3-9-14*





KPF flew around a bit and landed on the south side of the catwalk.  I still believe that based on size, this is a male (tiercel) and have to wonder if this is the unbanded tiercel (UT) that hung out with Beauty last week for awhile. There is no way to know for sure.  I lost sight of the KPF just before fellow Falcon Watcher Dana joined me.

At noon, we decided to go over to the BS location.  After circling the building a couple times, we could not find Pigott.  Next stop, Downtown Rochester.

Beauty was up on the southeast wing ledge of the Time Square Bldg (TSB).

Beauty on TSB SE Wing Ledge 3-9-14Beauty on SE Wing Ledge TSB 3/9/14*





I looked all over for Dot.ca, but could not find him.  I joined Dana on the Broad St Bridge (BSB) and we kept an eye  on Beauty while watching the activity on the river below.  There were lots of ducks and lots of gulls.  Sadly, we saw two dead male Red-breasted Mergansers on the ice.  I was really hoping that they were doing ok here.  This Winter has been so hard on them.  This beauty seems to be doing good.

Male Red-breasted Merganser 3-9-14*





At about 1:00 pm, Beauty took off heading southeast.  She headed towards the Xerox building where we saw a 2nd falcon stooping on a larger bird.  I only got a quick glimpse, but I do believe that Dot.ca was going after a Red-tailed Hawk and Beauty was joining him.  First Beauty and then Dot.ca flew back towards us.  Beauty landed in the nest box and Dot.ca landed on the OCSR south side top Ibeam.

Beauty flying over us on way to TSB 3-9-14Beauty at the Nest Box 3-9-14Dot.ca on OCSR 3-9-14*





Beauty took off and returned to the south east TSB wing ledge.

Beauty on TSB SE Wing Ledge 3-9-14*





She took off again, heading east over the river where we lost sight of her.  While Dana stayed on the BSB, I drove around looking for Beauty and found her on the SE corner of the B&L building.  She was eating up there, but not for long.  I headed back to the BSB because there was no where to park.  When I arrived, Beauty was up on the lower southeast corner of the TSB.  Just after I joined Dana, Beauty again took off and flew up into the OCSR elevator shaft.

Beauty on SE Corner B&L 3-9-14Beauty Flying up into the OCSR Elevator Shaft 3-9-14Dot.ca on OCSR 3-9-14*





It was going on 2:00 pm, so we decided to head over to the BS location again to see if Pigott had returned.  When we arrived, she was on an east facing window on the southeast extension, one floor below the tree ledge.

Pigott at BS on East Side 3-9-14*





Pigott hunched down like a cat ready to pounce and started to vocalize with a high pitched wailing sound.  That was our first hint that Dot.ca was arriving.  lol  He landed above her on the corner just above the tree ledge. They both chatted a bit and looked at each other.

Pigott Watches DC Coming In 3-9-14Dot.ca Lands on Corner Above East Tree Ledge 3-9-14*





Pigott Poops 3-9-14Dot.ca Above Tree Ledge at BS 3-9-14*





Dot.ca stayed at BS for about a little over a 1/2 hour.  He flew to the northeast corner of the east extension.  Then both of them took off.  We could see Dot.ca flying over the building.  When we got to the west side, Pigott was inside the cubby and she was ee-chupping loudly.  She flew out and landed on the southwest corner of the west extension.  Dana and I weren’t sure if Dot.ca joined Pigott in the cubby or not.  We’re pretty sure he probably headed downtown at that time.

Pigott took off.  When we caught up with her, we found her on a east facing window on the northeast extension.  I left Pigott at BS at 3:30 pm after receiving a tweet at 3:19 pm from cam watcher NCA that Beauty had left the nest box ee-chupping.   Many thanks to Camp, Annette and NCA for tweeting what they were seeing on camera at the nest box during my watch today.  It is very helpful to the Rochester Watchers.

After checking all over downtown, I found both Beauty and Dot.ca on the Kodak Tower.  They were both on the south side of the launch pad.  Beauty was eating and Dot.ca was watching.

Beauty and Dot.ca on the KO Launch Pad 3-9-14Beauty and Dot.ca on the KO Launch Pad 3-9-14*





At 4:00 pm, it was time to end my Sunday Falcon Watch.  The weekends go way too fast!

When I got home, I was greeted by many Robins in my yard.  Spring can’t be too far away!!!  Goodnight everyone!

A Sure Sign of Spring 3-9-14

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