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Archive for June, 2012

Falcon watch 6-6-12

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

I was treated to having wheels today thus affording me the chance to get out of downtown on my morning watch to check both KP and BS. As luck would have it after 2 separate trips to both KP and BS there were no falcons to be found.

I checked the west side as I approached the Times Square area and saw nothing on the FCT,jail tower,KO,OCSR,Widows Walk or the back of Times Square. A quick stop on the Broad St. bridge facing east turned up nothing on Xerox,Bausch&Lomb or Midtown and looking down river to the north  I saw no pefas either. I left for BS and after 2 trips around the building I left unfulfilled.

Returning to downtown from the east side I saw nothing on HSBC,Midtown, Xerox or any of the other buildings over there. I tweeted my findings or lack there of and Donna texted me saying Beauty was next to the main cam. While stopped at the intersection of South Ave. and Broad St. I brought my binocs up to my eyes and spotted the Beautyful one. I then parked on the bridge and stepped out to get a pic.


Beauty then took off flying over to the OCSR landing on the 2nd from the top ibeam at the west corner. I drove down to the hole(Aqueduct St.) to take pics.

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At this point I decided to check KP for the falcon that’s been hanging out there lately. No luck finding it and while I was there I was told there was a shift change between Dot.Ca and Beauty. So I thought I’d go back to BS and see if Dot.Ca went over there to pay Pigott a visit. I was disappointed to find nobody there once more. I had a look around downtown on my way through to go back to KP and again could see no pefa but I did watch 2 Turkey Vultures fly through in front of me. The only thing more aggravating than not finding a falcon when you have wheels to search for them is not having wheels to go look for them in the first place! lol As I was leaving the parking lot at KP to return to downtown one last time Donna texted that DC  was back on the eggs. I had time for a quick check and then I would have to leave. I didn’t find Beauty and so ended my watch. I was happy to have seen her earlier, for any time I see the Beautyful one it makes me smile! 🙂

All Four Rochester Falcons Seen Tonite! – 6/5/12

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

I just quickly wanted to let everyone know that Kathy O and I made the rounds tonite and saw all four Rochester Falcons. Beauty and Dot.ca at the Times Square Bldg, downtown. Pigott was hunting over at the BS location. We left her on the north side of the building, on the vent. and last, but certainly not least, we found KPT on the east smoke stack. Seems his nightly roosting spot is a metal arm that juts out from the east side of the stack above the catwalk. This is the 2nd time we’ve seen him here after dark.

Always love seeing all four of them!

Quest banding and more 6-4-12

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Watchers KathyO,Joyce,CarolP,Tim,Lynda and myself made a trek to Canada to watch Quest and Kendals babies get banded. We left Rochester about 5:30 am so we could make a couple other stops along the way. We first checked out a slew of cormorants,gulls and Black-crowned Night Herons nesting near the Burlington Bridge area. We made our way to the bridge itself to visit Cirrus,MacKenzie and their 3 boys-Jimmy,Port Hope and Carrey. We were treated to a team effort when MacKenzie flushed some pigeons out from the bridge to over the open water where Cirrus stooped quickly on one and caught it. I enjoy this site very much each time I come!

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Next stop was the Mississauga site where we found one adult and the juvie Janet. We didn’t stay for long as we didn’t know how traffic would be and didn’t want to miss a minute of the banding  at Harlequin so off we went to the site at Don Mills where we found Kendal on the Harlequin building and Quest on a column near the nest box where their 3 babies were sleeping in a pile together at the back of the nest box.

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Just before it was time to extract the kids so they could get their special bling Quest decided to feed them. As the trio of  kidnappers made their way up to the nest box she was still feeding them and quickly vacated the nest box when they arrived in front of her.

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There were 2 girls named Amora and Mira and a boy named Blaze. All 3 were very feisty, so much so that Cathy from the CPF staff who took them from the nest box sustained some abrasions from them on her hand and wrist area. In the pic below she is explaining her ordeal!

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CarolP was chosen to hold one of the babies as it got banded and was told that Mira, the female she was to handle was named after Mariah. How cool is that? And so with another Canadian banding day in the books we all came home with smiles on our faces. 🙂

Click on the links below for lots more pics and a few short videos from the days events






Falcon watch 6-3-12

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Joyce picked me up for a watch this afternoon and as we made our way downtown we stopped by the Frontier Communications Tower after getting a tweet that Beauty was on it. Dana and Carol P were there. I was very excited to see the Beautiful one on her favorite spot of the FCT for I hadn’t seen her there since before her battle with Unity back in February.

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She was rain soaked and preening herself and I was so loving this time spent sharing space with her. She soon flew off to the south seemingly to Times Square but when we got to the Broad St. bridge after picking Brian up Beauty was on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR.


We didn’t stay long as we wanted to check KP for the new pefa that has been seen hanging out there. I spotted it immediately as it perched on a railing by the red door of the east stack.

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It started to pour of rain and we missed this pefa leave. CarolP and Dana came by to join us. We stayed just a little longer hoping it would come back. Joyce then decided we’d go to the Irondequoit Bay in search of the Bald Eagles nesting there. We didn’t find them but Brian spotted a migrating juvie above the eastern tree line. So we did see an eagle and then on the way back while going west bound down the 104 expressway Brian saw a Peregrine chasing a pigeon over the Medley Center. We doubled back to check the Irondequoit Mall and surrounding area but were not able to locate it. One more check at KP proved fruitless and then Joyce dropped me off home. It was a splash and go watch with all the pop up showers and thunder showers but still we always manage to smile on our falcon watches! 🙂

Click on the links below for a few more pics and a video of Beauty preening on OCSR



Another Four Rochester Falcon Day! – 6/2/12

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Date : 6/2/12 (Saturday)
Time: On and off during the day until 9:00 pm
Weather: It started out sunny. The clouds and rain. Then sunny again. Temps in the 60’s. It actually turned out to be a very nice day.
Watchers: Kathy O, Dana, Joyce, Brian H and Carol P.
Places: Downtown Rochester (Times Square Nestsite) (TS), Brighton Site (BS) and Kodak Park (KP)
Peregrines Seen: Beauty (at TSB), Dot.ca (at TSB and probably BS), Pigott (at BS) and KPT or KP Tiercel (at KP)
Beauty = B
Dot.ca = DC
Pigott = P (the female falcon formerly known as SA or Sub Adult at BS Location)
KP Tiercel = KPT (Male Sub-adult – Not ID’d yet but hopefully we’ll ID this little guy soon)
Times Square Bldg = TSB
Brighton Site = BS
Broad St Bridge = BSB
Baush & Lomb Bldg = B&L Bldg
Old Changing Scenes Restaurant = OCSR
Kodak Park aka Eastman Business Park = KP

Again, today, all four Rochester Falcons were seen. The day started out sunny, but turned overcast and rainy mid-morning. Then back to sunshine and clouds. It actually turned out to be a very nice day with temps in the high 60’s. Very refreshing.

I had a lot of stuff to do today, so I was in and out of Falcon Watching all day.

During the day I met up with Dana and Kathy O. Missed seeing Joyce and Brian when they were out later in the day. We spotted all four Rochester Falcons. First, Pigott at the BS location, then Beauty and Dot.ca at the TSB nest site. Last we saw KPT out at Kodak Park. He was sitting on the railing in front of the red door on the east smoke stack. Later in the day, Kathy O was out at the BS location and she saw two Peregrines there. Dana joined her there and I headed downtown to see if I could find D.C. I could not. So we assume that he was out visiting with Pigott. Although he was not positively ID’d.

Kathy O & Dana reported that the 2nd Falcon was no longer at the BS location and it wasn’t long before D.C. returned to the TSB and took over covering the eggs from Beauty. I saw him land on the nest box and I could hear ee-chupping fill the air. The on-line Watchers reported that Beauty didn’t look or sound happy, but eventually got up and let D.C. take over. From the ground, I saw Beauty fly out of the nest box and head east. By the time I got myself up to the Broad St Bridge, she was gone.

I wasn’t out as much as I wanted to be today, but was very happy to see all 4 Rochester Falcons. It was a very good day indeed!

I follow my own advice and always keep my eyes to the sky! There be Falcons up there! 🙂

Quickie falcon watch 6-1-12

Friday, June 1st, 2012

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

So I was sitting in my recliner all cinched in for the night or so I thought, when the phone rings. It’s KathyO calling to tell me about the new spot she saw Beauty perched on tonight. Then she says she’s going to check KP before going home and then it’s-hey you want me to come get you and we’ll both go? I’m like-of course! So off we went. We arrived there about 7:00ish and found nothing,even the whitewash(poop trail)  was all gone from the rain today where the pefa hangs out there. So as we sat there in the rain with darkness coming fast Kathy said lets go look downtown-ok by me since I didn’t get down there today cuz of the rain.

As we approached the back(west side) of Times Square we pulled over on Broad St. near Washington St. and Kathy pointed out where she had found Beauty earlier in the grid work. It made me wonder how many times I had sat on the bridge wondering where she could be when she could have been right back there. Sheesh! Anyway, she wasn’t there anymore so we went searching. Parked on the Andrews St. bridge facing west looking toward the Frontier Communications Tower when Kathy says what’s that up on that building? I put my binocs up to my eyes and lo and behold it’s the Beautyful one!


It was raining a bit and kinda dark so the quality of the pics is awful but I like taking pics of her so I got out the car and walked closer to improve my view. Checking from both sides.

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I walked around the building to see what the name was but it didn’t say. All I can tell you is that it was on the corner of State and Andrews streets marked 150 State St. I had been to this building a couple times with Joyce as she had to pay a bill to I believe an insurance company located in it. And that’s about it for my quickie watch. Kathy took me home as it was too dark to keep hanging out. I must tip my hat to KathyO for finding our Beautyful girl in not 1 but 2 new spots tonight. Good job girl! And I thank her for getting me out to share time and space with my favorite falcon which always makes me smile! 🙂

Click the link below for a few more pics


Some Pictures of the Four Rochester Falcons From this Past Week – 5/25 to 5/31/12

Friday, June 1st, 2012

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Took a break today from checking on the Rochester Falcons. It rained on and off all day and was cool & cloudy. This gave me a chance to actually go through my pictures from this past week. I have many more pictures to go through, but this is a start. This album includes pictures of Beauty, Dot.ca, Pigott and KPT (KP Tiercel).

Just click on the link to my KGallery Album. No sign on needed.

Carol P.



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