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Archive for July, 2013

Fledge watch 7-7-13

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This morning was a carbon copy of yesterday-temperature 72 (F) 22 (C) with some clouds and humid conditions.

Donna and I arrived on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) at 5:30am finding Dan in his spot. He pointed out that Beauty was on the jail tower. All 3 kids were out and about where we could see them practicing their wing flapping when all of a sudden just before 6am Baron flew off!

img_0003-3-falconeers Click on pics to see full version

He had a strong flight circling above the hole a few times and continued over to the Crossroads building east side roof-we didn’t see the landing but he was up and running.

img_0008-baron-walks-the-line2 img_0012-its-a-long-way-down img_0013-baron-big-boy

He ran down to the south corner and on to the south roof running up and down it like it was his playground in the half  hour that he was up there. We watched him fly off around 6:25am heading toward the Times Square Building (TSB) but we lost him behind it. We went driving around looking for him and 20 long minutes later I drove Donna and I to the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) where I spotted him on top of the gridwork of the TSB.

img_0015-baron-in-gridwork-on-tsb img_0017-such-a-cutie-baron

Baron was between the northeast and southeast wings in that gridwork and he didn’t stay long before he took wing flying to the OCSR roof south corner with Dot.Ca (DC) below him on the top ibeam. He looked like a real champ up there!

img_0019-and-hes-off-baron img_0020-baron-on-ocsr-roof img_0021-baron-on-top-of-the-world

He stayed there about 20 minutes then he was off to return to the TSB by the northwest corner 1 level up from nest box on the north side.

img_0025-baron-off-again2 img_0036-the-3-falconeersClick it

Most of the afternoon was pretty quiet and uneventful. Joyce drove Donna, Pat and I over to Brighton to check on Pigott around 2:30pm who was home for us to have a quick visit before going back to our fledge watch.

img_0037-pigott img_0038-pigott img_0039-aww-miss-pigott

Some more quiet time before another flight by Baron just before 6pm. taking himself out around Mercury and back to the top of the gridwork of TSB for a minute. He then flew out over the river and on the way back to TSB he started to get tired. Jeanne and I were the only ones watching at the time and we got concerned that he might not make it. Well he made it flying to the well wall where one of his sisters was nearly taking her out and missing the landing. We do believe he went down in the well. A few minutes later all three kids were seen in the nest box area.

img_0046-winging-it<Voyager> img_0051-voyager-shows-off-for-big-bro-baron img_0054-beautyful<Beauty>img_0069-the-beautyful-one

Watchers on duty today on my watch were:Linda(Braveheart),KrisG and hubby Bill,DavidJoyce,Carol,Kathy,Donna,Larry,Dan,Lou,Dana,Pat,Jeanne,Shaky and Carrie.

Another long watch ending at 7:30pm making for little time for detailed reports. Keep smiling everyone!

Click on the links below for more pics and videos



Fledge watch 7-6-13

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Todays starting temperature was 72 (F) 22 (C) clear,calm and still a bit humid

Just a quick few words for the hour is late and the call of the wild will come soon.

I started in the hole at 5:20am with Beauty on the column above the nest box,Dot.Ca (DC) under the northeast wing,1 eyas on cam 4,1 on the wall cap and Dan on the Broad St. Bridge. A bit later I could see all 3 eyases and all was good.

img_0017-dc1 <DC Beauty and kids>img_0020-mom-lands-to-a-chorus-of-falcons Click on all my pics to see the full version

img_0022-where-ya-been-mom Singing lessons

It was a quiet watch today. No eyases fledged or even tried with the exception of Rosetta when she was at the north end of the well wall. Voyager came charging over and bumped her a little causing her to slip off the ledge. She managed to grab onto a small lip on the building  with her talons and then was able to pull herself  back up to the ledge. Phew! This was the highlight of the day.


Watchers on hand today were-CarolP,KathyO,Dana,Louigi,Larry,Dan,Joyce,Brian,Jeanne,Joe(Viper) and special guest watchers from New Jersey Donna,Kara and Chris.

I ended my watch around 6pm tired but smiling! 🙂

Click on the links below to view my photo album and videos




Fledge Watch Saturday – A Day of Wings – No More Fledges – 7/6/13

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Another 12 hour Fledge Watch today.  There were no more fledges today (1st time flights) by the two females, Rosetta and Voyager.  Even Baron didn’t try to fly again today.  The whole day was spent watching them practice, practice, practice.  They were very active, with lots of wings flapping on the Times Square Bldg.

The closest we came to a fledge was when Rosetta, stumbled off the wall at the north end of well.  She was hanging like a bat by two talons.  After what seemed like a very long time, she was finally able to pull herself up back onto the ledge. We were relieved, since if she did fall like that, she probably would not have had much control over her flight.  We were ready to help if needed.  Thankfully, she recovered and continued to run around and flap her wings along with her siblings.

The weather was warm, mid-80’s (F) with blue sky and fluffy white clouds.  No rain for the first time in a very long time.  But, it was very hot and humid and we (the Watchers) followed the shade, moving from spot to spot.  Today’s Watchers were:

Dan S, MAK, Larry O, Kathy O, Dana, Brian H, Lisa McK, Joyce, Jeanne, Lou, Donna from NJ, Joe B (aka Vyper) and me, Carol P.

So no fledges today, but after all the practice and exercising going on, we will have new fledges soon.  We’ll definitely be out again early in the morning for the continuation of our fledge watch.  Join us if you can!

Here are some pics from today’s watch.  You can click on any pictures you would like to see in a larger format.  Just hover your cursor over the picture to see what it is a picture of.   Goodnight everyone!

The eyases spent the day practicing for their fledges; including Baron. - 7/6/13Rosetta ready to go with talons over the edge - 7/6/13See Sis!  This is how you do it! - 7/6/13*





Showing Each Other How to do it! 7/6/13Beauty Lands on the ledge above the NB - 7/6/13Oh my goodness! What a wide wingspan you have! 7/6/13*





Rosetta on Cam 4 - 7/6/13Eyas Looking Up at Beauty on Pan Cam - 7/6/13Joe B Checks out the Falcons Through the Scope - 7/6/13*





Beauty Feeds Her Young Ones - 7/6/13Beauty Feeds Her Young Ones - 7/6/13Beauty Feeds Her Young Ones - 7/6/13*





All Three Near the NB. - 7/6/13All three plus Beauty - 7/6/13A Small Morsel Offering by Beauty -7/6/13*





Dot.ca Always on Guard from Above. He also brought in food a couple times.- 7/6/13A Gull Tug-o-War. One gull had the other gulls beak gripped tight and was dragging it. Finally they broke it up. 7/6/13Hmmm.  My Spidey senses were tingling!  :-) - 7/6/13

Friday Fledge Watch – Baron Fledges! – 7/5/13

Friday, July 5th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Wow!  What a day.  As long as I’ve been a Rochester Falcon Watcher, I never tire of the excitement and anxiety of a fledge or first flight of one of the beautiful creatures.  One day these young Peregrines will have the potential to be the fastest creature on this planet.  To watch these first tentative flights is a gift.

Today I arrived downtown at about 7:20 am.  I joined MAK & Larry O on Aqueduct St, aka “the hole”.  It was sunny and warm, promising to be a very hot and humid day, with a chance of rain.  All three eyases were still at the nest box when I arrived.  I had to move my car, so off I went.  When I came back, both MAK and Larry said they weren’t sure what they saw.  It looked like a falcon flew off of the Times Square Bldg (TSB) nest box area, but they were unsure if it was an adult, or maybe a pigeon that landed on the east end of the Wilder Bldg?  Did we have a fledge?

Larry walked towards Exchange and MAK and I scanned the roof of the Wilder Bldg.  Just as we received a tweet from an on-line camera watcher (not sure who tweeted) that Baron had fledged, we saw a small brown-feathered head pop up at the SE corner of the Wilder Bldg.  It was Baron alright and he was looking around, checking out his new location. Just as Baron came off the TSB, Dot.ca flew up beneath the NE wing of the TSB to keep an eye on Baron’s flight.

We learned later that afternoon from Shaky that Baron had flown off and on Cam 4 and the top of the nest box a couple times before heading towards main cam and veering off to the south, towards the Blue Cross Arena.  He then must have turned back to the north, heading towards the Wilder Bldg and landing on the east end near a tall smoke stack at that end.  When MAK and Larry spotted him, he was just passing in front of the TSB, heading north.  Both MAK and Larry reported that he was not flapping his wings at all, but gliding with wings fully extended.  They did not see him land because it was further in on the roof.  It did not take him long to find the corner of the building so that we could see that he was ok.

Many Rochester Falcon Watchers came out today to cover the whole day.  Watchers today were MAK, Larry O, Kathy O, Dan S, Dana, Lou, Pat, Debbie H, Carrie, Shaky, Brian H, Lisa McK, Jeanne and me Carol P.

After watching Baron run up and down the roof line of the Wilder bldg, back and forth, at 3:40 pm, Baron finally extended his wings and flew south towards the Times Square Bldg.  He flew past the TSB and around to the south side of the building.  Baron then turned back and gained altitude, finally landing on the well wall on the south side of the TSB.  He was directly across from the nest box and his two sisters, Rosetta and Voyager.  All the Watchers gathered were ecstatic to see that his 2nd flight was strong and that he had easily gained altitude and that he landed well.  Both Beauty and Dot.ca were there watching over his first flights.

His 3rd and last flight of today came quickly.  At 4:00 pm, Baron started moving back and forth on the ledge, head bobbing, wings extended and flapping and he vocalized the whole time.  Then he was off!  A nice strong flight over open space to the nest box platform on the northeast side of the building.  Cam Watcher Donna tweeted that the landing wasn’t perfect, but he was safe and he was home.  Yes!

If you would like to see Baron’s flight across to the nest box, just click on this link to my video.


The rest of my Watch was spent watching all the falcon activity at the nest box and above.  After a brief rest, Baron had joined his sisters and they were running and flapping all over the nest box platform and well wall.  A little bit of food was dropped off, but not much.  Beauty and Dot.ca were holding back food, in anticipation of the eyases first flights.  Of course Baron was now considered a fledgling, no longer an eyeas.  lol

I ended my Watch at about 7:20 pm, 12 hours after I arrived this morning.  Tired but very happy that we had a successful fledge today.  The Watchers will gather early tomorrow morning in anticipation of more flying by Baron and possible fledge flights by Rosetta and Voyager.  The Rochester Falcon Fledge Watch continues.  Please consider joining us downtown if you have any free time to help out.

Here are some pictures from my Fledge Watch today.  Remember to click on any you would like to see in a larger format.  If you hover your cursor over a picture, it will tell you what it is a picture of.  Enjoy!

Baron on the Wilder After He Fledges - 7/5/13Baron's Fledge from TSB to Wilder Bldg - 7/5/13Baron on Wilder After Fledge - 7/5/13*





Baron Makes it Up to the Fire Escape Ladder on the Wilder Bldg - 7/5/13Baron on the Ladder of the Fire Escape on the Wilder Bldg - 7/5/13Baron on the Fire Escape Ladder on Wilder Bldg, A Little Wobbly at First - 7/5/13*





Baron on the Wilder Bldg -7/5/13Baron on Wilder - He spent A Lot of Time Behind this Pipe in the Shade - 7/5/13Baron Zipping Around the Wilder Bldg - 7/5/13*





Baron on Wilder - Nice Wings Baron! - 7/5/13Beauty and Rosetta & Voyager - 7/5/13Rosetta Hop-Flies Over Voyager - 7/5/13*





Beauty and Dot.ca Were Busy Busy Busy! - 7/5/13Dot.ca Brought Food for Rosetta & Voyager During the Afternoon - 7/5/13Baron Welcomed Home by His Sisters - 7/5/13*





All 3 Together Again! - 7/5/13Wow! Look at that Wing Span! - 7/5/13*





This is how I will always remember these three.  Goodnight everyone!

Rosetta - Baron - Voyager - The 3 Amigos!  :-) - 7/5/13

Baron fledges fledge watch 7-5-13

Friday, July 5th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This mornings starting temperature was 72 (F) 22 (C) with cloudy,humid conditions.

When I arrived in the hole at 5:20amDan was there in his chair waiting for me by He’s Chinese. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He has conformed for the fledging of our beloved youngsters giving up his preferred way of being out where you can see more open spaces so as not to miss any action-stoops to be specific! lol There were 2 eyases on the well wall initially but the 3rd made an appearance and no adults in view.

img_0002-3-falconeers Click on my pics to view full version

The first hour featured a lot of maneuvering by the eyases, especially Baron.  Beauty turned up on the jail tower and Dot.Ca  (DC) dropped off food which prompted a food fight amongst the siblings.

img_0007-beauty<Beauty img_0010-eyas img_0014-2-babies DC> img_0026-dc

Beauty went to the box and broke it up by feeding one of the eyases while the other 2 self fed. Dan left at 7am just missing Larry who pulled up a minute later and Aaron stopped real quick a few minutes later. Carol would join us around 7:20am as we were stationed at the back of the Thomson Reuters building. While she was parking the car Larry and I spotted a bird gliding across from in front of the Times Square building (TSB) to the Wilder building landing somewhere on the brick chimney or roof where we couldn’t see. Larry said was that a pigeon and I said I think it was an adult and then we realized it was a fledge and the bird was Baron! Larry ran out to Exchange Blvd. to see if he could see Baron and Carol got out of her car as I said we have a fledge. She noticed Baron appear on the roof ledge southeast corner. Then I spotted DC flying to TSB under the northeast wing. WOOHOO!

img_0033-1st-shot-of-baron-after-fledging img_0037-baron img_0043-baron img_0032-dc<DC

KathyO joined the watch at 8am as we watched Baron walk,run,hop,skip and hop-fly his way across the roofs edge from one end to the other ending up behind a venting pipe to hide from the sun for awhile.


Dana and Louigi showed up around 8:30am to join in the fun of watching this charismatic young fledgling. Beauty acted as tho it was no big deal preening on cam 1 while Rosetta and Voyager would start whining every time Baron moved. DC stayed fixed under that northeast wing watching over his family. On a couple different occasions he alarm called and started diving toward the roof of the Wilder building but we didn’t know why. Later in the day we would find out that a man was going up there to smoke which prompted Beauty to fly over a few times as well and may have caused Baron to fly off in the evening and land on fledge ledge on the TSB across from the nest box.

img_0055-beauty <Beauty img_0057-baron <Baron Voyager>img_0072-voyager-landing

img_0073-rosetta <Rosetta    DC> img_0074-dc1

It was a long hot day as we anticipated Baron to fly again. After making it to fledge ledge he did make his triumphant return to home at 4pm. Sorry about the shortened report but there just isn’t enough time to write my usual detailed blogs after spending all day in the field I ended my watch at 7:15pm. Watchers out and about today and tonight with me were:Dan,Larry,Carol,Kathy,Dana,Lou,Aaron,Pat,Debbie H,Jeanne,Carrie,Shaky,Lisa and Brian. We were all smiles that the first fledge went as smoothly as it could have with no stress involved. 🙂

PS – A big thank you to all the cam watchers who help us out each and every day! You guys rock!!



Red, White and Blue Fledge Watch – No Fledge Today – 7/4/13

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

I want to start out my report by thanking all the Rochester Falcon Watchers that gave up a part of their holiday to come downtown and help with the Fledge Watch today.  Today’s Fledge Watchers included, Dan S, MAK, Aaron, Kathy O, Linda, Dana, Lou, Lisa McK, Larry O, Joyce, Jeanne and me Carol P! Thanks everyone!  Also, thanks to all our Rfalconcam Cam Watchers that send out tweets to let us know what’s going on at the nest box.  Your help is much appreciated!

There was a lot activity by the eyases this morning.  A lot of running up and down the wall and flapping wings.  Then the rain moved in.  Not a monsoon like yesterday, but just enough to keep the eyases quiet.  During the time the rain stopped, the eyases would move about.

This afternoon, the clouds moved out and the sunshine was intense, with temps in the high 80’s (F).  There was no shade to be found for the watchers that remained.  The eyases were again very quiet.

The evening watch was much more pleasant weather-wise.  Blue sky and wispy clouds and a little bit of a breeze.  At least for awhile.  We still had to sit under our umbrellas for awhile as yet another rain shower moved through the area. The downtown area was filling up with folks there to see the 4th of July fireworks, which promised to be awesome!  We were questioned by many of them – whatchalooknat?  Of course we were more than happy to point out “our” falcons to all that cared to listen.  Those of us that had taken pictures today, shared them and I set-up the scope and sat back as people oohed and ahhhed when they got a close up view Beauty, Dot.ca and the 3 eyases.  Rfalconcam cards were passed out.  I’m pretty sure we have gained some new viewers.

During the day, Beauty and Dot.ca did a lot of flight and stoop lessons for their young ones.  Food was brought in by both of them.

So, no fledge today.  Tomorrow is another day and you can bet the Rochester Falcon Watchers will again gather downtown to keep watch over the young eyases that are oh, so close to taking their first flights.

Here are a few pictures that I took today.  Please click on any you would like to see in a larger format.  Just hover your cursor over any picture and it will tell you what it is a picture of.  Enjoy!

Dot.ca on the Frontier Comm Tower When I First Arrived - 7/4/13Dot.ca on the Wilder Bldg Fire Escape Looking for Starlings - 7/4/13Dot.ca Takes off From the Wilder Bldg Fire Escape - 7/4/13*





Pre-Fledge Eyases - 7/4/13Busy Eyases  - 7/4/13Lots of Wings - 7/4/13*





Baron's Wings on Cam 4 - 7/4/13Beauty on Main Cam with 2 Eyases - 7/4/13Incoming Beauty - 7/4/13*





Beauty on Guard on Well Wall - 7/4/13Dot.ca on Guard Beneath NE Wing on TSB - 7/4/13Dot.ca on Widows Walk Bldg - 7/4/13*





Dot.ca on Widows Walk Bldg Location - 7/4/13Beauty on Pan Cam (Cam 1) and Eyas Below Her on Well Wall - 7/4/13One of Beauty's Many Flight Lessons for the Eyases - 7/4/13*





Dot.ca and Beauty on Columns Below Nest Box Level - 7/4/13Dot.ca Carrying Prey to the Nest Box - 7/4/13

Bathing Beauty. Beauty Came in Soaking Wet. Obviously She Found Somewhere to Bathe - 7/4/13*





We’ve also been watching some House Finches that nested in the ivy on the TR Bldg.  This morning two fledgling finches were out with mom and dad.  This was definitely a first for me.  🙂

House Finch Fledglings - 7/4/13Newly Fledged House Finch - 7/4/13*





I ended my day with this beautiful sunset.  Goodnight everyone!

Beautiful Sunset - 7/4/13

Independance Day Fledge watch 7-4-13

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Todays weather conditions were better than the last 2 days-no fog!  It was very humid and overcast with a little spritz of rain here and there, absolutely no wind and a starting temperature of 71 (F) 21 (C)

I arrived on Bank Place (the entrance road to the hole (Aqueduct St.) at 5:22am finding all 3 eyases up front by the main cam and ready to start the day with me. No adults were close by until 10 minutes later when Dot.Ca (DC) flew in from the north and landed on the ledge above the nest box down on the south end. All 3 eyases were on the wall at the time.

img_0007-dc Remember to click on my pics for full version img_0018-3-falconeers

Dan was up on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) and I was in the hole by He’s Chinese to start. From here I could see the complete well wall but not the nest box or south side of it.


At 6am Dan broke routine and joined me up close and personal saying this is nice but I like being up where I can see stoops. lol He told me that while he was up on the bridge he saw Beauty stoop twice off the jail tower unsuccessfully and fly east out of view.

At 6:08am cam watchers Campgee and Annette let me know that Baron was on cam 4. He is the trailblazer of the group! And that is a spot we couldn’t see from our location. Thanks to all the cam watchers that helped today and everyday! I appreciate each and every one of you!! A couple minutes later DC moved down to the corner of the ledge he was on as young, brave and bold Baron (Ba) got himself up on top of the main cam!

img_0025-dc-a img_0024-maybe-ill-go-over-there

DC flew east a couple minutes later and Baron went from the main cam to the nest box roof then to cam 4 again as reported by cam watchers. My but isn’t he the busy one!? 35 minutes later Beauty showed up with food and started feeding 2 of her eyases and one was on the well wall cap watching. Dan left at 7am as the wall baby joined the rest on the deck.

img_0036-beauty-feeds-2-eyases img_0039-watching-mom Click it

Beauty then took off after 10 minutes with leftovers and cached them on the base of Mercury as 2 youngsters watched her fly off.

img_0041-bye-mommy Click it img_0045-beauty-to-base-of-mercury

3 minutes later DC joined Beauty and stole the leftovers while she vocalized to him-not sure if she approved or disapproved. He flew to deck and left it before flying up under the northeast wing.

img_0047-dc-takes-off-with-beautys-cache img_0052-i-want-that img_0054-dc1

Carol arrived downtown at 7am and stationed herself at Falcon Watcher Central (FWC). The next action of importance wasn’t until 9:30am when DC did a few fly bys in front of the Times Square building (TSB) landing on the column to the south of the nest box and then more fly bys before going to the Wilder building fire escape. The Beautyful one was still on the base of Mercury.


At 9:45am DC flew in front of the nest box area as Baron appeared on top of the main cam. 10 minutes later DC was planted on the Mercury money bag (MMB).

img_0067-hi-kids img_0069-all-together img_0071-stretch-and-flap img_0072-flap-and-stretch Click them

Starting at FWC and moving across the street by the Blue Cross Arena the watchers that filtered in and out while I was on watch were-Dan,Carol,Kathy,Linda (Braveheart),Louigi,Dana,Lisa McK and Brian was on the South Ave. garage.

Beauty went to the ledge under the northeast wing before flying in front of the kids,then to the ledge above the nest box. Another flight show before she came to rest on the main cam as her kids watched. DC flew in and landed under the northeast wing.

img_0074-we-want-food img_0077-dc <click it and DC will appear

Around 11:40am I noticed DC gone when Beauty flew out to do a couple fly bys for the kids. These young falcons just would not take the bait today and take their maiden voyage on the wing. Beauty landed on the deck and got rushed by one of the eyases prompting her to get outta dodge quickly. She returned with food and Baron grabbed it from her. She flew north and returned to the main cam. Around 12:30pm DC showed up under the northeast wing. 20 minutes passed before he flew down to the well wall first and then to the deck.


At 1:06 pm he went to the ledge under the northeast wing and that’s where he remained until I called it quits leaving Dana and Carol on watch until Joyce relieved them. I will be going back out to give her a hand shortly. All in all it was a pretty active watch tho there didn’t seem to be any eyases looking like they wanted to leave the nest and fledge. That’s fine by me, I’d rather they waited until they’re good and ready. We should all be smiling for the freedom we have here in our great country on this Independance Day 2013! 🙂

Click on the links below to view more pics and videos



Late Afternoon/Evening Fledge Watch – Monsoon Fledge Watch – 7/3/13

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Let the fledge watch begin.  On my way downtown, I drove through a downpour with thunder and lightning.  As I got closer to downtown, it stopped, but it soon caught up with the Rochester Fledge Watchers that were gathered to keep an eye on our young soon-to-be fledglings.

I arrived for my watch at about 4:20 pm and  parked on Aqueduct St., aka “the hole”.  Joyce, Brian H, Kathy O, Susan C (and two guests)  and Aaron were already gathered there.  We could see the dark clouds moving in from the west.

Beauty was on the OCSR  top IBeam, west end when I first arrived and she flew towards the Times Square Bldg (TSB) and back to the Wilder Bldg, landing on the SW corner of the green stripe.  Two of the eyases, Rosetta & Baron were on the north end of the well wall and their wings were flapping wildly.  That’s when the thunder and lightning storm arrived.  It started to rain lightly and then it was pouring rain, with flashes of lightning and booming thunder.  Beauty flew over to nest box and both Rosetta and Baron joined Voyager in the nest box.

This is how my fledge watch went until I left at 8:30 pm.  Only once did it actually stop raining and look like it was going to clear.  The rest of the time, it was pouring rain with intense thunder & lightning.  Every time the rain lessened, the eyases would come out and flap their wings  and run the well wall.  Voyager was out on the nest box platform much of the time, looking over at the wall when her brother and sister were out there.  She’ll be joining them soon.

Dot.ca was around, but pretty much stayed out of sight of the eyases and kept watch over his young ones.  At one point, he landed on the north side of the extension off of the back of the TSB.

For the last hour of our watch, the rain was coming down so hard that Aqueduct St  looked like a lake.  The water was pouring down the street heading towards Main St.  Dan S had joined the watch and he and I huddled under my very large umbrella in the corner near the TR bldg, keeping an eye on the young eyases above.  Kathy O and Joyce hung out in their cars and we all did a lot of laughing tonight.  This was definitely the Monsoon Fledge Watch!  lol

We saw no feedings or fledges during the watch.  With all the rain, I didn’t expect there would be one, but you never know.  Tomorrow is another day and I’m sure many of the Rochester Watchers will be downtown bright and early to continue the fledge watch.

Here are some pictures from today.  If you hover your cursor over the picture, it will explain what it is.  Also, please click on any you would like to see in a larger format.  Enjoy!

Baron & Rosetta Sitting in the Pouring Rain on the Well Wall - 7/3/13Beauty Keeping Watch from Above the Nest Box - 7/3/13Rosetta Zipping Along on the Well Wall - 7/3/13*





Monsoon Fledge Watch - Lake Aqueduct - 7/3/13Two Eyases at the Nest Box in the Rain - 7/3/132 Eyases on NB Platform, 1 Eyas at North End of Well Wall & Beauty on Ledge Above NB - 7/3/13*





Voyager Looking to Join her Siblings on the Well Wall. Soon! - 7/3/13*





If you live in or near Rochester (NY), please consider joining the Fledge Watch.  We can use your help, especially with 3 fledglings ready to take their first flights!

Fledge watch 7-3-13

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Well this mornings weather featured some very heavy fog that dropped down on the city like a blanket. But it was short-lived as the sun burned thru it and drove it out. The starting temperature was 68 (F) 20 (C) with humid conditions.


When I arrived downtown there were no adult PEFAs present that I could see. The tops of the tallest buildings had fog around them. And I could see 1 eyas on the well wall and 1 by the main cam from the hole (Aqueduct St.). I drove up to the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) where I could see all 3 kids’

img_0003-all-3-kids You must click on my pics to see full version

Just before 6am as the fog was dropping down quickly I spotted Dot.Ca (DC) on the 2nd ibeam south corner of OCSR. If it weren’t for his white chest I would have missed him.

img_0013-dc-thru-the-fog img_0014-fog-enveloping-city img_0020-times-square

For the next half hour I watched the fog drop to near street level making it impossible to watch falcons or anything else. LarryO came by with Harold his dog but didn’t stay as there was nothing to see. I decided to check the Brighton Site for Pigott but she wasn’t home so I returned to downtown. The fog had lifted and the sun was burning thru what was left of it when I arrived  at 7:25am. Beauty was feeding the eyases on the deck. I drove down State St. And found DC on the north corner of the OCSR top ibeam.

img_0023-beauty-feeds-kids1 img_0024-dc

I went back to observe  Beauty and the kids parking in front of the Blue Cross Arena (BCA) on Exchange St. for the best view.


Beauty was feeding 2 while one eyas was wingercising  in front of the nest box. The Beautyful one stopped feeding and flew off with the leftovers to the base of Mercury to cache it. The kids watched her intently.

img_0039-hey-mom-took-the-rest <Click it  img_0041-beauty-caches-leftovers

Around 7:45am Beauty flew to the main cam as DebbieH came by on her way to work. At around 8:11am DC flew to the deck with food. H e was feeding Voyager while Baron and Rosetta hung out on the well wall. Meanwhile Beauty was napping on OCSR. Wnen DC was done he flew off to OCSR top ibeam south corner.


Around 8:30am I got my lawn chair out of the trunk and set up by the back corner of Keybank in the hole where I could watch Mercury to my left, OCSR behind me and Times Square straight ahead. All I needed was some popcorn while I watched the show.

img_0084-view-from-keybank-in-the-hole img_0073-voyager-watches-from-a-far< click it img_0074-baron-and-rosetta img_0093-these-kids-have-a-lot-to-say

For the next 2 hours the kids appeared and disappeared from view on the deck and well wall. There was a lot of wing flapping going on as well. Beauty visited the nest box for a while and got too hot leaving for the shade of OCSR. During this time cam watchers Donna, Annette, Ei and Joyce all kept me informed of what was going on up at the nest box where I couldn’t see. Thank you so much guys-you’re the best!

img_0078-up-to-main-cam Beauty to main cam img_0058-daddy-dc1DC takes off

At one point an eyas got in Beautys face and she took as much as she could before flying off, having had enough of that!

img_0086-a-conversation-with-mom img_0087-moms-heard-enough img_0088-shadow-flying img_0089-where-ya-going-mom

Around 10:30am Louigi (big daddy Lou) came by to join the fledge watch for an hour. Both adults flew in front of Times Square Building (TSB) as if to say come join us kids. Beauty alarm called and flew south at one point during this time.We couldn’t see where she went or what the problem was but she returned no worse for wear. Lou left and a few minutes later Brian aka BD (Bird Dude as he calls himself) showed up. Pat stopped to talk on her lunch break and Lisa McK also came by on her lunch break. Around 12:10am DC flew in and started circling above the Telesca Center then near the OCSR then north to chase a Turkey Vulture (TV) out of the northern part of the territory by the high falls. Beauty joined him and came back to the column above the nest box to watch over her children.


20 minutes later Beauty flew off alarm calling above the Reynolds Arcade building then went north after a TV again. Lisa  went back to work, Brian went to the library before going up to the South Ave. garage to watch from and I went up to the BSB as the sky was lightly spitting rain drops down. From there I spotted Beauty on the jail tower top arm northwest side. She flew off a few minutes later to the TSB coming to rest under the northeast wing.

img_0105-beauty img_0108-beauty

Joyce came to relieve me just before 2pm. It was quite a first fledge watch that at no time looked like any of the young falcons were going to take their first flight but I have a feeling tomorrow will be a different story. Until then I intend to keep smiling and you do the same! 🙂

Below are links for a photo album and videos from my watch-just click and view



Late Afternoon/Evening Falcon Watch – Rosetta Joins Baron on the Well Wall – 7/2/13

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

I spent over four hours on watch tonight, arriving at about 3:45 pm and leaving around 8:15 pm.  I was joined by fellow Watchers Larry O, Brian H, Kathy O, Lisa McK and Aaron.

Not much time to work on my report, but I wanted to share some pics from my Watch.  There was a lot of activity by all three eyases and Beauty and Dot.ca. But, the highlight was when Rosetta hopped out onto the well wall and joined her brother Baron for a walk on the wall.  Of course Baron has had much more practice and was zipping along, wings extended and hop-flying along the wall.  Rosetta was a little more tentative, making it to the north end of the wall where it buts up against the building.  Also, during my watch, Cam Watchers Dana, Donna and Ei reported that Baron made it to the top of the nest box for the first time.  Just another step on his way to fledge.  Thanks ladies for being our eyes at the nest box.

OK, here are some pictures from my Watch.  Be sure to click on any you would like to see in a full version and if you hover over the picture, it will give you a description of what it is a picture of.  Enjoy!

Beauty on OCSR Top I-Beam, west end - 7/2/13Baron on the Well Wall - 7/2/13Rosetta Joins her Brother on the Well Wall - 7/2/13*





Rosetta and Baron on the Well Wall - 7/2/13Beauty & Dot.ca on OCSR Top IBeam - East end - 7/2/13Rosetta and Baron on the Well Wall - 7/2/13*





We Have Lift Off! Baron Getting Lots of Practice Before Fledging - 7/2/13Beauty Brings in Food and Feeds the Eyas - Looks like a Tug-o-War! - 7/2/13Beauty Makes Sure All the Eyases Get Their Share of Food - 7/2/13*





Dot.ca Finds a Spot to Hide from the Eyases & Keep Guard over Them - 7/2/13Dot.ca Keeps an Eye on his Eyases - 7/2/13Dot'ca's Hiding Spot - 7/2/13Dot.ca stayed there til the end of my Watch - 7/2/13

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