Fledge watch 7-7-13
Sunday, July 7th, 2013By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
This morning was a carbon copy of yesterday-temperature 72 (F) 22 (C) with some clouds and humid conditions.
Donna and I arrived on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) at 5:30am finding Dan in his spot. He pointed out that Beauty was on the jail tower. All 3 kids were out and about where we could see them practicing their wing flapping when all of a sudden just before 6am Baron flew off!
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He had a strong flight circling above the hole a few times and continued over to the Crossroads building east side roof-we didn’t see the landing but he was up and running.
He ran down to the south corner and on to the south roof running up and down it like it was his playground in the half hour that he was up there. We watched him fly off around 6:25am heading toward the Times Square Building (TSB) but we lost him behind it. We went driving around looking for him and 20 long minutes later I drove Donna and I to the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) where I spotted him on top of the gridwork of the TSB.
Baron was between the northeast and southeast wings in that gridwork and he didn’t stay long before he took wing flying to the OCSR roof south corner with Dot.Ca (DC) below him on the top ibeam. He looked like a real champ up there!
He stayed there about 20 minutes then he was off to return to the TSB by the northwest corner 1 level up from nest box on the north side.
Most of the afternoon was pretty quiet and uneventful. Joyce drove Donna, Pat and I over to Brighton to check on Pigott around 2:30pm who was home for us to have a quick visit before going back to our fledge watch.
Some more quiet time before another flight by Baron just before 6pm. taking himself out around Mercury and back to the top of the gridwork of TSB for a minute. He then flew out over the river and on the way back to TSB he started to get tired. Jeanne and I were the only ones watching at the time and we got concerned that he might not make it. Well he made it flying to the well wall where one of his sisters was nearly taking her out and missing the landing. We do believe he went down in the well. A few minutes later all three kids were seen in the nest box area.
Watchers on duty today on my watch were:Linda(Braveheart),KrisG and hubby Bill,DavidJoyce,Carol,Kathy,Donna,Larry,Dan,Lou,Dana,Pat,Jeanne,Shaky and Carrie.
Another long watch ending at 7:30pm making for little time for detailed reports. Keep smiling everyone!
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