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Archive for June, 2021

Fledge Watch Report – 6/19/21

Saturday, June 19th, 2021

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Watchers: Dana, Kathy O, Lisa, Larry O, Ron and Sue. More Watchers through the day and evening. Hopefully they will leave their own accounts.

6:45 am to 1:00 pm.

Oh, what a beautiful day for a fledge flight and Golden did not disappoint. When I arrived at 6:45 am, I had just missed Golden’s fledge flight from Cam #4 to the south side well. It’s not a long flight, but he did a great job! The first thing I saw when I arrived, was Golden on the south side well wall, looking over at the nest box, and Freyja on the north side well wall being fed by Beauty.

Dana and I spread out and we found that Golden had walked around the perimeter of the building, ending up on the NW corner. Although he was on the same level as the nest box, there was no way for him to return without flying.

Kathy O joined us and she set up to keep an eye on Freyja, just in case she decided to go. Larry O was watching from further out at the Court St Bridge.

Golden made his way back to the south side of the well wall and looked longingly at the nest box, where his sister was watching from. He made an attempt to fly back across, but could not keep the altitude he needed to land there. Instead he landed on a lower ledge, just below the nest box.

This is where he remained for the rest of my watch. Golden did a lot of practicing, so hopefully he’ll soon make another attempt.

Lisa McK, Sue, and Ron joined the watch while I was there.

Other watchers will be there for the afternoon and evening watch. Will Freyja take her first flight? Will Golden return to the nest box? Stay tuned!

Here are some of my favorite picks from today’s fledge watch.

Beauty Feeding Freyja
Golden on the South Side Well Wall
Golden on the North Side of the TSB
Beauty Flying Overhead
Dot.ca on Fledge Watch
Golden Practicing
Beauty Returned After Taking a Bath
Dot.ca Brought Food to Golden (You can just see Golden behind DC)
Dot.ca Ever Vigilant
Golden Practices
Golden Practices
Golden Practices
Golden Practices (Practice Makes Perfect!)

First Fledge Watch Report of 2021 – 6/18/21

Friday, June 18th, 2021

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Watchers: Dana and Carol P from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm

There was a lot of activity by our two young eyases. Both were running the wall and flapping their wings, strengthening them for their soon to be first flights. Golden actually knocked Beauty off of Cam #4 and took her place for a few seconds. She brought in a small snack to entice him to come down from the camera. Freyja is a bit younger, but she’s keeping up with her brother.

The watch started out chilly and mostly cloudy. It did warm up and by the time we left, just before 2:00 pm, it was raining steadily. Both eyases had settled on the wall, so we decided it was a good time to leave.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from today’s fledge watch.

Beauty and Eyas.
Dot.ca on NE wing ledge.
Poop Shot!
Beauty, Golden & Freyja.
Beauty & Golden.
Golden & Beauty.
Golden, Freyja and Beauty.
Freyja Wingercizing on the Wall.

2021 Pre-Fledge Watch Report 6/15/21

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Well, here we are again. It’s almost time for the Rochester Falcons Fledge Watch to begin. Golden & Freyja are quickly losing their white fluff feathers and both are wingercizing like crazy. As of today, both have made it out to the wall. It won’t be long before they take their first flights!

Here’s Golden on the Wall!

Here are some pictures of our favorite couples, Beauty & Dot.ca; Billie & Beau. I can verify that Billie and Beau have successfully nested, but cannot say where.

I truly hope that all Rochester eyases fledge safely and successfully!

Beauty on Cam 4.
Dot.ca on Wilder.
Billie in a tree.
Beau in a tree.

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